But Gui Zhong seemed to see through Lin Yu.

He said to Lin Yu again: "Rune circuits are still a little unfamiliar to us, so can Lin Yu stay and give us some guidance?"

"Ah?" Lin Yu was stunned.

"You are the creator of rune circuits. No one in the world should know rune circuits better than you."

"With the help of Lord Yu Shen, I believe that this rune circuit will soon be popularized among the people of Liyue. When people use rune circuits, they will sing praises for Lord Yu Shen's efforts and contributions."

Gui Zhong said.

After thousands of years of getting along, Gui Zhong and Morax had already figured out Lin Yu's personality.

Naturally, he also knew what Lin Yu liked to hear.

Lin Yu was stunned again.

Gui Zhong is talking about CPU himself, right? Right? It must be CPU me!

But on second thought, what Gui Zhong said seemed to make sense to Lin Yu.

Very pleasant to hear!

"Okay, okay."

"I will take some time out of my spare time to help, but the main thing is still up to you."

Lin Yu said.

It's okay for him to help out, but if all the problems are thrown to him to solve, Lin Yu will have an opinion, he won't agree!

"Of course!"

"The place where Lord Yushen can be used is of course the most important place."

Gui Zhong said with a smile.

Lin Yu nodded.

Then Lin Yu left the Dust Temple and returned to his own Yushen Temple. He sat cross-legged in the hall of the Yushen Temple and floated in the air to practice in deep sleep.

Since someone might come to find him at any time, Lin Yu was too lazy to go back to his room to sleep.

Uh...I mean practice.

Gui Zhong just got a book about rune circuits from Lin Yu, so for the time being, Gui Zhong has not started to act. She also needs to study for a while and understand the contents of this book thoroughly before she can start to act.

Then Gui Zhong summoned Liu Yun and Ge Chen, two friends who were good at mechanical engineering.

Then they studied the book "Rune Circuit Design Engineering" given by Lin Yu in the Dust Temple.

Rune circuit is essentially a weakened version of rune language. The three of them had a foundation in rune language before, so it only took a short month to master the whole book of rune circuit.

After mastering the rune circuit, Gui Zhong and the other two set their sights on the two power generation technology drawings given by Lin Yu.

These two power generation technologies will become the basis of the entire rune circuit in the future.

After all, rune circuit is a weakened version of rune language. Rune language relies on power to depict, while rune circuit needs to consume current to activate.

So current will become the basis of the entire rune circuit system.

The two power generation technology drawings given by Lin Yu are thermal power generation technology drawings and hydropower generation technology drawings. The two drawings show two different ways of producing current.

Finally, after Guizhong, Liuyun and Gechen discussed, they all agreed that the first thermal power generation technology drawing should be used.

As for the reason for making this choice, it is also very simple.

The reason is that they have very rich mineral resources in Liyue, especially coal resources, which are completely sufficient for Liyue to use thermal power generation technology.

On the contrary, hydropower resources are not so abundant.

Although there are abundant water sources in Liyue, the main distribution areas of these water sources are in the Dihuazhou area, and the waters in other places are mostly lakes.

The river is too gentle, the water flow is not urgent, and there is no basic condition suitable for building a dam.

The remaining places with urgent water flow are around Jueyunjian.

The fan-shaped terrain is steep and may also damage the local ecological environment. Although the immortals will agree for the development of Liyue, they still have to make choices for this.

So under the comprehensive consideration of Guizhong, Liuyun and Gechen,

Finally, the thermal power generation technology was adopted.

One week.

During this week, under the leadership of Guizhong in the Chen Temple, the three were tinkering with a machine in full swing.

This is a small thermal power generator that they made according to the technical understanding on the drawings.

"Okay, it's all done!" Ge Chen said with a happy smile.

"Then let's start testing immediately. I believe there will be no problems with this masterpiece of the immortal." Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun said with a wave of his sleeves.

