The scene in the conference room became extremely quiet, and everyone looked at the man who was still struggling outside the window in fear.

But after a while, the man was finally hanged to death outside the window.

Just now, he vowed that it would be useless to kill them all, but now he is dead outside the window.

"Alas, I have to be a temporary thug again." Keqing sighed with her hands on her waist.

Although she is in charge of civil engineering, considering the current shortage of manpower, she has become a bad guy for the sake of Liyue's power.

"I said that I would cancel the casino. From now on, I will issue licenses uniformly. Whoever agrees, whoever opposes."

Ningguang's eyes swept around, and everyone was silent at this moment, and dared not say anything.

Now they also realized that this person was actually no different from the scattered soldiers, both of them came to destroy their power.

The scattered soldiers destroyed them physically, while Ningguang took food from their mouths and left them no chance to live.

"Very good, then let's continue." Ningguang nodded with satisfaction and looked at everyone:

"The brothels must also be abolished. Many people were sold to brothels in the slave trade of Hai Mo Ling."

"According to our investigation, most of the prostitutes who received customers could not even make the most basic food and clothing. Where did the money go?"

"Is this where the millions of Hai Mo Ling's food and clothing are? I'm afraid most of the money has been taken away by the higher-ups."

In a world where such a cesspool system is crowded, it is probably more difficult to find so-called voluntary girls than to find virgins who have never seen a movie in the previous life.

Ningguang sneered and said, "After the brothel is abolished, the jobs of those prostitutes will be uniformly assigned by us, and anyone who dares to have a crooked idea will be killed without mercy."

Ningguang has gained a lot of benefits from abolishing the brothel. Not only can she gain a better reputation, but she can also stand on the moral high ground internationally.

At the same time, these prostitutes will become a large number of laborers after transformation. Whether they are doing the simplest textile workers or other types of work, the social value generated is completely incomparable to the previous brothel.

What's more, brothels do not pay taxes.

"You can build a new factory and recruit these reformed prostitutes, but the financial and supervisory personnel of the factory will be appointed by us."

"Finally, the business of banned drugs and other businesses will also be abolished. Anyone who dares to do this in Haimo Ling will be killed." Ningguang continued. At this time, no one dared to oppose her, and everything went smoothly.

"I'm done. Do you have anything to add?" Ningguang put down the paper in her hand and glanced at them.

Who dares to say no sitting here? Didn't you see that the person outside the window was still hanging?

"In that case, then sign it."

These people looked at each other, and finally signed their names humiliatingly in the face of Ningguang's impatient eyes.

The secretaries collected the contract terms and handed them to Ningguang.

After taking a general look, he said with satisfaction: "It seems that everyone agrees."

"Then, swear in the name of the Rock King Emperor, those who break their promises will be punished by eating rocks."

Everyone looked at Ningguang silently, and then agreed casually. They were no longer in the mood to guess who the Rock King Emperor Ningguang was talking about.

Their own business was going to be ruined.

Although Ningguang gave them the opportunity to build a new factory, they were in control of important positions such as finance and supervision. What good was it?

After watching the gang leave, Keqing looked at Ningguang and said, "They probably won't sit there and wait for death. There are always people who pretend to obey but actually disobey."

"Doesn't this just give us an excuse?" Ningguang smiled, "In our plan, Hai Mo Ling is destined to be incorporated into Liyue."

"The scattered soldiers are messing around here, and they only killed the leaders of those gangs. The root problem has not been completely solved."

"If we want to solve these problems, we must do it legitimately. We can't really kill all the 'millions of canal workers'." She said jokingly:

"I'm forcing them to jump off the wall, so that we can have a legitimate reason."

"Most ordinary people in Hai Mo Ling are deeply harmed by gangs and corruption. When the time comes, we will appear as justice for the Hai Mo Ling people, let them be punished by eating rocks, and then rule this land legitimately."

Pucciniella and Pantalone were able to successfully and smoothly transition after the former Byersos coup, in addition to their own strong strength, because they had a huge reputation there.

Ningguang finally sighed: "After all, we are now top-heavy. Although high-end

There is a lot of fighting power, but there are too few people who can be trusted in the middle and lower levels. "

In the past few years, whether it is the personnel trained by Ningguang or the Fatui, the fighting power and management personnel of the middle and lower levels are too few.

Especially Ningguang, the people of Yujingtai Company are simply not enough, although Puccini can provide help, it is still a drop in the bucket.

"This time, while Hai Moling is here, it is important to train our trusted personnel and absorb fresh blood."

"Let's go, it's time to show our strength. With strength, we can also attract a lot of people."


Silence is Kang tonight... uh, it's Hai Moling tonight.

The leaders of various forces in Hai Moling gathered in a secret room, most of them had ferocious faces and red eyes.

"Ningguang, that bastard!" One of them slapped the table heavily, "Dare to threaten us!"

"Otherwise, she has already hanged one person today, and she doesn't mind hanging us again." Another person said helplessly.

"We must do something. "

"You can't beat them, but you can't just wait to die."

"What do you want to do?"

"In the next few days, I will close the doors of those brothels and casinos and send people to stir up trouble." One person said in a deep voice:

"Didn't Ningguang want to cancel the casinos and brothels? Then we agreed with her wishes."

"It's a good idea. Those gamblers and prostitutes are a group of guys who can be used. Let's stir them up first and tell them that it was Ningguang's order. Let them deal with Ningguang first."

"Try it first. If it doesn't work, we have other ways."

These forces whispered to each other and made several plans against Ningguang, but all of this was heard by others.

A blue silk thread connected to the outside from the inconspicuous corner of their secret room along the vent. A sexy girl in blue clothes and side bangs leaned against the wall.

She heard everything in the secret room.

"These guys are really eager to die."

"Collect. "

A faint glow emanated from Ye Lan's wrist, and then she shook it, and the blue thread that monitored the secret room was taken back by her.

"It's a dark and windy night, and someone may not survive tonight."

Looking at the stars in the sky, Ye Lan left this unwatched place without a trace.

The next day, those who were discussing how to deal with Ning Guang in the secret room received a piece of news that frightened them extremely.

The man who proposed to close the brothel and casino yesterday died in his own home.

Most importantly, his head appeared in the secret room.

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