Good guy.

Did this bastard Dream Demon God bind himself to those people and Yaksha?

If you want to kill the Dream Demon God completely, you can only expel the Dream Demon God from their dreams.

But it is not an easy thing to expel the Dream Demon God from their dreams.

What's more, this bastard guy still holds the power of dreams.

Maybe at this time, the Great Compassion Tree King of Xumi holds the power of the World Tree, and she can easily expel the Dream Demon God from these dreams.

The Great Compassion Tree King, who was born based on the World Tree, holds the power of consciousness authority.

But Lin Yu is not very envious of this.

After all, the soul authority he embodies includes a part of the power of consciousness authority.

So theoretically speaking, what the Great Compassion Tree King can do in consciousness, Lin Yu can also do, but because of the difference in authority, it is not so pure.

"Demon of Dreams, you don't think that I can't do anything to you just because you hide in other people's dreams like a turtle?"

? What does this demon with a very deceptive appearance mean?

Can he kill all the people in front of him?

But, how, how could it be possible?

I didn't expect that he looked so gentle and righteous on the outside, but he was actually a ruthless guy who killed people without blinking an eye!

Could he really want to do this?

The brain of the Demon of Dreams kept running, and began to think about how to deal with it next.

But it was obvious that the Demon of Dreams was wrong. How could a kind demon like Lin Yu do anything to these people and the Yaksha clan?

Is he that kind of person? Obviously not.

"Lin Yu, what are you planning?"

Morax didn't think of any good solution, so he cast his eyes on Lin Yu and asked Lin Yu.

"Just leave it to me, the Dream Demon God is not worth mentioning!"

Lin Yu patted his chest and showed a very confident smile on his face.

Then he looked at the entire cave, all the humans and the Yaksha clan.

Lin Yu stretched out his right hand, and his right hand burst into a soft light of pale white.

This is Lin Yu mobilizing his soul power.

"Wake up!"

The small light ball emitting white light flew out of Lin Yu's palm!

These light balls flew at a very fast speed and accurately sank into the minds of every creature in the cave.

This force of Lin Yu helped their consciousness gradually regain control of their own bodies.

Then the dreams in their subconscious minds disappeared.

The Dream Demon God could clearly feel that his connection with these people was dissipating at a crazy speed!

"No! Impossible! How could this happen!"

How could it happen? How did he expel himself from those dreams?

The Dream Demon felt that the consciousness of those people suddenly became powerful, and then exceeded his power in the dream, and then regained the dominance of the body and expelled his dream power!

Damn it! Damn it!

Never let him succeed!

Next, the Dream Demon began to shrink the coverage of his dream, and used more power to stubbornly resist the expulsion from Lin Yu.

Feeling the resistance from the Dream Demon, Lin Yu's mouth corners slightly raised.

Is the Dream Demon going to compete with himself?

Looking at the more than a thousand night lights in his backpack, Lin Yu couldn't help laughing.

The light on his hand bloomed more brightly, Lin Yu increased his power output, and more light balls poured into the minds of those creatures.

These light balls from Lin Yu, that is, the power of consciousness, are constantly strengthening the consciousness of the creatures, helping them to regain control of their bodies from the hands of the Dream Demon!

The Dream Demon felt the power from Lin Yu, and the pressure on his body doubled instantly.

He had previously released his ultimate move, Dream Descend, but was blasted through by Lin Yu, causing the dream to break. A large amount of damage was fed back to the Dream Demon God, damaging the Dream Demon God's origin.

Therefore, the Dream Demon God had already entered a weak state. Originally, the Dream Demon God wanted to embed himself in the dreams of those people, recuperate and lie dormant!

But he didn't expect that Lin Yu actually had this trick!

Lin Yu's soul authority directly caught the Dream Demon God off guard. The Dream Demon God, who had already fallen into a weak state, could only mobilize his remaining strength to resist the invasion from Lin Yu.Eclipse.

But at the moment, the remaining power of the Dream Demon God is really not enough in front of Lin Yu.

The gap is just like the gap between a firefly and a bright moon.

In the mind of the Dream Demon God, Lin Yu had consumed so much power and released such a powerful explosion before, so it should be in a similar state to himself.

As long as you hold on! Hold on! You will definitely be able to resist the erosion from Lin Yu!

But the final outcome is destined to make the Dream Demon God feel despair.

After all, Lin Yu has not even consumed the power of the 100 night lights in his body, let alone the 1,000 night lights stored in Lin Yu's space as a backup energy source.

Most of the creatures in the cave, humans and Yaksha clans have been rescued from the control of the Dream Demon God by Lin Yu.

They stared at their hands dully, a little bit unbelievable.

It seems that they have not recovered from the state of being controlled by the Dream Demon God.

Even if they recovered, seeing the confrontation between the three demon gods who entered the country and feeling the pressure from the sky, they could only remain quiet and wait for the judgment from fate.

"It's your turn."

Lin Yu looked at the five immortals who were covered by his position. As immortals, they were powerful, and the power of the Dream Demon God on them was naturally stronger and more difficult to expel.

However, this was not a problem for Lin Yu. It was just a matter of increasing his power output.

With the injection of more powerful power, the immortals who were controlled by the Dream Demon God in dreams reoccupied their bodies, and Lin Yu also withdrew from his position.

Then Lin Yu looked at the five Yakshas, ​​whose bodies had been submerged in the rock and could not move.

At this time, the consciousness of these five Yakshas was filled with the last power of the Dream Demon God.

As long as the Dream Demon God was forced out and eliminated next.

Then the Dream Demon God would fall completely.

"Morax, get ready."

Lin Yu said to Morax.

Morax nodded slightly.

After everything was ready, Lin Yu started to act!

