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Moissan Empire, the majestic and solemn palace.

Standing outside the council hall were heavily armed elite soldiers, wearing extremely expensive demonic armor and holding a two-meter-long musket, or cannon barrel.

Various secret magic patterns are engraved on it, and it is blessed with powerful magic power. The 135mm caliber gun barrel will make ordinary people tremble just by looking at it.

Samir, who was defeated by Disiya, had the youth version of this artillery in his hand. Although the caliber was the same, the power was hugely different.

The loaded artillery shells can not only track autonomously, but can also set various powers and attack modes, so that they will not accidentally injure their own people even in a small space.

These armed personnel are the most powerful elites of the Mosang Empire. Each of them is comparable to an ordinary Eye of God holder, and is even more powerful in terms of lethality.

Although powerful, the price is that each person spends resources equivalent to half of an armored division every year. The Mosang Empire can only support twenty or so soldiers, which is already the limit.

At this time, several ministers of the House of Lords were scattered in the council hall. They were all from noble backgrounds.

Although after the end of the war, the Mosang Empire established a lower house to give civilians opportunities, in the final analysis, the structure of the Mosang Empire was still controlled by a large number of nobles.

The House of Commons can only deal with some matters that the nobles are too lazy to do on weekdays.

Like today, no one from the House of Commons came to the meeting.

Nuada, the emperor of the Mosang Empire, was sitting on the throne, looking at the ministers in the House of Lords and said:

"Everyone, the spirit body that appeared in the past two days has wiped out the Kafilos family."

"These suppressed spirits have accumulated hundreds of years of resentment, and they immediately found the Kafilos family after being released."

After speaking, he pointed to the photo on the table.

"Without a single one left, the bloodline of the Kafilos family will be cut off."

Nuada patted the table, with a calm expression on his face: "A noble family that has been passed down for hundreds of years was wiped out like this."

"I hope you can give me a satisfactory answer in the next time."

When Nuada said these words, he never considered why these spirits were born. He only cared about the consequences of this matter.

Slaves should be killed if they want to be killed. Even if they become evil spirits, they should be suppressed obediently. How dare they come out to disturb their masters?

Is there any more royal method?

"Your Majesty, if our guess is correct, it should be made of iris flowers." The President of the House of Lords respectfully replied to Nuada:

"Such a mysterious method is probably only possible by Iris or people from the Witch Sisterhood."

"Humph, it's these people again."

As soon as Nuada heard the words "iris" and "witch sisterhood", she couldn't help but get angry:

"These women are causing trouble in the Moissan Empire every day. Don't we have some way to catch them all?"


The Dean of the House of Lords looked at Nuada with some embarrassment: "The Witch Sisters are a disease entrenched in our country. It is difficult to completely eradicate..."

"Okay, stop talking nonsense."

Nuada waved his hand nonchalantly. He was tired of hearing such clichés.

The Witch Sisters have been entrenched in the Mosang Empire for many years. They have caused a lot of trouble to the royal family and nobles with their weird secrets and methods.

At the end of the war, Iris's methods made Nuada almost sick from anger at that time, both for Iris and the Witch Sisters.

It can be said that there is an undying hatred between them.

The group of witches has long become a social phenomenon in this country.

Under the relentless propaganda of the royal family and nobles, the image of witches became extremely terrifying.

Legend has it that they believe in the devil, make peace with the devil, like to bathe in the blood of virgins, and like to kill beautiful men and make them into puppets.

In order to stay young, they would dig out people's livers and eat them.

In short, all horrific methods can be seen in witches, which can be said to be the worst of all evils.

Therefore, ordinary people here have great malice and fear towards witches.

In the folklore of the Moissan Empire, witches are murderous figures who eat children alive without blinking an eye.

It is also sung in nursery rhymes that "witches will come to your room at night and eat your liver..."

"Tell me, how is the investigation by the Royal Secret Guard going?" Nuada calmed down and asked the President of the House of Representatives.

"Based on the current investigation results, Charles was frightened to death after being controlled by those spirits.


"Then these spirits followed the bloodline and killed all the descendants of Charles."

"After killing the descendants of Charles, these spirits disappeared."

"What's the situation in Charles' ancestral home?"

"Except Charles, everyone else is still alive..."

"Kill all of Charles' mistresses and women." Nuada snorted coldly, "The formation of the ancestral home of the Kafiros family is so easy to destroy, there must be a traitor."

"Catch all the women, torture them, and then kill them all."

Although Nuada did not think that the traitor was still hiding among these people, his hatred for witches made him not want to distinguish between good and bad.

Just get rid of them all, they are just servants and mistresses.

"Your Majesty, you may not know..." The President of the House of Lords said embarrassedly: "Duke Ginny of the Ophidona family is also among them."

"What? "Nuada thought he had heard wrongly.

"Duke Ginny of the Ophidona family is also one of Charles' mistresses..."

After hearing the answer from the president of the House of Lords, not only Emperor Nuada had a strange expression, but even the other ministers present were surprised.

"Duke Ginny is actually Charles' mistress? Why!"

One of the young nobles said dissatisfiedly: "How could a woman from a famous family like Duke Ginny degenerate into a mistress?"

This noble had been pursuing Ginny for a long time, but unfortunately the other party had never given him a good face.

In fact, it was not only him, but other nobles also felt incredible.

Ginny is quite popular among the nobles. Although she is now in her thirties, her mature charm and temperament have deeply fascinated many people.

Last year, two nobles wanted to duel for Ginny.

And Charles, an old man who was half buried in the ground, could actually let Ginny become his mistress. What a big joke.

"Silence! "

Nuada knocked on the table. Although he was puzzled by Ginny's behavior, this was not the time to talk about such things.

"Don't worry about Ginny, kill everyone else."

Nuada had no doubts about Ginny. He knew the existence of the monarch.

The chief court scholar under him guessed that the existence of the monarch was a concept formed by the collective consciousness of the world's royal families and nobles.

"Your Majesty, it's not good!" A herald pushed open the door of the council hall and said in panic.

"What's the matter?"

"Mond! Mond officials just made a speech and officially declared war on our Mosan Empire!"

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