
After the Kanreya War, Xumi, as the starting point for the abyss invasion of the mortal world, was naturally infected by the abyss power many times more than other areas.

At the end of the Kanreya War, Lin Yu used the power of light elements to remove most of the abyss power in the Xumi Desert.

As for the rainforest area of ​​Xumi, because the seven gods have always been guarding the desert area, the abyss power that has eroded the past is not much.

Although Lin Yu cleared the abyss power in the Xumi Desert, it was only a superficial treatment.

While a large amount of abyss power gushed out from the ground, it gradually poured into the veins under the Xumi Desert, thus further spreading the pollution of the abyss power from the Xumi Desert area to the entire Xumi.

As the master of Xumi in the Grass Kingdom, the Great Compassion Tree King Buyer.

Before the Kanreya War began, she had already shouldered the responsibility of protecting the World Tree.

The safety of the World Tree is related to the safety of the entire Teyvat continent.

This shows how important it is to protect the World Tree.

In order to better protect the World Tree from being polluted by the power of the abyss, the Great Compassion Tree King Buyel moved the World Tree into her consciousness space.

In this way, the Great Compassion Tree King can do his best to protect the World Tree.

In fact, it is true.

When a large amount of abyss power spread to the former location of the World Tree, it was found that the World Tree was not there at all, which really dealt a heavy blow to this wave of abyss power.

As the Kanreya War at that time intensified.

A large amount of abyss power has begun to flow into the Xumi veins. If we don't start to clean up the abyss power that has flowed into the Xumi veins.

It is likely that it will cause irreversible damage to the Xumi veins, and at the same time, these damages to the Xumi veins will also be converted into substantial damage on the surface of Xumi.

In order to avoid such a situation, King Buyer of the Great Compassion Tree began to use his own power and the authority from the World Tree. According to her summary of the treatment methods for forbidden knowledge pollution, she began to carefully clean up the pollution of the Abyss Power in the Xumi Earth Vein.

After the end of the Kanreya War, no more Abyss Power continued to flow into the Teyvat Continent.

King Buyer of the Great Compassion Tree was busy alone in Xumi for a while, and finally cleaned up all the pollution of the Abyss Power in the Xumi Earth Vein.

When the last ray of Abyss Power in the Xumi Earth Vein was washed away, King Buyer of the Great Compassion Tree finally showed a happy smile on his face.

But now the Abyss Power has been completely cleaned up within the range of Xumi, why does the earth reaction caused by the erosion of the Abyss Power still exist in Xumi?

After discovering this problem, King Buyer of the Great Compassion Tree began to look for the reasons behind it.

After a detailed investigation by the Great Compassion Tree King, she found a very serious problem in herself.

She moved the World Tree from the surface into her own consciousness space, and at the same time, she had a deeper two-way binding with the World Tree on top of the original relationship.

So what was the result of doing this?

The result was that when the Great Compassion Tree King was cleaning up the erosion of the Abyss Power, although she was careful enough when cleaning up, she was still contaminated by some of the Abyss Power.

Originally, this little bit of pollution from the Abyss Power was nothing to the Great Compassion Tree King.

But now that the Great Compassion Tree King has incorporated the World Tree into her own consciousness space, she is now deeply bound to the World Tree.

As a result, the Abyss Power that originally acted on the Great Compassion Tree King spread to the World Tree along the Great Compassion Tree King's consciousness.

The forbidden knowledge pollution penetrated into the Great Compassion Tree King's consciousness.

Now she has no way to deal with this part of the forbidden knowledge pollution.

In order to find a way to deal with the contamination of this part of forbidden knowledge, the Great Compassion Tree King knew that there was no way to find a solution to the problem by relying on his own wisdom alone.

So the Great Compassion Tree King used the Heart of God as a basis to research and produce a machine that can integrate people's wisdom.

That is the Void Terminal!

Under the promotion of the Great Compassion Tree King, most of the adult Xumi people have already worn the Void Terminal, so that when they should be in a dream, they began to continuously provide computing power for the Void Interrupt.

The Great Compassion Tree King began to use the wisdom integrated from the Void Terminal.

She was dealing with the problem she was facing over and over again.'s calculations, and finally successfully let the Great Compassion Tree King find some solutions to the problem.

By putting these solutions into practice, the Great Compassion Tree King finally successfully cleaned up and controlled the forbidden knowledge pollution in the World Tree.

Because the World Tree and her consciousness are linked to each other, the Great Compassion Tree King has no way to completely eliminate these forbidden knowledge pollutions.

She can only use some means to take all the forbidden knowledge pollution originally directed to the World Tree on herself.

In this way, the World Tree can be prevented from continuing to be affected by the forbidden knowledge pollution.

As a price, the Great Compassion Tree King needs to endure the pain and torture brought by the forbidden knowledge pollution eroding his consciousness every day and night.

But these are nothing to the Great Compassion Tree King.

As long as the forbidden knowledge pollution inside the World Tree can be completely eliminated, even if she needs to sacrifice her life for it, so what?

She gradually understood that if she wanted to completely remove the forbidden knowledge pollution in the World Tree, she needed to erase the existence of the forbidden knowledge and her own existence from the World Tree.

In this way, these forbidden knowledge will completely disappear from the continent of Teyvat.

And the various effects brought about by the forbidden knowledge will also dissipate.

For the safety of the World Tree, she would not hesitate to sacrifice her life.

But the concept of erasing herself is a paradox in itself, and it is something that cannot be really done.

After thinking about it, she gathered the calculations from the void terminal.

