
Since Lin Yu went to Sky Island to ask for justice on behalf of Egolia last time, he has never set foot in Fontaine, the kingdom of water, for hundreds of years.

And the current topography of Fontaine really surprised Lin Yu.

After all, Lin Yu remembered that when he came to Fontaine last time, he also had a slight appreciation of the full view of Fontaine at that time.

The changes in the topography of Fontaine are really too great now.

The entire Fontaine topography seems to have been forcibly raised by one section, but Lin Yu doesn't know why Fontaine did this.

Is it to use the raised plate to prevent other countries from invading Fontaine and form a natural defense line?

Lin Yu thinks it is not that simple. After all, the relationship between the seven countries is still good, and it is definitely not so tense that Fontaine needs to raise the plate for defense.

It's just that the water god Egolia has died, otherwise Lin Yu will definitely go to Egolia to find out the reason.

He was indeed a little curious now.

After coming out of the space gate, Lin Yu lowered his altitude in the air, and then saw the tragic situation of Fontaine, which had just experienced the Kanreya disaster.

In this sea area alone, several Fontaine warships can be seen, and these ships are dragging a lot of thick smoke and rushing towards the shore.

They are too late to return to the port now. The damage to the outside and inside of the warships cannot support them to return to the port, and the lifeboat system equipped on the ship also has problems.

In order to survive, they can only rush to the shore and strand the ship before the ship sinks completely.

This is just the scene that Lin Yu can see at present. More ships of Fontaine have long been in the process of the Kanreya disaster. In order to resist the monsters that emerged from the abyss, I don’t know how many brave and fearless captains of Fontaine led his ships to stay in this sea area of ​​Fontaine forever.

The city buildings on the distant land were also filled with smoke, and it seemed that they had been hit by the Kanreya disaster.

The war in Kanreya swept across the seven countries of the mortal world, and each country was invaded by the abyss to varying degrees. In order to resist these invasions from the abyss, people would always shed countless blood and sacrifices.

Looking at the ships with thick smoke, Lin Yu sighed.

Then he silently applied a force to the ships that were about to sink, so that they could reach the shore more quickly, so as not to sink to the bottom of the sea due to damage to the hull halfway.

After doing all this silently, Lin Yu headed towards the direction of Fontaine City.

Arrived above Fontaine City.

He found that the current Fontaine City was somewhat different from the Fontaine City in his memory. It seemed that a large part of the Fontaine City had been submerged under the sea.

At the same time, many high walls were built in Fontaine City.

These were buildings that had not appeared before.

Part of Fontaine City sunk under the sea, the high walls built in Fontaine City, and part of the high walls that have been submerged in the water.

Combined with the current environment around Fontaine City, Lin Yu felt that Fontaine built such a high wall, not to guard against the enemy, but to guard against the rising sea water.

Yes, that's right.

The sea water is rising.

Lin Yu recalled the whole picture of Fontaine that he had roughly visited before, and compared it with the current full picture of Fontaine, he could clearly find that the proportion of the ocean was rising, and concluded that the sea level in Fontaine was rising.

Is the rise of the continental plate of Fontaine Country related to the rise of the sea level?

I always feel that there are too many things hidden in Fontaine now, and Lin Yu feels a headache just thinking about it.

Just go find someone to ask these questions.

Who should I find?

Of course, I have to find the next successor of the God of Water.

But in the vast sea of ​​people, where is the next successor of the God of Water of Fontaine?

It's not a big problem.

As the new water god, he must be carrying the symbol of legitimacy as the water god, which is the heart of the gods given to the gods by the law of nature on the Sky Island.

In other words, if Lin Yu wants to find the existence of the new water god now, he only needs to lock the location of the heart of the water god.

When the heart of the god was issued by the law of nature on the Sky Island, Lin Yu was originally interested in the appearance of the hearts of the gods of other gods. At that time, there was really nothing to do, so Lin Yu silently recorded the breath of the heart of the god.

Unexpectedly, thousands of years later, it would be useful.

Immediately, Lin Yu mobilized the space power and searched for the breath of the heart of the water god in the space within the Fontaine area..

"Found it!" Lin Yu said with his eyes brightening.

He had searched this space and thus locked onto the existence of the Water God's Heart.

In the picture transmitted back by the spatial power, she was sitting on the cliff in a white and black gradient starry sky evening dress, looking at the distant Fontaine sea in a trance, with a slightly sad face, and I don't know what she was thinking at this time.

Lin Yu raised his hand and summoned a space door.

The space door opened beside her.

Feeling the appearance of the space door, she seemed to be frightened by something, suddenly stood up from the cliff, stepped back dozens of steps behind her, then covered her chest with her hands, and looked closely at the direction of the space door.

Almost at the same time, Lin Yu's figure jumped out of the space door, and then the space door turned into white particles and disappeared.

"You, who are you!"

She forced herself to calm down and looked in the direction of Lin Yu and asked.

Seeing her so flustered, Lin Yu suddenly thought that he seemed to have forgotten to restrain his breath.

After all, he had to mobilize the power of space before and search for the breath of the Heart of the Water God in the space within the entire Fontaine, so naturally he did not cover up Lin Yu's own breath.

So now that they met for the first time, such a scene was created.

Alas, sometimes one's own strength is too strong, and it will also feel very distressed.

"My name is Zennos, and I am the ruler of order." After Lin Yu introduced himself, he asked, "What about you? You have the breath of the Heart of the Water God on you, so you must be the new Water God, right?"

After hearing that it was the ruler of order Zennos, she slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

Just now, she felt such a strong breath, and she thought that the sky was going to come to Fontaine in advance to hold it accountable.

Fortunately, things were not what she thought.

Suddenly taking on the identity of the God of Water, she had a huge mountain on her shoulders, which almost made her breathless.