With the power of a night light, it was injected into the consciousness space of the five Yakshas, ​​and soon the Dream Demon God could not resist.

If he continued to sit and wait for death, he would definitely be annihilated by Lin Yu's consciousness power.

In order to survive, the Dream Demon God at this time could not care about his regretful emotions, he just wanted to win a glimmer of life for himself!

He couldn't fall here!

At the last moment, five purple rays of light burst out from the five Yakshas at the same time, and then flew towards the exit of the cave.

But Morax had already prepared.

At the same time as the five rays of light appeared, Morax also released his attack.

With a flash on his body, the five rays of light were instantly penetrated by Morax's rock element power, and then began to dissipate.


The Dream Demon God died in Morax's hands, but the death of the Demon God also meant that the remaining power in the Demon God would burst out instantly.

Lin Yu quickly covered everyone present with a defensive stance, including those humans and ordinary Yaksha clan.

The purple-black nightmare fog broke out in the entire cave, instantly filling the cave and spraying out from the cave mouth, and then was blown towards Xumi by a gust of east wind.

Looking at the dark purple fog that filled the surroundings, Lin Yu frowned.

He rubbed out a wind element spiral in his hand, like a vacuum cleaner, sucking all the fog that burst out after the death of the Dream Demon God into the wind spiral.

And these fogs were bound in the wind spiral because of the strong pressure generated by the wind spiral.

As more and more fog entered, everyone's vision gradually became clear, and the ball in Lin Yu's hand became bigger and bigger.

Looking at the huge wind spiral in his hand, Lin Yu fell into contemplation.

"Morax, take all the people out. I'll deal with this thing in my hand."

Lin Yu looked at Morax and said.

He had to deal with the spiral in his hand now. It was obviously not a good idea to keep it in his hand all the time.

"Well, leave it to me."

Morax nodded slightly.

Lin Yu nodded and flew towards the exit of the cave.

After leaving the cave, Lin Yu flew into the sky with the wind element spiral filled with the mist of the dream demon, and then threw it in a random direction.

Just like that, carrying the dream demon mist, Lin Yu flew into the sky with the wind element spiral filled with the mist of the dream demon.The wind element spiral of the Demon God Mist was spinning at a very high speed, and soon crossed the border between Xumi and Liyue, and then flew towards the territory of Xumi.

Ahem, although it is a bit unfair to the demon gods in the Xumi area to do this.

But Lin Yu can't throw it on the territory that will belong to him in the future, leaving some possible troubles for his future self.

Please forgive my selfishness, the gods of Xumi.

I, Lin Yu, will pay the highest respect to you!

Lin Yu looked at the direction of Xumi with a guilty conscience, and then returned to the ground.

At the entrance of the cave, Morax, with the help of the other five immortals, had already transferred all the surviving humans and Yakshas in the cave.

It is worth mentioning that the five Yakshas were taken down from the rock by the five immortals, and then carried on their immortal bodies.

They were also controlled by the dream of the Dream Demon God, so they had to attack us, looking at their skinny appearance.

It is really hard to believe that these are the five most powerful Yakshas in the Yaksha clan.

Morax has not made up his mind about the future plans of these people, and is just bringing Lin Yu back to discuss this matter with him.

"I wonder, what do you think, Brother Lin Yu?"

When Lin Yu returns, Morax will throw the question.

Lin Yu's plan is naturally to take them all into Gui Yuli!

All the people under the Dream Demon God are forced to be controlled by the Dream Demon God's dream, and thus have to live in the Dream Demon God's territory.

All of them who have escaped from the control of the Dream Demon God feel disgusted with the Dream Demon God.

In this regard, it is greatly convenient for them to take them all into Gui Yuli, and there is no need to worry about the remnants of the Dream Demon God.

For the wealthy Gui Yuli now, it is no problem to settle this group of people!

The most important thing is the five Yakshas on the backs of the five immortals at this time.

These five Yakshas are the five in the later generations, Mi Nu, Fanan, Yingda, Jin Peng, and Fushe.

The only pity is that the five Yakshas later suppressed the remnants of the demon gods and some demons and evil spirits on the land of Liyue after the death of those demon gods.

As a result, they were contaminated with a lot of karma. Carrying a lot of karma is a great burden on the body, and it will always reach the limit in the end.

Therefore, among the five guardian Yakshas, ​​only Jin Peng, that is, Xiao, remained in the world.

Thousands of years later, he still adhered to his duties as a guardian Yaksha, even though many of his friends had disappeared.

"Naturally, they were all brought back to Gui Yuli."

"Those five Yakshas, ​​although they look a little shabby now, if they are trained more, they can become a great help to our Gui Yuli in the future."

Morax thought about it and felt that Lin Yu's proposal was indeed very good.

Even though Gui Yuli now has three powerful forces, what is the conflict with the addition of five Yakshas with top immortal strength?

Although the five Yakshas are now seriously injured, their consciousness is still in a clear state.

After hearing about their results, they naturally pricked up their ears and listened.

After hearing Lin Yu's words, they originally thought that they would be punished for their many evil deeds.

But they never thought that Lin Yu would give them another way out.

"In the past, you did cause a lot of killings under the hands of the Dream Demon God, but it was not what I wanted."

"Are you willing to sign a contract and work for Gui Yuli from now on?"

"If you don't want to, just leave on your own."

Morax looked in the direction of the five Yakshas and said to them.

They had just escaped from the hands of the Dream Demon God and thought that they would usher in the end of their lives, but they never thought that there was another way out in front of them.

Work for Gui Yuli?

"We are willing to serve Gui Yuli for the rest of our lives!"

They were seriously injured, but their voices were still firm.

Morax nodded.

"That's good."

"The contract has been concluded, and those who break their promises will be punished by the Rock Eater!"

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