It's just that the Liyu Bank Card was made by Lin Yu and materialized by the power of manifestation. Lin Yu, the creator, himself couldn't figure out the operating principle and logic of the Liyu Bank Card.

Not to mention wanting to imitate the Liyu Bank Card.

However, although it is unlikely to be imitated, given the technological level of Dongguo, it should not be a big problem to make a set of equipment with similar functions.

Seeing that the Liyu Bank Card is gradually becoming successful, Lin Yu concluded that if it continues to follow the current trend, it will be fully popularized in the whole of Liyue within three weeks.

At that time, the entire Liyue society will truly enter the era of information-based mobile payment.

But these have nothing to do with Lin Yu.

The Liyu Bank Card will naturally be taken care of by the people of Liyu Bank, and Lin Yu is also very willing to believe in the work ability of the people of Liyu Bank.

All he needs to do now is to enjoy life.

Then wait for the arrival of the invitation ceremony.


At the same time, on the other side.


"Welcome....Thank you..."

"Great! The last commission before we leave Mondstadt has been completed."

"So, Kong, can we set off for Liyue now?"

"Lin Yu said that the Immortal Invitation Ceremony to be held in Liyue in the near future is an annual attraction that cannot be missed! If you miss it because of being late, it will definitely make people feel very regretful."

Kong and Paimeng have just received the commission reward from Catherine.

This is the last commission before Kong is ready to leave Mondstadt for Liyue. In the few days and nights that Lin Yu left, Paimeng's mind kept emerging with the delicacies of Liyue that she imagined.

The expectation value is also getting higher day by day.

"Well, now we can finally set off for Liyue, but before that, let's go and say goodbye to everyone." Kong said.

During this journey in Mondstadt, with Kong's ability to make connections, he naturally made many friends in the Mondstadt area.

Now we are leaving Mondstadt and heading to the neighboring country of Liyue, so of course we have to say hello to our friends in Mondstadt.

"Okay, let's go!"

"The first goal is to go to the Knights of Favonius!"

Paimon said as he jumped into the air.

Then, Sora and Paimon left the Adventurer's Association and headed towards the headquarters of the Knights of Favonius.

They found Amber, Kaeya, Lisa, and Jean in the Knights of Favonius, and Sora and Paimon said goodbye to them one by one, but they didn't see Klee, maybe Klee secretly ran out to fry fish again.

"Okay, except for the people we didn't find, we've almost said goodbye to everyone."

"Then let's go say goodbye to Wendy!"

"After saying goodbye to Wendy, we officially headed towards Liyue."

Paimon said as he rubbed his hands.

As for where Wendy is now, Sora and Paimon both thought of the same place, which is the Mondstadt Angel's Gift Tavern.

But when Paimon and Sora arrived at the Angel's Gift Tavern in Mondstadt.

But they did not find Wendy in the Angel's Gift Tavern.

"Strange, this is so strange."

"Wendy, the drunkard poet, did not appear in the tavern. This is really strange."

Paimon stamped his feet in the air and said.

Sora also nodded in agreement.

After all, the fact that Wendy is equal to the tavern has almost become common sense, so Wendy's absence in the tavern is obviously not in line with common sense.

"Since Wendy is not found in the tavern, let's go to Wendy's house to find him." Sora said.

"Yes, since Wendy is not in the tavern, there is a great possibility that she is at home. Let's set off quickly!" Paimon said.

Then the two left the Angel's Gift Tavern again and walked towards the direction of Xi's flower shop.

After walking on the streets of Mondstadt for a while, Sora and Paimon finally arrived at the door of Xi's flower shop.

Walking into the flower shop, I saw Xi pruning branches.

"Hmm? It's Sora and Paimon. Are you here to look for Wendy?"

When the young Xi heard the noise at the door, he stopped pruning the branches, looked up at the door, and said after finding Sora and Paimon.

"Yes, we are here to look for Wendy. Is Wendy here?" Paimon said politely.

"Sorry, Wendy is not here now." Xi said apologetically.


Paimon was obviously a little frustrated to get this unexpected answer again.