During this period of time, she has been looking for a solution to the problem.

Therefore, she is now a little exhausted, and naturally she is particularly sensitive.

"My name is Fukalos. I was originally one of the many pure water elves who followed the previous generation of the God of Water. Who knew that the God of Water suddenly died in this war. When he was dying, the previous generation of the God of Water passed the message through water and appointed me as the next generation of the God of Water."

"Take on the responsibility of protecting Fontaine."

Fukalos recalled the situation at that time and told Lin Yu about it.

Lin Yu nodded after listening.

It turns out that there is such a relationship between the previous generation of the God of Water and the current God of Water.

But isn't that just right? I gave the necklace made of the soul crystal condensed from the soul of the previous generation of the God of Water, Egolia, to the followers of the former God of Water, Egolia.

This operation is reasonable no matter how you look at it.

Originally, Lin Yu was worried that he would meet someone who had no connection with the previous water god. Should he give the necklace to him or not? It was a difficult question.

Fortunately, this was not the case in reality, so all the previous worries were solved.

"Lord Zennos came to Fontaine this time. Is there anything to do?"

As the ruler of order, Lin Yu's position is above the ruler of the world. Fukaros has only heard of Lin Yu's existence and has no intersection with Lin Yu, so calling Lin Yu Lord Zennos is not wrong and in line with etiquette.

Fukaros only knew that hundreds of years ago, Lin Yu came to Fontaine again, but he left soon that time, and never set foot in Fontaine since then, until today when Lin Yu appeared in Fontaine again.

Presumably, his appearance must be for something.

Although Lin Yu is the ruler of order, he learned from the previous generation of water gods that his connection with heaven is not deep, and he is also a trustworthy existence.

"Well, I came to Fontaine this time, and I do have some things to do."

While Lin Yu was speaking, he took out the soul necklace of Egolia from his space and held it in his hand.

"This is a necklace that the water god Egolia has commissioned me to make many times at the Seven Gods Conference."

"This necklace should have been given to her at the next Seven Gods Conference, but who would have thought that the Kanreya disaster would happen in the middle, and the water god Egolia would die in it."

"So I want to give this necklace to the next successor of the water god."

"I hope you like it."

After listening to Fukalo, Lin YuAfter hearing what Fukaros said, he temporarily changed his previously arranged tone.

Originally, Lin Yu wanted to give this soul necklace of Egolia to the successor of the God of Water as a relic of Egolia.

But he heard what Fukaros said, that the God of Water Egolia had communicated with her before her death, and had explained her affairs clearly.

Then Lin Yu's relic, which should not exist, would appear very abrupt.

So there is a risk of exposure.

But he changed it to the God of Water's entrustment to him at the Seven Gods Conference, which naturally made a lot of sense. At the same time, Fukaros was not familiar with the other six gods, so the details of the Seven Gods Conference were naturally impossible to verify.

Fukaros took the necklace from Lin Yu without any doubt.

She could feel the breath of the previous generation of the God of Water Egolia in this necklace.

"Thank you, Lord Zennos, for coming to Fontaine for this."

Fukaros said.

"You're welcome. This is part of the commission. It's just that the previous water god suddenly... Forget it. I won't mention these sad things in the past today."

"By the way, I see that the current appearance of Fontaine is completely different from the Fontaine I saw hundreds of years ago. Even the continental plate of Fontaine has been raised a lot."

"At the same time, there seems to be a phenomenon of rising sea water in the Fontaine topography."

"What's going on?"

After taking this opportunity to hand over Egolia's soul necklace to Fukaros, Lin Yu followed the current topic and asked about the things he was interested in and confused about.

Seeing Lin Yu mention this matter, Fukaros sighed immediately.

This matter was no longer a secret for Fontaine, so in the following time, Fukaros began to slowly tell Lin Yu about the series of things that happened in Fontaine.

"The cause of all these things has to start from that time..."

In Fukaros's narration, Lin Yu gradually understood everything that happened in Fontaine and the reasons behind it.

The cause of the incident was that after Lin Yu decided to help Egolia go to Sky Island to ask but to no avail, in the following decades, the water goddess Egolia finally made her own decision.

Decided to help her own followers, that is, the pure water elves who longed to become independent individuals like humans, to become humans who could stand on the land of Fontaine, to satisfy the dreams and prayers of her followers.

Then she used the power of water and acted in an act of usurpation without the permission of heaven, stealing the water of the original fetal sea from the depths of the land of Teyvat without authorization.

Use the power of water to confine the water of the original fetal sea in the body, thereby creating a mimic human that is almost identical to humans.

Because the power of water in the hands of the water god is not complete, she can only mobilize the water of the original fetal sea to create a flawed product like the mimic human.

It is not like the ancient times, when the ruling of life used the power of life and the water of the original fetal sea as the foundation to shape all life on the continent of Teyvat.

The flaw of the mimic human is that when they touch the water of the original fetal sea again.

The restriction of the original fetal sea water in the body will instantly disintegrate, the mimic human's body will instantly turn into a pool of water, and the original fetal sea water in the body will return to the earth, and the pure water elves that have become independent human individuals will also return to the true form of pure water elves.

In the hundreds of years that followed, the number of mimic humans has long become the dominant force in Fontaine, and gradually Fontaine has only mimic humans.

In the end, the fact that the water god Egolia used the water of the original fetal sea without authorization was discovered by the sky without surprise.

The sky sent a messenger to ask for accountability, and the water goddess Egolia took the initiative to ask for forgiveness from the sky, willing to bear all the guilt caused by this.

However, the sky did not pay attention to the water goddess Egolia, but after looking around the situation in Fontaine, it determined that all the people in Fontaine were guilty.

And it predicted the destruction of the world in response to the sins of Fontaine.

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