Although they already knew that Wendy was the god of wind, they were still a little confused after getting Diluk's personal confirmation.

They didn't spend much time with Wendy, but the appearance of the bard who loved drinking and playing the piano left a deep impression on them.

Now they couldn't convert his identity all at once, after all, the gap between the poet and the god was too big.

"Sure enough..." Sophia and the other four sighed, feeling as if they were dreaming.

"Don't be so surprised, Barbatos's personality is like this, you will get used to it in the future."

Diluk felt it necessary to remind them that the way and style of doing things between gods can be said to be completely different.

"I remember, Mr. Diluk, you called him the drunk poet before..."

Sophia suddenly remembered that when Diluk first found them, he called Wendy the drunk poet.


"Isn't he the wind god you Mond believe in?"

Sophia's mouth twitched. She knew that the other party was the god she believed in, but she dared to give him a nickname.


"Then do you feel that there is something wrong?"

"Not at all."


"Okay, don't worry about the nickname issue." Diluk looked at the speechless four people and said;

"A reporter will come to interview you later."


"Although the resistance to the tyranny of the Draanoke royal family has spread all over the world, it is necessary to let the world understand our ideas better."

Diluk took out an interview manuscript and handed it to them.

"This is the general content of the interview. Please take a look first."

After receiving the interview manuscript, several people read it through. Dorothy said: "We understand that this interview is not only to let people in the world understand our ideas, but also to let people know about Dranok's tyranny."

"If you are ready, I will bring the reporters here."

After discussing for a while, Diluk brought nearly 20 reporters to them.

These are media from all over the world, and the most are from the Kingdom of Winter and Hai Mo Ling.

"Welcome to you, media friends."

After discussion, several people planned to let Dorothy be the main interviewee to answer the questions of the media.

"It is our honor to meet the heroes who resist tyranny." A reporter from the Kingdom of Winter said to the four people: "You are braver than most people in the world."

"If it weren't for the Dranok royal family and nobles' perverse actions, we wouldn't do this."

After a simple greeting, the reporters took out the recording equipment and placed it on the table of the four people, and there were several cameras next to them ready for them.

"The interview begins."

"Then I'll ask the first question." The reporter from the Winter Kingdom raised his hand first.

"Everyone in the world knows your previous identities. Can you tell us in detail?"

Their previous identities as slaves were not a secret, but most people in the world only knew the word "slave" and had little idea of ​​the pain that this identity represented.

All they knew was that the identity of a slave was lowly and that they were abused, but they couldn't say what it was specifically, after all, no slave had ever appeared in the media to tell their stories before.

Dorothy took a deep breath, recalled her experience as a slave, and after calming down a little, she began to answer: "Maybe some people don't know much about the plight of slaves. Let me take myself as an example."

"I grew up in a happy family. At that time, I was naive and ignorant, thinking that the identity of a slave would have nothing to do with me for the rest of my life."

Dorothy's face was a little ashamed at this time: "When I didn't experience it personally, I thought it had nothing to do with me."

"Until one day, our family members were killed because they offended Emperor Marcus, and I I also became a slave."

"After becoming a slave, I realized that as long as I was in Drano, except for a few nobles, everyone was actually the same."

"You could become a slave at any time and anywhere."

She clenched her fists and continued: "When we were slaves, we were traded as goods. Those people put us in the auction house for evaluation, without any dignity."

"Many people were tortured to death." Dorothy's eyes were red: "I once saw a pair of twins with my own eyes. They..."

When she said this, her

His voice was choked up: "It's so cruel, how could there be such a disgusting guy!"

"Did something happen?" When the reporters saw Dorothy's appearance, they quickly asked.

"I don't know what happened to them, but..." Dorothy put a hand on her heart and breathed a little quickly:

"Accidentally, I secretly discovered these people collecting their corpses and saw the twins' private parts..."

"Beast! Scum! Scum! The most disgusting fly! A guy who is worse than the maggots in the cesspool!"

Dorothy, who was out of control, kept uttering all kinds of swear words. She was a very well-educated person before, and even Sophia and others had never seen her lose her temper like she is now.

"I couldn't even tell their gender."

"I can't tell the difference at all..."

Dorothy covered her face and couldn't help crying: "They look like they are in their teens! Why is this happening... That's when I realized that hell is actually around me."

"Are you okay, Miss Dorothy?" The reporters stood up to comfort her.

Sophia also hugged Dorothy and comforted her: "Dorothy..."

After a while, Dorothy slowly put down her hands, wiped her tears, and apologized to the reporters: "I'm sorry, I lost control of my emotions."

"It doesn't matter……"

Although the reporters didn't know exactly what happened to the twins in her story, Dorothy's story and her emotional collapse reminded people of a lot of cruel torture.

"I was just one of the luckier slaves. Because of my appearance and race, I needed to be sold for a high price, so those people didn't abuse me too much in order to protect their own goods."

Dorothy laughed at herself and said that as a member of the Snow Fox tribe in Dranok, she was well protected by the gang because of her small number and beauty, so that she could sell it for a big price at the auction.

But no matter how well protected it is, what's the use? Even if the owner who buys her will not abuse her in the future, even if he treats her well, even if he makes her his wife and dotes on her for a lifetime.

But in the final analysis, a slave will always be a slave, and without freedom, there will always be no freedom.

No matter how beautiful the canary in the cage is, it is not as beautiful as the sparrow flying freely in the sky.

"We are not brought into this world to be anyone's slaves."

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