Under the instruction of Sword Demon God Qingxu, Lin Yu quickly learned some understanding about the sword.

Only after truly understanding it, he realized how simple his understanding of the sword was before.

As Sword Demon God Qingxu said, only after knowing the sword can you learn to use the sword.

And the highest realm of using the sword is the unity of man and man.

Since the birth of Sword Demon God, he has achieved this.

Why? Could it be that Sword Demon God Qingxu's comprehension is so high?

Hahaha, that's because the body of the Sword Demon God is the Qingxu Sword~

In the next month, Lin Yu has been traveling back and forth between Qingxupu and Liyue, following Sword Demon God Qingxu to learn kendo.

Every day, he would bring two bottles of Moutai to Qingxu as his tuition.

Qingxu taught very carefully, and it can basically be said that he was teaching hand in hand. Lin Yu didn't actually understand much about kendo.

Qingxu would patiently help explain many things that he didn't understand.

Learning is a long process.

In his spare time, Lin Yu found Morax and prepared to talk to Morax about the development plan of Liyue territory.

There was no way, every time he went to Qingxu's territory.

Although Qingxu didn't care about the size of his territory, his territory was not very large, but the quality of human life and the houses they lived in were much better than Liyue.

The people of Liyue are still living in thatched houses now.

Whether it is comfort or cold resistance, the thatched house is far lower than wooden and stone houses as a home.

So now, the development plan of Liyue must be put on the agenda.

Originally, Lin Yu thought that after Guizhong and Morax formed an alliance, they moved to Guizhong's territory and built a city like Guiliji.

Lin Yu started to develop the city.

But there is no harm without comparison, and Lin Yu's desire to develop was activated in advance.

Morax was a little surprised to see Lin Yu appear.

Because during this period of time, Lin Yu almost never came to find him, but went directly to the territory of the Sword Demon God Qingxu.

Now he came to find him, so he must have something to do.

"You don't go to learn swordsmanship today, how can you come here?" Morax looked at Lin Yu and said.

Lin Yu smiled and said, "It's not like we have to study every day. Today is a day off for Qingxu and me. What's wrong? Is it not okay? Or did I disturb your rest?"

"Haha, what are you talking about?" Morax laughed softly.

Lin Yu began to get to the point.

"By the way, Morax, don't you think that the humans in our Liyue are a little shabby in terms of quality of life and living conditions?"

"Don't you plan to develop and govern your own territory well?"

Lin Yu looked at Morax and asked him.

After thinking carefully, Morax replied: "I think that as demon gods, we should not help humans in everything. If humans become overly dependent, then after leaving the demon gods, there will be no possibility of survival."

"Oh, I know you want to let nature take its course and let humans use their own wisdom to develop continuously."

"If I didn't know, I would have thought that you just didn't want to care so much and had nothing to do every day!"

"I just said development, and I didn't say that I had to help them in everything. Do I look so idle, Lin Yu?"

"Just a simple guidance, not personally."

Lin Yu looked at Morax and said.

Simply guide?

After listening to Lin Yu's words, Morax found that he seemed a little too casual before.

Alas, Morax can fight naturally.

But in terms of governing the territory, Morax is still a novice who doesn't know much.

That's right, after all, Morax has not experienced the era of returning to the end.

"Then how should we guide them?" Morax looked at Lin Yu and said.

For Morax, as a demon god, he can do too many things, and for humans, from which aspects should he start to guide humans?

Demon gods can do many things easily, but humans are not yet able to reach this point.

Lin Yu smiled and said, "Why not start with this house~"

"Guide people to collect stones, cut down trees, and use stones and wood to build more solid and more comfortable houses."

"The improvement in living environment is the most intuitive. "

"In addition, humans can only rely on hunting and gathering for food. These two ways are too simple, and simplicity means poor risk resistance. "

"Sooner or later, the prey will be killed, and the berries and fruit trees will be collected sooner or later, and the growth cycle is slow."

Morax listened to everything Lin Yu said.

Housing issues are easy to solve, but how to solve food issues?

He is not Lin Yu. As a materialized demon god, Lin Yu can naturally materialize all kinds of strange and bizarre delicacies.

Currently, hunting and gathering are the mainstream sources of food collection in this era.

Morax asked: "This is indeed a problem, but are there other ways besides this? "

Lin Yu smiled softly.

Morax has not accumulated thousands of years of knowledge and experience, but Lin Yu has the cultural accumulation of Blue Star humans for thousands of years in his mind, so he naturally knows more than Morax.

"Of course, in addition to this, fishing can be carried out along the coast of Liyue. The sea water in this area of ​​Liyue does not freeze in winter, which is a good source of food."

"But it is a pity that someone used a mountain to isolate Liyue from the sea water, and lost this source of food. However, it is not wrong to protect humans from the intrusion of sea water. It can only be said that there are gains and losses. "

Speaking of which, some people say that they want humans to grow up independently, but in fact they clear the surrounding wild animals and use mountains to block tsunamis.

Create a safe living environment.

As we all know, in the process of human evolution, these disasters and difficulties are the driving force that drives human evolution again and again.

An environment that is too comfortable will lose the motivation to move forward.

But it's not a big problem. There will be a demon war as a driving force later...

After listening to Lin Yu's words, Morax lowered his head and thought about this matter carefully. It seems that there are indeed some mistakes in it.

But if there is no mountain, how to face the tsunami?

Lin Yu continued: "In addition to fishing, of course there are other ways, that is planting! Morax, you should know it, right?"

"Well, ordinary people have also tried planting, but the planting cycle is long and the harvest is small, so few people tried it later. "Morax said.

This is what he saw and heard in his own territory.

Someone had transplanted berry bushes and fruit trees from outside to Liyue before, but they only produced fruits once a year, and the harvest was not much, and it could even be said to be barren.

Later, naturally, no one did this anymore.

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