The old man was very happy.

Going back in time, just after Kaiya and others took over Reno City, they met the messenger of the Witch Sisterhood.

The black crow stood on the window sill, and its feathers were shiny and seemed to be well maintained.

"Marshal Kaiya, your surprise attack is really amazing, completely beyond everyone's expectations."

The crow spoke human language, but it was a woman's voice.

"You are too kind, all this is due to the ability of the great Lord Barbatos, so that we can easily surprise the Mosan Empire."

Kaiya looked at the crow, wondering whether the crow was a witch or some kind of familiar.

"His Majesty Barbatos... Such power is worthy of being a god."

The crow flapped its wings and sighed:

"It can blow a huge gap in the Spine of the World with the wind, and then use the power of the wind to bless tens of thousands of people..."

When I think of those tens of thousands of soldiers and various armored vehicles falling from the sky, this method is not only unheard of, but also unheard of.

"Excuse me, how should I call you, Miss?"

"Just call me Cornflower."

"Okay, Miss Cornflower, you came to me this time to discuss something important."

"Yes, we really didn't expect you to take over Reno City in such a short time."

Cornflower explained: "According to our idea, taking over Reno City in a month is an incredible speed..."

"This disrupted some of our sisterhood's plans and needs to be readjusted."

The witch sisterhood came up with the result of considering various factors to take over Reno City in a month. When they got the news from Mond, they only knew that Mond would cross the Xiudun Mountains for a surprise attack.

But the specific method of crossing is unknown, so the witch sisters will be very bold to set the time to one month.

One month is already the maximum speed they can imagine.

But their idea is still not bold enough. In fact, it takes less than a day to cross the Xiuduoen Mountains and attack Reno City.

In the past few days, the army led by Kaia has been setting off smoke bombs in the Surme Desert.

"Marshal Kaia, when do you plan to attack the capital Danu."

"We will set off after a day of rest."

"So soon?" Cornflower said in surprise:

"Reno City is the closest industrial town to Danu, and a large number of chariots and weapons of the Danu Guards are produced here."

"If we station here, it will be like hitting the snake's seven inches, which will make the entire capital extremely uncomfortable."

"Relying on the road opened by His Majesty the Wind God, we can also attract continuous reinforcements from the Surme Desert."

Kaia replied with a smile: "Miss Cornflower, I have something I must tell you. "


"We Mond declared war on the Mosan Empire not to occupy this country."

"As long as we can save our compatriots, then this war will be considered a victory."

"Whether it is a surprise attack on Reno City or a surprise attack on Danu, it is just to teach the Mosan Empire a painful lesson."

"We don't have such an idea of ​​invasion and occupation."

"What?" The crow representing the cornflower slightly spread its wings, and its red crow eyes stared at Kaeya, with an extremely surprised tone.

Isn't rescuing fellow slaves an excuse?

Are you serious?

When Iris found out that Diluk was looking for evidence in the Kafiros family, many people in the Witch Sisterhood thought that Mond needed a legitimate excuse.

For a country with gods, the Witch Sisterhood really wants the Wind God to take over this land.

The Mosan Empire and the witches are in a relationship of life and death.

Mond has never slandered the witches' practices, and it also allows associations as long as they do not cause destruction or promote things that violate ethics and laws.

As for witches and spellcasters, Mond has accepted many spellcasters and witches since its establishment.

It is much better than the Mosan Empire.

Just when the witch sisterhood was preparing food and drink to welcome the king's teacher, Kaia told her that we in Mond were just here to beat the Mosan Empire and did not intend to occupy it.

These words made Cornflower silent.

"Miss Cornflower, you..." Kaia looked at the silent crow and found that there seemed to be some misunderstanding between them.

"I... I'm fine." Cornflower shook her head. She and the sisterhood had thought wrongly.

They really came to rescue the slaves, not to occupy the Mosan Empire.


Well, Mond's approach is indeed noble, and they are thinking wrongly.

But it also disrupted their plans.

However, the messed up plans did not affect their war with the Mosan Empire.

"Mr. Kaia, I will go back to the sisterhood now and bring the news to everyone."

"I will leave an emergency communication spell now. When you are ready to attack Danu, our sisterhood will cooperate with you from inside and outside."

Cornflower left a feather and floated into Kaia's hand.

"Thank you Miss Cornflower and the witch sisterhood for your help."

Although Kaia felt that they could take down Danu by themselves, he would not refuse the witch sisterhood's help.

Besides, the other party is the local snake of the Mosan Empire, and they must know more about the situation of this country than they do.

"Then I will leave first, and I wish you all a successful start."

After speaking, Cornflower turned into a black mist and rushed into the sky, flying towards the capital Danu.

Looking at the cornflowers that hurried away, Kaia put the feather in his pocket.

"Witch Sisterhood..."

The next day, after a day's rest, the soldiers began to gather.

It was late at night, and the weather in January was a bit cold. Fortunately, the supplies in Reno City were very sufficient, not only with winter coats, but also with various foods.

Except for the two divisions that stayed, the equipment of the remaining three divisions was all upgraded.

Although these equipment were all standard weapons of the Mosan Empire, the former Dranok had purchased a lot from them, so almost all the soldiers here could use them.

The number of armored vehicles expanded to more than 2,000, so many vehicles were enough for them.

Now all communication equipment was controlled, and the Mosan Empire had no idea that Reno City was occupied. Several spellcasters who wanted to sneak out to report the news with secret methods were also caught by Sophia and others.

The time to go to war has come!

Kaia looked at the spirited soldiers, picked up the microphone, and the loudspeaker spread his voice throughout the camp.

"People of Mond! Save our compatriots. Sanctions against the Mosan Empire are coming!"

"Nuadah and his lackeys will pay a heavy price for this!"

"Those innocent compatriots are still suffering from endless oppression. As long as the Mosan Empire continues their evil deeds, our sanctions will never end!"

"For freedom! For Mond! For the wind god Barbatos!"

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