"That can beSo may I ask, where did Wendy go or what did he do?" Kong asked.

"Well, I'm not really sure about this."

"I just know that Wendy left here early this morning."

"If you want to find Wendy, I can recommend a few places to you that should be able to find Wendy."

The young Xi said.

"Which places?" Paimon asked.

"In the hands of the Wind God statue in the Wind God Square, in the Angel's Gift Tavern, the symbol of Mondstadt's heroes." The young Xi said.

"Well, in the Angel's Gift Tavern, Kong and I have been there just now, but we didn't find Wendy in the tavern."

"Besides these two places we haven't been to, Kong, let's set off quickly!"

Paimon said.

"Thank you for telling us this, Xi." Kong thanked Xi.

Xi smiled and waved his hand: "You're welcome. "

Then Kong and Paimon told Xi about their upcoming trip to Liyue. After saying goodbye to Xi, the two of them followed the principle of proximity and headed for the Wind God statue in Mondstadt.

Soon after, the two successfully arrived at the Wind God Square.

Then Kong and Paimon stood on the square and looked at the position of the Wind God statue's hands. Since the Wind God statue in Mondstadt is very huge, it is estimated to be more than 100 meters high.

In addition, it is an upward perspective, so it is not easy to see clearly whether there is a person standing on the hands of the Wind God statue.

But fortunately, Kong's vision is different from that of ordinary people, and with the help of elemental vision, after observing for a while, Kong successfully found Wendy's figure on the Wind God statue.

"I see, Wendy is here." Kong said.

"Well, but this Wind God statue is so high, how should we get up?" Paimon said, looking at the Wind God statue that is more than 100 meters high.

"Paimon can definitely fly up. "Kong glanced at Paimon and said.

Hasn't Paimon been flying all this time? Why not let Paimon fly up directly and call down the drunk poet Wendy from the statue of the god of wind.

"I can't do it! I can't do it no matter how hard I try! !" Paimon stomped his feet in the air and said.

"Well, I'll find a way to get up. "Song said helplessly.

He began to observe the patterns of the Wind God Statue, and then he found that he seemed to be able to rely on the folds of the Wind God Statue's clothes, and then with the help of the power of the wind element, he ran up along these folds in one go.

After Kong calculated the angle and the required force in his mind, he suddenly stepped out.

Then, with ripples of wind elements, he stepped on the Wind God Statue quickly, and spiraled around the Wind God Statue along the folds of the Wind God Statue to the top.

Finally, he turned handsomely and neatly in the air, and successfully and steadily landed on the hands of the Wind God Statue.

Song's movements were light and agile, so he did not attract the attention of the scattered people on the square.

Otherwise, if the West Wind Church discovered this action, then the next month of cleaning work of the Wind God Statue would be completely on Kong's shoulders.

"Hey, Kong and Paimon, why are you two here? "

Wendy, who was standing on the God of Wind, looked at Kong and Paimong in a strange way.

But as the God of Wind, did he really know nothing about the arrival of Kong and Paimong and the purpose of their arrival?

"Hey, we are here to say goodbye!" Paimong said.

Kong nodded: "Our journey in Mondstadt has come to an end for the time being. Now Paimong and I are ready to set off for Liyue and take a look at the scenery that Lin Yu said should not be missed."

"Yeah, Kong, don't forget, Lin Yu promised to treat us to a table of food worth millions of Mora!" Seeing that Kong didn't mention this, Paimong reminded him emphatically.

Kong can only say that he is worthy of being Paimong!

"Oh! So we are going to set off for Liyue. Liyue is indeed a good place. It is much more prosperous than our Mondstadt."

"But our Mondstadt is not completely without advantages. In Mondstadt, poetry and freedom are always the main themes of Mondstadt. "

Wendy said.

Sora and Paimon nodded, not quite understanding. In terms of poetry and freedom, there should be no other country that can compare to Mondstadt.

Sora quite agrees with this. After all, the God of Freedom in the Free Country is free enough to get drunk and sleep on the street. So what else can be unfree in the Free Country?

