Gui Zhong and He Wulia, who woke up, were curiously feeling the feelings brought by this new body.

It's just that Lin Yu's soul fusion is very perfect, so neither Gui Zhong nor He Wulia actually have any great feelings.

After all, Lin Yu did not make any changes to the appearance.

When the two were transforming their bodies, they had already spent a lot of thought on it.

Unlike Marcosius, who just wanted to have a body to complete his goal of sneaking into Gui Yuli City, so in terms of precision, Gui Zhong and He Wulia are naturally better.

"How is it, the new body feels good?"

Lin Yu looked at the two and asked them with a smile.

About the feeling of the new body...

"It seems that there is actually no great feeling, but after changing a body, I can't use my own authority like before."

"But this is nothing to me, after all, I may not use that authority once in decades."

Gui Zhong said with a slight smile.

"Me too."

"Liyue's salt bureau controls the two artifacts, the salt cup and the salt ruler. On weekdays, there is no need to use my salt authority, so the impact of having or not having it on me is very weak."

Heulia felt this deeply.

In the past few hundred years, the time when she needed to use her salt authority the most was when the seafood landed in Gui Yuli and the Baimi tsunami disaster, extracting salt from the land, and now consuming the source to inject power to improve the water quality.

In addition, since joining the Liyue family, it seems that in her impression, she has hardly used the salt authority.

"Oh, oh, I was just talking about my feelings."

"I almost forgot that our water improvement project was not completely completed."

"There is only one last key step left!"

Gui Zhong suddenly remembered in a trance.

When the source was completely consumed, the two of them used their own power to complete the water quality improvement project in the Dihuazhou waters.

Now the waters of Dihuazhou are sweet and delicious, and it is not an exaggeration to say that they are mountain spring water.

But there is still one last step to be completed.

That is to connect the waters of Dihuazhou with the waters in the northwest of Liyue, so that the waters of Dihuazhou can be completely alive and full of vitality!

"Yes, there is still one last crucial step left."

"But now that we have become immortals, it seems that we don't have enough power to connect the two vast waters."

Heulia thought based on the power she now has.

The gap between immortals and demons is like a huge chasm.

Even the most elementary lower-level demons are far from being comparable to immortals.

It is obviously not that simple to fight against demons with the body of an immortal.

"This question is simple!"

"Leave it to our Morax to complete this crucial step!"

Lin Yu patted his chest and said confidently.

.....Morax, who was called, immediately fell into deep thought.

In terms of common sense, seeing Lin Yu patting his chest just now, coupled with his confident face, ordinary people would think that he would take care of it.

But he never thought that he would point to himself in the end.


"In that case, leave it to me."

After taking a look at Lin Yu, Morax finally chose to take care of the last step of the Dihuazhou project.

"I'll trouble the emperor."

Gui Zhong smiled slightly and said.

Morax nodded.

Then he turned into a ray of golden light and disappeared from the side of the crowd. He went to the middle area between the two waters.

Looking at this area, Morax started to act without saying a word, and a golden light burst out from his eyes, and then he used his own powerful strength to forcibly cut off a layer of the ground.

The central area separating the two waters was completely flattened.

After the tie, the waters on both sides rolled and finally embraced each other, and the two different water qualities finally blended together.

It's a pity that this sweet and delicious water purified by power.

As time goes by, the two waters will eventually blend together completely, and then the sweet and delicious water quality will naturally drop several levels along with the blending of external water sources.

But this is completely enough, more than enough for growing rice.

During this period, Lin Yu and Gui Zhong and others naturally couldn't wait stupidly in the air for Morax to come back, right?

So Lin Yu simply let Qingyu once again become a storyteller.

He told Guizhong and Heulia about the various things he and Qingyu experienced when they went to Mondstadt.

"What a wonderful story! I didn't expect that Lin Yu, you secretly did something big again!"

Guizhong praised.

