Regarding Lin Yu's proposal to popularize Mora, under the active promotion of Barbatos and the God of Fire, the other gods also agreed one after another.

At present, the gods agreed to the popularization of Mora currency.

But it was followed by a lot of troubles.

After all, popularizing Mora is obviously not something that can be accomplished by just talking.

To popularize Mora from Liyue to the other six countries, it must be done with corresponding efforts.

"We have agreed to the popularization of Mora by Zennos, but should we come up with a charter first on how to popularize Mora?"

"In this way, we can cooperate in popularizing Mora, right?"

The God of Ice said in a reasonable manner.

When it comes to this, Lin Yu was stunned.

Although he has always wanted to promote Mora to the entire Teyvat continent, as for how to promote it, how to solve the problems encountered during the promotion process.

Lin Yu can speak frankly about a series of problems caused by the promotion of Mora.

He has not considered them all!

Ahem, this kind of problem should not be within the scope of his consideration.

It is not that whoever raises the problem must solve it, right?

Lin Yu immediately looked at Morax.

"I think we should ask Morax for his opinion on how to promote Mora."

"I believe that everyone can know the relationship between Mora as a currency and Morax himself from the name of the currency Mora."

"Yes, Mora is a currency created by Morax."

"At the same time, the Mora currency system has always been properly managed and operated in the hands of Morax, and has developed from nothing to its current appearance."

"So Morax, have you thought about how to promote Mora?"

Lin Yu decisively handed this important task to Morax without any psychological burden!

He did not make up this time.

Mora was indeed created by Morax, and Liyu Bank has always been managed by Morax, although he has not been there for thousands of years.

But you tell me whether it is right or not!

Morax, who was suddenly called by Lin Yu, also put down the teacup in his hand. He was no longer surprised by Lin Yu's current behavior.

"The process of promoting and popularizing Mora is not simple."

"I will order the Liyu Bank, the most important in the monetary system, to go to the six countries to establish a branch of the Liyu Bank, and then..."

I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it!

I didn't expect Morax to be so capable. He told the gods in an orderly manner about the operation and role of the Liyu Bank, as well as the process of popularizing currency with the help of the Liyu Bank.

It looks like he has been prepared for a long time, and it doesn't look like a last-minute cram!

It's OK, Morax, you are worthy of it!

"So that's how it is. With the Riyu Bank, valuable items can be converted into Mora, and then with the trust of the local gods as an endorsement, Mora can be gradually popularized in the six countries." The Ice God nodded and said.

The Fire God praised: "Good plan! Then I, Nata, will be the first stop for the popularization of Mora!"

Since the popularization of Mora can bring many benefits to the people, the Fire God naturally wants his people to enjoy the benefits from Mora as soon as possible.

"I will keep Mora's popularization in mind. When the time comes, let the people from the Riyu Bank contact me." Zhen said softly.

Ying echoed: "I will definitely clear all obstacles on the road to the popularization of Mora for the Riyu Bank!"

There are monsters everywhere in the country of Inazuma now. Monsters and humans live in the same country, which will inevitably cause many troubles.

In normal times, Ying may not see it and have no interest in it.

But if someone hinders the popularization of Mora by Liyu Bank, then Ying can only ask him to test whether his knife is sharp.

After the popularization of Mora was officially finalized.

After the gods finished their desserts, they said goodbye to Lin Yu and Morax.

When the maintainer called the gods, the people of all countries saw it.

Now the people in their countries are looking forward to their return as the rulers of the world.

So they should leave now.

Of course, not all demons have this plan, such as Barbatos, the wind god of Mond next door, who is still here, pestering Qingyu for peach wine..

"Goodbye everyone! Come often when you have time!"

Looking at the gods who were about to leave from the South Gate of Heaven, Lin Yu waved goodbye to them.

"Definitely!" The God of Fire said with a smile.

The other gods expressed the same meaning as the God of Fire in different sentences and tones according to their different personalities.

Finally, the gods left from the South Gate of Heaven.

So far, the first meeting of the seven gods of the world has come to an end.

The first meeting of the seven gods of the world will be recorded in the history of the continent of Teyvat forever!

This historic moment has had a profound impact on the entire continent. Not only has it brought about great changes in politics, culture and economy, but it has also left a deep imprint in people's thoughts and beliefs.

The first meeting of the seven gods in history symbolizes win-win cooperation among the seven countries of the world, jointly discussing the future development direction of the continent of Teyvat, and strengthening exchanges and cooperation between countries.

All countries have established the basic policy of using Mora as currency, and firmly maintain the process of popularizing Mora by Liyu Bank!

The popularization of Mora will have a profound impact on the world, and at the same time promote exchanges and integration among the seven countries in various aspects.

It is a milestone leap forward on the continent of Teyvat!

The transformation from barter to currency trade has been completed, which has greatly facilitated and promoted the development of trade and economic and cultural growth of various countries.


After watching the gods leave the South Gate of Heaven, Lin Yu and Morax looked at each other, and then the two returned to the Liyu Palace.

"Morax, tell me honestly, did you have the idea of ​​popularizing Mora in the world before I proposed it? Otherwise, how could you talk about popularizing Mora so logically in front of the gods."

On the way to the Liyu Palace, Lin Yu asked Morax.

Morax shook his head: "No, I just simply sorted out the process of popularizing Mora in Liyue and told it to the gods."

"Popularizing Mora, didn't we in Liyue already experience it thousands of years ago?"

This is already a path that Liyue has already taken, and Morax had already sorted out the process of popularizing Mora when he checked the relevant information before, and then absorbed the various experiences of popularizing Mora in Liyue, and put it aside after a slight optimization.