"Well, now that we have arrived, should we set off for Liyue?" Paimon said.

Sora nodded, and then prepared to go down from here with Paimon.

Then leave Mondstadt and officially set off toLiyue, and arrived before the Liyue Immortal Invitation Ceremony began.

Just as Kong was about to jump down from the wind god statue and spread his wings to leave, Wendy called out to Kong who was about to leave.

"Wait a minute, stranger catching the wind." Wendy said.

Kong stopped and hesitated a little. He pointed at himself and looked at Wendy with some doubt.

"Stranger catching the wind? Are you calling me?" Kong said hesitantly.

"That's right."

"Traveler, when you set out on the journey again, you must remember the meaning of the journey itself."

"The birds, poems and city-states of Teyvat, the queen, fools and monsters, are all part of your journey."

"The end does not mean everything."

"So, before you reach the end, use your eyes to observe the world more."

Wendy said to Kong seriously.

And Kong was also thinking about this passage in his mind, and the meaning that Wendy wanted to express from it.

He roughly understood.

"I understand, Wendy." Kong nodded.

"Well! The warning from the wind god ends here! Next, I'm going to the tavern to have a few glasses of cider."

"Well, bye, traveler!"

Wendy said.


Uh, Kong just waved his hand and said half of it, and then Wendy in front of him quickly turned into a wisp of wind and disappeared from the hand of the wind god statue.

He thought that Wendy was serious for a rare time.

It seems that Wendy's serious moment was gone in less than a few seconds.

"Forget it, Paimon, let's go too!" Kong said immediately.

Then he jumped down from the wind god statue with Paimon, spread his wind wings and flew along the wind towards the street below the wind god square.

Although Mondstadt has a clear ban on flying in the city, with the law enforcement efficiency of the Knights of Favonius, it is obvious that there is no way to catch or find Kong.

After landing smoothly on the street from the air, Kong and Paimong officially left from the gate of Mondstadt.

As for why Kong and Paimong did not take the convoy to Liyue like Lin Yu did when he came to Mondstadt.

Then the result is obviously very obvious.

Naturally, it is because Kong and Paimong, with their current economic strength, obviously cannot afford the high price offered by the convoy.

So they can only set off on foot to Liyue.

Fortunately, Kong has full survival ability in the wild, and now the wind element power on his body has also risen to a level. Generally speaking, the dangers in the wild are difficult to threaten Kong.

If it were someone else, he would go to Liyue alone like Kong.

I am afraid that he would be captured by the hill people, robbed by robbers, or encountered powerful wild animals in the wild. There are many adventurers who were killed by wild boars in Mondstadt.

Kong's physique is different from that of ordinary people, so his speed in the wild is also different from that of ordinary people.

A few days later, they arrived at the border between Mondstadt and Liyue, namely the Stone Gate.

As the Stone Gate at the border between Mondstadt and Liyue, Mondstadt's management was lax, but Liyue was different. There were several Thousand Rocks and more than a dozen Thousand Rocks Armored Guards stationed at the Stone Gate.

To maintain the safety of the caravan and deal with some temporary emergencies.

There would not be any border friction.

"Wow, is this the territory of Liyue? There are actually machines similar to the Ruins Guard guarding it." Paimon exclaimed.

"The security environment in Liyue seems to be much better than that in Mondstadt." Kong sighed.

After all, when walking in the Mondstadt area, you basically need to fight every day, either with Hillchuls or Hillchuls, and occasionally you can encounter robbers blocking the road, as well as those annoying Fatui.

In Liyue, the wild is not 100% safe, but there have always been military patrols on the main roads of Liyue to maintain law and order.

Kong and Paimon walked for a while, and they officially entered Liyue from the stone gate, and now arrived at Wangshu Inn.

It happened that it was getting dark now, and they finally found a place to stay. Kong and Paimon didn't want to live in the wild, so they planned to live a luxurious life today.

They also seized a lot of Mora from the hillbillies, robbers, and the Fatui in Mondstadt.

Now is the time to use these Mora!

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