Lin Yu waved his hand and said, "Okay, okay, don't call me if you don't want to."

"Speaking of little Ganyu, how come you are in Liyue Port? Aren't you usually with Liuyun and the others?"

"...I took the initiative to propose it. I have to be protected by the Emperor, Lord Yushen, and I also want to contribute my own strength to Liyue." Ganyu said with his head down.

Contribute your own strength to Liyue?

Yes, you are really a good child.

Lin Yu nodded.

Then asked: "Then how do you plan to contribute your own strength to Liyue?"

"After the master informed the Emperor of this matter, the Emperor agreed to my request and arranged me to the Yujingtai of Liyue, becoming the general secretary of the Liyue Seven Stars, responsible for helping the Liyue Seven Stars properly handle various government affairs and documents related to Liyue." Ganyu said.

Lin Yu asked: "Oh! So that's how it is. What do you think of this job?"

"...I'm not used to handling those government documents now, but I believe I will be fully competent in the future!" Ganyu said seriously.

Looking at Ganyu's serious look, Lin Yu really couldn't bear to interrupt her.

But when he thought that she would be piled up with documents day and night for thousands of years in the future.

It's scary to think about dealing with those government documents of Liyue for thousands of years.

I really don't know how Ganyu persisted.

If it were him, Lin Yu, it would probably take less than an hour to look at the pile of documents on his desk. Lin Yu might have to directly materialize a shredder and throw all the documents into it!

Lin Yu reached out and touched Ganyu's horn, and Ganyu's horn was not made of keratin, it was an active biological tissue, in other words, it had a sense of touch.

So when Lin Yu touched her so unexpectedly, Gan Yu couldn't help but tremble.

Then she blushed and pleaded: "Yu, Lord Yushen! Please, please don't touch my horns..."

"Oh, I know, I know." Lin Yu smiled and pretended to be calm.

Ahem, he dares to do it next time!

In fact, he had wanted to do this a long time ago, but it was a pity that at that time, Lin Yu was powerless even if he wanted to.

Now it's good, finally tried it.

As for the feeling, there is no special feeling, that is, the feeling of touching the horns when touching the horns.

Lin Yu changed the subject and said: "How long do you usually work continuously? Now that Liyue is just created, there should be a lot of files that need to be processed, right?"

Regarding this question, Gan Yu needs to think carefully.

After all, she is a half-immortal beast of Qilin and human, even if she is half-immortal, she is not comparable to humans, so she is not very sensitive to the passage of time.

"Well... I'm sorry, Master Yushen. Actually, I'm not sure how long I usually work continuously. I only lie on the table to rest for a while when I feel too sleepy, and then continue to work."

"But roughly... it should be about seven or eight days."

"Master Yushen, is there any problem? Is my work not done carefully enough? Is there anything that needs to be improved?"

Ganyu looked at Lin Yu and said.

..... After listening to Ganyu's words, Lin Yu fell into deep thought for a short time.

He kept working until he was exhausted, then took a short break for a while, and then immediately continued to work?

How can he say this... This is really in line with Ganyu's living habits.

But this habit is obviously abnormal and unhealthy. Although he is a half-immortal, even if he is an immortal, he doesn't work as hard as she does!

"There is a problem! A big problem! And it's not just a problem, there are also big problems!" Lin Yu immediately shouted to Ganyu!

Ah? !

There is something wrong with her work... but where exactly is the problem?

Why didn't I find it before? Now that Lord Yushen pointed it out to me, I feel ashamed.

Then Ganyu lowered her head, not daring to look directly at Lin Yu's eyes.

"Please, Lord Yushen, which links of the work are problematic? If you point it out, I will definitely correct it." Ganyu said in a small voice.

Looking at Ganyu's appearance, those who don't know would think that he, Lord Yushen, bullied her.

Forget it, Lin Yu stopped keeping the secret.

Directly pointed out the problemThe problem lies in the work time.

"Of course, there is a problem with the working hours."

