After Lin Yu left the Water God Palace, the Water God sat alone on the throne, falling into deep contemplation.

She is thinking about something now.

Or she is considering whether to do so.

Since the Heavenly Law has fallen into a deep sleep, she should not be discovered if she uses the water of the original fetal sea to shape the human body for the pure water elves.

But this is ultimately an act of usurpation.

What if it is discovered? What kind of price and responsibility will be borne behind this?

So now the Water God Egolia is caught in a dilemma.

For a moment, she didn't know what to do.

She still needs some time to think and measure, and finally she can give the most accurate answer.

In the blink of an eye, fifty years have passed.

During these fifty years, the water god continued to receive requests from the pure water elves. Finally, after weighing the pros and cons, the water god Egolia reached out to the water of the original fetal sea.

There was no way, because the demons all loved people.

For the water god Egolia, these followers called pure water elves were also one of her most important people.

As a god, how could she remain indifferent to the most sincere prayers of her people?

So she used the water of the original fetal sea as blood to create the pure water elves into mimic humans. This mimic human is no different from real humans in appearance, physiology, and function.

There is just one thing to note.

Although the water god Egolia has mastered the power of water and can mobilize the water of the original fetal sea for her own use, she still does not have the power of life, so they are just mimics of humans and not real humans.

As mimics of humans, they have a crucial flaw.

That is, they cannot touch the water of the original fetal sea again, otherwise the water power of the water god Egolia will be invalid, and the water of the original fetal sea imprisoned in the blood will return.

At the same time, as mimic humans, they will also disappear and return to the form of pure water elves.

This process can be called dissolution.

Although there are such disadvantages, the problem should not be very big. After all, the water of the original fetal sea is buried deep in the earth. Generally speaking, ordinary people cannot touch the water of the original fetal sea at all.

So under such circumstances, mimic humans can be completely equivalent to humans.

In addition, there are some other problems that have not been solved.

That is, how can mimic humans integrate into the current Fontaine society system?

Although they can all be classified as humans, they are still outsiders after all. As outsiders, a small number of them will not cause any problems if they integrate into the Fontaine society.

How many pure water elves just want to become humans?

So we need to find another way.

The water god Egolia noticed that a considerable number of people in Fontaine would pray sincerely in front of the Lujing Spring, praying that they could get pregnant and have the next generation.

This made the water god Egolia feel that it was a good opportunity.

So the new pure water elves were created into mimic humans through the water of the original fetal sea, and the blood between the two people was connected to make them pregnant with mimic humans with their blood.

Finally, after ten months of pregnancy, the mimic humans came to the land of Fontaine and gradually integrated into the Fontaine society.

Because the pure water elves who became mimic humans did not have their previous memories, they were no different from ordinary humans.

The pure water elves who mimicked humans were quietly integrated into the Fontaine society.

After hundreds of years, the number of mimic humans in the world will completely exceed that of humans, so that a race replacement will be completed without anyone noticing.

Mimic humans completely inherited the original Fontaine humans.

But they can all be said to be human, and the mimic humans have the blood of the Fontaine humans, which can also be said to be another kind of continuation.

During this period, the sixth and seventh meetings of the Seven Gods passed in a flash.

Four hundred years have passed.

Since the end of the Demon God War, the seven rulers of the world have been established in the world. It has been a full 1,400 years.

These 1,400 years have passed really fast.

But for Lin Yu, these 1,400 years are just seven meals.

For the passage of time, I have never really felt it.

Lin Yu was more concerned about the mention of the water of the original fetal sea by the Fontaine Water God Egolia to him four hundred years ago, but after the meeting of the sixth meeting of the Seven Gods.

The water god Egolia did not take the initiative to mention this matter, soLin Yu did not ask about this matter.

Now Lin Yu was curious, so after the seventh meeting of the Seven Gods, he found the water god Egolia who was about to leave, and mentioned this to her.

I saw the water god Egolia smiled softly.

"About this matter, although I did not get the permission of the superior, I still did it."

"Aren't you worried about the punishment from heaven?"

Lin Yu suddenly felt that the water god Egolia was too brave. Without the consent of her boss, she moved the company's finances without authorization.

But it should not be as serious as the nail that heaven wants to throw.

Worried about the punishment from heaven?

Regarding this matter, Egolia has actually thought about it for a long time in those decades.

She is willing to bear all the guilt for the unauthorized misappropriation of the water of the original fetal sea for her people!

I just hope that my people can always live happily, happily and freely on this land of Fontaine.

This is what the water god Egolia wants.

"Of course I am worried, but I hope that my people can live better, and I am willing to bear all the guilt caused by this." The water god Egolia said sincerely.

Lin Yu nodded.

So that's it.

It's just that Lin Yu can't understand it. Perhaps it's because he is an outsider and doesn't have the love for the people in the heart of the Teyvat Demon.

Want him to take the blame to make his people live better?

This is a question worth pondering for Lin Yu.

"If you encounter any trouble in the future, you can come to me. Although I may not be able to help, I can still say a word or two."

Lin Yu looked at the water god Egolia and said.

He himself does not have the face fruit, so he does not think that relying on his own face alone can change the idea of ​​Tianli itself.

Only strong strength can make others revolve around oneself.

So Lin Yu still has to work hard to improve his strength!

"Well, thank you Zennos."

A smile appeared on the face of the water god Egolia.

But as she said before, she was willing to take all the blame for this, so she would not implicate other people because of this.

She would take all the blame behind it!

After Lin Yu learned about the relevant matters from the water god Egolia, the water god Egolia left the Yunshang Palace and returned to Fontaine Country.

Later, Lin Yu did not choose to enter the deep sleep practice immediately.

Instead, he found Qingyu and returned to the Yu Shen Temple with him.