Guizhong said: "Okay, let's start testing."

Everyone began toI spent a week making a small thermal power generator for testing.

First, ignite the coal and throw it into the boiler, then wait for a while for the temperature inside the boiler to gradually rise.

Then the heat generated by the combustion of coal in the boiler is used to heat the water in the boiler, heating the water into high-temperature, high-pressure steam.

The generated steam is introduced into the turbine generator, and the high temperature and high pressure of the steam drive the turbine to rotate at high speed. The rotational motion in the turbine generator is converted into mechanical energy, and then into electrical energy.

And these steams that drive the turbine generator will enter the condensing device and finally be converted into water circulation for use.

"Zizizizi" The current release device outside the generator began to flash with a faint electric charge, and it became stronger as time went on.

"Is this successful?" Ge Chen's eyes lit up, staring at the released current and said.

"Humph, this immortal has already said that there will be no problems with the mechanism made by this immortal." Liu Yun said.

Neither Ge Chen nor Gui Zhong wanted to expose Liu Yun's statement.

After all, they have seen many of Liuyun's failed products.

"Okay, Liuyun, try to connect the current storage device you prepared." Guizhong reminded.

"I'll do it right away." Liuyun nodded.

Then he took out a copper-yellow column with a thickness of 30cm and a height of 100cm.

This is the current storage column independently developed and manufactured by Liuyun.

After Liuyun placed the current storage column next to the small thermal power generator, he took out another copper column for conducting electricity and connected it to the output end of the small thermal power generator.

"Yes, yes, it is growing, right?" Ge Chen said.

After the conductor was connected, the current entered the current storage column along the conductor.

Then the current storage pointer designed by Liuyun shook slightly, which means that current is now being introduced into it.

"It's done in one go." Liuyun said with some pride.

Now she is very satisfied with the masterpiece of the three of them.

"Well, according to the blueprint, thermal power generation technology should be used in this way."

"I will call Lin Yu here and ask him, the creator of the rune circuit, to see if there is anything that can be improved on this device."

Gui Zhong said.

Liu Yun and Ge Chen naturally had no objection to this.

If it were any other time, they might not have had the chance to meet Lin Yu.

Gui Zhong immediately left the Chen Temple and went to the Yu Temple on the next fairy island. As soon as he entered the Chen Temple, he saw Lin Yu practicing with his eyes closed.

And Lin Yu also sensed the arrival of an outsider and immediately exited the state of deep sleep and practice.

"Gui Zhong, you are here?"

To be honest, Lin Yu was still a little surprised by Gui Zhong's arrival.

If his perception was correct, it has only been more than a month now. Didn't he say that he would only look for him at important moments? Could it be that he was facing an important moment in the development of Liyue Rune Circuit so soon?

Lin Yu would not believe it.


"Liu Yun, Ge Chen and I have already made the thermal power generator."

"We have just conducted a test and it was successful, so I want you to go and see if there is anything wrong or needs improvement."

Gui Zhong explained his purpose.

"Okay, of course."

Lin Yu said.

Since we are awake, let's go.

Then Lin Yu and Gui Zhong went to the Chen Temple together.

"Yu Shen, take a good look at this mechanical creation that I participated in. Is there anything that can be improved?"

Liu Yun said.

Lin Yu looked at the not-so-small thermal power generator in the Chen Temple.

Ahem, although Lin Yu could not understand the function of the specific structure at first glance, Lin Yu was a person who had attended nine years of compulsory education, so he naturally knew the operating principle of the thermal power generator.

It's nothing more than boiling water.

This is the principle of the simplicity of energy.

"You just started testing in the Dust Temple? Isn't the black smoke coming out of the boiler a little unsightly?"

Looking at this thermal generator, the first thing Lin Yu noticed was the black smoke coming out of the boiler.

When rune circuits become popular in the future and Liyue needs more thermal power stations, won't the smoke produced by the large amount of coal burning every day pollute Liyue's air quality?