Finally, in the mind of the Great Compassion Tree King, a plan began to gradually unfold.

She first erased herself as part of the entity, and then broke off a branch from the World Tree. Planting this branch will cultivate and give birth to a new grass god.

When the new generation of grass gods gradually grow up and grow to be qualified to take over the authority of the World Tree.

At that time, the new generation of grass gods will be able to completely erase the last part of the Great Compassion Tree King from the world.

In this way, the whole world will forget the Great Compassion Tree King.

Along with the Great Compassion Tree King, the forbidden knowledge that makes people crazy from the abyss will also be forgotten.

After that, the pollution of the world tree by the forbidden knowledge will completely disappear from the world!

It’s just that this plan now takes a long time to be realized, but it doesn’t matter. In any case, the Great Compassion Tree King will persist until that moment comes.

At the same time, on the other side.


The current water god Fukaros combined with the preparations of the previous generation of water god Egolia, it seems that she has found a way to solve the disaster that Fontaine is facing now.

Here we have to mention that the water god Fukaros is a particularly important member in the plan.

This person is called Navilet. Not long ago, he was invited by the water god Fukaros to join Fontaine and will soon take up the post of the Grand Judge of Fontaine.

This responsibility is mainly responsible for giving the most fair judgment to those who violate the laws of Fontaine in the Fontaine Court.

In addition to the trial, he will also be responsible for some other affairs related to Fontaine.

Then why is he said to be a crucial member of the plan of the water god Fukaros?

It is precisely because of Navilet's special identity. He is the successor who was re-raised after the fall of the ancient water dragon king, that is, the new generation of water dragon king.

As the water dragon king, he should have mastered the complete power of water. After possessing the complete power of water, he can easily control the ups and downs of the water of the original fetal sea.

In this way, as long as the water dragon king Navilet can help, it will be easy to end this disaster.

It's just that the current water dragon king does not have the complete power of water.

If Navilet could master the complete version of the power of water now, he would not have made such a dependent move as joining Fontaine to become the Grand Inquisitor.

Then the question is, since the Water Dragon King Navilet does not have the complete power of water now, how can he help Fontaine end this disaster?

So what the Water God Fukaros has to do next is to help the Water Dragon King Navilet regain the authority that once belonged to him.

And where is this part of the authority?

Of course, it is in the Heart of the Water God.

Although the Water God Fukaros does not know what material this God's Heart issued by heaven is made of, she can feel the authority in the Heart of the Water God that is similar to the breath of the Water Dragon King.Power.

In fact, using the Heart of God can indeed mobilize the powerful power of water elements.

Since the Heart of the Water God contains part of the power of water, as long as the Heart of the Water God is directly handed over to Villette, wouldn't all the problems we are facing now be solved?

In fact, it is far from that simple.

The Heart of the Water God has now recognized the new generation of Water God, which is a deep binding with the Water God Fukaros.

The Heart of the Water God carries this natural restriction, perhaps to guard against the idea that someone wants to take out part of the power of water.

After the Heart of the Water God and the Water God Fukaros are deeply bound, the current state of the Heart of the Water God can be understood as a locked state.

In the locked state of the Heart of the Water God, if other people get the Heart of the Water God, even if they use some means to activate the power in it, they cannot take out part of the power of water contained in it under the restriction set by the natural law.

So how can we take out some of the power of water contained in the Heart of the Water God?

The Water God Fukaros happened to have experienced such a period of time.

That was the window period from the death of the previous Water God Egolia to the time when he took over the throne from the previous Water God Egolia and became the new generation of Water God.

When the Water God Fukaros recalled it now, he noticed it.

At the moment when the previous Water God Egolia fell, Fukaros felt the change of the Heart of the Water God in his hand.

This change is most likely the process of the Heart of the Water God changing from a locked state to an unlocked state and finally entering a silent state after the death of the previous Water God Egolia.

As for why Fukaros can be so sure, it is because when she bound the Heart of the Water God, she felt a completely opposite reaction from the Heart of the Water God.

It is precisely because of this that the current Water God Fukaros can roughly confirm this.

With this as a foundation, in the heart of the water god Fukaros, she gradually conceived a shocking plan!

If she wanted to return that part of the power of water from the heart of the water god, it was obviously not enough in the extremely short moment captured by the water god Fukaros.

So Fukaros needed to design a device to store and collect huge energy.

Then he personally cut himself off the throne, and at the same time as his death, the heart of the water god changed from locked to unlocked, and used the huge energy accumulated over many years to forcibly delay the time of the change.

Taking advantage of this time gap that was forcibly delayed, take out that part of the power of water from the heart of the water god, and then return it to the water dragon king Navilet.

After the water dragon king Navilet mastered the complete power of water, the divine punishment from the sky that Fontaine faced could naturally be effectively resolved.

But there is still a difficulty in this plan.

That is, this plan must not be detected and known by the law of nature before it is implemented, otherwise all the efforts made by Fukaros before this will eventually turn into a bubble.

Based on this point that cannot be detected by the law of nature.

Fukaros himself needs to perfect the most important part of this plan, which is the delay of the Heart of the Water God, and the process of taking out and returning that part of the water power.

Therefore, as the water god of Fontaine, Fukaros is destined to be busy for a long time. Because she needs to solve these two major problems, she cannot participate in the management of Fontaine.

The water god who just succeeded disappeared from people's sight before he appeared in front of the people.

The development of this kind of thing, no matter from what angle it is viewed, will only feel extremely suspicious, okay? !

So based on this point, the water god Fukaros believes that he needs a replacement.

Replace himself as the water god!

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