"How can you work for seven or eight days in a row? This is not right!"

Lin Yu said.

Ah? !

Is this... is this her problem?

Gan Yu couldn't quite understand...

She explained: "Yes, it's because there are too many documents piled up in Liyue, and all these documents need to be processed in the near future. If they are not processed in the first time, many links in Liyue will have problems because of this."

"Then you can't work for seven or eight days in a row." Lin Yu waved his hand. He didn't want to listen to these unnecessary explanations.

Then Lin Yu waved in the direction of Morax.

"Morax! Come here!"

After hearing Lin Yu's call, Morax first turned around and looked at Lin Yu, and then simply instructed the Liyue Seven Stars.

Then he walked towards Lin Yu.


Seeing Morax coming, Gan Yu greeted him.

Morax nodded slightly, then asked Lin Yu.

"What's wrong?"

Lin Yu glanced at Morax and said, "You still ask me what's wrong? Look at Ganyu. She is willing to help Liyue develop, but you let her work for seven or eight days in a row."

"Every day, she is either processing various documents or processing various documents. There is no personal rest space at all. Even if it is a mechanical creation, it needs to recharge and rest!"


I thought Lin Yu had something to do, but I didn't expect that after I came over, I was directly scolded by Lin Yu.

Then Morax frowned.

He thought about it carefully. He arranged Ganyu as the general secretary of Liyue Seven Stars, but he didn't let Ganyu work for seven or eight days in a row?

And guess why Ganyu's position is the general secretary of Liyue Seven Stars, not an ordinary secretary.

As the general secretary, there is naturally a group of secretaries below.

All you need to do is arrange all the things properly, and then assist and monitor the work of the Seven Stars of Liyue.

How can such an easy job last for seven or eight days?

Morax was puzzled.

"As the general secretary of the Seven Stars of Liyue, you shouldn't be so busy, so you took on part of the work of the secretarial team?" Then he could only ask Ganyu.

"...Yes, Emperor, every time I sit in my seat, I see people working hard to sort out documents, while I seem to be very relaxed... I also want to use my own strength to help Liyue..."

"So I also participated in it. I was not very skilled at the beginning, but later the efficiency of document processing in the entire Liyue was effectively improved, otherwise some less important documents might be piled up for a month."

It can be seen that Ganyu is really devoted to it.

After the secretarial group had Ganyu, a model worker of the century, the efficiency of document processing in the entire Liyue Kingdom has been greatly improved. The documents that might have been accumulated for a month were all handled in about seven or eight days.

However, this kind of documents cannot be processed completely. After processing a batch of documents, there will always be new documents delivered.

It is obviously not advisable to put the efficiency on Ganyu.

If the efficiency is low, then optimize the administrative structure of Liyue or increase the number of secretarial groups.

This can also improve the efficiency of document processing and will not waste Ganyu so much.

"So that's the case... But this is too hard. If I were to do this kind of work, I might not be able to bear it for a day." Qingyu said.

He tried to put himself into Ganyu's perspective, and finally shook his head! He really couldn't do this kind of thing!

Morax nodded.

"I can understand your desire to help Liyue, but it is obviously not advisable to devote more than half of your time to work." Morax said.

Lin Yu said: "Yeah, Morax is right. Ganyu has helped Liyue by becoming the general secretary of Liyue. There is no need to devote all her time to dealing with those boring documents."

"Those kinds of things are only done by those old antiques who don't understand romance and the fun of life!"

"The world is wonderful. You might as well stop and take a look at the wonderful things in this world after work. I believe you will definitely gain something!"

Lin Yu began to instill some Lin Yu-branded life philosophy into Ganyu.

And when he heard the old man in Lin Yu's words,When looking at antiques, Morax couldn't help but think of the word Lin Yu used to call him.

Is he a person who doesn't understand romance and doesn't understand the fun of life?

Morax couldn't help but slowly typed a question mark.

"Emperor... Lord Yushen, I understand." Ganyu nodded.

