After Morax finished using the Liyue Talisman to summon the Liyue Immortals, he flashed back to the Feather Temple.

"What? Have you summoned the immortals?"

Seeing Morax coming back, Lin Yu asked him.

"It has been summoned, but can you tell me now why you summoned the immortals?" Morax asked after nodding slightly.

He has now activated the Liyue Talisman to transmit the summoning signal to the immortals according to Lin Yu's request. Now Lin Yu should be able to tell the reason behind it, right?

But Morax obviously misjudged Lin Yu's confidentiality.

As early as after Morax left, Qingyu asked Lin Yu about the relevant questions, but in the end he did not get the reason from Lin Yu.

Now that Lin Yu is facing Morax's question again, it is impossible for him to say the answer in his heart.

After all, if others should know about the surprise, how can it be called a surprise?

Therefore, Lin Yu pretended to be mysterious and said: "Morax, I think I have repeated the answer to this matter many times, so I just want to say that those who understand understand, and I won't explain much to those who don't understand. After all, it's good to know it yourself, so taste it carefully."

"Don't ask me what's wrong. The interests are too involved. It's not good for you and me to say it. Just pretend you don't know. For the rest, I can only say that there are deep waters here and many things are involved."

? After listening to Lin Yu's words carefully, whether it was Morax or Qingyu, they frowned at the same time, and then slowly typed a big question mark.

What does it mean that those who understand understand? What does it mean that the interests are too involved? And what does it mean that there are deep waters here?

Why do I feel that Lin Yu is talking nonsense now?

Helplessly holding his forehead.JPG

Morax now began to regret it a little. He regretted believing Lin Yu's words and then activating the Liyue Talisman to summon the immortals.

There is no way, who makes Lin Yu look so unreliable now?

"Emperor! Lin Yu!"

"Why did you suddenly activate the Liyue Talisman? But what big thing has happened to Liyue? Is there anything that needs my and Heulia's help?"

After the Liyue Talisman on them was activated, Guizhong and Heulia put down everything they were doing, and after sensing that the Emperor was in the Feather Temple, they immediately headed towards the Feather Temple.

After the two entered the Feather Temple, they immediately looked at Morax and Lin Yu, and then Guizhong said to them.

"Me too!"

Marcosius, who was a step later than Guizhong and Heulia, echoed after hearing what Guizhong said.

After seeing Guizhong, Heulia and Marcosius coming, Morax turned around in the face of Guizhong's questions.

"Liyue is fine."

"This call is not because Liyue is in trouble, but because Lin Yu wants us to witness something or a moment."

Morax said.


After listening to Morax's explanation, Guizhong, Heulia and Marcosius who arrived later were all stunned for a moment.

Why was Morax's words ambiguous, and he didn't make things clear at all.

This is not like Morax's decisive style for a long time.

But it is obvious that Morax doesn't want to be a riddler, it's not that he doesn't want to make things clear, but someone doesn't want to make things clear at all.

"Witnessing a thing or a moment, what exactly is Lin Yu doing?"

Since Morax couldn't explain it clearly, Guizhong would just ask Lin Yu, the person involved.

"No comment!"

"When everyone is here, the answer will be revealed."

Lin Yu spread his hands and said helplessly.

Why are they asking themselves about the reason for this matter one by one? God knows how much effort Lin Yu has made to prepare for this surprise!

If the news of Yunshang Palace is leaked now.

Doesn't that mean that all his previous efforts were in vain?


Gui Zhong was stunned.

She now probably understood why Morax was so vague.

It was probably because even Morax himself didn't know why Lin Yu had summoned everyone.

Looking at Lin Yu's tight-lipped look.

Gui Zhong knew that if he wanted to know what medicine Lin Yu sold in his gourd, he could only wait for everyone to arrive and Lin Yu would reveal the answer behind it.

Everyone sat down in the hall of the Yu Shen Temple and waited.

"Emperor, Lord Yu Shen."

