The truth is that the slave movement was not easy to understand.

Just as Qin and others were sorting out the crimes of the royal family and the nobility, countries around the world also reported on the slave movement.

When Marcus was caught and the photos of him parading in the prison car made headlines in various countries the next day, and his outfit was ridiculed by many reporters with sarcastic words.

"Marcus leads the fashion trend"

"Precautions for makeup, otherwise you will become the next Marcus"

"Does Marcus feel the car shaking in the prison car?"

In addition to these tabloids with satirical headlines, there are also serious media that report the detailed process of the day.

For example, the Seven Hills newspaper in Vistaria made a very detailed report with the title "Draanoke Upheaval: The Death of Slavery".

From the beginning of the "Declaration of Freedom" to the attack on the palace and the capture of Marcus alive, the reporter explained the process and the end of the incident in a simple and easy-to-understand way.

He also thought about the irrationality of slavery and the evaluation of Marcus's political measures.

Finally, he felt sorry for the collective destruction of the nobles and claimed that most of the nobles were kind and honor-oriented.

On the third day, the fact that the wind god Barbatos trapped 200,000 troops with a wind wall was also reported.

This miracle naturally could not be concealed. Everyone in the capital saw the strong wind in the sky rushing to one place that day.

Many people in the suburbs also witnessed the arrival of the gods with their own eyes.

The clear front photo of the wind god that appeared in the newspaper was taken by a second lieutenant of the Second Army.

He was a clerk. When the wind god descended on the three armies, he immediately took a clear front photo.

After Marcus was captured alive, the wind wall disappeared, and the three top leaders had no choice but to surrender.

General Tors incorporated the troops of the three major armies and sent soldiers into the capital of Dranok to help the Knights of Favonius maintain law and order.

After entering the capital, the lieutenant handed the photos he took to the reporter.

At that time, Wendy appeared as a god, with most of his face covered, so people in the world didn't know what he looked like.

The only thing that can be confirmed is that he has a pair of braids on his temples.

So this hairstyle immediately became the most fashionable trend in the world. On the day the newspaper was published, a long line formed in the barber shop.

Many adults and children, young men and women can't wait to change to the same hairstyle as the wind god, hoping to get the blessing of God.

Several new religions have emerged around the world, some worship the wind god, and some worship the seven gods together.

Many strong people have also expressed their opinions, such as Bahram of the Zorroars Empire.

As the world's top military power, the Zoroars Empire is not as strong as the Vestalia Empire in terms of comprehensive strength, but the existence of Bahram, the "Eastern Military God", has great deterrence.

Bahram is the highest military marshal appointed by Emperor Mithra, the "Sun King". His every word and action can attract the attention of the world.

He publicly claimed in the media that the power of the wind god has surpassed everyone in the world and is a true god.

Such words immediately aroused the dissatisfaction of the Holy Trinity, criticizing Bahram for speculating on gods with the thoughts of soldiers, and the greatness of gods cannot be measured simply by power.

Then it was time for a war of words, and the Holy Trinity and the Zoroars Empire sprayed trash talk at each other.

In the following days, the world's media was like a carnival. The only weird thing was that governments of various countries remained silent and avoided the issue of the wind god.

The day of judgment will soon come.

The capital of Dranok is sunny and cloudless.

In the huge square, a special guillotine stood tall in the middle, and the blade at the top shone coldly in the sun.

There were many gallows around the guillotine.

Below the square, people were crowded, and they all looked at the guillotine with excitement.

Marcus, the tyrant and his minions, finally ushered in the end.

"Bring the prisoners Marcus, Alsvi and others to the stage..."

The presiding judges were Dorothy and Sophia.

Esneve and Celia took Marcus, Alsvi and a group of nobles to the execution ground under the strict supervision of soldiers.

There were microphones everywhere, and the loudspeakers and broadcasts would spread their words throughout the capital and the world.

Everyone held their breath and looked at Marcus and hundreds of nobles. At this time, they looked haggard and no longer had the glory they once had.

"Marcus, you have committed 40 crimes including enslavement, imprisonment, intentional homicide, genocide and crimes against humanity."

"It is difficult to count the number of people who have died directly or indirectly at your hands. Your crimes are too numerous to list!"

Dorothy's eyes were slightly red, and she looked at Marcus and said, "What do you have to say?"

"I... Hahahaha - you bitches!"

Marcus said "Pooh" with a crazy expression on his face: "I am the Lord of Destiny of Dranok, no one can judge me!"

His words immediately aroused the dissatisfaction of the audience, and they cursed at him.

"Hahahaha - pariahs are pariahs, hehehe." Marcus said disdainfully: "Why don't you kneel down to me!"

Sophia walked over and punched him in the stomach. Marcus opened his mouth with a "wow" sound, but nothing came out.

"He's probably crazy." Sophia looked at Marcus, took him to the guillotine, and issued the final judgment:

"Marcus is extremely evil, and he has no regrets after hurting countless people. After trial--"

"Sentence Marcus to behead!"

As soon as Sophia's words fell, the people in the square burst into unprecedented cheers again.

They have been waiting for this day for a long time. Since the slavery hundreds of years ago, this royal family that has oppressed countless sub-human races, this dirty, vulgar, despicable and shameless ruler.

Finally, he will be sent to the guillotine!


Standing on one side of the guillotine was a majestic executioner. He took Marcus from Sophia and pressed him down in the center of the guillotine.

"Let me go! Let me go! You can't kill your king!"

"Shut up!" The executioner sneered, pressed Marcus with one hand, and closed the fixing plate of the guillotine with the other hand.

"No! - No!!"

At this time, Marcus finally woke up when he was about to die. His tears kept flowing, and his eyes revealed despair.

Sophia drew out her long sword and aimed at the rope hanging the guillotine.

"Heh!" The long sword turned into a green light and split the rope in two.

The guillotine fell quickly!



Before Marcus' last words were spoken, his head had already fallen.

On June 13, 1670, the French calendar, Marcus, the tyrant of Dranok, died under the guillotine prepared for him by the people.

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