She really thought that Lin Yu was just going to the outside world with Qingyu to wander around, but she never thought that she would participate in a war between freedom and poetry, and also witnessed the establishment of one of the Seven Lords of the Earth.

And established a very deep friendship with him.

"After listening to the scenes described by Qingyu, I suddenly want to go to Mondstadt to see what Mondstadt looks like, and what the boy and Wendy look like."

After listening to Qingyu's vivid description, Heulia began to look forward to it.


Want to see what Mondstadt looks like and what the boy and Wendy look like?

Although Lin Yu does not plan to go to Mondstadt again at this stage, if Heulia wants to see it, then he still has a way!

Then Lin Yu took out the tablet from his space.

When Qing Yu saw Lin Yu holding the tablet, he immediately had a bad feeling!

No way! Lin Yu would not use the tablet to record the scene where he scribbled on our faces?


Qing Yu just opened his mouth.

Then Lin Yu used the projection function of the tablet to project one of the few photos taken in Mond.

It happened that Lin Yu had a smirk on his face, holding a marker pen, the tool for committing the crime, and the three people beside him had a photo of his masterpiece on their faces.

! ! !

Qing Yu was stunned.

"Eh? Is this the picture you recorded in Mondstadt, Lin Yu?"

"Hahaha, why do they all have paintings on their faces?"

"The beard and tiger pattern on Qingyu's face are so interesting!"

Looking at the picture projected by Lin Yu, Gui Zhong immediately noticed the paintings on their faces, and Lin Yu was grinning while holding something like a pen in his hand.

Obviously, this is a masterpiece from Lin Yu.

Gui Zhong immediately noticed Qingyu, and looking at Qingyu's image, Gui Zhong immediately felt that it was so interesting.

The tiger image painted by Lin Yu did not highlight the ferocity of the tiger at all, but on Qingyu's face, there was a silly and cute feeling.

The little turtle pattern on the other two people was also the same.

"Ahem, these two people who only have different eye colors are Xi and Wendy."

"The background behind is the appearance of Mondstadt."

Lin Yu pointed to the characters and background in the picture and explained it to Gui Zhong and Heulia.

When taking this photo, everyone turned their backs to the scenery outside the tower, and the tower is the best place in Mondstadt.

From the tower, you can have a panoramic view of the scenery in Mondstadt.

"Is this the scenery in Mondstadt? Different styles bring different feelings. It is a very good-looking city."

"But compared with Guiyuli City, it is relatively inferior."

Gui Zhong said.

Look! Look!

This is the performance of high emotional intelligence.

Low emotional intelligence: My evaluation is not as good as Guiyuli City.

High emotional intelligence: Compared with Guiyuli City, it is slightly inferior.

Mondstadt of the Liefeng King, in terms of design and planning, is naturally a first-class level in this era.

But obviously the architectural style, design and planning of Guiyuli City have far exceeded the level of this era.

So normally there is no comparison between the two.

"That's right, don't you see who designed Guiyuli City!"

Lin Yu's mouth corners slightly raised, and then he put his hands on his waist and said with a smug look on his face.

"That's natural, our Guiyuli City was created by the God of Architecture, and other people's creations naturally cannot be compared with it."

After Lin Yu finished speaking, Gui Zhong was also very cooperative and continued to speak along with Lin Yu's words.

Lin Yu liked Gui Zhong's words very much.

If Lin Yu had a tail behind him, he didn't know where the little tail had gone at this moment.

After seeing Gui Zhong bragging.

Qing Yu and He Wulia followed closely behind.

In such flattery, Lin Yu felt that he was about to become light.

Ahem, be steady! Be steady!

Only by being steady can you create more and better buildings as the God of Architecture!

In order to reach a level that no one in the future can surpass.

Lin Yu secretly made up his mind!

He must quit playing games on his tablet, work day and night, and be reckless! In the end, he must fulfill his promise.The Palace in the Clouds is completed!

Originally, Lin Yu was too lazy to continue with new creations and designs for the Palace in the Clouds, and planned to directly copy the Liyu Palace on the ground.

