=Looking at the boy showing such a firm look.

Lin Yu thought again that in the story told by Wendy in the future, the boy was shot by an arrow in the process of overthrowing the tyrant's rule with the revolutionary army and finally died in front of Wendy.

Now that I have come to Mond City at this time, if I don't do something.

That would be too meaningless.

But how to help the boy?

Looking at the boy's firm look, Lin Yu couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

He thought of something, and then his eyes suddenly lit up!

"What is this?!"

In the air in front of the boy, a white light was emitting light.

This light made people feel very soft, and it seemed that it would not cause any danger to them.

The boy just stared at the light curiously.

As an elf, Wendy also surrounded it and was looking at the power in the light, but it was destined to be unable to see anything.

About two or three seconds, the light gradually faded.

Then a square green stone wrapped in golden metal, with the mark of wind element on both sides, floated in front of the boy like a fine gem.

Yes, this was created by Lin Yu.

He created a wind element god's eye in Liyue, a wind element god's eye that was completely materialized by Lin Yu's materialization power.

Whether in terms of function or damage, it is much more powerful than the ordinary god's eye.

But using the Liyue-style god's eye to distribute it to people in Mondstadt, isn't this a kind of NTR?

Ahem, it's just Lin Yu's bad taste.

The boy looked at the exquisite and beautiful gem floating in front of him, and it seemed to have an inexplicable attraction to him.


After all, it was an unknown thing, and the Wind Elf wanted to stop it.

But before he finished speaking, the boy had already held the god's eye in his hand.

Then, a force of wind element burst out from the boy's body.

Both Hate and Wendy Elf were stunned at this moment.

"Xi, you, you, what happened to you just now?"

Hate said in shock.

If he saw it right, it seemed that a force of wind element burst out from the boy's body just now.

This force of wind element seemed to come from the boy!

But aren't the boys mortals like himself? How can they have the ability to drive the force of wind element?

Wendy Elf was also thinking about the same question as Hate.

Could it be the gem in the boy's hand?

After some thinking, both of them thought of the same thing.

"I, I don't know what's going on."

"It seems that this gem gave me power. I can feel a force of wind element flowing in my body."

"I seem to be able to control these wind elements."

As he said that, a small wind vortex composed of wind elements appeared at the fingertips of the boy.

The wind vortex flew out from the boy's fingertips and flew towards the hard stone wall on the side, and then the stone wall was blown out of a gap by the wind vortex.

After completing the test of the wind element power in his body, the boy looked at Lin Yu and Qing Yu again.

After he burst out the wind element power, both Hate and Wendy showed astonishment, but only Lin Yu and Qing Yu remained calm and there was no ripple.

In association with the previous things, the boy was a little suspicious. Is the source of this gem also because of Lin Yu's existence?

The boy couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

"Lin Yu, do you know what's going on?"

In the end, the boy couldn't bear the curiosity in his heart and asked Lin Yu a tentative question.

It's just that I don't know whether Lin Yu will answer this question.

Who knows that Lin Yu nodded directly.

He said: "To be honest, I have seen this thing in an ancient book."

"I have seen it in an ancient book?" The boy said puzzledly.

Qingyu said that as soon as Lin Yu opened his mouth, he knew that this must be Lin Yu's fabrication.

After all, he and Lin Yu both lived in the Yu Temple. Didn't he know whether Lin Yu had the habit of reading books?

After feeling the gazes from the boy, Hate and the Wendy Elf, Lin Yu began to continue to make up stories seriously.

"Yes, that's right."

"I saw it in an ancient book. This thing seems to be called the Eye of God."

"According to the book, it is said that when a person's desire is too strong, God willMing will cast a look at him, and then send down an Eye of God. "

"And the Eye of God is also called an external magic organ."

"People who own and wear the Eye of God will have the ability to mobilize the corresponding elements of the Eye of God."

This time Lin Yu really didn't make it up.

It's just that the distribution of the Eye of God is a matter after the seven rulers of the world are determined.

Listening to Lin Yu's serious explanation, the boy thought about Lin Yu's words seriously.

When a person's desire is too strong, the gods will cast a look at him?

God? The tyrant of the Demon God of the Fierce Wind?

No, as a tyrant, how could he give the Eye of God to a person who is about to rebel against him.

So this god must be someone else.

The boy looked at Lin Yu, and he had an answer in his mind that he was not sure of, but before Lin Yu clarified it, he couldn't continue to ask about this issue.

"So that's it! "

"Xi, you are so lucky to be noticed by the gods and get such an eye of God that can drive the wind element."

"With the help of the Eye of God, the possibility of our success in launching an uprising will increase!"

Hate said happily.

After Lin Yu's explanation, he also roughly understood the role of the Eye of God. This matter is undoubtedly a good thing for the Asuka Revolutionary Army, which is now in crisis!

"Now the leader has been taken away by the minions of the patrol team, and our Asuka Revolutionary Army is facing a situation where no one leads! We need someone to take on the identity of the leader of the revolutionary army and lead everyone to launch an uprising!"

"Xi, this person is you! "

Hate said excitedly.

The boy who possessed the Eye of God and could use the power of the wind element, and the leader of the Asuka Revolutionary Army, Gel, was also his uncle.

So it was perfect for the boy to lead the Asuka Revolutionary Army to start a wave of resistance!

There was no hesitation in the boy's eyes. He had already known the situation the Asuka Revolutionary Army was facing. If they did not start an uprising early, they would be liquidated by the nobles.

Although there was still a 50% probability, the man would not reveal further news about the Asuka Revolutionary Army.

But the boy knew that their own destiny could not be entrusted to others.

Since it was their own destiny, they should control it by themselves!

