Why? !


Well, since you Morax look down on my existence so much, I will prove it to you.

One day, I will make you and the Liyue you cherish pay the price for it!

The young man thought about it and finally decided to leave this country that made him sad. After several twists and turns, he was lucky to go to the Kingdom of Winter.

With the young man's excellent IQ and means, he quickly fought his way out among the capitalists in the Kingdom of Winter, quickly completed his own primitive accumulation, and quickly strengthened himself with this.

The young man developed so quickly, and his business means were so amazing that the capitalists in the Kingdom of Winter cried wolf!

In just a few years, the young man who worked hard in the Kingdom of Winter has stepped on the flesh and blood of many local capitalists in the Kingdom of Winter and became a new generation of capitalists in the Kingdom of Winter.

He now has an astonishing 270 billion Mora!

The rise of the young man soon attracted the attention of an organization in the Kingdom of Winter.

This organization is called the Fatui, and is ruled by the new generation of the Ice Queen. The members of the Fatui are loyal to the orders of the "Ice Queen" who sits on the Winter Palace, and carry out different activities in various parts of Teyvat according to her will, as if they are all working for a secret goal.

The Fatui are attracted by the young man's talent, ability and wealth.

Under the contact of the clown Piero, the young man was successfully persuaded to join the Fatui and work together for the great cause of the Ice Queen!

In the Ice and Snow Church, the Ice Queen gave the young man a new name.

From now on, he is the executive of the Fatui, codenamed Pantalone, the rich man.

After Pantalone became the executive of the Fatui, in the following two years, his existence was gradually recognized by the Queen, and then Pantalone, as the executive of the Fatui, completely mastered the economic power of the Winter.

After he mastered the economic power of the Winter Kingdom, his vision naturally became more macroscopic.

Soon Pantalone discovered a crucial problem.

That is, the currency of the mortal world is actually controlled by the god of Liyue. It can be seen how ambitious this god is.

It seems that he is not as glamorous as the Liyue people say on the surface.

He is just the same as others behind the scenes!

Now that he holds the economic power of Zhidong in his hands, he must not let the economy of Zhidong be easily provoked by the God of Rock.

The Mora monetary system has gone through thousands of years and looks very peaceful on the surface.

But in fact, as long as this system is controlled by the God of Rock, this monetary system will never be peaceful.

If other countries want to be enemies with Liyue, Morax can directly impose economic sanctions on this country, and then he can win without fighting.

As he holds the economic power of Zhidong, he certainly knows how great the impact of the economy on a country is.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the economy can easily destroy a country.

So it is not a good thing that the economy of the Kingdom of Winter is restricted by the outer gods.

He Pantalone, as a rich executive of the Fatui under the Queen, must change this!

But how should this be changed?

It is definitely not possible to directly send people to seal up the Liyu Bank. Such a move will undoubtedly bring diplomatic risks to the Kingdom of Winter.

At the same time, if there is no alternative, doing so will also have an impact on the economy of Winter.

So Pantalone is ready to defeat the Liyu Bank from an economic level.

He had analyzed the operating logic of the Liyu Bank in his early years. This old system that has been used for thousands of years has long become a very backward system in his eyes.

The function of the Liyu Bank, in addition to being able to maintain the stable operation of the Mora system, is only the two very simple problems of deposit and withdrawal.

According to his idea, it would be very easy to snatch the banking market from Liyu Bank.

Just watch, God of Rock Morax.

How I disintegrate the Mora hegemony in your hands bit by bit.

One day, Zhidong will become the heart of the money in the new circulation world, so that the heart can stop with Zhidong's will when necessary!

Mora hegemony will be in the hands of Zhidong country! !

After making up his mind, Pantalone began to implement his own plan step by step.

Three months later, a brand new bank in Zhidong opened.

This isTheir own bank of the Dong Kingdom was also the first shot of Pantalone's counterattack against Liyue's economic hegemony.

The Northland Bank opened grandly under the endorsement of the Queen and a group of Fatui executives.

Pantalone innovatively proposed a crucial product, called interest.

In the past, interest was only generated when borrowing from others, but now it is different. As long as you deposit money in the bank, interest will continue to be generated.

Just relying on this point, it has been able to attract a lot of depositors from Liyue Bank.

Banks have always been places where wealth is gathered. If these gathered wealth are just piled up in the corner of the bank vault, it would be too pity.

So Pantalone will decide to use 70% of the Mora in the Northland Bank for investment in the world.

Under his ability, almost every investment can generate good returns, so the wealth gathered in the Northland Bank will only increase.

At the same time, the Northland Bank will also launch a lending function.

Borrowing money from the North Country Bank to open a business can solve the urgent problem and enable the company to develop more quickly and efficiently.

They are not worried that the loaned money will go bad. After all, the North Country Bank is backed by a powerful intelligence system such as the Fatui, and it has also extended a number of debt handlers to deal with the overdue debts in the North Country Bank.

The news of the establishment of the North Country Bank of Zhidong was naturally passed from Zhidong to Ningguang of Tianquan Star through the intelligence system of Liyue.

In these years, Ningguang of Tianquan Star has gradually gained the trust of the other seven stars of Liyue, and the power in his hands is also increasing.

"Lord Ningguang, how should we fight back against the North Country Bank? Do we need to impose sanctions on some merchants of Zhidong nationality?" Ningguang's secretary asked.

Ningguang took the pipe in his hand and took a slow puff.

"There is no need for this. Liyue is a commercial capital, and commercial competition should naturally be resolved by commercial means."

"It's just that in addition to the right to appoint and supervise personnel in Liyu Bank, the operation of Liyu Bank is completely independent of the Liyue Seven Stars."