Until today, Lin Yu mentioned the plan to popularize Mora to the whole world at the dinner table.

And pushed the work that should have been done by him to Morax.

"So, it's you, Morax, you are really amazing!" Lin Yu smiled embarrassedly and raised a big finger to Morax!

Facing the praise from Lin Yu, Morax smiled slightly.

After all, not all demon gods have been practicing and sleeping for thousands of years, and they don't ask anything else.

"I want more! I want more! Brother Qingyu, please pour me another jar of peach blossom wine!"

After returning to Liyu Palace, Lin Yu saw Wendy, the drunkard, still pestering his little follower Qingyu for peach blossom wine.

Looking at this scene, Lin Yu couldn't help but feel a headache.

He came to the two of them.

"Wendy, the other five gods have returned to their respective kingdoms, why don't you leave now?" Lin Yu almost carved the words "see you off" on his face.

How could Wendy leave before he had finished drinking the peach blossom wine that he had been thinking about for hundreds of years?

He would never allow it! ! !

Wendy smiled and said, "I really like the scenery in the Yunshang Palace, so I want to visit it for a while. What's wrong? Can't I? Can't I?"

"I think you like the scenery in the Yunshang Palace, but you really want the peach wine in the Yunshang Palace." Lin Yu crossed his arms in front of his chest and looked at Wendy with a hint of scrutiny.

"Wow! As expected of you, Lin Yu, you saw through my true thoughts at once."

"Since I have been longing for peach wine for hundreds of years, let me drink it before returning to Mond. There will be no problem with the situation in Mond."

"Is it okay? Is it okay?"

Wendy looked at Lin Yu pitifully and said.

Looking at Wendy like this, Lin Yu really couldn't stand it. Isn't it just peach wine? Is it really so tempting? As the creator of peach wine, how could Lin Yu not know it himself?

Perhaps for a wine lover like Wendy, peach blossom wine is the best wine in the world., being able to drink a drop is the most extreme enjoyment.

"Forget it, then you drink slowly."

Lin Yu waved his hand helplessly, and then a white light flashed, and thirty jars of peach blossom wine were neatly stacked in front of Wendy in the main hall of Liyu Palace.

Seeing so many jars of peach blossom wine given by Lin Yu, Wendy felt a huge surprise.

Then an ecstatic pounce!

But in Lin Yu's perspective, he saw a drunkard covered with wine stains and full of alcohol, flying towards him, and he immediately felt disgusted in his heart.

Lin Yu immediately flashed and staggered with Wendy who was flying over. Wendy, who was staggered, had no time to change direction and could only hit the floor of Liyu Palace with his face on the ground.

Wendy stood up, rubbed his face and looked at Lin Yu with some resentment.

Damn! I was actually despised by Lin Yu.

Considering that he gave me thirty jars of peach blossom wine, I will reluctantly forgive him this time~!

"Qingyu, let's go."

When seeing Wendy immersed in the wine jars, Lin Yu knew that Wendy was probably hopeless, and he was too lazy to continue to disturb the love between Wendy and those peach blossom wines.

Then he took Qingyu to the direction of the Yu Temple behind the Liyu Palace.

Now there are only Morax and Wendy left in the Liyu Palace, and Marcosius has already cleaned up the table and left.

Wendy looked at the more than 30 jars of peach blossom wine in front of him.

When he thought that he would be alone and drink alone in this huge Liyu Palace, Wendy couldn't help feeling a little sad.

Then he saw Morax who was just leaving, and he had a good idea in his mind.

"Morax, Morax, can you stay here and have a few drinks with me? And tell me something about Lin Yu?" Wendy shouted to Morax.

He felt that if he simply wanted Morax to stay and drink with him, the probability of success should not be very high, so Wendy turned and added another one.

It would be really interesting if he could hear some black history about Lin Yu from Morax while drinking.

Morax, who was walking away from Liyu Palace, paused after hearing Wendy's voice.

He actually liked drinking tea more than drinking, but since Wendy said so, Morax couldn't refuse or decline it, after all, Wendy was more or less a god from another country.

"Of course." Morax said in a flat tone.

Unexpectedly, Morax actually agreed. Wendy originally thought that even if so, there was only about a 30% chance that Morax would choose to agree!

Wendy suppressed the joy in her heart.

The two found a tea table in Liyu Palace and sat facing each other. Morax took out the square wine pot and wine glass that had been deposited for thousands of years from his space.

After pouring the peach blossom wine, they began to drink from the square wine glass.

Under Wendy's questioning about Lin Yu's deeds, Morax began to talk about Lin Yu's various roles and influences in Liyue, without any black history mixed in.

All of them were Lin Yu's positive image.

After all, Morax didn't want to reveal Lin Yu's black history, which would cause Lin Yu to do something unpredictable in this matter.

The more Wendy listened, the more she felt that it was meaningless, and there was no black history that she expected.

Gradually, drinking from a wine glass could no longer satisfy Wendy.

Wendy only saw Wendy open a jar of peach blossom wine, and then the peach blossom wine in the jar flowed out of the jar and flowed straight into Wendy's mouth.

After pouring a jar of peach wine, Wendy smacked his lips and still felt unsatisfied, so he opened another jar.

Then he repeated the above actions.

.....Watching this scene, Morax fell into deep thought.

Although peach wine is good, he believes that whether it is wine or tea, it should be sipped slowly and tasted.

If you gobble it up like this, won’t you lose a lot of the flavor that should be there?

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