The deadly battle was over, and the deadly battle was over.

A tribe in the Sulme Desert.

Everyone looked at the thunder force that erupted in front of them with fear. The thunder formed a pair of huge claws covering Seno's hands, and mysterious runes were wrapped around his arms, looking like the god of death in myths and legends.

"Weigh your sins!"

Seno jumped up, and the huge claws that turned into thunder were raised high. Only a thunderous sound was heard, and the long spear made of thunder elements flashed with endless thunder light and was thrown out by him.


The thunder spear hit the center of the crowd not far away, and instantly turned all the people nearby into charcoal.

The people around finally reacted and picked up their muskets to shoot at Seno.

Bullets were pouring towards Seno like a storm, but he saw his thunder claws waving around him, and the thunderstorm blocked the bullets.

Then he raised his hands high and pounded the ground.

"Pay for the sins!"

The earth could not bear such power and began to collapse, from the ground to the surrounding buildings, cracking inch by inch.

Several three-meter-high thunder blades split the entire tribe into three along the ground.

Boom boom boom——!

At this moment, the tribe was like a punishment from the gods, and it was all in ruins. Except for Seno, no one stood up. There were corpses burned by lightning and people who were seriously injured and half dead all around.

The power of thunder and lightning kept flashing in the air, and the survivors looked at him with extremely terrified eyes.

When the possession of the gods faded, Seno walked to a half-paralyzed man and lifted him up.


"Why? Aren't you clear enough about what you have done?"

Seno used the Red Sand Staff to hold his head, "Now, tell me where the captives are hiding."


"Forgive me..."

"I'll count down to five. If you don't say anything after counting, your head will explode."

The man's face became even uglier, as if he was about to cry: "Will you let me go if I tell you?"


"Answer me."


"What if I don't tell you and you kill me?"


"I'll tell you!"

The man didn't care about the pain all over his body and shouted out the address: "It's in the cellar 300 meters to the west."

After hearing the answer, Seno threw him to the ground.

"Save me..."

The man dragged his body and desperately stretched out his hand to ask Seno for help, but unfortunately the other party didn't pay any attention.

His legs were crippled by the fallen stones. If he was not rescued in time, he would soon die of excessive blood loss.

When Seno came to the cellar not far away, he heard many subtle sounds. When he walked in, he saw an iron fence fixed on the ground.

The captured people were locked up in the underground like this.

Usually they would be locked up in this dark underground, eating, drinking, defecating and urinating inside.

Over time, there was an abnormal stench here.

Water sources are very precious in the desert, and it is impossible for them to wash. Only when guests come, they will be fished out and wiped with a soaked towel.

Anyway, the guests who come here are not very picky.


The red sand stick pried open the iron fence, and the people below hid aside in fear after seeing Seno.

Some people have become mentally ill in such a place.

"I have killed all the people in the tribe, you can come out."

Seno sighed in his heart. These men and women have been tortured to the point of suffering from serious diseases.

Just now, I saw someone with red tumors all over his body.

"I have notified someone to send you back, come up quickly."

After saying that, Seno left the cellar, and the murderous intent in his heart became stronger and stronger, and he returned to the previous tribe.

There are still many people alive now, and Seno needs to catch them and tie them together, and then execute them collectively.

"You... are the one who got the Desert God Treasure."

Someone looked at Seno, even if he was dying, he looked at him greedily: "You got the Desert God Treasure, but you actually did this kind of thing..."

"You are just lucky to get it, if it were me... ah ah ah!!"

The Red Sand Staff hit him in the stomach at once, and he screamed.

"Death is imminent, but you don't repent."

These people are really hopeless, they are still thinking about the Desert God Treasure.

Catch the living together

After that, Seno saw that the captives in the cellar came here one after another.

Especially when they saw those who had tortured them, some dead, some injured, and some alive tied together, they all showed extremely hateful faces.

It was just because Seno was here that they did not take action, but the shocking hatred and murderous intent could be felt by everyone.

"Thank you, sir, for saving us."

One of the captives walked to Seno and knelt down to kowtow to him, and the others knelt down like him.

"You get up first, I know you hate these people, but I will judge them for you."

Seno looked at these tortured people who were pale and thin and seriously ill, walked to a ruin, jumped away from the stacked stones, and found a food storage room.

"There are some clothes and food in here, and there is a well next to it."

"Thank you, sir. May I ask your name?"


The captives came to the ruins with various support. Some took out food from the ruins and distributed it to everyone, some took water from the well, and some distributed clothes.

But they were all quite silent, and the whole process seemed orderly and quiet.

Seno sat on a broken pile of stones, looking at these people with emotion.

The scars of the body may be healed, but the pain of the soul can never be healed.

This is the Sulmer Desert, a lawless place, a place with almost no order. The tribes have no unified rules at all and fight each other every day.

In a way, the former Draanoke and Haimering are better than it.

After all, the worst order is better than no order.

When the sun was about to set, Seno finally waited for Dishia.

"Finally I've waited for you."

Seno jumped off the pile of rocks and walked to Dishia: "Did you see those people? Let's send them back to Mond later."

"I understand."

These people came from different regions and countries, and I don't know what they plan to do in the future. Anyway, let's send them to Mond to recover slowly, and we can't just leave them alone.

And the people who followed Dishia looked at Seno curiously.

In the past few days, there has been a legend about him, saying that he got the desert treasure and gained powerful power.

Now seeing that the tribe of this "first brothel in the desert" was cleared by him alone, with ruins and corpses everywhere, I am more and more sure of the authenticity of the legend.

"Don't think about it, Seno didn't get the desert treasure."

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