So people, it's better not to think too much.

Just get by!

Is that right?

The Yakshas thought about what Qingyu meant.

But even so, they still couldn't accept it with peace of mind.

Qingyu just smiled slightly.

In his opinion, these Yakshas are still too young.

When he first followed Lin Yu to join Guiyuli, he was in this state of mind, thinking about working hard for the construction of Guiyuli and trying to repay the 507 night lights.

As time went by, Qingyu soon discovered a fact.

That is, the 507 night lights were not something he could repay.

Once he understood this, Qingyu's state of mind changed.

The most important point is that he knew that Lin Yu might mention this point to tease him, but he would never drive him out of Yushen Palace.

That's my good buddy, I don't think he would bear to see him wandering alone, right?

At worst, he could go to Marcosius.

After so many years, who doesn't have some interpersonal relationships!

He has a good relationship with Marcosius, and they often interact with each other.

As time goes by.

The Qianyan Army has recently discovered some strange things.

This matter started with a Qianyan Army patrol team hearing strange sounds while patrolling the border of Guiyuli.

At that time, the patrol team was located at the border between the swamp area and Guiyuli.

Although the strange and suspicious sound was heard at first, it was after all the sound transmitted from the swamp. Perhaps some creatures in the swamp made the sound.

Until later, a patrol team suddenly found that half of the people in the team had fallen behind during the routine patrol.

These Qianyan Army soldiers who fell behind had empty eyes and walked straight towards the swamp.

Fortunately, the Qianyan Army soldiers who followed up forcibly captured them and finally brought Gui Yuli back, but his condition did not improve at all.

So after the incident was reported to the higher authorities, it naturally came to Morax.

Morax, who learned the news, was teaching the Yakshas to practice immortal methods at this time, so he took the Yakshas with him.

Morax felt a very strong and familiar breath from the five unconscious Qianyan Army soldiers.

After touching his chin and thinking carefully, Morax finally remembered what the familiar breath on the five Qianyan soldiers was.

The breath on them was the Swamp Demon God Hastus who had died in Lin Yu and his hands.

The Swamp Demon God was dead, but what about the breath on the Qianyan Army soldiers? Could it be that the Swamp Demon God was not dead at that time?

Actually not.

Demons are a very difficult creature to kill on the Teyvat continent. Even if a demon dies, it is not really dead.

If a fallen demon has strong resentment, hatred and other negative emotions in his heart.

Then the remaining part of his soul will begin to accumulate evil thoughts, until it accumulates to a certain level and then explodes!

Forming the remnant of the demon, come out to cause trouble!

The remnant of the demon will retain some of the power and authority of his life, but if it is only in terms of strength, the strength of the remnant of the demon is probably stronger than some ordinary demons and evil spirits.

But there is no effective way to clean it up.

It can only be like cutting leeks, one batch after another, if you leave it alone, right? These remnants of the demon will come out to cause trouble again and bring disaster to the world.


Five golden rays of light flew out from Morax's hand and sank into the eyebrows of the five Thousand Rock Army respectively.

Suddenly, the five Thousand Rocks soldiers' empty expressions became much more peaceful.

"Let them rest for a while and they will wake up."

"I will solve this matter. Before the matter is resolved, temporarily change the patrol route of the Thousand Rocks Army."

Morax said to the leader of the Thousand Rocks Army.


"Follow me."

Then Morax looked in the direction of the five Yakshas.

The Yakshas followed Morax and flew into the sky, and then came to the pavilion in the clouds.

"I know you may have doubts about this matter."

"This matter is all because of the swamp demon Hastus who once died..."

"The reason for the matter is like thisThis. "

On the pavilion in the clouds, Morax briefly recounted the story of the demon god Hastus in the swamp and the remnant of the demon god causing trouble in the world.

After the Yakshas heard the story, they felt enlightened.

That's right, Morax was going to give the task of suppressing the remnant of the demon god to the five Yakshas.

After all, there were too many demon gods who fell near Gui Yuli, and it was hard for them not to feel resentment towards Gui Yuli, and they would breed the remnant of the demon god if they were unwilling to give up.

