The sky was covered with dark clouds, lightning and thunder.

Countless people looked up and saw a scene that they would never forget in their lives.

It was a great life that could not be described in words. The moment He appeared in Xuelavia, the wind and thunder became His servants.

Like a myth, He issued his own declaration:

"Under the seven leaves, only I will live forever!"

Each of the four arms formed a secret seal, and the four elements of wind, thunder, fire and ice flowed in it. The drum behind him burst into dazzling lightning, and the wind crawled beside Him, tearing apart anyone who dared to disrespect Him.

"What is that!!!"

"Why does this thing appear?"

"Is that a god?"

"Look, he seems to be going to find Anmoor Company."

When people saw the majestic figure of the man coming to the headquarters of Anmoor Company, they heard his announcement:

"I am the Secret Lord of Qiye Jizhao, mortals, witness the great deeds of the gods!"

"The ten doubts are gone!"

As his words fell, a huge roar erupted in the sky, and countless thunder and lightning fell from the sky and hit the headquarters of Anmoor Company!

Thousands of thunders turned the headquarters of Anmoor Company into ruins in an instant.

Although most shareholders were equipped with spellcaster bodyguards, they could only let the scattered soldiers with the power of the demon god be slaughtered.

After doing all this, the scattered soldiers were not satisfied with it. He not only wanted to destroy Anmoor Company, but also turned Shelavia into his own kingdom of God on earth!

"Since you have seen the gods, why don't you worship them?"

After seeing this god-like power, many Shelavians knelt on the ground and prayed to the gods.

It's not that they haven't seen powerful power, but they have never seen such power, a power that is enough to change the world.

"Hahahaha, yes, you will all become my people, my believers!"

The scattered soldiers, no, maybe now they should be called the Seven Leaves Silent Illumination Secret Lord, said to the people who had already been conquered by his great power:

"From now on, I will establish the Kingdom of God here to reproduce a corner of the Demon God War!"

What the Demon God War is, no one can understand, but they all know.

From today on, Shelavia will no longer exist.

No one can resist the power of the gods, not even the royal family of Shelavia.

"Oh? There are still ants who dare to provoke?" The huge body of the Seven Leaves Silent Illumination Secret Lord turned to the palace.

I saw several powerful spellcasters flying in the air.

Their faces were solemn, and they flew towards him with weapons in hand.

"Is this guy really Scaramucci?" One of them looked at the sky covered with dark clouds and the thunder and lightning, and said with difficulty:

"It is said that he disappeared after stealing the heart of the god of thunder. I didn't expect that the people of Anmoor Company would provoke him."

Ordinary people don't know about the affairs of Anmoor Company. As high-level spellcasters in Shelavia, they have known about it for a long time.

Originally, they thought that the people of Anmoor Company could resist for a while, but as soon as the local appeared, they were destroyed, and they didn't even have time to say their last words.

"We are no match for this kind of power, what should we do?" Another person smiled bitterly, "If we go there now, we will die."

"Yes, we are going to die." One person took out a weapon and pointed it at the person next to him: "Since the other party is a god, why should we fight against it?"

"What are you doing!"

"What am I doing? I am naturally loyal to the Seven-Leaf Silence Secret Lord!" The man pointed the musket in his hand at his companion mercilessly.


Hundreds of trajectories burst out from the musket in an instant, turning into sparks all over the sky, densely shooting at the people around him.


"You are betraying Shelavia!"

"Ahh————you, you betrayed us!"

"I didn't betray you, I just think it's the most irrational thing to do to fight against the gods." The man looked at the Secret Lord of Qiye Jizhao with an extremely fanatical look in his eyes.

"Your Majesty! Please let me get rid of these people for you!"

This unexpected scene made even Him stunned for a while, and then laughed: "Mortal, I have received your piety."

"Thank you for your trust, Ulysses will present you with victory!"

Ulysses shouted excitedly, and the special musket in his hand spewed out thousands of sparks. These sparks were composed of magic.

The flames have the effect of penetrating and tracking, and they instantly turned several people into sieves.

"Ulysses! You bastard!" Someone beat and scolded him angrily, while using magic to resist these magic bullets.

"Everyone, why do you still want to be loyal to the royal family? Isn't it a better choice to follow the gods?" Ulysses laughed wildly: "Didn't you see that, that's a god!"

"The real god!"

"You lunatic, I knew something was wrong with you a long time ago."

"No wonder you are always talking nonsense and hanging out with those mystics. It turns out that you are crazy."

"Stop talking nonsense, kill him quickly!"

Although Ulysses is a powerful spellcaster, he is a thorough worshiper of mysticism.

So when he saw the secret master of Qiye Jizhao, he chose to betray the Shelavia royal family without hesitation.

In his view, the ultimate of mysticism is God.

Since there are gods in front of him, why should he go far away?

"Die, Ulysses!" After paying the price of several lives, several other spellcasters joined together and attacked Ulysses.

Although Ulysses's strength is slightly stronger than those present, it is limited after all.

He was able to kill a few people just now because he took the opportunity to attack.

Two fists are no match for four hands. Under the siege of many people, Ulysses gradually felt exhausted and his magic power gradually dried up.

"Purify all aspects!"

Just when Ulysses was about to collapse, the Seven Leaves of Silence Secret Master slowly opened his four arms, and countless holes appeared behind him, and there seemed to be endless thunderstorms hidden in the holes.

Countless lightning bolts shot out from inside, destroying all the people besieging Ulysses.



Ulysses looked at this power that no ordinary person could control with fascination. This was the ultimate in mysticism that he had pursued all his life!

"Is this... the power of God?"

"Your Majesty, the Secret Lord of the Seven Leaves of Silence, your power is enough to turn Shelavia into your kingdom of God on earth."

"Hahahahahaha, well done!" The Secret Lord of the Seven Leaves of Silence praised: "You are qualified to be my believer."

"I will crawl at your feet and fight for your holy deeds."

Ulysses flew to His feet and knelt on the ground devoutly.

The Secret Lord of the Seven Leaves of Silence looked towards the sea, his heart surging, and at this moment, a great passion surged in his heart.

"Baalzebub, I have ascended to God!"

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