When the Asuka Revolutionary Army standing outside the door saw Wendy coming out of the palace, they thought of the huge movement before.

They cheered immediately!

"We won! We won!"

"Hahaha, father, did you see that? We overthrew the rule of the tyrant! We overthrew the oppression of the nobles!"

Suddenly, amazing cheers broke out on the tower.

All the people involved were cheering for it!

Everyone cheered, celebrating their victory and the end of the tyrant's rule.

Wendy stood quietly aside, looking at Mondstadt, his heart full of complicated emotions.

He knew that he had now merged the power of the Fierce Wind Demon and became the new god of the city of Mondstadt, responsible for leading the future of the city.

But all this came too suddenly, he had no time to think, no time to prepare.

Wendy recalled all the memories with the boy.... But now, the boy is gone, and his mission fell on Wendy's shoulders.

Yes, we won.

But without the victory witnessed by the young man, it always felt like something was missing.

Wendy had a lot of thoughts in his mind at this moment, but in the end he made up his mind. He wanted to create the ideal Mond country of the young man with his own hands.

He raised his head and looked into the distance, with a firm determination in his heart.

Thousand winds surrounded Wendy. He glowed with the light of wind elements, slowly rising from the tower, and finally came to the sky above Mond City.

The light that appeared in the sky directly attracted the attention of all the people in Mond City.

People looked up and looked at the light in the sky.

Then Wendy's resounding voice resounded in the sky and was transmitted to every household in Mond City.

"I, Barbatos, the Thousand Winds Demon, now officially take over Mondstadt."

"From now on, you don't need to fear the gods, and you don't need to kneel to the nobles."

"All the injustices and sins of the past will be settled!"

"Fight for freedom, live for freedom, and birds will never be bound by the wind wall!"

The glory of Barbatos, the Thousand Winds Demon, shines on everyone in Mondstadt.

The citizens of Mondstadt took to the streets, bathing in the glory of the Thousand Winds Demon, and everyone smiled sincerely.

Of course, not all Mondstadt citizens will feel happy about this.

After all, there are still some nobles and their minions who have not been settled yet. They hide in their rooms and dare not show up, for fear that they will be torn into pieces by the Mondstadt people they once oppressed.

They want to escape but can't, after all, there is a wind wall, and forcing through the wind wall will only be torn by the strong wind.

A deep sense of powerlessness suddenly enveloped all of them.

Only now have they begun to reflect on their actions and confess their past to God.

But it was too late.

The Mond people who were killed by them would not be able to return to the past just because of a few words of confession from their mouths.

"Did everyone hear it? The order of the Lord of the Thousand Winds!"

"Catch all those nobles and their minions, we will use the trial to cleanse them of the sins they have stained on them!!"

Hait stood in the crowd of the Asuka Revolutionary Army and shouted loudly.

Then a group of Asuka Revolutionary Army responded one after another, holding weapons and walking down from the tower in indignation.

Start the cleanup from the central area, violently break the doors of the nobles, and then drag the nobles inside like pigs and dogs, tie them up with ropes and string them together.

The end of the Mond nobles has officially arrived.

On the other side, after Wendy declared his sovereignty in the sky, he returned to the tower again.

"Pa pa pa pa"

"Excellent speech, you look like you will become a good god."

"Maybe you can get the only place in the Seven Worldly Rulers in this area."

Just when Wendy was standing on the high tower, looking at the scene in Mondstadt at this time, he felt a little melancholy and was thinking about something.

Lin Yu, who suddenly withdrew his low-impact stance, flashed in front of Wendy at this time.

Wendy was frightened by the sudden appearance of Lin Yu and staggered.

Then he looked closely and said that the voice sounded familiar. It turned out that the owner of the voice was Lin Yu.

Because of the lack of low-impact stance, Wendy, who had become a high-level demon god, immediately felt the powerful aura exuded by Lin Yu.