This will be a very frequent process in the future, and within a year This will happen several times.

Morax was busy with other things, so he couldn't do it himself to clean up the remnants of the demon god.

Firstly, it was because of this, and secondly, Morax also understood the hearts of the Yakshas.

So in order to let them stay in Guiyuli with peace of mind, Morax gave this not-too-light task to the five Yakshas.

With the immortal methods they are practicing now, plus the great formation of demon-suppressing and evil-suppressing, there will be no problem in suppressing any remnants of the demon god on this land.

In terms of strength, it is completely sufficient!

"Lord Emperor! We ask for your permission to fight!"

Led by the eldest brother Fushe, a group of Yakshas bowed in the direction of the Emperor.

Morax nodded slightly.

"I'll leave this matter to you."

"If there is any risk in this trip, just tear up this talisman. "

A yellow talisman appeared in Morax's hand. This talisman was a Thousand Miles Sound Transmission Note made by Lin Yu. It would not be disturbed by external objects and could accurately transmit information.

Although the current strength of the Yakshas is enough to deal with the remnant of the Swamp Demon God.

But this is the first time they have faced the remnant of the Demon God.

Giving them this talisman is also a layer of protection. If there is danger and the talisman is torn apart, he will rush to the rescue as soon as possible.

"Thank you, Emperor! "

The Yakshas couldn't help but feel warm in their hearts. It felt so good to be cared for by the Lord God!

They will definitely solve this matter perfectly!

They can't let Lord Emperor be disappointed in them because of this!

After the eldest brother Fushe took over the talisman from Morax, the five Yakshas turned into five different colored lights, disappeared in the pavilion in the clouds, and headed towards the direction of the swamp area.

Soon after, the Yakshas arrived at the swamp area. Looking at the huge swamp in front of them, they didn't know where to start looking for the swamp demon. The remnant of the demon god of the god is coming.

After a brief discussion, the Yakshas decided to go to the place where the demon god of the swamp fell to check. Generally speaking, as the place where the demon god fell, it is naturally the place where the remnant of the demon god was born.

Going to this place is definitely the right thing to do!

After arriving at the destination, the Yakshas saw a huge swamp monster here, and a lot of black gas came out of the swamp monster, which spread towards the sky.

A bright black column was formed.

"Zennos, Morax! Die!!!" "

It is obvious that the remnant of the demon god of the swamp demon god has noticed the arrival of the Yakshas at this time. The remnant of the demon god is not very smart.

Some of them just want to destroy everything around them with endless resentment.

As the remnant of the demon god of the swamp demon god attacked them, the Yakshas looked at each other and immediately dispersed, surrounding it with the remnant of the demon god as the center.

Then five rays of light representing the elemental power in their bodies burst out from their bodies, forming a beam of light like a beacon, and rushed straight into the sky.

"Everyone, set up the formation!"

The voice of the Teng Snake General Fushe resounded in the sky.

The other four Yakshas practiced their skills and immediately responded to Fushe's call.

Then four other voices resounded in the sky.

"Xinyuan General Mi Nu, enter the formation!"

"Lu Juan General Fa Nan, enter the formation!"

"Huo Shu General Ying Da, enter the formation!"

"Jin Peng General Xiao, enter the formation! "

With the five Yakshas as nodes, a powerful formation was formed, namely the Great Formation for Subduing Demons and Suppressing Evil!


Fushe roared.

The five Yakshas were in the formation, holding their own weapons, and pressed forward step by step towards the Demon God Remnant of the Swamp Demon God.

Under the powerful power of the formation, the Demon God Remnant of the Swamp Demon God clearly felt the pressure from the formation. He was born with the support of the Swamp Demon God, so he naturally possessed the combat instincts of the Swamp Demon God in the past.

The monstrous resentment was used by it, and it continued to gather towards itself!

The spell in Fushe's hand lit up again, and he raised his weapon high and swung it towards the Demon God Remnant, attacking while affecting the formation. The hugeThe power surged out like a torrent, almost drowning the remnant of the demon god.

