The world is gradually changing. The news of the Seven Gods has made countless people eager to move, and governments have sent many people to Dranok openly and secretly. This is also what Fu Li is happy to see. As long as the world moves with him, the cause and effect points will naturally flow to him like water. "Then, Dranok's actions will start the next stage." "Sending the emperor to the guillotine is also a reserved program." Fu Li smiled softly. "Fu Li, what are you laughing at?" The classmate next to him glanced at him quietly and asked softly. "I remembered something happy."

"What is it?"

"My baby is born... No, my cat learned to do a backflip."


In the palace of Dranok, Marcus kept pacing back and forth, his expression full of anxiety.

"Where are the people? Where did they die?"

Marcus roared with red eyes.

"Your Majesty, do you have any orders?"

"The army, where are my army, why haven't they come yet! If they don't come to protect me, these unruly people will soon rush into the palace!"

"Already on the way to the capital..." The guard looked at him awkwardly, "General Tols said it would take a long time to assemble the army."

"Asshole!" Marcus slapped the table heavily: "What army needs to be assembled for several days!"

"Send me a telegram quickly, I want to see them in the capital today!"

"Otherwise, wait for their family to be buried alive!"

The guard looked a little ugly, but still nodded and retreated.

On the other side, General Tolsi of the First Army smashed the ashtray in his hand angrily after receiving the telegram, scaring the people around him so much that they dared not speak.

"Marcus!" Tolsi gnashed his teeth and roared in a low voice.

"Can it only be delayed until now..."

His family was controlled by the emperor, and he had to obey this guy's orders.

At the beginning, he was valued for his military ability and was promoted by Marcus, but he didn't expect it to be a nightmare.

As a nobleman, he was born with sympathy for the plight of slaves, and even said privately that the nobles were a bunch of bastards, including himself.

After becoming the leader of the First Army, he was discovered by Marcus because of his sympathy for slaves, and his previous remarks were also known by other nobles.

So he was excluded by other nobles. Now the army of Dranok is controlled by the noble forces, and people like him should have been removed long ago.

But his military command ability is too outstanding, especially in fighting against the desert people. He is an expert.

Although the desert people live in a poor and bad place, their fighting power is so strong that the leaders of other armies dare not confront them at all.

In order to avoid being asked for money from the desert people from time to time, Marcus had to use him and then put his family under house arrest.

Marcus would never trust those who sympathize with slaves. This is an ideological issue. It is the butt that determines the head. It has nothing to do with being stupid or not.

Although Marcus does not trust him now, he also wants Toulsi to help him defend against the rebellious people.

As for other armies, they can only fight against ordinary armies.

Now even gods and dragons have come out, how can they beat them? This makes Marcus nervous, and he quickly asks Toulsi, who has experienced many battles, to come and protect him.

His family members have been imprisoned by him in an extremely secret place. Toulsi's weakness is his family, so he is not afraid of him turning against him.

"Asshole! Asshole!" Tuolsi kept pounding the table with both hands until his fists were bleeding and he was stopped by the guards next to him.

"General, General, stop smashing, your hands..."

The guards also looked at him with sympathy. This iron-blooded man who had been a soldier all his life was now completely controlled by Emperor Marcus.

As Tuolsi's guards, they naturally knew these things, but they could not help. They were civilians and were promoted by General Tuolsi.

They were also powerless to see their benefactor in this state.

Tuolsi was panting heavily. His military uniform had been torn to pieces by himself. He was in a very embarrassed state. The iron-blooded man who made the desert people extremely afraid was now as helpless as a child.

"I'm sorry, Liv, Ke'er, I couldn't protect you."

Tuolsi was in great pain. He didn't know where his wife and children were, so he could only pray that Marcus would show mercy.

After a long time,

After a while, Toulsi wiped the blood from his hands and tidied his uniform. His face was gray and the light in his pupils began to gradually go out.

"All troops are ready to go to the capital of Dranok."

The guards looked at Toulsi and wanted to say something, but they couldn't say anything.

Just as the guards were about to leave, they heard a crisp and lively voice:

"Hey, everyone, do you need to listen to the performance of the bard?"

"Who is there!" Toulsi quickly pulled out his gun and aimed at the source of the sound.

"Hey, this is not fun." Wendy looked at the other party with a wronged face while holding the harp: "I brought the song of the free sky, don't you want to listen to it?"

Toulsi stared at the guy who called himself a bard in front of him cautiously.

There are several magic detection radars here. Unregistered spellcasters will be discovered as soon as they step into the bard, let alone walk to him.

Then he saw the glass beads on the other party's waist, which looked very familiar.

Now the whole world knows its name - God's Eye.

The toy manufacturers that imitate it have sold it all over the world, but Toulsi does not think that the God's Eye of the bard in front of him is a toy manufacturer's imitation.

"God's Eye owner, what do you want to do by finding me."

Toulsi did not put down the gun in his hand, he kept a close eye on the other party's every move.

"I have learned about your difficulties through Qianfeng." Wendy smiled: "I can help you find the whereabouts of your family."


Toulsi trembled all over, but immediately regained his composure: "Why should I believe you."

He was very excited, but for the safety of his wife and children, he had to be cautious.

"Stretch out your hand." Wendy stretched out her hand and said to him.

"What." Toulsi hesitated for a moment, and finally put down the gun and stretched out his hand.

The moment he touched Wendy, the scene in Toulsi's eyes turned into a mysterious space.

Thousands of winds were blowing here, and countless greens were swirling in this space. The bard in front of him had an unspeakable sacredness, and the braids on his temples were shining.

Then he saw a scene of light and shadow in this space. It was his wife and daughter.

Tuols immediately drew out a dagger and slashed it hard at his palm.

The blood and severe pain reminded him that this was not an illusion.

"Oh, don't hurt your body." Wendy gestured with his fingers in the air, and instantly healed Tuols's injuries.

Tuols looked at the healed injuries and slowly raised his head:

"Wind God, His Majesty Barbatos..."

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