"The decision of the Liyue Seven Stars cannot change the decision-making and operation of Liyu Bank. Liyu Bank has its own set of perfect rules."

"On this point, we need to wait until the next session of the Invitation to the Immortal Ceremony to consult the Emperor."

Ningguang said.

In fact, a long time ago, with Ningguang's ruthless eyes, he had already noticed many business opportunities that could be discovered from Liyu Bank.

It's just that he has no right to interfere now.

"Okay, let's talk about the next item. How is the preparation for the construction of the Qun Yu Pavilion?" Ningguang asked.

"Replying to Lord Ningguang, half of it has been completed. It is expected that all the preparations will be completed by the beginning of next month. At that time, you will need to come forward to announce the opening ceremony." The secretary said.

"Yes, I know." Ningguang nodded.

Regarding the Qun Yu Pavilion project, Ningguang had already had this idea in her mind a long time ago.

She had heard the story of the Cloud Palace when she was a child.

But for thousands of years, no one had really seen the full picture of the Cloud Palace. In the distant past, when Liyue Harbor had not yet been built, the Cloud Palace first showed its full picture above Guiyuli City, the former residence of the gods.

According to records, it was a group of palaces standing in the clouds, magnificent and beautiful.

People made paintings of the Cloud Palace they saw based on their memories, but the content of each painting was different.

As time passed, it was passed down from generation to generation.

The original appearance of the Cloud Palace can no longer be verified.

During the ceremony of inviting the immortals thousands of years ago, a gate called the South Sky would appear before the Emperor descended to the mortal world. However, this gate did not appear with the Emperor's appearance.

It is said that if someone in the mortal world can find this gate, they only need to pass through it to reach the legendary residence of the Emperor of Rock King and Lord Yushen.

Speaking of Lord Yushen, Lord Yushen seems to have not revealed his existence in Liyue for thousands of years.

However, no one has questioned the existence of Lord Yushen. Although Lord Yushen has not appeared for thousands of years, many things in their lives are closely related to Lord Yushen.

When Ningguang proposed that she wanted to build a palace in the sky, she was immediately attacked by all other Liyue stars except Yuheng Star.The Seven Stars objected.

Because of the existence of the Cloud Palace, the residence of the Rock King Emperor was in the air.

Wouldn't Ningguang's move offend the gods?

Not only did the Liyue Seven Stars disagree, but most of the Liyue people would not agree. They had a deep faith in the Rock King Emperor in their hearts, so how could they allow such an act of usurpation?

In the end, Ningguang took the opportunity of the Immortal Ceremony to ask the Emperor about this matter during the Immortal Ceremony.

Not to mention the height of the Cloud Palace, Morax himself would not care about these things at all, so after casting the scroll for the new year, he only replied with a "yes" and turned around and disappeared in front of everyone.

After the Emperor agreed, Ningguang was able to overcome all objections and promote the project of the Jade Pavilion openly.

Soon, the time came to the new January.

And Ningguang's preparations for the construction of the Jade Pavilion had been completed as expected.

Now Ningguang is standing on the construction site of the Qunyu Pavilion. Behind her are many building materials and large rune circuit construction machines with different functions.

She and her people are standing in front of a table of offerings.

Take three good incense sticks, light them, and then hold the incense in both hands and bow three times to the feather statue on the table.

"May Lord Feather God bless the construction of Qunyu Pavilion to proceed smoothly."

"May Lord Feather God bless!"

The various construction workers behind Ningguang also held incense in their hands and bowed three times to the feather statue in front of them.

After completing the Liyue custom of worshiping the god of construction Zennos before the construction, Ningguang continued to emphasize a few points at the construction site.

Finally, two secretaries pulled red silk on both sides.

Ningguang successfully completed the cutting, and then Ningguang announced that the construction of Qunyu Pavilion had officially started!

Amid the sound of firecrackers at the scene, Ningguang's Qunyu Pavilion construction project was finally officially launched.

She has begun to look forward to standing on the deck of the Qunyu Pavilion and looking at the scenery of Liyue under the Qunyu Pavilion.

She believes that one day, the shadow of the Qunyu Pavilion will cover the seven countries.

Three months later, in the Kingdom of Zhidong.

At first, people still maintained a certain degree of rationality about the emergence of the North Country Bank.

But after the first batch of people who tried it out appeared, people saw the benefits they gained from the North Country Bank in them.

So people began to go to the Liyu Bank, take out all the Mora they had stored in the Liyu Bank, and then deposit the Mora in their hands into the North Country Bank to become a depositor of the North Country Bank.

After all, if you deposit money and leave it untouched, you can get interest every month.

It would be a pity not to take advantage of this opportunity.

However, most of them are Zhidong people. So far, there are few examples of foreigners depositing money in the North Country Bank on a large scale.

After all, there is only one bank in the North Country Bank now, and they have to go to all parts of the world to do business. Depositing funds in the North Country Bank just for that part of the interest, and then creating a lot of trouble for themselves?

But even so, there are many depositors in the North Country Bank now.

The Liyu Bank built in Zhidong Country naturally targets mainly Zhidong people.

A large number of Zhidong people came to Liyu Bank to take Mora. Fortunately, the money in the vault of Liyu Bank was not transferred or used for investment, otherwise the run that occurred would be enough to put Zhidong Country's Liyu Bank into a crisis of having no money to take.

As a result, a crisis of trust in Liyu Bank broke out.

The reputation accumulated by Liyu Bank for thousands of years was damaged.

Until the second year, except for foreign merchants, there were basically few people who would set foot outside the Liyu Bank.

And foreign businesses that come to Zhidong Country to do business will now choose to deposit the Mora generated by their Zhidong business into the North Country Bank.

In the Kingdom of Winter, the influence of the Northern Bank on the Liyu Bank is not small.

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