Is this abyss related to the Abyss Cult?

"Lin Yu, thank you for telling me this." Kong thanked him sincerely.

Before Lin Yu said it, he knew nothing about his sister's current information. Under such circumstances, it is obviously like looking for a needle in a haystack to find his sister.

And now he at least knows a clearer direction.

That is the abyss.

In the future journey, he will begin to pay attention to the information about the abyss.

"No thanks, no thanks, it's just a matter of convenience. It's not too difficult for me." Lin Yu said with a smile.

Looking at Kong's sincere look, Lin Yu suddenly felt that his conscience seemed to be under attack.

But it shouldn't be long before Lin Yu's condemnation of conscience will soon disappear without a trace.

After eating at the Deer Hunter Restaurant, Kong and Paimon set off again without staying for long because they still had commissioned tasks.

As we all know, our travelers have always been busy people.

"Let's go, let's go back too."

"Don't mind having a new member at home, right?"

Lin Yu stood up, put his arm on Qing Yu's shoulder, and said to Wendy in front of him.

"Of course I don't mind, and it seems that whether I mind or not will not play any key role in this, right?"

Wendy spread her hands and said.

"Don't deny yourself like this, you are not completely useless in this." Lin Yu said with a smile.

"Oh? Then tell me, what role did you play?" Wendy asked.

"I think if you mind, Xi might kick you out, so that you don't have to live together, and naturally you won't mind it." Lin Yu said with a smile.

As the saying goes, if you can't solve the problem, solve the person who raised the problem.

After listening to Lin Yu's words, Wendy fell into silence in an instant.

In terms of universal rationality, this statement is not impossible.

After all, Qingyu is also Xi's friend, and they haven't met for thousands of years. If Wendy does something weird at this juncture, it is likely that the outcome will be what Lin Yu said.

Anyway, Wendy is not a serious person. As one of the seven rulers of the Wind God of Mondstadt, he has slept on the street.

Then everyone left the Deer Hunter Restaurant. The meal money had already been paid by Kong Jie, so there was no need to ask.

Soon after, Lin Yu brought Qingyu to the door of the flower shop opened by Xi.

A group of people walked into the flower shop.

At this time, the flower shop was in business, so the young Xi would watch the shop on the first floor. When he heard the noise outside the door, he habitually raised his head and looked over.

Then he saw Wendy and Lin Yu, and...? !


"Are you Qingyu? Qingyu?" Xi said with shock.

Qingyu nodded.

"Long time no see, hello Xi." Qingyu said with a smile.

"Lin Yu wants to practice, but I heard that Qingyu is quite free on weekdays. Why didn't he think of coming to Mondstadt to see me? Could it be that he didn't consider me a friend?" After being excited, Xi changed the subject.

If Lin Yu is excusable, then Qingyu can't wash it.

After all, he is really free on weekdays.

"Uh... Sorry!" Qingyu said.

He basically lives a two-point-one-line life in Yunshang Palace, going back and forth between the Feather Temple and the Game Tablet Center.

It's also free to say that he is free, but Qingyu lives a fulfilling life every day.

"Since you have apologized to me, then I will forgive you." Xi said.

He did not choose to continue to delve into this matter.

Then Lin Yu told Xi the purpose of bringing Qingyu here. During this period before the opening of the Mondstadt Oasis game store, Qingyu might have to stay here temporarily.

Xi was naturally very happy after hearing this.

In the happy atmosphere of old friends gathering together, Xi specially prepared a delicious dinner for everyone.

This time, because it was close to dinner time, Xi did not prepare in advance. So the dinner Xi made was all the specialties of Mondstadt.

Compared with the Liyue food Xi made before, it was simply too delicious.

As the saying goes, there is no comparison, there is no harm.


Half a month passed quickly.

Under the effect of Qingyu's ability to use money, the construction team worked overtime every day and almost worked in three shifts.

Fortunately, the store that Lin Yu bought was in the commercial street, and all the stores were closed at night.There will be no one after that, otherwise the construction may be forced to be interrupted due to night disturbance.

In a blink of an eye, half a month of construction time has passed. If there are no accidents in the following construction process, then the Mondstadt Oasis Game Store will officially open for business in fifteen days.

So now Qingyu has to seize the time and take action.

What action to take? Of course, it is to promote the Oasis game in the city of Mondstadt!

Because of the lessons learned from Liyue, Qingyu deliberately reduced the funds needed for the promotion of Mondstadt to 10 million Mora for the upcoming Mondstadt promotion campaign.

After determining the amount of funds for this event, it is natural to launch the event.

So the next day Qingyu began to discuss with his owner at various popular locations in Mondstadt and then gradually launched the promotion of the Oasis game.

For example, a vivid notice board was hung in the Deer Hunter Restaurant, and the Deer Hunter Restaurant was asked to use Qingyu's customized tablecloths for publicity, on which the detailed content of the Oasis game would be displayed.

With pictures and texts, it is hard not to attract people's attention.

Under such a publicity offensive, Qingyu did not even let go of the Angel's Gift and the Cat's Tail Tavern.

After the big publicity was negotiated, Qingyu began to hire children and teenagers in Mondstadt to distribute flyers about the Oasis game along the streets of Mondstadt.

Under Qingyu's continuous publicity offensive, only three days had passed, and basically in every corner of the street, people could be heard discussing the promotional content of the Oasis game.

"York, is this Oasis game really so magical? On such a board, you can play with moving pictures?"

"You don't understand this, right? I have a businessman uncle who often travels between Mondstadt and Liyue."

