After returning from the Sword Demon God Qingxu.

He had already learned what he should learn.

There was nothing to do at the moment, so Lin Yu started his life of playing badly again.

During this period, he pestered Morax to play Go.

As usual, it didn't take long for Morax to completely understand Lin Yu's routine, and the ending was obvious.

Lin Yu failed one after another.

Humph, Lin Yu was very unconvinced.

Please, be my chess piece again, I will definitely win this game!

Even if the gods are alive! I will beat him by half a piece!

Morax, take it!

Lin Yu held a white piece between his index finger and middle finger, and the white piece fell firmly on the chessboard.

Then a flash of lightning burst out from the white piece, and all the black pieces on the chessboard were shattered like a connecting game.

Morax immediately held his forehead helplessly.

This is an extremely familiar scene...

"I won this round!" Lin Yu said with a smile.

Morax: "..."

If I say no, are you going to ask, do you know Go or I know Go?

Under Lin Yu's daily lazy life, Morax was overwhelmed and repeatedly left Liyue to visit the immortals in Jueyunjian.

Lin Yu was helpless about this.

Didn't he just pester Morax these days to play chess, Gobang, military chess, Monopoly, poker, mahjong... and other entertainment projects?

Lin Yu spread his hands and said that he was innocent.

Who let him be a demon god now, enjoying a long life, if he didn't find some fun to play, he would be bored to death.

If he kept holding it in, he would become an old antique like Zhongli.

As time passed by little by little,

The wheat in the field turned golden, and the potatoes and sweet potatoes on the ground grew luxuriantly. All of this was inseparable from the careful care of the people of Liyue.

The strong man Li came to his own field, holding the booklet given by Lord Yushen at that time in his hand. He compared the images on the booklet with the scenes in his own field.

Li felt that the potatoes in the field seemed to be ready for harvest, but after all, it was the first time to plant this kind of plant, so he was a little unsure.

So he took out the booklet for comparison.

This "Planting" booklet was a sacred object given to them by Lord Yushen, and Li had naturally been very careful to preserve it these days.

For fear of damaging the booklet, every action seemed very careful.

"It should be ready for harvest, right?" Li was a little uncertain.

But whether it can be harvested or not, wouldn't it be clear if we pull it out of the ground and take a look?

Li stepped into the field, dug out the potatoes with a hoe, bent down and pulled the potato vines, and then shook off the soil.

Looking at the five large potatoes below, his face suddenly burst into laughter.

They had secretly tried to eat potatoes and sweet potatoes before planting.

It was not that they did not trust the words of Lord Yushen.

They were just very curious.

"Hahaha, really! One, two, three, four, five, a full five!"

"This is more? There are seven!?"

Standing in the field, looking at the results in his hands, enjoying the harvest, Li's mouth was almost unable to close.

Joy will spread.

The whole of Liyue was immersed in such happiness.

Hmm? Harvest?

Lin Yu lay casually in the pavilion, the view in the pavilion was excellent, and he could see all the landscapes of the whole Liyue clearly.

Lin Yu naturally saw all the busy people in the farmland in the distance.

Everyone's face was full of smiles, and they kept harvesting the food in the fields.

Calculating the time, it was indeed time for these foods to mature.

The autumn harvest season has arrived.

"Morax! Morax!"

"The seeds planted in the spring of Liyue have been harvested now, let's go out and take a look."

Lin Yu came to Morax's room and found that Morax was holding a stone tablet and reading the content on it.

Are the seeds planted in the spring now mature?

"Well, of course." Morax said.

He also wanted to see if the seeds that Lin Yu had materialized could meet the food needs of the people of Liyue for the next year.

After that, the two walked out of the Liyu Palace.

There were no people on the streets of the entire Liyue, and everyone ran to the fields.

In addition to harvesting the food in the fields, people were more curious about the yield of this food.

Lord Yushin saidAfter these crops are planted, the autumn harvest season can feed the entire Liyue for a year!

"Lord Rock God! Lord Feather God!"

Lin Yu and Morax came to the side of the field. The two were too conspicuous and were recognized by the crowd at once.

They stopped their work and gathered around.

Seeing this move, Lin Yu hurriedly said.

"I and Rock God are just here to see the harvest of crops. There is no need to gather around. You can continue to harvest."

Lin Yu looked at the crowd and said

Hearing that Feather God and Rock God were here to check the harvest of crops, smiles appeared on the faces of the crowd.

"Lord Rock God, Lord Feather God!"

"Thanks to you, the harvest of these plants is very good. If we store them properly, they will be enough for us to eat for a long, long time."

"Yes, Lord Feather God, if we eat sparingly, we can eat for two years without any problem."

"Thanks to the divine seeds given by Lord Feather God!"

Lin Yu and Morax's ears were filled with various praises from the crowd.

Lin Yu listened to these words and felt very comfortable.

After all, who doesn't like praise?

Lin Yu smiled and said, "That's good, continue to harvest! Don't delay the time for harvesting grain."

"Yes! We all listen to Lord Feather God!" the crowd said in unison.

The crowd really dispersed, each returned to their own fields, and then worked hard to harvest the grain in the fields.

All the harvested grains were piled up in their own fields.

Lin Yu took Morax and strolled around the fields of Liyue, basically checking all the fields.

The yields were all about the same.

If this momentum continued, it would be enough for the people of Liyue to use for more than a year.

But the barn might not be able to hold so much.

But for things like potatoes and sweet potatoes, it should be no problem to store them properly in the cellar.

They can even be made into dried sweet potatoes and preserved for a longer time.

"How is it?"

Lin Yu looked at Morax, as if asking for praise.

The seeds he manifested were all changed by Lin Yu to have corresponding properties, so that they could still maintain a good yield in an environment of lack of care and poor land.

Of course it is worth asking for credit.

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