It seems that she has listened to what Lin Yu and Morax said.

However, Lin Yu felt that it was still not safe. After all, with Ganyu's personality, she might start working like this again one day.

We have to think of a way...

! ! Lin Yu's eyes lit up, and he thought of a good way.

That is to let Ganyu take out an hour every day to take care of the sea of ​​flowers in the clouds for him.

The scenery of the sea of ​​flowers in the clouds is so beautiful that Ganyu can relieve his tired mind here after working for a long time.

Then... there are also things like Qingxin in the sea of ​​flowers.

If you are hungry, you can have a good meal in the sea of ​​flowers.

Anyway, since the last seafood feast in the Sea of ​​Flowers in the Clouds, when Ganyu almost ate all of Lin Yu's Sea of ​​Flowers in the Clouds, Lin Yu has transformed the Sea of ​​Flowers in the Clouds.

Three crystals of night lights have been installed inside the Sea of ​​Flowers in the Clouds.

Every other day, the Sea of ​​Flowers in the Clouds will conduct a self-check. When it detects that the number of flowers in the Sea of ​​Flowers in the Clouds does not match.

The device will activate the power of embodiment in the crystals, and then replenish the missing flowers according to a special guidance template.

This will ensure the eternity of the Sea of ​​Flowers in the Clouds.

Three crystals of night lights, even if Ganyu eats and eats in the Sea of ​​Flowers in the Clouds every day! Eat like crazy! That will be enough for her to eat for thousands of years.

So this is really a good idea!

That's it!

"In that case, I'll give Ganyu a new task. I wonder if Ganyu is willing to do things for me?" Lin Yu smiled and looked at Ganyu and said.

Ganyu nodded quickly. She was very willing to do the task that Lord Yushen had given her.

"Lord Yushen, what task do you need Ganyu for? Ganyu will definitely work hard!" Ganyu said seriously.

Lin Yu nodded. He really had to work hard!

Then go to the sea of ​​flowers in the clouds and eat!

After all, those flowers have no nutrition. Eating too much should not make you fat, and Ganyu does not have to worry about her figure.

As for the taste of flowers? Probably fragrant and sweet.

Lin Yu hugged his hands in front of his chest and looked at Ganyu and said seriously.

"I need you to take an hour every day to go to my sea of ​​flowers in the clouds and take good care of those flowers."

"After all, as the God of Feathers, I need to take care of all kinds of affairs in Liyue. In other words, I am too busy and can't spare time to manage the sea of ​​flowers in the clouds, so I can only trouble you, Ganyu!"

..... Too busy?

Ganyu was still too naive, and now she had a filter for Lord Yushen, so she didn't doubt the truth of Lin Yu's words.

And Morax was about to slowly type a big question mark again.

Are you sure that you are really too busy to spare time because of the various affairs of Liyue?

Are you really sure?

After hearing Lin Yu's words, Qingyu nodded in agreement.

It was indeed very busy. They were in Mondstadt during that time, wasn't it busy?

"Take care of the sea of ​​flowers in the clouds? I know!"

"Lord Yushen, I will definitely take good care of the sea of ​​flowers in the clouds!"

Ganyu said seriously.

When she was with Master Liuyun Jiefeng, every time she couldn't find a topic, Master Liuyun Jiefeng would tell her all kinds of embarrassing stories about her childhood.

Among them were embarrassing stories about the sea of ​​flowers in the clouds.

During a seafood feast held in the sea of ​​flowers in the clouds, I couldn't resist the temptation of the fragrance of the flowers at that time, and rolled around in the sea of ​​flowers and almost ate all of them.

After learning about this, Lord Yushen didn't care and just waved his hand, and the sea of ​​flowers in the clouds returned to its previous appearance.

But now thinking back to those embarrassing things, Ganyu felt a little embarrassed...

Now I have grown up!

She will definitely be able to protect the sea of ​​flowers in the clouds, and will never steal flowers because she can't help it! !

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