"He told me that Oasis game has been very popular in Liyue for a long time. Every day, there are so many people coming and going in front of the Oasis game store. Even the shops next to the Oasis game store are doing a booming business because of these people."

"My uncle played a game called Ball Battle, which is to use your hands to control the balls on the board that displays the picture, and then eat the balls smaller than you."

"Anyway, when the Oasis game store opens, I must try it out!"

There are many similar street discussions.

Recently, the citizens of Mondstadt are almost tired of hearing the four words "Oasis game".

The Oasis game has not even opened yet, but it feels like Oasis game is everywhere in their lives.

Kong had just completed a commissioned mission and returned to Mondstadt from outside Mondstadt. He had just submitted the mission to the Adventurer's Association and received the commissioned mission reward from Catherine.

"Brother, here!"

Then he turned around and saw a cute little girl, smiling innocently and holding a flyer towards him.

How could Kong refuse this?

So he naturally took the flyer from the little girl.

But he was not very interested in the content of the flyer. Paimon seemed to have seen the picture on the flyer and took it to read it himself.

"It's the flyer of Oasis Game, Kong, take a look!"

"Oasis Game will open in fifteen days."

Paimon handed it over and said.

When he heard that it was a flyer for Oasis Game, Kong became interested all of a sudden, and then took the flyer and read it together with Paimon.

On the game flyer, several games with simple gameplay were briefly introduced.

Although the gameplay is simple, it is still very interesting and worthwhile for Kong, who has not played similar games for a long time.

"Then Paimeng, when the Oasis game opens, we will go there on time to show our support." Kong said.

"Great! Great!" Paimeng said happily.

Fifteen days passed quickly, and during these fifteen days, Kong did some interesting commission tasks.

And in a commission task of the Wolf Territory, Kong needed to go to the Wolf Territory because of the commission task, and then successfully met the wolf cub Razer and the red little girl Klee in the Wolf Territory.

Kong had not played with Klee for a few days, and Klee was caught by the captain Qin again and put into the confinement room of the Knights of Favonius because of using a bouncing bomb to blow up fish.

"Today is the opening time of Lin Yu's Oasis game, right?"

"Based on the popularity of the Oasis game in Mondstadt recently, I think IWe need to go as early as possible, otherwise there may be no place for us. ”

Paimeng said.

“Well, let’s go an hour earlier.” Kong said.

There is still an hour before the opening of the Oasis Game Store.

Kong and Paimeng looked at the dense flow of people in front of the Oasis Game Store and couldn’t help but fall into deep thought.

It seems that they did arrive an hour earlier, right?

But why is there still a dense crowd in front of the Oasis Game Store?

And looking at the people who keep walking on the street, the number of people in front of the Oasis Game Store will increase further in the next hour.

“Okay, there are so many people.” Paimeng said.

“Paimeng, follow me later, I will take you in, and don’t let Paimeng get lost when the time comes. "Sora said.

After hearing what Sora said, Paimon stomped his feet in the air.

"What do you mean, Sora? It feels like an adult is talking to a child. Paimon is not a child!" Paimon said in a loud voice.

"Okay, okay, Paimon is not a child. Paimon is the best partner." Sora said with a smile.

At the same time, Sora secretly added in his heart that Paimon is the best emergency food!

"Oasis Games is open!"

"Everyone hurry up!"

About an hour later, there were suddenly waves of excited calls from the crowd near the door of Oasis Games.

Following these waves of excited calls, the crowd began to swarm towards the direction of the Oasis Games store.

"Slow down, everyone! Don't crowd!"

"Watch your feet, don't get trampled! "

There were several Knights of Favonius at the scene. Since the Knights of Favonius did not have many people, there were not many Knights of Favonius deployed to maintain the crowd order.

Faced with such a huge flow of people, these Knights of Favonius seemed a little weak.

But fortunately, there were no accidents due to the large number of people.

The crowd poured in from the gate of the Oasis Game Store.

After Qingyu learned from the experience and lessons of the last Liyue store opening, he opened the Mondstadt Oasis Game Store this time. To be precise, when the project was established, Qingyu had already trained the relevant staff in Liyue.

As for whether anyone would be unwilling to work across borders? But Qingyu said that these were not a big deal under the high salary and the power of money. .

Within the first three days of the opening of the Mondstad Oasis Game Store.

The staff he had trained in advance had already arrived in Mondstad from Liyue by car. After settling down in Mondstad, they started the relevant work today.

Under the guidance of these experienced staff, the crowds pouring into the Oasis Technology Store began to become orderly.

And in order to maintain the comfort inside the store and make it less crowded, when the number of people in the store exceeds the number of game tablets, the staff will prohibit the crowd from entering.

Then... Kong, who had arrived an hour earlier, obviously could not get ahead of others.

So when the Oasis Game Store was full, Kong was unexpectedly stopped by the staff outside the door.

"Kong, what should we do now? It seems that there are too many people inside and they won't let us in." Paimon said.

"I don't know. "Kong said.

Since the store is full, what else can he do? He can only wait here and see if there will be any chances in the future.

Inside the Oasis Game Store, Lin Yu's eyes were looking at the crowd outside the door of the Oasis Game Store through the huge French windows.

He originally planned to pick up Kong and the others directly.

But Lin Yu suddenly had a bad taste and wanted to see if Kong could squeeze in from the outside with his own strength.

But now it seems that Kong is obviously slightly inferior in technology. Sure enough, it is our Blue Star uncles and aunts who have a very obvious advantage in this regard.

"I'll pick someone up."

Lin Yu said to Qingyu, who was cheerful on the side, and walked outside.

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