in the picture.

Liuyun borrowed the wind Zhenjun: "This immortal picked up Shenhe in a cave, and happened to pass by at that time, and noticed that there was the breath of the remains of the demon god in the cave. "

Paimon: "I see. "

Liuyun borrowed the wind Zhenjun: "Shenhe in the cave was about six years old, and at that time, she was holding a dagger in her hand and was confronting the monster transformed from the remains of the demon god. "

Paimon: "Sounds dangerous!"

[Kamisato Ayaka: At the age of six, she fought monsters, are you sure that she is only six years old?" (Paimon is surprised)]

Yoimiya: When I was six years old, I was still playing with mud, but was Shenhe so strong? 】

[Navia: I heard that in Liyue, some people from the bloodline are naturally stronger than ordinary people, could it be that Shenhe was born in such a family?]

[Charlotte: Probably not, no matter how powerful the bloodline is, after all, it is just an ordinary person, and it is still a child. (Zhongli stalls)】

[Collei: Only six years old, it's terrifying. (Ruotuo Dragon King is confused)】

in the picture.

Liuyun borrowed the wind Zhenjun: "When the immortal arrived, she had been confronting the monster for several days, most of the sons of mortals were physically and mentally fragile and relied on the protection of their parents, but Shenhe was different, such a dangerous situation, but she was able to survive it, relying not only on strong willpower, but also on innate blood and killing intent." Even if the immortal cleaned up the monster, Shenhe refused to relax, and pointed the dagger at the immortal, carefully guarded, knowing that the immortal would not harm her, so he fainted without saying a word. "

Paimon: "In other words, if Liuyun Borrowing Wind True Monarch hadn't passed by that cave, Shenhe might have been..."

Liuyun borrowed the wind Zhenjun: "That's not necessarily, when the immortal arrived at the scene, the resentment of those demon gods had slowly dissipated, if the confrontation continued, I am afraid that the winner would be the "four three zero" Shenhe." "

[Tartaglia: Mom, Liuyun borrowed the wind Zhenjun to mean that the six-year-old Shenhe can defeat the fierce beast, which is outrageous. (Tartaglia is surprised)]

[Diluc: This shows how rebellious Shenhe's willpower is. 】

[Kaeya: Oh, let alone a child, even an adult, in that environment, I'm afraid it would have collapsed a long time ago. (Zhongli stalls)】

[Bennett: The people of Liyue are so strong. (Seven seven down)]

[Razor: Doesn't Shenhe have Lupica?]

[Kaeya: yes, Shenhe is only six years old, how can she be alone in the cave to confront the beast?What about her family?What about her best friends?]

[Alhaithham: I'm afraid this is not easy. 】

in the picture.

Paimon: "But it's still dangerous, why is Shenhe so small that he has to fight the beast?"

Liuyun borrowed the wind Zhenjun: "Thinking that it is all kinds of tribulations in the world, Shenhe also enjoys a share, and the immortal saw that she had nowhere to go, so he took her in." "

Ying: "So, the master that Shenhe is talking about is actually..."

[Kaveh: Shenhe has nowhere to go, is Shenhe an orphan? (Sucrose question)]

[Tighnari: Well, it's very likely, otherwise I wouldn't be alone in the cave.] 】

[Collei: Shenhe is so pitiful, fortunately he met an immortal, otherwise... (Amber doesn't want it)]

[Nilou: Hey, Shenhe is so difficult, no wonder she is a little different from ordinary people. (Yanfei helpless)】

in the picture.

Liuyun borrowed the wind Zhenjun: "The master that Shenhe said should be talking about the immortal, Shenhe has a special physique, is a good seedling for cultivating immortal arts, and the immortal and the middle immortal family are also willing to teach her, but the murderous nature she has shown since childhood has not dissipated with age, but has increased day by day..."

Paimon: "Why..."

Liuyun borrowed the wind Zhenjun: "Cutting the moon and building the sun is Shenhe's divination, saying that she is a lonely caraver, full of evil spirits, easy to hurt relatives and friends, this matter is dangerous, and it is necessary to lock the soul with a red rope to control the murderous nature in Shenhe's bones and blood." "

[Ningguang: Shenhe's physique is so magical. 】

[Beidou: No wonder I can confront a fierce beast in a cave for so long, but this is the first time I've heard of someone with this kind of physique. 】

[Xiangling: Fortunately, I met an immortal, if it was an immortal, there must be a way to help Shenhe. 】

[Kamisato Ayaka: Yes, if Liuyun borrowed the wind Zhenjun hadn't passed by the cave that day, even if Shenhe hadn't died, I'm afraid the days ahead would be very difficult. 】

in the picture.