It was just to move the Liyu Palace above the clouds, which was the Palace on the Clouds in the previous plan.

But now it is different. Amid the praises of the crowd, Lin Yu made up his mind that he must do something great!

Otherwise, he would be unworthy of his title as the God of Architecture!

"Everyone has been waiting for a long time. I have opened up the two waters. Now the two waters that were originally unconnected have converged and blended together."

The golden light flashed and Morax, who had completed the last step, returned to the side of the crowd.

Just when Gui Zhong and Heulia were about to speak to welcome Morax's return.

Then came the voices of Qingyu and Lin Yu.

"Hey, hey, hey, Lin Yu! What are you doing!"

Lin Yu grabbed Qingyu's hand and quickly came to Morax's side.

"Back? Well done."


After Lin Yu finished speaking to Morax, he directly grabbed Qingyu's hand, turned into a ray of light and disappeared in everyone's sight.

The process took less than three seconds.

Morax slowly typed a big question mark.

It was obvious that Morax was very puzzled and puzzled about Lin Yu's rush to Gui Yuli.

Morax raised his eyebrows and then looked in the direction of Gui Zhong and Heulia.

But Gui Zhong and Heulia were also puzzled, and could only shake their heads at Morax, indicating that they knew nothing.

So far, Morax no longer thought about this matter.

Perhaps Lin Yu's rush to Gui Yuli must have some deep meaning.

Then Morax invited Gui Zhong and Heulia to go to the area where the two waters were completed and merged to see if this was in line with Gui Zhong and Heulia's plan for this.

Amid Gui Zhong and Heulia's praise for Morax, the water quality transformation and integration project of Dihuazhou has come to a complete end.

On the other side, Lin Yu dragged Qingyu and returned to Guiyulicheng at a very fast speed.

After landing in Liyu Palace, he dragged Qingyu into Yushen Palace.

Then he let Qingyu go.

Qingyu rubbed his arm in pain, lifted his sleeves and saw that Lin Yu's red handprints were printed inside.

"What's wrong with Lin Yu? Why are you so anxious to come back suddenly?"

Qingyu came to Lin Yu, and he looked at Lin Yu in confusion and asked, wanting to get the answer to the question from Lin Yu's mouth.

But Lin Yu did not answer Qingyu's question, but just waved his hand at him and said.

"It's none of your business, why don't you go play games on your tablet?"

"Huh?! If it's none of my business, why did you pull me back?"

"Oh, I'm used to it."

..... Qingyu fell into deep thought.

Then he continued to ask a few more questions, but Lin Yu's answers were all very perfunctory.

In the end, Qingyu could only accept his fate, and reluctantly went to the coffee table on the other side to sit down, took out the fairy wine pot and poured himself a cup of peach wine to drink.

How to relieve worries, only peach wine.

Lin Yu has been thinking about the architectural design of the cloud palace in his mind, so he has no time to pay attention to Qingyu.

Originally, Lin Yu was thinking about expanding and upgrading the Liyu Palace, and then building the building on the cloud, so wouldn't it form a cloud palace?

But on second thought, this doesn't seem to be right.

Since he wanted to create a better architectural work, he could not continue the design of the Liyu Palace, otherwise he would be limited to it.

In the end, it was just a replica of the Liyu Palace on the ground.

Since he was going to do it, he had to do the best!

Palace on the Cloud, Palace on the Cloud...

Thinking about it, Lin Yu thought of something that fits the setting of the Palace on the Cloud very well.

That is the Heaven in the Blue Star Mythology!

Yes! It is the Heaven!

If he could build such a building on the continent of Teyvat, he would think it was really a great thing!

But it can't be completely copied.

After all, if the style of the Heaven appeared on the continent of Teyvat, it would still feel a bit weird.

So Lin Yu only borrowed the architectural planning of the Heaven, and then gave it a shape that was unique to him, Lin Yu!

In this way, he could create a palace on the cloud in his mind!

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