But Ruo Tuo didn't think so.

In his opinion, since the sea elf in front of him tried to hurt his friend, he must fight back!

"Don't beat him to death."

Lin Yu looked at Ruo Tuo who was full of fighting spirit, and couldn't help but remind him.

He was a little worried that Ruo Tuo would not be too heavy, and would directly use powerful force to kill the sea elf in seconds.

In this way, wouldn't the clues about this be cut off?

Let Ruo Tuo beat the sea elf first, and then question the sea elf, and save the torture interrogation method.

Really good.

"For Lin Yu's sake, I'll give him a life."

Ruo Tuo said.

Then Ruo Tuo raised his fist and went towards the sea elf.

One punch contained the power to shake the mountains.

Hitting the sea elf, it can be said that every punch hit the flesh.

"Wait, wait."


"I think there should be some misunderstanding between us. I am willing to stop everything and resolve the misunderstanding with you."

Under Ruotu's fist, the sea elf no longer had the arrogant look he had before.

After finally getting some distance from Ruotu, he said this, but it had no effect.

Because Ruotu didn't intend to listen at all.

Before, he had the momentum to bury his Yaksha friends forever in the sea, but now that he kicked the three of them, he began to talk about letting go of everything. Is it all a misunderstanding?

Where in the world is there such a good thing!

Shut up!

Take my punch first!

Don't look at Ruotu at the bottom of the sea. Even at the bottom of the sea, his movement speed is not slow at all. This is the difference brought by strong strength.

The sea elf can't escape from Ruotu's palm at all.

Being stuck by Ruotu, punching his body one after another.

Although this fist does not cover any elemental power, the power it contains is not low at all.

You should know that before this, when Ruo Tuo opened up his underground cave, he used this kind of brute force, which directly caused frequent earthquakes in the entire Tianheng Mountain area.

From this, we can see what kind of damage Ruo Tuo's fists will cause when they hit the body of the sea elf.

As expected.

Ruo Tuo and the sea elf, the almost one-sided battle, after several rounds, with the end of Ruo Tuo's last punch, it also means the end.

The sea elf has suffered tons of damage from Ruo Tuo, and its body composed of ocean essence has already appeared various tiny cracks, and these cracks are all over the body of the sea elf.

It is estimated that if the sea elf bears another punch from Ruo Tuo, it will be completely broken by Ruo Tuo.

Fortunately, Ruo Tuo stopped in advance, otherwise the clues would be broken here, which would be a bit troublesome.

"Lin Yu Morax, I've solved it here."

"Come over here quickly, ask whatever you want to ask, if it dares not to answer properly, I will punch it again."

Ruo Tuo shouted to Lin Yu and Morax who were watching the show on the other side.

The sea elf was beside Ruo Tuo, not daring to move.

If Ruo Tuo hit it again, it would disappear from this world forever.

It doesn't want to leave this world yet!

"Please tell us everything you know."

Lin Yu came to the front of the sea elf and said politely.

Even when dealing with enemies, he can have such a gentle attitude.

He is worthy of being the kindest demon among the three.

"Okay, okay..."

"I am a life created by my master, Lord Xiusilt, the Demon God of the Ocean, using the essence of the ocean and divine power. My duty is to protect this silent island."

Under Lin Yu's kind gaze, the sea elf began to reveal everything he knew.

Xiusilt, the Demon God of the Ocean?

Regarding Xiusilt, not to mention Lin Yu, even Morax had never heard of this name.

However, there are many demons in this world, and it is normal to have demons that have never been heard of.

But since he is the Demon God of the Ocean, he must have mastered the power of the ocean. A demon with such power should not be a weakling.

"Silent Island?"

"Are you talking about the island that sank here? This is just an ordinary island, why does it need you to protect it?"

Lin Yu asked further with some doubts.

He had already released his divine consciousness and explored all the surroundings of the seabed, including the island that sank under the seabed.

Apart from the large amount of water elemental power left on it, there was nothing else.Special place.

The person who could cause this situation must be the ocean demon Xiusert who has not yet appeared.

It should be him who sank such an island.

And Lin Yu's puzzlement is that since it may be the island destroyed by the ocean demon, why did the ocean demon create the sea elf to protect a place he once destroyed?

Doesn't he think that there is a great contradiction between destruction and protection?

Facing Lin Yu's question, the sea elf immediately answered under the equally kind gaze of Ruo Tuo.

"There used to be a village on this island, but because the island is in the ocean, that area of ​​the sea is relatively active, so it has been eroded by waves all year round."

"Until one day my master, the ocean demon Xiusert, came to the vicinity of this island and made this area of ​​the sea peaceful."

"And the master also gained the faith of everyone on the entire island."

"Until one day, a girl named Helia sat on the cliff and sang, and the ethereal voice she made attracted my master."

"When she faced my master, she was not as nervous as others, but And feel happy because of the master's praise. "

"The master thought he was very interesting and wanted to take him to live under the sea, but the girl shook her head and refused the master's invitation. She said she had to stay on the island to take care of her elderly mother. "

"The master who was rejected by the girl was not angry, but left a conch for the girl. "

"The master promised her that when she wanted to accept the invitation, she would blow the conch. "

"The whole sea will respond to the girl's invitation at that time."

The Sea of ​​​​Excellence tells a story between the Demon God of the Ocean and a mortal woman.

It sounds good, it seems to be a very beautiful story.

