The two of them were in a state of panic.

After Rosalia's spear pierced Frederick's chest, the guards next to him finally reacted.

"Master!" The guard next to him screamed in horror, aiming the musket in his hand at Rosalia and pulling the trigger without hesitation.

"Bang bang bang--"

Rosalia had expected it, dodged the musket, pulled out the spear that pierced Frederick's chest, and instantly pierced a hole in the throats of several guards.


The guards had no time to resist, and were pierced through the throat by Rosalia, and fell down in pain, holding their necks.

"The parents of those children died in your hands for profit reasons, and now you are looking for their descendants to seek comfort." Rosalia looked at Frederick's body with contempt and sighed:

"I really don't know if it's a bad taste or a spiritual sustenance."

"But after today, you will have no worries."

Rosalia shook the blood off the spear, and seeing that someone nearby had already discovered something wrong, she was ready to leave here.

"Forget it, take those children with you, so as not to be retaliated later. It's just right to send them to Ningguang for good training."

Don't look at these children who look innocent. In fact, they are very precocious and very good at reading other people's faces, which is completely opposite to the innocence and purity that Frederick thinks.

The environment has made them destined to have nothing to do with innocence. Some children even recognized that Frederick was the enemy who killed their parents.

Frederick is such a cunning figure who has been in the political arena for decades, but he was deceived by a group of children, thinking that they really respect and love him.

I don't know whether these children's acting skills are too good, or he actually doesn't want to believe that the children are deceiving him.

After Rosalia left with the choir children, the police patrolling nearby finally found that Frederick and his guards were dead at the door of the church.

That night, countless policemen and related personnel spent a sleepless night.

The capital of Vestalia began to be under martial law, and a large number of military and police kept going in and out of various places. The local underground leaders were all called over for coffee.

It was not until the next morning that many people heard in the news that Marquis Frederick von Bertani died of assassination last night.

The murderer pierced Marquis Frederick's heart with a weapon suspected to be a long gun and died on the spot.

The guards around him were also stabbed in the throat, which shows that the murderer's skills are amazing.

The only thing that puzzled the forensic doctors was that according to their tests, the long gun was at least more than 1.9 meters long. Why didn't the guards and the marquis react to such a long weapon?

Is it some secret technique used by the caster to hide weapons?

If there really is such a secret technique, it would be terrible.

According to the investigation, Frederick would come to this church at irregular intervals every week to listen to the children in the choir singing. Now none of those children have been found, but a priest who was tied up has been found.

According to his confession, a nun dressed as a person kidnapped him, and then dressed herself as a teacher and said something to the child.

The clue was cut off.

In the council hall of the palace, Jupiter did not sleep well all night since he received the news that Marquis Frederick was assassinated.

At this moment, his face was very ugly. Although he also wanted to chop Frederick, assassination was undoubtedly a provocation to the entire Vestalia.

"Haven't you found any clues yet?"

"I'm very sorry, Your Majesty, this assassination was obviously premeditated." The director in charge of public security wiped the cold sweat from his face: "According to our investigation, the other party may be a spellcaster, and has a secret technique to hide weapons."

"The secret technique to hide weapons?"

"Yes, according to the forensic test..." After the director repeated the forensic inference, Jupiter was thinking about something uncertainly.

After a while, Jupiter spoke:

"Even weapons can be concealed, what kind of secret technique is it!"

"If this secret technique is used for assassination on a large scale, then our people will have to be on guard against a weapon suddenly appearing in someone's hands!"

Jupiter was very angry. There is only a thief who can do things for a thousand days, but there is no such thing as guarding against thieves for a thousand days.

"Your Majesty, I don't think this secret technique should be used on a large scale, and..." The director carefully explained:

"Marquis Frederick is currently in a semi-retired state. If it is purely from the perspective of interests, assassinating him will not gain much benefit."

"If you want to use this secret technique,

If Frederick had not used this technique to destroy the peace of Vestalia, then the assassin would not have been the first to attack Frederick..."

Although Frederick had a great influence in the aristocratic forces, he was now without real power, and assassinating him was not the best choice.

Then the biggest possibility was revenge.

"You mean, revenge?" Jupiter glanced at him: "Vengeance is a personal grudge, and it will not cause greater damage to Vestalia, is that what you want to say?"

"This..." The chief of public security lowered his head and dared not answer.

"Whether it is for any benefit or revenge, this is intolerable, not to mention this secret technique that can hide weapons." Jupiter slapped the table fiercely: "Didn't you say that you left with a group of choir children?"

"Mobilize all forces to find the missing children."

"More than a dozen children, it is impossible to disappear quietly."

"Yes, I'll do it now."

"Hurry up. "Jupiter impatiently dismissed him, closed his eyes and sighed.

Although he was not afraid of this secret technique of hiding weapons, he could not stand the fact that other people did not have such defensive means.

Now he could only pray that the other party was really killing him, otherwise it would be a lot of fun.

After thinking for a long time with his eyes closed, he finally found the inner guard: "Come on, go and invite Miss Mona over."


The inner guard received the order and soon respectfully brought a teenage girl.

The girl had two ponytails, a huge pointed hat on her head that covered half of her face, and a dark blue robe embroidered with star movement patterns.

It looked very mysterious.

"Miss Mona, I need to trouble you this time. "Jupiter did not underestimate her just because she looked like a girl in her twenties.

In the past two years, Mona had proved to him the mystery of water astrology. Jupiter relied on her divination to predict many threats in advance.

In order to keep her, Jupiter spent a lot of money to build an astrology tower near the palace for her to study the stars.

Mona nodded seriously and said, "I already know your majesty's intention. I will do my best for this divination."

Emperor Jupiter probably didn't expect that the person who assassinated Frederick was actually the same person as the astrologer he valued so much.

The water slowly gathered around Mona, forming a mysterious water divination plate.

"Destiny is reflected in the water."

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