Qingyu stood aside and everyone was dumbfounded.

Then Wendy came to Lin Yu, squatted down, hugged Lin Yu's thigh and started crying?

He thought that he was already very shameless for eating Lin Yu, using Lin Yu's, living in Lin Yu, drinking Lin Yu's, and spending Lin Yu's money.

But now after seeing Wendy, Qingyu felt that what he had done before seemed a little unsurprising.

"Hey, hey, hey, what are you doing?"

No matter how Lin Yu swung his right leg, Wendy's hand seemed to have super glue, and he just wouldn't get down no matter what.

It's just like a turtle eating a weight, and he's determined!

After a lot of tossing, Lin Yu's face was full of helplessness.

In the end, Lin Yu compromised with Wendy.

"Let go of your hand first, and then get up."

"Otherwise I won't help you."

Lin Yu said.

After hearing Lin Yu's words, Wendy smiled awkwardly and stood up straight.

"I, I've let go."

"That, Master Lin Yu! You can't just leave me alone!"

Wendy looked at Lin Yu pitifully and said.

Master Lin Yu? What the hell, how did the modern word "master" come out of your mouth, Barbatos? Are you one too?

"What do you mean by Master Lin Yu?" Lin Yu asked in confusion.

Wendy said shamelessly: "Hehe, you see a powerful demon god like you, I, the Demon God of Thousand Winds, am so weak next to you, so I can only be regarded as a small god in front of you, and you are a great god!"


Lin Yu was speechless for a while, it seems that he still underestimated the shamelessness of Wendy.

"Uh... OK."

"Then I'll give you a night light."

After saying that, Lin Yu took out a night light from his space.

Wendy, who took the night light, smiled and quickly put it away, fearing that Lin Yu would regret it.

In just one day, Lin Yu spent two night lights on Wendy.

Lin Yu remembered this account!

In the future, he must make this guy pay back! ! ! !

"Okay, the night light is also given to you, so you don't have to worry about it, right?"

"So do whatever you want."

"Qingyu, let's go!"

After giving this night light to Wendy, Lin Yu decisively chose to run away.

He was afraid that if he continued to stay with Wendy, another night light might fly from Lin Yu's space into Wendy's hands.


"I knew you were the best! Thank you, Master Lin Yu!"

"Go slowly, Master!"

Seeing Lin Yu leaving with Qing Yu, Wendy immediately waved goodbye. Although Lin Yu did not look back at him during the whole process, Wendy's face was still very enthusiastic.

The young Xi, who witnessed the whole process of Wendy throwing a tantrum at Lin Yu, now looked a little stiff.

He really was still not used to Wendy doing these things in his own way.

He was almost embarrassed to death now, and he wished he could find a crack in the ground to crawl into at this moment.

Fortunately, the current position they were in could not be seen from the wind wall, otherwise if the Mond people saw their gods throwing a tantrum, he would really be embarrassed to death!



After hearing the young Xi's gnashing voice, Wendy turned his head and looked at him with some confusion.

"What's wrong? Are you feeling unwell?" Wendy blinked innocently.

"How dare you ask? Can you not use my appearance to do such weird things?"

"Also, don't you have your own body?"

The young Xi couldn't help it.

Wendy lowered her head... a trace of sadness flashed in her eyes.

"Did I... did I embarrass you? I'm so sorry..."

"It seems that even if I become a demon god, I am still a wind elf who can't do anything well..."

"I won't use your appearance, you... don't be angry."

Faced with Wendy's true feelings, the young Xi didn't know what to do for a moment.

Were the words he just said to Wendy a little too heavy and too much?

Wendy was just a wind elf before, but now he suddenly needs to take on the heavy responsibility of being a god...

The young Xi felt a little guilty.

"No, no."

"I don't think you can't do anything right, it's just that you use me...ah! Forget it, forget it, use me as you like.""I have no objection!"

The sad Wendy returned to his previous state under the comfort and promise of the young Xi.

As for whether Wendy was expressing his true feelings or pretending to be like this, it is unknown.

After more than a month, Lin Yu and Qing Yu returned to the Pavilion in the Clouds.

There was a formation operating on the Pavilion in the Clouds, and even if it was affected by the aftermath of the explosion of the night light, it was not affected at all.

Sitting in the Pavilion in the Clouds, Lin Yu rarely poured himself a cup of tea.

I have been in Mond for a while, maybe it's time to return to Liyue, but I don't know if the stone Morax misses me.

But Lin Yu thinks it won't happen. After all, he was in seclusion for a hundred years before, and now it's only two months at most. This time is just a snap of the fingers for the demon god.

After being comforted by the young Xi, Wendy cheered up again.

He was flying in the sky, looking at the white snowfield in the distance, and his braids burst out with green light.

Then the wind element power in this world was all affected by Wendy.

He wanted to raise a very strong gale to completely blow away the snow on this land.

Suddenly, the world was surging, and the wind swept away the thick snow on the ground, blowing far away until it entered the sea.

This is a big project, after all, the land area of ​​Mond is not small.

It always takes some time for Wendy to complete this big project.

About three days later, Wendy completed the work of blowing away the snow.

After blowing away the snow, Wendy and the young Xi came to the Pavilion in the Clouds where Lin Yu was. This was the first time Wendy climbed Lin Yu's Pavilion in the Clouds.

He and the young Xi were very curious and surprised about the Pavilion in the Clouds.

Finally, he wanted to repeat his old tricks and pestered Lin Yu to help him build a palace on the clouds.

