The story of the slave revolution in Dranok has once again made world news.

Since Sophia, Dorothy, Esneve, and Celia published the Declaration of Freedom, they have once again become the darlings of the media.

The words of the dragon were known to people all over the world, and everyone knew that they were recognized by the gods and had received the attention of the gods.

Especially the Eye of God that can use natural power. From Tevarin's mouth, it was learned that this was obtained after the gods cast their eyes after people's wishes reached the extreme.

What is the wish of the four of them?

The answer is self-evident, to overthrow the tyranny of the Dranok royal family.

If Sophia and the other four published the Declaration of Freedom in front of Marcus before, it was a disgrace to the royal family.

Then the Eye of God incident dealt a fatal blow to the royal family.

In Dranok alone, many forces have taken up arms and started to resist, and announced that they would respond to the call of Sophia and the other four and regard them as their leaders.

The powerful catfish effect made many people around the world feel their wishes, and brought their own weapons and money to Dranok for support, and some were even powerful spellcasters.

The world-class writer Victor published an editorial titled "Free People Will Not Be Defeated" in many newspapers.

He evaluated the actions of Sophia and the other four as the most just revolution in the world, and it was a destiny that no one could deny.

He also called on governments around the world to sanction all slave countries and overthrow them.

Victor's works have always been named for satirizing the darkness and luxury of the royal nobles, and there are many countries and governments that he has criticized.

Slave countries are the focus of his criticism.

Victor's speech also resonated with more people, and the overwhelming remarks forced most governments in the world to stand up and express their views.

Although some of them had bought slaves from Dranok, they still had to do some superficial work.

After expressing their dissatisfaction with the brutal practices of the Dranok royal family, they also talked about some words of support for Sophia and the other four.

Translated, it means to give all support except help.


Three days after the "Eye of God Incident", Marcus has been hiding in the palace, letting the caster protect him every step of the way.

"Why! Why did the slavery rune fail!"

"Those bitches! Bitches! Bitches!"

"What the hell is the gaze of the gods! It's all fake, fake!"

"That dragon must be some secret method, hahahaha."

Marcus roared with red eyes. He had been talking without thinking, bloodshot eyes all over his eyes, and he hadn't closed his eyes for two days.

His mind was full of what happened in the execution square that day. These bitches actually found a way to crack the slavery rune.

This is the most important secret of his Dranok royal family, and the foundation of their royal family.

Now that it has been cracked, there are people everywhere who are ready to make a move.

Marcus now thinks that everyone he sees is a group of unruly people who want him dead. He has executed several innocent guards in just two days.

If it weren't for the spellcaster protecting him, Marcus would even want to chop these people off.

"Your Majesty, please calm down."

One of the spellcasters said helplessly: "Your Majesty, you should rest for a while. We guarantee your safety."

"No, what if someone comes to kill me!"

Marcus left and retorted: "Come on! Come on!"

"Move all the troops to the palace!"

The person who was called over looked at Marcus in embarrassment: "Your Majesty, our Dranok army is nearly six armies, how can it be possible..."

"I don't care, I will mobilize as many as I can, and then let the remaining troops be stationed in the capital to kill those mobs who dare to resist!"

"This..." The man bit his lip, clenched his fist, and his body trembled a little.

Marcus looked at the man and wanted to say something, so he grabbed the silver plate next to him and threw it on his head.

Blood immediately flowed from the top of the man's head.

"Do whatever I tell you to do, don't talk nonsense to me."

"Go and do it quickly." A spellcaster made a color to the man at this time.


The man slowly stepped back, touched his wound and left the palace.

"Your Majesty, are you okay?"

"I'm fine..." Marcus finally calmed down. Perhaps because he hadn't rested for too long, he lay on the chair and closed his eyes without speaking.

But after a while, snoring was heard.

Several spellcasters

After looking at each other, one of them made a gesture in the air to block out the sound.

"Marcus is crazy."

"Of course I know... but what can we do?"

"My wife and children's slave runes are controlled by him. Do you think I don't want to escape?"

"Didn't I say that there is a way to remove the resistance outside?"

"What if it is removed? Don't forget that our family has been under surveillance. Even if the slave collar is removed, Marcus can have people shoot and kill people, and we don't have time to save our family."

"How about we..."

"I know what you think, but we must ensure the safety of our family first."

"Let's find a chance to communicate with them first, if possible..."

Everyone thinks Marcus is crazy, but he doesn't think he is crazy.

Since the publication of the Declaration of Freedom, he has been under tremendous pressure.

After the incident in the execution square that day, he became the target of public criticism. Countries have been condemning him, and many countries have announced the severance of diplomatic relations with Drano.

These Marcus can still resist shamelessly, after all, they have been criticized for engaging in slavery for a long time.

The key is that the runes on the slave collars are invalid.

Most of the slaves in the capital were liberated, and they all joined the resistance team led by Sophia and others.

This resistance team is still gradually expanding, but for some reason they did not take action against him immediately, and they had no idea when the other party would launch an attack.

Various suspicions made him restless and uneasy.

At the same time, he could not rest well. As soon as he closed his eyes, he thought of countless mobs rebelling against him. In just three days, his mental state reached the brink of collapse.

When the mental state is in trouble, it is not surprising to issue any crazy orders.

Marcus was in a state of panic, but the rebels were much better.

Since Tevarin explained the origin of the Eye of God, many forces have come to join him.

Some are speculators, and some are people who really want to overthrow the tyranny of the Dranok royal family.

Dorothy did not completely refuse this. Judging from the current situation, they still need these forces for the time being.

As for those gangsters who have committed many crimes, Dorothy will not give them a chance to transform themselves into heroes who resist tyranny.

"Flame - burn it all!"

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