The new situation is getting more serious.

During this period, several major events have happened around the world.

The first is that a man named Saht in the Sulmer Desert claimed that he had inherited the "Red King" and started his journey to unify the desert.

The Sulmer Desert itself is not worthy of the concern of those big countries, but the information spread from Saht is very worrying.

There was once a god in the desert, and he even established a super civilization.

And in the Elf Forest, there is also a god called "Great Kind Tree King", who was once an ally of the Red King.

The second is that the sixth executive officer of the Fatui of the Winter Kingdom, "Scattered Soldier" Scaramuzi, defected and is now missing.

The Winter Kingdom has offered a high reward to find clues about the other party.

Legend has it that he is the son of Thor, one of the seven gods.

This identity alone is very eye-catching.

Beidou's fleet is still on the way to Delos, and many important news have not been spread yet.

Otherwise, the world might be more lively.

A few days later, Beidou and his party arrived not far from the port of Delos.

The people of Delos immediately warned Beidou's fleet.

Now Delos strictly controls the entry and exit of people here. When it sees a fleet coming into its waters, it immediately sends warships to surround it.

"Stop, Hai Mo Ling Fleet in front! You have entered our waters, please tell us your intentions, otherwise we will regard it as a provocation and open fire!"

The Beidou fleet is now flying the Hai Mo Ling flag. According to existing international norms, not flying a flag is considered a pirate.

"Ha, what should I do, should I just rush over?" Beidou looked at Edwardlin carelessly.

"No, let me talk to them."

Edwardine looked at the warships that came to block the way in the distance, and picked up the communicator: "I am Edwardine van Merovingen."

"I returned to Tilos this time to stop the brutal rule of Reinputz van Merovingen."

There was silence for a long time on the other side, and then an old voice came:

"Princess... you don't have to come back."

"I must come back, not only for Tilos, but also for myself." Edwardine said:

"Today's Tilos is under the rule of my brother. Not only has it banned external communication, but it has also increased various exorbitant taxes and carried out white terror, making the people miserable."

"Princess, how did you know."

"Although I have been abroad for the past few years, some people have contacted me in special ways."

Because of the fear of the curse, Reinputz carried out a white terror rule after taking office. A large number of books were destroyed, many teachers and students were brutally killed, and various entertainment activities were banned.

Edwardlin was once very popular among the people in Tilos, but after Reinputz killed the old king and took the throne, her once peaceful life was far away from her.

Perhaps the temptation of power was too great, so Reinputz was willing to kill his father and seize the throne at the risk of being cursed.

After killing his father, in order to completely cover up the truth of the affair, he turned his butcher knife to his mother.

In the past, his mother had been helping him cover up. When she finally knew that her son wanted to kill her, she told the truth to Edwardlin, who was still young at the time, and sent her away in despair.

Edwardlin was greatly shocked when she learned about this, and even wanted to commit suicide several times.

But in the end, she was stopped by many guards and reluctantly gave up the idea.

Now she has returned to Tilos with the help of Beidou. She not only wants to avenge her brother, but also wants him to pay the price for his brutal rule.

"Princess, His Majesty has been ordering us to kill you as soon as we see you..."

The old voice: "Leave quickly, I can pretend I didn't see you today."

"You are no match for His Majesty."

"What if I say that Reinputz committed an unforgivable crime." Edwardlin didn't want to argue with the other party anymore: "The Curse of Delos happened to the royal family today."

"What, what!"

The voice suddenly became extremely horrified and said tremblingly: "Princess, is what you said true, His Majesty..."

"Yes, Reinputz is the one who made a big mistake." Edwardlin took a deep breath and said firmly and forcefully: "And I am the evidence."


"Don't call me princess anymore, my current identity is not worthy of a princess."

Edwardlin interrupted the other party,

She was now determined to call her brother by his name.

She didn't care what kind of contempt she would receive in the future. Now she would tell the truth to the people of Telos without hesitation.

"He was afraid of the curse of Telos. In order to cover up the truth, he did so many crazy things in the past few years!"

"I must stop him!"

"Now you have two choices. The first is to kill me. The second is to let me enter Telos."

After Edwardlin finished speaking, he seemed to have used up his last strength and slumped in the chair.

After a long time, the voice came from the other side.

"I understand... Princess."

After the other party finished speaking, the warship of Telos moved back.

"It seems that your brother is unpopular." Beidou looked at the departing warship and said, "Everyone, prepare to enter the port!"

After a while, Beidou's fleet docked at the port, and the people here all turned their heads to look curiously.

In Delos, which is almost a closed country, it is rare to see fleets from other places, and this time it was a fleet that docked.

As soon as Beidou and others got off the ship, they saw an old man in military uniform walking towards them.

The old man was about 60 years old, with a unique iron-blooded temperament of a soldier, full of energy, a straight military uniform, and three stars on his shoulders representing his rank of admiral.

"Princess." The old man walked up to Edwardlin and bowed slightly: "I'm very sorry, I want to confirm it again."

"Your Majesty, did you really make such a mistake?"

His eyes were bright, staring at Edwardlin: "If this matter is made public, not only Your Majesty, but also your reputation will be completely ruined."

"I have already realized it." Edwardlin looked at the other party and said: "General Mel, I have admired you very much since I was a child."

"Every time you tell me about the magnificent adventures on the sea, I yearn for it countless times in my heart."

"Unfortunately, due to my secret identity at the time, Reinputz deliberately restricted my freedom in the name of my brother, like a bird locked in a small cage."

"At that time, although I would occasionally complain, I would not object. Maybe one day I would marry a prince I didn't know."

"But now, although I will cause this sinful bloodline to completely lose its identity, reputation and even life because of the truth, but..."

"I will never regret it!"

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