The leader of the looting group felt that he was really unlucky today.

First, he met Dishia, known as the "Lion of Blazing Mane". This woman has been very famous in the desert recently.

The edgeless sword in her hand, although it would not break a person's hands and feet, could break a person's bones and shatter his internal organs with its huge force.

In a sense, it was not as painful as having his hands and feet cut off.

Coupled with the blessing of the Fire God's Eye, every blade was like a blazing fire, and even many spellcasters did not dare to confront it head-on.

Now there is another holder of the God's Eye, which makes him wonder if the God's Eye has become a common sight these days?

Otherwise, why would they encounter two holders of the Eye of God at once?

"So, who is the insider who leaked the news to you?" Lisa stretched out her right hand, and gently fiddled with her five fingers, and lightning kept flashing at her fingertips.

"We desert people don't have the habit of betraying others."

The leader snorted coldly, turned his head and said, "Don't think about torturing me, it's not like I haven't been tortured before."

"So, you are very resistant?"

"Help me tie him up, Dishiya."

After Dishiya tied up the leader, Lisa pressed her right hand on his head, and lightning immediately landed on the top of his head.

"It's time to shock him."


The leader's whole body trembled constantly when he was electrocuted, his eyes rolled back, and he foamed at the mouth.

Ten seconds later, Lisa let him go.

"Do you want to continue? This kind of electric torture can keep you going for a long time."

"You... Ugh! You woman..."

The leader's eyes were filled with fear. When the power of thunder and lightning fell on him, he felt that it was completely different from the torture he had suffered before.

He naturally didn't understand that there was a punishment called the electric chair in his previous life, and Lisa could achieve an effect more terrifying than the electric chair by controlling the Eye of God.

"Do you tell me who the traitor is, or do you continue?"

The lightning in Lisa's hand flashed again. If he didn't tell her who the traitor was, she would continue to increase the intensity.

"Okay! I told you, you'll give me a quick death!"

The leader didn't think he would go back alive, and now he just wanted a quick death.

"Do you see the boy behind you? That's him."

Dixia and Lisa looked back and saw a young man standing next to the convoy looking at them with a guilty look on his face.

The other people in the convoy also heard the leader's words and surrounded him.

"You bastard, you actually acted as a spy for the looting group!"

"I spent so much money to hire you as a guide, and you're still not satisfied?"

"You traitorous bastard!"

The leader listened to the curses of the people around him and suddenly laughed: "This kid is not doing it for money."

"Not for money? Or for something else?" Di Xiya said puzzledly: "In this desert, it's not for money, it's for water and food."

"Hahaha, maybe he's obsessed with her beauty."

The leader looked at Lisa and said: "That's why he contacted me. He doesn't want money, he just wants this..."


Everyone looked at the spy who tipped off the news in surprise. You did this just for this?

"I thought it was the group of the Son of the Desert who wanted to make trouble for me, but this is it?"

Di Xiya was disappointed. She thought there was some conspiracy, but it turned out that this kid was just obsessed with sex.

"When I was in the caravan before, I noticed that he was a little sneaky." Lisa said helplessly: "I was thinking like you whether he was from the Son of Desert."

"But later, the way this kid looked at me became more and more wrong, and I knew..."

"What bad luck!" Dixia cursed, she and Lisa were ready to fight with the people from the Son of Desert.

But the most angry one was the boss of the caravan. At this time, he grabbed the other party and slapped him:

"I called you a fucking lustful man!"

"Have you never seen a woman in your eight lifetimes!"

"You actually betrayed us for such a thing!"

The man was beaten black and blue, and begged for mercy repeatedly, but no one spoke for him at all. Even if he was killed, others would not feel any guilt.

After beating for a long time, when he saw that the man was dying, the boss of the caravan finally breathed a sigh of relief and walked to Lisa:

"Miss Lisa, this matter is really..."

"Why don't you kill him?"

The boss of the caravan was a little flattering. At first, he thought Lisa was a noble lady who ran away.

Out for fun, and advised her.

But then I thought that since the other party dared to come alone, he must have some ability.

But I didn't expect that the other party was the owner of the Eye of God.

Lisa didn't hide the Eye of God, but now major toy manufacturers sell counterfeits of the Eye of God all over the world, which makes the boss of the business group subconsciously think that it is a counterfeit.

"No, you can deal with it yourself."

Lisa rejected the other party's proposal. Anyway, his end would not be good, probably being fed to jackals.

"How to deal with these looting groups?"

Lisa no longer cared about the lustful inner ghost, but thought about how to deal with the looting groups.

"Kill them?"

"I always feel something is wrong." Lisa pinched her chin and pondered, "Don't you think that the traitor didn't finish his words?"

"Isn't he just a guy obsessed with beauty?"

"No." Lisa shook her head and said, "The looting group said that he was obsessed with beauty. He never said from beginning to end that he betrayed because of beauty."

"Dixia widened her eyes: "Is this guy pretending on purpose?"

"It's not pretending, but he is really lustful." Lisa pondered for a while, then laughed softly, but inexplicably made people feel numb:

"I understand, this guy may want to eat both ends."

"Eat both ends?"

"Just when the boss of the merchant group was beating him, I paid attention to it, and an eagle happened to fly across the sky."

"You may not feel it, but I deliberately used the thunder elemental force to sense the surroundings at that time, and I happened to find metal substances on the eagle's body."

"Someone is raising it! It turns out to be someone from the Son of the Desert. "After hearing this, Dishiya looked as if she had suddenly realized something.

"This guy took advantage of the time difference to contact the looting group, planning to have them kidnap me first and then leave, and then wait for the people from the Son of the Desert to appear."

"After the people from the Son of the Desert kill everyone here, he will go back to the looting group and then..."

"So the looting group also thought that he sold out the information for beauty, which was really a good calculation."

The people from the Son of the Desert came mainly for Dishiya. They spent so much effort to find her, not just for a merchant group.

Lisa's eyes became more and more dangerous, and lightning continued to radiate from her: "They are coming. "

At this time, not far away, a long black shadow appeared on the horizon. They were the people of the Sons of the Desert.

These people had ferocious faces and a strong murderous aura. They held muskets in their hands and a long spear behind their backs.

At the same time, each of them rode a camel species unique to the Sulmer Desert. This kind of camel is more precious than a car in the desert.

Compared with them, the looting group just now was just like a child.

The leader of the Sons of the Desert had a hideous and terrifying smile on his face, magic power flowing through his body, and an amazing cannon in his hand.

"Dixia, I finally found you. "

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