But why did the Demon God of the Ocean destroy the entire island with his own hands?

What happened here?

"It sounds interesting, what happened later?"

Lin Yu is a little curious about the story behind.

"The story goes on..."

"It should have been a good thing to get the promise from the Sea God, but the conversation between her and the Sea God was overheard by a child."

"The child was from the village chief's family. After returning home, the child told the story to his grandfather, who was the village chief of the island village."

"After the village chief learned about this, he felt that the girl was very ungrateful and dared not even refuse the invitation from the Sea God who had blessed them."

"What if the Sea God was angry with the whole village because of this and no longer protected the village?"

"Then the village chief kept Contact the girl, wanting her to accept the invitation of the Sea God and not to implicate the whole village. "

"The girl shook her head. She didn't think the Sea God would be angry because of this. She understood and appreciated the Sea God's generosity. "

"Until three months later, the tsunami still did not occur. People were sure that the Sea God was not angry about it, so they gradually stopped mentioning it. However, many people envied the girl for being favored by the Sea God. "

"This situation lasted for three years. "

"One day three years later, the Sea God fought with another demon god. People mistakenly regarded the tsunami caused by the battle as It was a punishment from the sea god that the sea god could no longer tolerate. "

"After that, the girl's story was constantly mentioned by people. People believed that it was because of the girl that the sea god brought down the punishment from God. People who lost their loved ones in this disaster attributed all the faults to the girl. "

"In a dispute, the girl's elderly mother was beaten to death in front of the girl in order to protect her from being captured by people. "

"At that moment, the girl almost lost her voice, and crystal tears slid down her cheeks. She lost all her strength and let people take her away. "

" In the claustrophobic room, the girl leaned against the cold wall and sat in the corner with her legs hugged. "

"She wondered why all the misfortunes of the incident fell on her? From the moment she was born, she, with blue pupils, was regarded as an alien in the eyes of the world. "

"She never had a real friend. After her father died, she could only depend on her mother. Even though there were many bad things in life, she still behaved very strong. "

"Whenever all kinds of emotions accumulated in her heart, she would go to the cliff of the island alone, looking at the waves below, emptying her heart and singing ethereal songs.Singing to soothe the emotions in her heart."

"Get yourself ready and move towards a new day."

"Until that day, she met the Sea God who protected the village, but she didn't like those high gods, because these gods would not become a beam of light, shining into her miserable life."

"But that day she changed her mind..."

"The rest of the story was as I said before. The girl thought about it in the dark room for a night, and she made the final choice in her life."

"That day the sun was shining, and the people in the village were full of smiles. They built an altar on the cliff, ready to push the girl from the cliff into the sea and offer her to the Sea God in order to seek his protection."

"The girl stood on the stage, and people shouted the word "go down" from the audience. ”

“The girl showed a last smile on her face, she blew the conch tied around her neck, and then she jumped off the cliff and entered the freezing cold sea water. ”

“Her body was wrapped in a ball of ocean essence, leaving her last tear in it, and then she left this world forever. ”

“Lord Poseidon arrived as promised, but he did not see the girl. Finally, Lord Poseidon found the girl's body in a ball of ocean essence emitting blue light at the bottom of the sea. ”

“The girl had been dead for a long time at this time. Even Lord Poseidon could not save the girl at this time. The ocean essence blended with the girl, which contained the girl's strongest emotions. Lord Poseidon learned the truth of the matter from it. ”

“The angry Lord Poseidon raised a huge wave hundreds of meters high, and slammed an entire island into the seabed. ”

“Later, Lord Poseidon created me with that ball of ocean essence, and I was responsible for guarding the girl's body here forever. "

"Until you broke in, and I was guarding because of my duty..."

The sea elf told everything he knew.

After listening, Lin Yu fell into silence.

He slowly typed a question mark.

He came to find the truth about the seafood crawling out of the ocean, but why did he eat a knife while looking for it?

Especially Ruo Tuo, who had beaten the sea elf before and beat it very happily, now fell into silence directly. Did he hit too hard?

"Behind the matter is such a sad past. For the girl, perhaps choosing to leave is a kind of relief."

Morax said after a long pause.

But it is a pity after all.

"Let's go, we should go back."

Lin Yu looked at Morax and Ruo Tuo and said.

Suddenly eating such a knife, Lin Yu's mood has begun to become a little depressed.

"Now that the situation has been found out, it is indeed time to leave. "

Morax said.

After listening to the story of the sea elf, Ruotu had given up the intention to kill the sea elf. Beating it to the point of near death was already a punishment.

Lin Yu came to Xiao's side and habitually reached out and touched Xiao's head.

"Let's go. "

Everyone left the seabed and came to the sea surface.

Above the sea, Lin Yu used the power of materialization again to open a space door, which led to the pavilion in the clouds.

Under Lin Yu's lead, everyone passed through the space door and returned to the pavilion in the clouds.

Only the sea elf with cracked body and confused face was left.

Leaving now?

It looked like it wanted to grind itself to ashes before...

Considering that they might turn back, the sea elf did not dare to stay here for long, dragging its cracked body back to the cave under the seabed.

There are many corals growing inside the cave, and huge scallops are placed on the colorful corals. A girl lies quietly inside the scallops.

The sea elf entangled on the scallops and then fell into a dormant state.

The body received the sea elf, and it needs to sleep for a long time to slowly repair its body.

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