"You, you are Lin, Lin Yu?"

After Wendy stabilized his body, he came back to his senses and asked Lin Yu in disbelief."Yes, it's the real deal, he is Lin Yu!"

Just when Lin Yu was about to introduce himself, Qingyu's voice suddenly came from behind, and then Qingyu walked towards the two of them.

Wendy turned around and saw that it was true.

The original clothes of the lower class people in Mond had long disappeared, and Qingyu was wearing a green dress.

"You, who are you? Who are you?"

Wendy was now a little unsure of the intentions of Lin Yu and Qingyu.

As early as when they got along before, Wendy actually suspected the identities of the two, but he never thought about it.

The aura that Lin Yu showed now was even stronger than that of the Fierce Wind Demon God.

He couldn't understand why such a powerful demon god, who was enough to crush the Fierce Wind Demon God, had to disguise himself and integrate into Mond City.

"My name is the Demon God Zennos, hello, Wendy."

"I didn't expect that the little wind elf has now grown into a high-level demon god."

Lin Yu introduced himself.

This is also the first time he introduced himself to Wendy as a demon god.

After hearing Lin Yu's words, Wendy fell into deep thought.

He said: "Compared to having such growth, I would rather be with the boy."

"It is a pity for the boy to die."

"If the boy who yearns for freedom can witness everything now, I wonder what kind of brilliant smile will appear on his face."

Lin Yu said.

.....Wendy fell into deep thought again. He now knows Lin Yu's strength and identity.

If it was at that time, with Lin Yu's powerful strength, he should be able to save the boy, right? But...he just watched from the side and did not choose to lend a helping hand to the boy.

Clearly, he had secretly lent a helping hand several times before, why did he choose to watch coldly at the last moment?

Obviously, the two of them got along so well before. Was it all Lin Yu's acting just to fit in with Mond City?

If that was the case, Wendy felt as if her heart was pierced by an ice needle, extremely cold and chilly.

"But he can't see it anymore."

"Why didn't you choose to treat the boy before he died?"

Wendy finally asked this question. He wanted to know what Lin Yu was thinking.

Aren't we friends? Why choose to watch coldly? If Lin Yu didn't have true feelings in it, then this behavior would be deception, which would be too bad.

Playing with the boy's emotions like a toy.

"At that time, I did have the ability to cure the boy, and it was just a matter of waving my hand for me."

"But compared to treatment, I have a better way."

Lin Yu smiled and looked at Wendy and said.

A better way?

But now the boy is dead, where is the better way? Can Lin Yu bring the dead boy back to life?

Even a high-level demon god can't do this, right?

"Better way? What way?"

Wendy is very confused now. He doesn't know what the better way Lin Yu is talking about.

Lin Yu snapped his fingers, and then the boy's body floated in front of Wendy, and then the boy's body was wrapped by the white materialization force.

Then the wounds on the boy's body began to heal, and under the effect of the materialization force, the body gradually transformed from a human body to an immortal body.

Now Wendy is using the boy's appearance, so in order to avoid the situation of two Wendy, Lin Yu decided to make some subtle changes to the boy's body that was being shaped.

After thinking about it, Lin Yu decided to change the boy's green eye color to blue-green.

In this way, they can distinguish between the two.

After the light flashed, a brand new boy's body appeared in front of the two.

"Then, it's time to inject soul into this body."

Lin Yu said something that shocked Wendy in a very calm tone.

Inject soul into this body?

Yes, it should be what I thought, right?

Doesn't that mean Lin Yu can really do it and bring people back to life?

A white light flew out from Lin Yu's fingertips, and this white light flew into the boy's forehead.

In the light was the boy's soul that Lin Yu had saved in advance.

Just like the boy's soul, under the power of Lin Yu's soul, it was perfectly integrated into this new body.

"Okay, the soul transplant operation was successful."

Lin Yu snapped his fingers and said.