Liuyun borrowed the wind Zhenjun: "After tying the red rope, Shenhe's whole person quieted down, and his expression eased, but he became a little wooden, perhaps because the effect of the red rope was strong, and even suppressed Shenhe's other emotions." "

Paimon: "I see. "

[Nilou: Everything makes sense now.] 】

[Collet: It turned out that it was because of the red rope that Shenhe was like this. 】

[Ningguang: There are two sides to everything, and red rope is no exception. 】

[Yun Jin: Shenhe is like a bridge between humans and immortals, I really want to get to know Shenhe. (Wendy looking forward to)]

Yanfei: Yes, although I have half Immortal blood, I have lived in Liyue Harbor for a long time, and I don't know much about the affairs of the Immortal Family. 】

[Xiangling: Yes, if you talk about the bridge between the fairy family and humans, my little junior sister is also counted. 】

[Yaoyao: Senior sister, senior sister, are you talking about Yaoyao. (Xiangling Star Eye)】

[Xiangling: Ah, it's Yaoyao, are you free today? Welcome to Wanmin Hall to play. 】

in the video.

Liuyun borrowed the wind Zhenjun: "Meeting in the sea of people is fate, you have a fate with Shenhe, please take care of her in the future." "

Paimon: "I see, Liuyun borrowed the wind Zhenjun because he was worried about Shenhe, so he came to Liyue Harbor?"

Liuyun borrowed the wind Zhenjun: "Hmph, how can it be so simple? Liyue Harbor seems to be peaceful today, but it is also a hidden crisis. "

Paimon: "Hidden Danger?"

Liuyun borrowed the wind from Zhenjun: "At the beginning, Ningguang boasted about Haikou, insisting that Liyue is now the era of people, and this immortal should see how she copes with the upcoming crisis, and if she handles it well, this immortal is willing to be a witness to her deeds, if not, the immortals will take over the overall situation." "

[Keqing: What do you mean? Is there any crisis in Liyue in the future? (Sayu is alert)]

[Beidou: I feel that there seems to be some unexplained key information in this immortal's words, if there is a real crisis in Liyue, won't the emperor come forward to solve it?

[Ningguang: Perhaps, it is inconvenient for the emperor to come forward, there is one thing I care about, why will I rebuild the Jade Pavilion in the future? 】

[Yelan: Yes, the Jade Pavilion is good, and there is no need to rebuild it. 】

[Ningguang: I've been thinking about it for a long time, and I can only think of one possibility. 】

[Keqing: What is the possibility?]

[Ningguang: If I want to rebuild the Jade Pavilion in the future, there is only one reason, and that is that the current Jade Pavilion is no longer there. 】

[Beidou: Hey, the Jade Pavilion is gone? How can this function? The Jade Pavilion has existed for more than ten years, and there hasn't been the slightest problem. 】

[Ningguang: Maybe something terrible will happen in the future, causing the Jade Pavilion to cease to exist. 】

[Keqing: I'm afraid this is the only one that can explain it.] 】

in the picture.

Paimon: "No wonder Shenhe doesn't want to be treated like an immortal, and being treated so respectfully by others would make Shenhe feel very troubled." "

Liuyun borrowed the wind Zhenjun: "Maybe it was Shenhe who secretly went out of the mountain last time to expose his whereabouts, but in recent years, there have been more and more legends about Shenhe in Liyue Harbor, and I heard that someone in Liyue Harbor wrote a play for Shenhe based on these legends, and named it "The Goddess Splits the View". "

Paimon: "The Goddess Splitting the View?"

Liuyun borrowed the wind Zhenjun: "In the play, it is said that Shenhe stepped forward to protect the villagers... Hehe, it's really a pot that can't be opened. "

Paimon: "Uh... Shenhe probably won't like this kind of play. "

Liuyun borrowed the wind Zhenjun: "Okay, it's not early, that's all for it, you guys should rest early." "

[Hu Tao: Opera, could it be written by Yun Jin to Shenhe, right? (Hu Tao laughs evilly)]

[Yun Jin: I did want to write a new play recently, and the name happens to be "The Goddess Splitting Views". (Sucrose well-behaved)】

[Xiangling: Ah! It's over, what if Shenhe doesn't like it. (Amber doesn't want it)]

[Pot: Lulu——]

[Yun Jin: How is it good now? I write or not. (Ruotuo Dragon King is confused)】

[Grandma Ping: Hahaha, if you want to write, write it, who can be sure of the future?]

[Yun Jin: Uh-huh, okay, I'll start thinking about it. (Yae Miko work)】

in the picture.

After saying goodbye to Liuyun and borrowing the wind, Paimon returns to the hotel.

Meimei slept well. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The next morning.

Outside the hotel, I saw Shenhe.

Paimon: "That... Shenhe..."

Shenhe: "You've already heard about me from Master..."

Paimon: "Huh, how did Shenhe know?"

Shenhe: "Yesterday night, I wanted to wait for you to come back before going to sleep, but I didn't hear your voice, I was worried that something would happen to you, so I went outside to look for you, and I happened to see Master, plus you have been a little strange since the morning, I guess Master told you about me, after all... Master, she... Very good at chatting. "

[Tartaglia: Hahaha, very good at chatting!!(Tartaglia, you are so humorous)]

[Kaeya: One thing to say, Liuyun borrowed the wind Zhenjun really likes to chat, and he told Shenhe's family background yesterday night. (Zhongli drinks tea)】

[Ningguang: It's the first time I've seen an immortal who likes to chat so much, it's a little strange. 】

[Keqing: Shenhe is also distressed now. (Qiqi secretly observes)]

[Shenhe: It's okay, I'm used to it. 】

[Xiangling: Uh... Accustomed to it, it is enough to show how much that immortal likes to chat0.]

