The drunkard poet?

Holsson looked puzzled, but Sophia and others reacted immediately.

"Who are you?"

"Diluc from Mondstadt." The man introduced himself.


"It's Draanoke." The man named Diluc looked indifferent, and after looking at them with his red eyes, he continued, "This was once the homeland of our ancestors."

Dorothy thought for a long time, and she didn't remember that Draanoke was called this name in history.

"It's not surprising that you don't know. Mondstadt is thousands of years old."

Well, the entire history of Draanoke is less than a thousand years old.

"Then Mr. Diluk, you are..."

"The Seven Gods have awakened and are about to return to this world." Diluk looked at them strangely: "Didn't the drunkard poet tell you his identity?"

Seven Gods? About to return?

Dorothy rubbed her brows, the information was too much.

"Wendy's identity? Then he..."

"You will know later, let's start the important things now." Diluk seemed reluctant to talk too much about the Seven Gods.

"The problem of slave collars has been solved by the Kingdom of Winter. The problem now is how to integrate the resistance forces after that."

"And how to identify some guys who fish in troubled waters."

"We are sorry, we have no way at the moment..." Dorothy bit her lip and answered with an unwilling expression.

"It seems that there is only another way..."

"What way?"

"First, let those guys who are ready to move dare not mess around, and then slowly clean up." Although Diluk's face had no expression, his tone was quite cold.

"In a few days, the things from the Kingdom of Winter will be delivered. Remember not to panic and lead the slaves to rebel against the royal family."

"I will attract your attention during this period."

After saying that, Diluk stood up and prepared to leave.

"Thank you, Mr. Diluk." Sophia and others thanked Diluk.

"No, I am also preparing to re-emerge in Mondstadt."

"Does Mr. Diluk want to restore the country here?" Dorothy asked, looking at Diluk's back.

"About the same time."

"Then Mondstadt must be a beautiful country." Dorothy's hands trembled a little, and she held Sophia nervously. She was very panicked.

"Well, the legendary free city blessed by the god of wind, Mondstadt." Diluk turned his head and glanced at Dorothy:

"Wine, dandelions, poetry and most importantly, freedom."

"Is that so? I'm relieved..."

After Diluk left, Dorothy looked up at the sky with a complicated look and prayed:

God, if you are really watching us, please let us get the legendary freedom.

I will always be your most loyal believer.


Diluk walked in a corner of Dranork, holding a huge sword in his hand, looking at the retreating crowd expressionlessly.

"You... who is this guy?"

The leader of the crowd looked at Diluk with an embarrassed look on his face: "I don't remember provoking you."

"You killed all those slaves."

"Bah, they are just a bunch of bitches." The leader spat fiercely.

"It seems that you are hopeless." Diluk didn't want to say anything to these minions of the royal family, and the giant sword in his hand ignited a raging fire.

"Here, the verdict!"

The firebird formed by the flames appeared in front of them, and the flames that seemed to be able to burn everything engulfed these people in an instant and burned them all to ashes.

Diluk looked at the sky and said to himself: "People's anger is about to form a violent storm. I don't know if you can bear it."

"If you do things against the will, you will die soon."

In the following days, Diluk cleaned up the gangs of Dranok and the royal military and police. Now everyone knows that there is a man with a flaming giant sword who is looking for trouble with them.

Unfortunately, he can't find it.

Time passed quickly, and just after the Winter Kingdom sent the slave collar disabler, Sophia and others' actions would also begin.

And today, Marcus ordered a group of slaves to be executed in the square of the capital.

There was no reason, just simply thinking that these slaves were likely to rebel, so he ordered the execution to kill the chicken to scare the monkey.

Marcus was completely confused when he made this decision. He had no idea that the patience of the people of Dranok had reached its limit.

All that was missing was a key to open the shackles.

And this key, the deactivator sent from the Kingdom of Winter, could deactivate the runes on the slave collars on a large scale.

Although some traitors among the slaves might be released, with Fu Li's Wendy, they would not have any chance to create chaos.

During the days when she disappeared, Wendy was investigating the terrain of Dranok, preparing to do something big for the world.

At noon, the royal army with hundreds of slaves was on the way to the execution platform.

The people of Dranok stood on both sides of the street, watching the slaves who were tortured and locked in the prison carts in silence.

These slaves were once part of Dranok's life, and they became the lowest slaves for various reasons.

Such a situation may happen to each of them next time, and they have endured such a situation for many years.

But no matter how strong the endurance is, there will be a limit.

"Do you hear the people singing--"

"That's the angry people singing..."

At this time, a clear voice sang in the sky, and then resounded throughout Dranok.

"It's Wendy's voice!" Sophia and Dorothy looked at each other in surprise.

"It's our turn now." The four girls looked at the slave circle disabler.

"Yes, after the singing is over, we will start it."

Wendy's singing seemed to have a kind of magic, and countless people who were oppressed by the royal nobles couldn't help but show their resentful eyes, and they stared at the royal army.

Finally, following Wendy's voice, they began to sing loudly:

"This is the song of countless sub-human races. Raise the flag of freedom."

"Break the shackles and win liberation!"

The crowd's singing became louder and louder, and finally gathered into one, making all the royal troops walking on the road look around uneasily.

"No singing!"

The captain of the royal army picked up his gun and pointed it at the people who were still singing.

"If you sing again, I'll kill you."

At this time, the wind was blowing hard, and the weapons of the royal army were blown into the sky uncontrollably.


The sky changed color again, and Tevarin landed on the execution square.

Sophia, Dorothy, Esneve, and Celia were on Tevarin's back, holding up the slave collar disabler.

"To all those who are oppressed by the royal family and nobles of Dranok, today is the day we hold high the flag of freedom."

"We are all people who yearn for freedom, and we are all people who yearn for beauty."

"Therefore, we will never let these scum and scum continue to persecute us."

"This slave collar disabler will be the first step for us to break the shackles!"

"Let's go and crush the tyrant together."

The moment the four pressed the disabler, light lit up beside them, and four God's Eyes flowing with elemental power landed beside them.

The slaves will be free soon.

The gaze of the gods has also arrived.

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