As time passed, the second group who came because of the summoning signal from Liyue Fu were the five Yakshas who were patrolling outside to exorcise demons.

The Yakshas entered the Yu Shen Temple, and led by Fushe, they bowed to Lin Yu and Morax.

"No need to be polite, just wait aside."

Lin Yu waved to the Yakshas casually in front of the desk.

Since it was the order of Lord Yu Shen, and they saw that the Emperor, Dust God, Salt God, and Kitchen God were all sitting aside, how dare the five of them raise the questions in their hearts.

Then they took their seats according to the order of Lord Yu Shen.

"Wait a minute, Xiao, come here!"

Led by Fushe, the group sat down, and when it was Xiao's turn to sit down, Lin Yu's voice suddenly rang out.

Xiao immediately stopped his actions.

Then he felt the gazes from the Emperor, Dust God, Salt God, and Kitchen God, and suddenly felt that his body became a little stiff.

"Come over, Xiao."

At the critical moment, it was Fa Nan who was beside Xiao. He patted Xiao's body gently with his hand, and then whispered to Xiao.

Finally, Xiao, under the gaze of everyone, lowered his head slightly and walked towards Lin Yu who was standing in front of the desk.

"Well, sit down."

After watching Xiao coming over, Lin Yu waved his hand and a round stool appeared directly next to the desk.

At Lin Yu's signal, Xiao had no possibility of refusing at all. He could only stare at everyone's eyes and sit next to Lord Yu Shen.

Then Lin Yu stretched out his hand, and Xiao habitually lowered his head and closed his eyes, and then he felt the temperature from Lord Yu Shen's palm on his head.

Ahem, for some reason, every time after seeing Xiao, if he didn't touch his head with his hand, Lin Yu always felt as if something was missing.

....Xiao fell into deep thought.

What is the deep meaning of Lord Yu Shen doing this?

After hundreds of years of thinking about this question, Xiao still hasn't figured out what the deep meaning of Lord Yushen is.

In the eyes of others, Lin Yu loves Xiao very much.

Yes, it is indeed a child. After all, no matter whether Lin Yu has experienced so many years in person, he has indeed spent more than a thousand years.

In the following time, everyone continued to wait quietly.

No one continued to ask Lin Yu, anyway, no matter how the question was asked, the answer would be no comment.

The quiet wait was soon broken by a burst of music.

Qingyu, who was sitting in the corner of the Yushen Temple, was too bored to wait at the moment, so he thought about taking out the game tablet and playing a few games to pass the time.

Although Lin Yu had updated the game tablet three times, he forgot to update the volume button during these three game updates, so as soon as Qingyu opened the game and entered the main interface, the dynamic BGM of the ball battle sounded.

In such a quiet environment, it was instantly transmitted to everyone's ears.

In the end, it attracted the curiosity of everyone except Morax, and Qingyu became a game blogger and began to tell everyone about it with great interest.

Then... in this era of lack of entertainment and no electronic games, everyone's hearts were soon captured by the game tablet in Qingyu's hand.

Among them, Guizhong was not only curious about the game, but she was more curious about the operating principle of the game tablet.

If the operating principle can be figured out, and this kind of technology can be applied to mechanical creations, I believe that a new generation of mechanical creations will soon be born!

But Qingyu has only one game tablet in his hand, and now, except for the Yaksha people who want it very much but haven't asked, Guizhong Heulia and Marcosius are all competing for the game tablet.

Qingyu naturally couldn't give away his beloved game tablet.

So soon the spearhead was pointed directly at Lin Yu.

"Lin Yu, Lin Yu, do Qing Yu have more game tablets? I also want to have one like this."

Gui Zhong rushed to Lin Yu's side and asked Lin Yu.

Heulia followed closely.

"I also want a game tablet, can I?"

"Me too!" Marcosius arrived late.

....Looking at the three people who surrounded him, Lin Yu fell into helplessness.

Isn't it just a game tablet? As for...