After Lin Yu's words, Wendy was beside the boy, watching any movement on his body.

He felt the boy's rising and falling breathing.

Then the boy seemed to have been sleeping in a dream for a long time, and woke up from the dream half asleep and half awake.

What he saw was his own appearance.


The boy suddenly woke up, broke free from Wendy's arms, and ran behind Lin Yu with his hands and feet dancing.

Then he felt that something was wrong with Lin Yu. The Lin Yu in his memory should not be like this.

Except for the slightly similar face and body shape, the temperament is completely different!

Is this the legendary afterlife?

"I... I am Wendy!"

"You are Wendy? Impossible, how can you be Wendy? Wendy doesn't look like me!"

How could he, such a cute wind elf, become like himself?

"Hey, Lin Yu and Qing Yu, stop standing there and watch. Come and help me explain."

Faced with the boy's question, Wendy seemed a little at a loss. Originally, she used the boy's image to complete the various promises they had made with the boy in this way.

But now the boy is not dead.

He now feels embarrassed as if he was caught wearing someone else's clothes.

He almost dug out a five-bedroom apartment with his feet.

Lin Yu also wanted to laugh, but he held back.

He wanted to ask, Wendy, why are you wearing Pinru's clothes?

"This is what happened..."

Lin Yu began to slowly tell the story, including Lin Yu and Qing Yu's trip to the snowfield, the boy's death under the arrow of the noble, and then Wendy's transformation to obtain the status of a demon god.

Finally, he climbed the tower with the girl Amos. The girl Amos used her death to awaken the stubborn Fierce Wind Demon God. The Fierce Wind Demon God realized his mistake. After a series of mental struggles, he finally decided to abdicate to Wendy.

"So, now Wendy is no longer the little wind elf in the past, but a real upper demon god?"

"But how did you resurrect me?"

Even Wendy, who has become an upper demon god, has no ability to resurrect himself.

But Lin Yu did it, and at the same time gave himself a powerful body.

This kind of thing is like a dream, which makes people feel a little too unreal.

Lin Yu did not speak, but looked at Qingyu.

Qingyu, who felt Lin Yu's gaze, immediately understood what Lin Yu meant, and then immediately did what he should do as a younger brother.

"My good buddy Lin Yu is the Demon God of embodiment and the Demon God of soul at the same time. He has also been awarded titles such as the God of the Sun, the God of Architecture, and the God of Food."

"He once faced twelve demon gods alone and killed all of them with just one move."

"My good buddy Lin Yu can revive the dead Xi. Isn't this a piece of cake?"

Qing Yu has completely learned the qualities of being Lin Yu's younger brother.

Not bad, not bad.

Lin Yu was very satisfied with Qing Yu's introduction.

The young Xi opened his mouth slightly and was particularly shocked.

Face twelve demon gods? Killing all of them with just one move, he couldn't imagine what kind of picture that was.

Wendy was also very shocked. Perhaps this was the difference between demon gods?

With the strength of the upper demon god he had just obtained, he thought he could not do such a shocking thing.

"Thank you, Lin Yu."

The young man sincerely thanked Lin Yu.

Lin Yu smiled and said, "You're welcome. After all, you are my friend. How can I watch my friend die without any reaction?"

After seeing this scene, Wendy felt a little guilty. He had been looking down on Lin Yu in his heart before, thinking that he did not take the friendship between him and the young man seriously, and that everything he showed was just a disguise of Lin Yu.

Fortunately, he only looked down on him in his heart and did not show it directly.

Otherwise, he would not know how to end it now.

"Well, there are still many days to come, and the thing we have the most is time."

"So now, let's go and fulfill the promise together!"

"Those nobles who have committed many crimes are still waiting for trial."

Lin Yu said.

The Asuka Revolutionary Army, which just won, is now like a wild horse out of control because of the joy of victory. If we don't watch them carefully, it may make the already chaotic Mondstadt even more chaotic.

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