This was also the freedom he had always pursued in his heart!

Fly, fly.

Like a bird...

"I want to see the birds soaring."

Born in the wind wall, he had never seen the blue sky, hawks and green grass in his life.

"Friends, do you want to go with me? "

The young man looked at everyone, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

This trip is to start a rebellion, and he must be determined to die!

After all, what they need to fight is not only the nobles in the city and their minions, but also a demon god on the top of the tower, the demon god of the fierce wind, Diekarapian!

But even so, the young man did not have a trace of timidity in his heart.

As long as there is a possibility, it is worth risking our lives for our future.

"Okay! I will personally step on the nobles who have oppressed us one by one! I will never forget their faces and appearances in my life. "

Whenever he recalled what happened at that time, Hate gritted his teeth and clenched his fists, wishing that he could cut those nobles into pieces now!

"Although I can do very little, I want to go too!"

"We said that we would go to see the outside world together! "

The Wendy elf flew to the boy and said to him seriously.

"Yes, we will see the outside world."

A smile appeared on the boy's face, and at the same time, he couldn't help but feel a little warm in his heart.

This was the agreement between him and Wendy.

Then the boy looked at Lin Yu and Qing Yu.

Although he didn't know the true identities of Lin Yu and Qing Yu, one thing he could be sure of was that they were all his close friends.

The two of them had helped him a lot.

The boy was about to speak and ask Lin Yu and Qing Yu to stay and not participate in such dangerous activities.

But before that, Lin Yu spread his hands and said helplessly on his face.

"Since I have become friends with you, I have been involved in this fight anyway."

"So it doesn't matter, let's overthrow this old and corrupt city together!"

"Me too! "Qingyu seconded.

Lin Yu had already taken away the limelight, and Qingyu didn't know what to say for a moment.He echoed the words.

"Lin Yu... Qing Yu..."

"Thank you."

The young man looked around at everyone around him, and a faint tear flashed in his eyes.

But he was already the one who had to shoulder the entire Asuka Revolutionary Army, so he couldn't cry!


"Hait, you go to other garrisons immediately and pass on the message. According to the plan made before, the night is coming and the noble Taris's house is on fire, and we will raise our voice of resistance!"

The young man immediately gave the order.

"Okay! I'll notify them immediately!"

After Hait finished speaking, he immediately left here and rushed to other garrisons of the Asuka Revolutionary Army.

The Asuka Revolutionary Army had already formulated a series of plans before.

After the plan was formulated, the people of the Asuka Revolutionary Army have been working hard to complete the plan.

It's just that now that it has entered the final stage, it didn't expect that the leader of the Asuka Revolutionary Army, Gel, was captured because of the leak of the news.

So now the boy had to start these plans in advance.

Lin Yu did not ask about the plans mentioned by the boy.

After all, whether there is a plan or not has no effect on Lin Yu. Does he look like someone who needs those plans?

Or his words.

As long as he makes a slight move, it is already the limit of the entire Mondstadt area.

That year, I put my hands on my hips and didn't know what an opponent was.

With Lin Yu's current strength, there is no opponent who can match him in the Liyue area, not to mention Mondstadt, whose demon god strength is slightly weaker than that of the Liyue area.

The boy looked a little nervous, but he still arranged the details of each thing in an orderly manner.

Lin Yu and Qing Yu were not shrouded in such nervous emotions.

The two even sat on the ground and played Go with local materials.

Time always passes quickly.

After a while, Lin Yu felt that he had not won enough, and it was already evening. After a while, night fell.

As night fell, their uprising time would also come!

The boy was wearing a green ranger cloak, holding a bow and arrow secretly made by the Asuka Revolutionary Army, and a quiver on his back with more than 20 featherless stone arrows.

In the wind wall, even birds have never been seen, and feathers are impossible.

"Are we going to set off?"

Lin Yu patted the dust on his hands, stood up from the ground, and came to the boy and said.

The boy nodded: "Well, the time is almost up."

"We are about to launch the first action to burn the noble Taris House, thus opening the curtain of our Asuka Revolutionary Army!"

Speaking of the noble Taris House, the boy's eyes revealed a fierceness.

Because his parents and relatives died under the torture of the noble Taris House, this is also one of the reasons for using the burning of the noble Taris House as a signal.

As for the other reason, the House of Noble Taris is taller than ordinary buildings, and the smoke and flames from the fire are easier to see.

The boy and the Wendy Elf are ready to go.

At the same time, there are also 17 members of the Asuka Revolutionary Army located in this station!

Regardless of gender, they have now picked up their own weapons and become a glorious Asuka Revolutionary Army soldier!

"Let's go!"

The boy raised the long sword in his hand and said loudly!

Then a group of people broke up and disappeared in the alleys at night. They will share the flow of people through different alleys to reduce the possibility of being discovered and attracting attention.

Their ultimate goal is to go to the House of Noble Taris.

Soon after, Lin Yu and Qing Yu followed the boy and came to the House of Noble Taris, which was only separated from the House of Noble Taris by a wall.

The boy waited here for the others to gather.

After a while, everyone gathered quietly around the House of Noble Taris.


The young man shouted.

People raised the torches they had prepared in advance, took down the pottery covering the torches, and blew at the torches. Suddenly, the torches made of special materials were rekindled and burned with a raging fire.

Then people threw torches into the noble Taris's house.

The nobles of this era liked to buy a lot of wooden furniture at home. In this city where wood resources were scarce, the nobles could make furniture with wood.

It was luxurious and a symbol of status.

But it was also their death warrant. When the torchWhen it came across wooden furniture, and the boy used the wind element to fan the flames, the fire started.

Soon the flames spread instantly!

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