Then Lin Yu waved his hand casually, and the white light of the materialization power came up, and the three game tablets were directly materialized by Lin Yu.

Then they fell steadily into the hands of the three people.

Looking at Xiao who was a little curious about the game tablet beside him, and the other four Yakshas with fiery eyes below.

Some of them are Yakshas.The Yakshas must have one, too.

After all, Lin Yu is not a partial person. Moreover, since there is already a game tablet template, it does not require Lin Yu to consume much materialization power to materialize a game tablet.

These powers are obviously not worth mentioning for Lin Yu.

After Guizhong, Heulia, Marcosius and the other three got the game tablet and dispersed.

The light of materialization power flashed again.

"Don't look at it, you also have a share."

After the light flashed, five game tablets floated in the air. Lin Yu waved the five tablets and went to the direction of the five Yakshas.

"Thank you, Lord Yu Shen!"

The Yakshas who got the game tablet from Lin Yu could not hide the smile on their faces.

Xiao, who was beside Lin Yu, lit up the game tablet like others. The first time the game was started, the novice tutorial would be activated. Xiao began to operate clumsily under the guidance of the novice tutorial.

Seeing this, Lin Yu couldn't help but reached out and touched Xiao's head.

Fortunately, Xiao was used to it, so he didn't feel any discomfort. He just continued to operate the snake in the screen and followed the instructions of the novice tutorial to complete the novice tutorial.

During the time when everyone was addicted to video games.

Time seemed to be suddenly accelerated. Soon half an hour passed. The immortals gathered in the Yu Temple one after another, with Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun the fastest.

Then looking at the people who were trying the game tablet, they were unconsciously attracted by the game tablet, and finally inevitably asked Lin Yu for it.

Lin Yu simply materialized some more game tablets, and every immortal who came in later could get a game tablet, so that no one would disturb his peace all the time.

"What are you guys doing?"

"Hmm? What is this? It looks interesting."

"A gaming tablet? I want one too! Lin Yu!!"

All the immortals who possessed the Liyue Talisman had already arrived. After a few minutes, a golden light flashed in the room of the Feather Temple.

Ruo Tuo appeared in the hall of the Feather Temple.

Then Ruo Tuo saw Marcosius and Qing Yu poking a glowing board, so he walked over curiously.

After watching the screen for a while, Ruo Tuo felt it was very interesting, and then asked Marcosius. Finally, after learning that this was a gaming tablet created by Lin Yu, he immediately ran to Lin Yu's side.

Lin Yu picked up a gaming tablet from the desk with an expressionless face and handed it to Ruo Tuo.

God knows how many times he has repeated this action.

Watching Ruo Tuo pick up the game tablet, he then ran excitedly to Marcosius' side, asking for advice on how to play this thing called a game tablet.

What a happy scene! ! ! !

But why didn't Lin Yu feel happy at all?

Because the theme has seriously deviated! ! !

Please! This is the Feather Temple, not some otherworldly Internet cafe. Why are they all in their own Feather Temple halls, playing games with game tablets?

He thought about promoting the game tablet, but not in this way!

"Ahem, stop for a moment, put down the game tablet in your hand for the time being, there will be plenty of time to experience it in the future."

"Now that everyone is here, let's talk about the business of summoning all the immortals this time."

Lin Yu used his strength to transmit his voice to everyone's ears.

I have to say that Lin Yu's words are still very important.

After he spoke, everyone stopped what they were doing and looked in the direction of Lin Yu.

Morax also looked over after taking a sip of tea

Is the answer to the puzzle finally revealed?

"Yes, this time I asked Morax to gather everyone for one thing!"

"Everyone, please follow me."

Lin Yu said.

After that, he walked out of the Yu Temple.

Morax slowly typed a question mark.

So what is this matter? I thought Lin Yu was about to reveal it, but I didn't expect Lin Yu to be held back again.

Haha... Morax smiled helplessly.

It's Lin Yu indeed!

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