"Is it okay? Is it okay? Is it okay?"

Wendy began to repeat his old tricks.

Lin Yu first stretched his muscles, then looked at Wendy very kindly and said.

"How about this."

"Look, if you can beat me in the competition, I will give you this pavilion in the clouds, how about it?"

"But this competition, of course, requires a life and death contract."

"I will not be responsible for any injuries or deaths."

Lin Yu has gradually understood why Morax later punched Wendy back to Mond.

This guy really deserves a beating!

Wendy smiled embarrassedly, and then immediately put away his little moves.

He saw from Lin Yu's eyes that Lin Yu seemed to really want to beat him up at this time! He still has some self-knowledge, and he will only be beaten if he fights with Lin Yu.

So after confirming this, Wendy immediately chose to admit defeat.

"No, no, no, I'm wrong, I'm wrong."

"You'd better really know that you're wrong, otherwise I can't guarantee that the night light in your hand will explode suddenly."

Lin Yu took a sip of Coke and glanced at Wendy who was admitting his mistake.

Huh? Wendy slowly typed a question mark.

That night light, it turned out that it could be controlled by Lin Yu and explode? But Wendy was not afraid, he believed that Lin Yu would not detonate this night light.

After all, Lin Yu was his friend!

"Did you blow away the snowstorm?"

"Don't say, after the snowstorm dispersed, the temperature in this world did rise a lot, but the ground was still bare and a bit ugly."

"So what are you going to do next?"

Lin Yu looked at Wendy and asked.

Since Wendy started to use the wind to blow away the snow, the temperature of the entire Mond area has begun to rise. Lin Yu didn't know what the principle was, but it rose anyway.

The original temperature was about 30 to 40 degrees below zero, and now after Wendy blew away the snow, the temperature has risen significantly. Although it is still a bit cold now, it has at least reached zero.

In other words, the people of Mond can really walk out of the wind wall without fear of frost and cold.

When Lin Yu asked what to do next, Wendy had already had some ideas in his heart.

Most of the landforms in the Mond area are mountains, and there is not even a flat terrain, let alone a vast plain.

This is completely different from what Wendy thought!

Moreover, this kind of mountainous terrain is also a huge challenge for the people of Mond. It is difficult to build a new city, not to mention the transportation problems in the future.So Wendy will start to solve this problem next.

His solution is very simple, and it comes from a sigh that the boy Xi said beside him at that time.

It would be great if the wind could flatten all these mountains.

It was just a casual sigh from the boy, but Wendy took it seriously. After some serious thinking, he felt that this method seemed to be feasible.

He could flatten all those mountains with a huge wind blade, and then use the wind to blow away the cut mountains.

All of them were added to the land reclamation project. If by chance, they might even be able to pile up a few small islands in the sea.


"I plan to use the wind to flatten all those extra mountains!"

Wendy said very seriously.

Huh? The boy next to Wendy was stunned after hearing what Wendy said.

Who knew that he was just saying it casually at the time, but he didn't expect that Wendy would listen to it directly. Now it seems that he still wants to take practical action.

He poked Wendy's waist and whispered beside Wendy's ear.

"Hey Wendy, you just used the wind to blow away the snow, and then you have to use the wind to flatten the mountains. Will this be too much for you?"

Xi said with some concern.

Wendy waved her hand indifferently.

"Don't worry, it's okay. I used my own strength to flatten the mountains. Don't I know myself?"

"Besides, even if my strength is overdrawn, don't I still have the night light given by Lin Yu?"

"Then we are not in a hurry. Can't we come back after your strength recovers a little?" The young Xi asked in confusion.

Wendy smiled and said, "A dozen years may be just a blink of an eye or a breath for us, but for Mond people, it may be a lifetime for some people."

"In order for them to truly embrace freedom as soon as possible, I just consumed some strength, so what?"

He used the wind to blow away the snow and wind in Mond, and naturally knew how much strength he had consumed. According to the speed of strength recovery, Wendy estimated that it would take more than a decade to recover the strength he had consumed, and it would not be able to make up for this part of the vacancy.

For the Mond people in Mond City, a dozen years in this era may be a lifetime for some Mond people.

This time is nothing to the demons and immortals.

They have obviously overthrown the rule of the Fierce Wind Monarch and defeated the nobles who oppressed them. They will soon be able to break free from the shackles of the wind wall and go to the outside world.

So Wendy hopes that this day will come sooner.

After listening to Wendy's words, the young Xi fell into a brief silence.

It turns out that the little wind elf has now begun to shoulder his own responsibilities and has taken a real step towards becoming a god.

"Okay, I support you."

"But you have to take care of yourself, don't overdraw your strength and damage your body."

"Do you understand? Wendy."

The young man asked with concern.

Lin Yu rarely saw Wendy being so serious. Before this, he wanted to pester him to get the Cloud Palace from him.

Now he is actually thinking about the Mond people.

It's really rare.

So I will help Wendy again.

Thinking of this, Lin Yu took out a night light from his space, and then started a reversal. Then the night light was transformed into the materialized power of white light.

Under Lin Yu's control, these materialized powers were materialized into the purest wind element power.

"Go on, don't thank me."

Then this wisp of wind element power contained in a night light flew towards Wendy under Lin Yu's control.

It sank into Wendy's body.

Wendy immediately felt the power in her body growing wildly!

Soon, part of the power lost by the wind and snow was replenished.

It must be said that the energy of Lin Yu's night light is really powerful.

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