"That being said, coal burning will inevitably produce smoke. This is a rule of the world."

"However, if these fumes are discharged in large quantities, it will indeed bring some pollution to the region.trouble." After Lin Yu said this, Gui Zhong thought of the pros and cons of this. "What's there to worry about? At most, I'm developing a smoke purification device. I guarantee that these thick smoke will become as white as clouds. "Liu Yun thought it was not a big deal. Lin Yu also nodded in agreement. You know, Teyvat is a fantasy world. Isn't it easy to solve the simple air pollution? It's not a taboo knowledge pollution. So it's not a big problem. After ignoring the smoke problem, Lin Yu looked at other places of the thermal generator. Lin Yu didn't know much about the mechanism, because generally speaking, he was directly materialized, so he didn't know much about it. But can Lin Yu say that he doesn't understand? Obviously, he can't! Under Lin Yu's patient observation, he soon found another problem. "This circuit connection method is very problematic." Lin Yu said. "I don't know what the problem is? "Ge Chen asked.

The pillars used for conducting electricity are made of copper, which is the most conductive material they found after testing many materials, so there shouldn't be any problems.

"First of all, this kind of pillar is too thick, and secondly, it can't be bent. When it comes to turning, it requires specific parts. Can we replace the pillars with wires? Wouldn't it be much more convenient?"

"At the same time, the conductor is exposed to the outside, and there are too many interference factors in the outside world. What if it rains? What if people touch it?"

"So the line should be wrapped with rubber for protection. It's better to call this thing an electric wire."

Lin Yu said.

Everyone can understand the problem raised by Lin Yu, but what is the rubber that Lin Yu mentioned?

"Rubber? This immortal has never heard of anything called rubber. "Liu Yun said.

Lin Yu slapped his head and almost forgot.

However, the technology in some places in Teyvat is so advanced, there must be something similar to rubber in this world, but Liyue should not have it at present.

But it's easy to do. As the god of embodiment, it's good to be embodiment.

Lin Yu stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers.

Then a row of wooden boxes appeared, and the boxes were filled with finished rubber, and another row of boxes were filled with rubber tree saplings.

There was also a book "How Rubber is Made".

Lin Yu handed all these things to Gui Zhong.

Liu Yun opened the box and took out a piece of rubber. Looking at this black thing, he took it in his hand and squeezed it. It was very elastic.

Is this rubber?

Now Lin Yu has found all the problems he can find.

The rest requires Gui Zhong and the others to work hard for it!

After explaining the role and importance of rubber, Lin Yu left the Dust Temple and returned to his own Feather Temple. Still in his own hall, he sat cross-legged and closed his eyes to practice as before.

In the following month, the Liyue Seven Stars received the order from the Yunshang Palace, and then established the thermal power station project and officially recruited workers from the Liyue society.

Two months later, he finally promoted the progress of Liyue's lighting technology!

Through the engraving of rune circuits, it is possible to consume current to stimulate light, which can be used for lighting.

At this stage, Liyue's lighting tools are mainly oil lamps, torches, and candlelight.

It is not convenient to use, and there is a fire risk.

So now the Liyue Seven Stars began to plan to change all the lighting on the streets of Liyue to rune circuits. At the same time, the main cables were buried under the streets to prepare for the future electricity supply to thousands of households in Liyue.

Half a year later, the streets of Liyue Harbor had changed a lot, and rune street lamps with Liyue style stood on both sides of the streets.

Three months later, the first thermal power station in Liyue was completed and officially put into operation. The current was supplied from the power storage station to the Liyue distribution station through underground cables, and finally distributed to the streets of Liyue.

Tonight, the street lights on the streets of Liyue are shining, and the warm light tone illuminates the entire Liyue Harbor, instantly making the originally prosperous Liyue Harbor rise to a higher level.

Liyue Harbor, what a city that never sleeps.

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