With the eldest brother Fushe taking the lead in launching the attack, the other Yakshas were naturally unwilling to lag behind. They all activated their own elemental power, strengthened their power with the help of the formation, and formed a series of light columns rushing towards the remnant of the demon god.

"Uh ah!! I will, everything you cherish!"

"Destroy it all!"

Although this move dispersed some of the remnants of the demon god, those dispersed remnants of the demon god quickly gathered together again.

Seeing this situation, the Yakshas launched their attacks again.

"Break it for me!"

Mi Nu took the spear in his hand, and dozens of rock elemental light balls behind him were activated, covering the direction of the remnant of the demon god with a steady stream of firepower.

"This is it, perish!"

Fa Nan held a one-handed sword, and his body was agile and slashed out water sword blades around the remnant of the demon god.

"Feel the passion from me!"

Yingda laughed and waved the elemental power, and the sky-burning flames attacked the remnant of the demon god!

"Golden Peng spreads its wings, and dances to destroy evil!"

Xiao entered the scene with the third stage of E, and the spear in his hand kept approaching the remnant of the demon god, piercing it with one shot after another.

After the remnant of the demon god was dispersed, although it could be gathered again, it was obvious that it would consume a lot of power.

Facing the continuous attacks of the five Yakshas, ​​the power in the remnant of the demon god of the swamp was constantly consumed.

"Revenge will never end!"

"I will not perish!!

The five Yakshas jointly controlled the Great Array of Subduing Demons and Suppressing Evil, and pressed towards the Demon God Remnant of the Swamp Demon God!

The reason why the Great Array of Subduing Demons and Suppressing Evil is called the Great Array of Subduing Demons and Suppressing Evil is because this formation has the function of suppressing!

As the formation continued to shrink, the Demon God Remnant, which had been exhausted by the five Yakshas, ​​was completely suppressed under this world by the Great Array of Subduing Demons and Suppressing Evil.

Based on the current condensation speed of the Demon God Remnant, at least for 20 to 30 years, the Demon God Remnant of the Swamp Demon God will not be able to come out and do evil again.

"It's easily solved. Let's go back and report the situation to the Emperor."

Fushe's face was filled with a happy smile.

Today, they suppressed the Demon God Remnant of the Swamp Demon God under the Demon God Subduing Evil Formation, and finally contributed their own strength to Gui Yuli.

"Well, this feeling is really good. "

Fanan also said with a smile.

After confirming that the remnant of the demon god of the swamp was completely suppressed, the five Yakshas turned into five rays of light and flew towards Gui Yuli.

Soon after, they returned to Gui Yuli.

Since the Yakshas left, Morax has been drinking tea on the pavilion in the cloud, waiting for the Yakshas to return safely.

Five rays of light flashed in the sky, and then the five Yakshas landed on the pavilion in the cloud.

"Emperor, the remnant of the demon god formed by the demon god of the swamp has been suppressed by us using the great array to subdue demons and suppress evil. "

As the eldest brother among the five Yakshas, ​​it was Fushe who reported the matter.

Morax looked at them and nodded slightly.

At the same time, his brows slightly wrinkled. He felt that there were some strange things on the five Yakshas, ​​so he unfolded the magic god's mind and began to examine the five Yakshas.

Then he saw wisps of tiny black filaments on the five Yakshas. There were not many, but they were stained with the breath of the demon god's remnant.

"Do you feel unwell?"

"No, Emperor."

Fushe was stunned, not knowing why the emperor suddenly asked this.

No discomfort?

But Morax did not think that being entangled by such a thing would be a good thing. Perhaps when this thing accumulates to a certain extent, it will have an unignorable impact on their bodies.

I didn't expect that fighting with the demon god's remnant would be entangled by this, which he ignored.

"After this battle, your bodies must feel tired. Then it is best to go back first and rest your body and mind. "

"Yes, Your Majesty."

The Yakshas obeyed the order and left the Pavilion in the Clouds and returned to their residence in the Liyu Palace.

Then Morax also left. He was going to find Guizhong and other demons to learn about the situation and find a way to drive those things away.

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