[Shenhe: You don't know, Master has another immortal name among other immortals. 】

[Yanfei: What is the fairy name? (Wendy is looking forward to it)]

[Shenhe: Very good at chatting with Zhenjun. 】

[Hu Tao: Poof, I'm very good at chatting with Zhenjun. (Kaeya you're so humorous)]

[Liuyun borrowing the wind Zhenjun: Who gave the immortal name to this immortal? This immortal must be finished with him, cutting the moon, is it you?]

[Cutting the Moon and Zhuyang Zhenjun: Cough, how could it be me, don't tarnish the innocence of the immortal out of thin air. (Ray Movie Warning)]

in the picture.

Paimon: "Anyway, I'm sorry Shenhe, I used to treat you as an immortal. "

Shenhe: "It's okay, I don't care, and I blame that I didn't explain it to you before, after all, from past experience, the explanation is futile, but you treat me as an immortal, but you don't respect me, but treat me as a friend... For that, I'm grateful. "

Paimon: "After all, even if it's a real immortal, I've seen a lot of travelers, so let's say okay, we'll be good friends in the future, and we have nothing to do with immortals and humans, just ordinary good friends." "

Shenhe: "I remember, although I don't know what to say, I like the title of friend. "

[Kaeya: Honorary Knight and Paimon have not only seen more than many immortals, but also many gods. (Keqing praise)]

[Venti: Hey.] 】

[Keqing: yes, now that I think about it, Traveler and Paimon have seen quite a few powerful people.] 】

[Dehya: Mondstadt's Wind God, Liyue's Rock God, Rock Elemental Dragon King, Inazuma's Thor God, Fontaine's Water Elemental Dragon King, as well as several Immortals of Liyue, and Inazuma's Yae Miyaji are all famous in Teyvat. 】

[Paimon: Hehe, I'm pretty strong with Traveler.] (Paimon leave it to me)]

[Noelle: I also want to refuel and catch up with the travelers as soon as possible.] (Yae Miko work)】

in the picture.

Paimon: "It's been so long, let's go ahead and find the two remaining materials." "

Ying: "Uh-huh. "

Paimon: "But before that, should we go to the construction site first and ask Miss Ningguang's little attendant about the current progress." "

So, the three of them set off and headed for the construction site.

Paimon: "By the way, Shenhe, when we came back yesterday night, we bought chicken drumsticks downstairs, and I'll give you one, it's delicious." "

Shenhe: "Indeed, the flavor is rich, and it is better than the one I made in the wild. "

[Keqing: Paimon is really considerate, and he is still thinking about Shenhe's chicken legs. 】

Paimon: Definitely, the future Shenhe is our friend. 】

[Shenhe: Friends...]

[Paimon: Mmmm, we're going on adventures together in the future, so of course we're friends.] (Paimon leave it to me)]

[Beidou; hahaha, this relationship is really good. (Keqing praise)]

in the picture.

A few minutes later, the trio arrived at the construction site.

Paimon: "Look, the Jade Pavilion has flown into the sky on 5.2, but it looks like it's tied up with a rope. "

Baiwen: "After all, it hasn't been finished yet." "

Paimon: "Baiwen, Beidou is also there, and there is a non-human I don't know..."

Beidou: "I didn't expect Traveler and Paimon to find the Mingxia Floating Stone so quickly, so we were still a step late. "

Paimon: "Could it be that Beidou also participated in this competition?"

Beidou: "That's right, when I went to sea before, I got a floating stone by chance and brought it here. "

"By the way, let me introduce you to Liyue's famous opera actors, Yun Jin, Mr. Yun. "

Yun Jin: "Hello. "

Beidou: "The Traveler and Paimon are my old acquaintances, and this one looks a little uneasy..."

Shenhe: "Traveler and Paimon's... Friend. "

Beidou: "Hahahaha, you don't have to see outside, since you are friends of friends, then everyone is on the same boat, Mr. Yun also came to participate in the competition, and happened to want to borrow my boat, so they came together." "

[Xingqiu: Yun Jin actually participated in the competition to rebuild the Jade Pavilion, which is interesting. (Wendy looking forward to)]

[Xiangling: Is it really okay?What if Yun Jin's play and Shenhe don't get along?

[Yun Jin: yes, I'm a little nervous too. 】

[Beidou: Hahaha, what's this, since everyone has the same purpose in the future, maybe they can become very good friends?]

[Ningguang: You don't have to be so restrained, maybe it's this time that you go together, and open each other's hearts, which can be regarded as a beautiful thing. 】

[Paimon: Yes, yes!]

[Klee: Yes, yes!]

[Yun Jin: In the future, I must come on! (Barbara rushes to the duck)]


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