The battle was won, and the battle was won.

With the surrender of the tribal leaders, Saht had three tribal forces in his hands.

Although the three tribes were not large, they only had a few thousand people in total.

But he did it all by himself. He believed that as he conquered more and more tribes, more people who believed in the Red King would join him.

"Those who make a secret agreement can become the king of the desert."

He was the shepherd who made a secret agreement, and conquered the desert for the Red King.

When he conquered a tribe for the first time, he directly called himself the Red King and the God of the Desert.

Everyone in the world believes in destiny, and people in the desert are even more so.

The long-term harsh environment makes them believe in gods more.

It's just that the god that all the desert people believe in together, no one knew about it before, and everyone believed in their own primitive worship.

Now this regret can finally be removed.

After gathering the tribe, he let all these people move to his temporary base camp.

The semi-eternal governance matrix is ​​a very good thing. It not only has powerful power in battle, but also is excellent in construction.

When the new tribal leader saw the magical machine, he immediately believed what Saht said before.

"Patriarch, is this the technology left by the Red King?" The new tribal leader looked at the semi-eternal governance matrix obsessively.

Patriarch is what Saht asked his men to call him.

"Yes, this is the power of the Red King, this is the greatness of the Red King!" Saht said enthusiastically: "See, such a machine is just one of the great deeds left by the Red King."

"In order to reproduce the glory of the desert, to rebuild Aru!"

Saht's sonorous words made everyone present look at him in admiration, and these were constantly promoted by him.

Most of the people here have become believers of the Red King.

With such a miracle here, how can people not be convinced?

A few days after Saht integrated the forces of the three tribes, he rushed to another tribe without stopping.

During this period of time, his name also resounded in this desert.

Even more famous than Dishia and Seno.

The reason is also very simple, he is the one who got the desert god's treasure and spread the news of the gods.

Saht rode the white camel that saved him that day and looked far ahead at the tribe.

At this time, the sky was gradually dusking, and the fire clouds dyed the sky red.

"Head Patriarch, the other side is a large tribe of 40,000 people. We are only more than 700 people. Can we really conquer them?"

The people under him looked at Saht with some concern.

It's not that he doesn't believe in the other side's strength, but a large tribe of tens of thousands of people must have a lot of spellcasters and powerful troops.

They occupied all the nearby oases, and the merchant groups that came here to do business also gave them a lot of supplies.

More importantly, most of the desert people are soldiers, except for a few children and the elderly, who will show strong fighting power when facing a battle.

Even if Saht is the holder of the Eye of God, he can't win when facing so many people.

"I have thought about this a long time ago, don't worry."

Saht smiled, his men's worries are normal.

A few hundred people facing tens of thousands of people, almost don't even think about it, it is impossible to beat the opponent, unless you have the world's top power.

But Saht never thought of using these hundreds of people to fight tens of thousands of people, he is not a fool.

But facing the power of nature, facing the miracles of God, how many of them can maintain a stable mentality?

"Everyone believes in destiny, and destiny is mine."

Saht sighed: "Let them see the power of destiny."

"Send someone to inform the other side and say that I, Saht, am here."

"I will enter the tribe alone in an hour to conquer them and make them convinced."

"Patriarch, you..." His men looked at him in surprise: "This is very dangerous!"

"Don't worry." Saht said confidently.


After a moment of silence, his men sent one person to this large tribe of more than 40,000 people.


In the building in the center of the tribe, a very majestic man listened to his men's report, saying that Saht, who has been very popular recently, sent someone to inform her of something.

"Lord Sobek, the people sent by Saht are waiting outside."

The man called Sobek thought that he and Saht seemed to have nothing in common.

Let's meet, why did he send someone to find me?

"Did he bring other people with him?"

"Yes, about six or seven hundred people, all armed."

Sobek frowned. These six or seven hundred people were not many, at least his own tribe could easily crush them into slag.

"Forget it, no matter what he wants to do, he will not be our opponent, let his people come in."


After a while, someone brought in the messenger sent by Saht.

"What did Saht send you for?"

"Dear Lord Sobek, the Patriarch sends his regards to you on my behalf." The messenger said, "I came here this time to inform you of something on behalf of the Patriarch."

"Patriarch? What's the matter?" Sobek thought about it, the Patriarch should be Saht, what a strange name.

"In an hour, the Patriarch will come to your tribe alone, he will show the miracle of the Red King, then you can attack him as much as you want."

As soon as the messenger finished speaking, the people in the hall glared at him.

"Asshole, what are you talking about?"

"Are you provoking us?"

"Did that guy Sahter become paranoid after obtaining the Eye of God?"

"Looking for death, I will definitely cut off his limbs and feed them to the crocodiles!"

In the hall, Sobek's men looked at the messenger with fierce murderous intent.


Sobek raised his hand and asked his men to calm down.

He looked at the messenger who was holding on with some disbelief: "I don't know whether what your patriarch said is true or not."

"But I promise that today all of you will be skinned and roasted by me and fed to slaves."

"Let him go and let him use his last time to review his life."

After he ordered the guards to send the messenger away, a ferocious smile appeared on his face: "It just so happens that I'm quite bored during this period. I didn't expect this Saht to be so arrogant."

"Come on, send someone to keep an eye on those people."

"After Saht dies, I will roast him and feed him to this person, hahahaha."

After hearing Sobek say this, his men burst into laughter.

In their eyes, Saht is almost dead.

The leader who dares to provoke them will die extremely miserably.

Outside the tribe, Saht looked at the messenger who had returned with a look of fear on his face, and roughly guessed what the other party said.

"Witness the great deeds of God!"

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