"Qingyu, please sort out the scrolls of information about Kanreya and send them all over."

"Okay, no problem, but there are a lot of scrolls sent, it may take me a while."

"No problem, I can wait, please."

Lin Yu sat on the desk in the hall of the Yu Shen Temple and asked Qingyu to help him sort out the scrolls about Kanreya.

Now that 1,400 years have passed since the end of the Demon God War, Lin Yu believes that he needs to learn more about Kanreya.

There is a premonition that perhaps the day of the Kanreya disaster will be in the next few Seven Gods Meetings.

In the past 1,400 years, the successive Liyue Seven Stars are naturally not eating for free. Through continuous efforts from generation to generation, they have established a complete intelligence system in the mortal world.

Liyue constantly collects information from all over the world through these multi-layered intelligence systems, both on the surface and in secret.

Of course, similar actions of the Liyue Seven Stars are not only done by the Liyue Seven Stars.

Other countries have also made some efforts, but to different degrees.

Like the wind god of Mondstadt, it is said that he can know the information of any place in the mortal world through the wind in the mortal world, but it is not known whether it is true or false.

In addition, the water god of Fontaine, Egolia, spreads pure water elves all over the rivers and lakes of the world, collecting intelligence information from all over the world on behalf of the water god.

The Liyue Seven Stars would compile the information they had collected for a whole year into a book, and then pass it on to the Emperor on the day of the Immortal Ceremony.

After the creation of the Liyue Seven Stars of that generation, this behavior gradually became a tradition of Liyue and was passed down.

For this reason, the Emperor specially asked Lin Yu to build a library.

This library stores all the information collected by the Liyue intelligence system in the past seven hundred years!

With so many years of accumulated information, it can be seen how many scrolls there are in the library.

Fortunately, these scrolls have been sorted and are not completely disordered.

Qingyu usedHis divine sense easily searched for the part about Kanreya among the many scrolls, and then piled up the scrolls with the wind element and took them away.

"Lin Yu, Lin Yu, these are all the information about Kanreya that you asked me to find."

Looking at the scrolls piled up like a small mountain in front of the desk, Lin Yu's CPU froze for a moment, and then he fell into deep thought.

Covering his face with a little helplessness.JPG

Forget it, it's all his fault for not explaining it clearly.

"Ahem, just find the scrolls from the past hundred years, I don't really need the others."

"Ah... okay then."

After hearing Lin Yu's request, Qing Yu asked why you didn't say it earlier.

If he had known earlier, he wouldn't have been so stupid to bring so many scrolls together.

Lin Yu ignored the slight resentment in Qing Yu's eyes.

Finally, under Qingyu's hard work, the scrolls about Kanreya for nearly a hundred years were sorted out and piled up on the desk in front of Lin Yu.

"Thank you, I don't need you for the time being, go and get busy."

Then Lin Yu waved to Qingyu and said.

Explain what it means to use and throw away.

"New, game, Lin Yu!"

Qingyu did not leave, and slowly uttered three words from his mouth.

Isn't it just a new game? What's so difficult about it.

"I'll do it for you after I'm done."

Lin Yu waved his hand and said.

After getting Lin Yu's promise, Qingyu smiled, and then whistled in the innermost, and left the Yu Temple in a casual manner.

Lin Yu was the only one left in the Yu Temple, and now he began to look up these materials carefully.

Pick up the scroll and spread it flat on the desk. many words!

After persisting for three minutes, Lin Yu finally chose to give up.

It seems that the conventional way of reading can no longer satisfy himself as the ruler of order, so Lin Yu wants to change to an unconventional way of reading.

Lin Yu mobilized his own strength, and suddenly more than 30 scrolls piled up next to him flew directly into the air, and the scrolls spread out and rotated around Lin Yu's body.

Lin Yu mobilized his divine thoughts and instantly poured all the information on the scrolls into his mind.

Ah! This feeling of being filled with knowledge is really wonderful.

But why didn't I encounter such a good ability when I was taking the Blue Star College Entrance Examination?

Alas, it's a pity.

Otherwise, I would definitely be a quasi-national college entrance examination champion.

Then Lin Yu looked up the information about Kanreya in his mind.

Sure enough, it was right as Lin Yu guessed.

Obviously, in the last meeting of the Seven Gods, Lin Yu had asked the Great Compassion Tree King Buyer. At that time, Kanreya seemed to have not changed much except that it developed better.

But only two hundred years later, various mechanical creations emerged from Kanreya.

It was mentioned in the intelligence that Kanreya seemed to be making a mechanical creation called a tiller, but due to the high level of confidentiality, there was no further information on the intelligence.

The initial guess was that it might be a mechanical creation used for agricultural cultivation.

After all, Kanreya is an underground kingdom, and it is not developed in agriculture. It is one of the main importers of Liyue food.

So it is not unreasonable for Liyue intelligence personnel to speculate based on the information.

But Lin Yu knew that the machine called the tiller was not an agricultural machine at all, but a war machine used to open up the territory for Kanreya!

In the future, the number can be said to be spread all over the entire Teyvat continent!

Not to mention that in the future Kanreya, in addition to the tiller, there are other mechanical creations, even the super little treasure like Gundam!

Lin Yu still vaguely remembers the visual impact he had when he first saw the mountain-like super treasure when he first arrived at Xumi when playing the original god.

According to the analysis of the information of Kanreya in later generations, this level of super treasure is not rare in the country of Kanreya.

Lin Yu is not too worried about these mechanical creations.

In his eyes, no matter how many there are, they are just scraps of copper and iron.

The main thing is the abyss hidden behind Kanreya and the golden alchemist Rhinedot.

She used alchemy to create many monsters, such as Mond's Durin, those headache-inducing bleeding dogs, and Inazuma's golden king beast, etc.

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