The two of them were naturally curious about the various furnishings in the room because it was their first time entering the interior of the Liyue building.

But such curiosity was not long-lasting. After a period of time, the two no longer cared about the furnishings in the house.

Kong sat at the table in the room, on which a set of tea sets was placed.

He just felt a little thirsty, so Kong wanted to pick up the tea set on the table and pour himself a cup of tea to moisten his mouth.

But when he picked up the teapot, he immediately found that the weight was wrong.

The teapot placed on the table was empty and there was no tea.

In desperation, Kong could only take out a kettle from his space, then opened the lid of the kettle and drank a sip of water.

"Well, it's okay that there are no cakes on the table of Lin Yu's family, but I didn't expect that there would be no tea."

"It's really just for show!"

Paimeng complained.

It's such a good mansion, but it's missing these details.

However, in Paimeng's eyes, whether there is tea or not should not be the point, the point is whether there are cakes or not.

Lin Yu cannot be blamed on this point.

After all, before this, there were only two people living in Lin Yu's mansion, in addition to Lin Yu, there was also Qingyu, and no servants were hired to work.

So there would naturally be no tea and cakes in the room.

If there were, it could only be before Lin Yu bought the mansion, but how long ago was that? Can the tea and cakes handed down from that time really be eaten now?

As for why he didn't use the power of embodiment, it was of course because Lin Yu was too bothered!

"Get ready to sleep, Paimeng." Kong said.

Then he lay on the exquisite wooden bed in the room, and Paimeng also entered her special space.

One night passed like this.

The next morning, Lin Yu left the mansion alone when Kong and Paimeng were still asleep.

He is now going to Xinyuexuan in Liyue.

He planned to treat Kong and Paimeng to a banquet at Xinyuexuan during lunch, and then fulfill the delicious meal that he had promised in Liyue and that Paimeng had been thinking about.

After Kong and Paimeng finished this banquet, Liyue’s annual invitation ceremony would be held, and the two would be wanted at the invitation ceremony.

Eh? Doesn’t this feel like a last meal before execution?

"Mr. Lin Yu, you are here, please come in."

"What arrangements do you have?"

The boss of Xinyuexuan greeted Lin Yu as soon as he saw him appear.

After all, Lin Yu had come to Xinyuexuan to eat every day before, and the price of each of his meals was not cheap at all.

So Lin Yu had already become a big customer of Xinyuexuan.

Naturally, it was worth the boss of Xinyuexuan to pay so much attention to him.

"I want to book a banquet for today's lunch." Lin Yu did not greet, but went straight to the point.

"Okay, then Mr. Lin Yu, do you have any requirements for today's lunch banquet, or are there any specific dishes you want to eat?" The boss of Xinyuexuan nodded and asked.

Requirements? If there is a place that can be linked to the requirements, then Lin Yu's banquet really has one.

That is the price.

"I don't have many requirements. The price of the dishes for today's lunch banquet should add up to about four or five million Mora, that's it." Lin Yu said.


After hearing Lin Yu's request, the boss of Xinyuexuan was obviously stunned.

He has been in the industry for so many years, and this is the first time he has heard such a request. Other guests will have some requirements, but these requirements are either the layout of the room environment or the arrangement of the types of dishes.

This is the first time he has seen such a fresh and unconventional request like Lin Yu today.

However, the boss of Xinyuexuan still adheres to the principle that customers are heaven, and readily agreed to the request made by Lin Yu.

"I roughly understand your request, Mr. Lin Yu. I will personally arrange it for you. You can come directly when the time comes." The owner of Xinyuexuan said.

Lin Yu nodded, and then left Xinyuexuan.

Since it was going to be a banquet worth millions of Mora at Xinyuexuan, if there were only himself, Kong and Paimon at the banquet, the number of people would be a little deserted and there would be no banquet flavor.

After Lin Yu prepared the banquet at Xinyuexuan, he did not plan to go home directly, but walked towards other places in Liyue, preparing to invite a few friends.

The first target was the Wangsheng Hall.

After Lin Yu appeared in the Wangsheng Hall, heOf course, he was warmly welcomed by Hu Tao, the head of the Wangsheng Hall. However, Lin Yu did not see Zhongli in the Wangsheng Hall. After asking, he found out that he had gone out to walk his bird again early in the morning.

Regardless of Zhongli, Lin Yu then began to explain the banquet to Hu Tao and invited Hu Tao to the banquet.

"Ahhh! Lin Yu, you are really worthy of being the good buddy of this hall master. You can think of me when there is such a great thing. It seems that this good buddy of this hall master is not in vain!"

Hu Tao put his hand on Lin Yu's shoulder and said with a little excitement.

How can I not feel excited? You know, this is a banquet worth four or five million Mora!

It's not that she hasn't entertained her relatives and friends in Xinyuexuan, but the maximum consumption in Xinyuexuan is tens of thousands to one hundred thousand.

After all, although Wangshengtang is a big family, if Hu Tao takes out four or five million Mora at once just to have a meal in Xinyuexuan, she will definitely not be willing to do so.

So she was naturally very happy to have Lin Yu's invitation.

At the same time, there would be no psychological burden, after all, Lin Yu had already shown his amazing financial strength in Liyue a long time ago.

"Well, then, Master Hu, please don't be absent at that time."

"In addition, I am not very familiar with the addresses of Xingqiu, Xiangling, and Chongyun, so I would like to trouble Master Hu to notify them as well."

"By the way, don't forget to bring that guy Zhongli with you."

Lin Yu said to Hu Tao.

"Of course, you can rest assured that this master will take care of things!"

Hu Tao patted her chest and assured Lin Yu.

Lin Yu nodded, and then left the Wangsheng Hall.

The rest of the things can be left to Master Hu, so Lin Yu doesn't have to go door to door to notify them.

It's great, there is another leisure time.

After Lin Yu returned to the mansion from outside, Kong and Paimeng had woken up at this time.

Then the two of them looked like they had something to say.

As expected, Kong spoke first.

"Lin Yu, is there a place to cook in your house? Paimeng and I looked around but couldn't find it." Kong said.

The two had just woken up and hadn't had breakfast yet. Fortunately, there were some ingredients they had bought for free in the wild in the space, so they could make a breakfast to fill their empty stomachs.

But they looked around in Lin Yu's mansion but couldn't find anything like a stove.

Could it be that Lin Yu's family didn't need to make fire to cook? No, Lin Yu is a god, so it seems that he doesn't need to make fire to cook, but this is a mansion in the mortal world, and it's too strange that there is no kitchen in it!


How should I answer the question Kong asked?

"There was indeed one in the mansion before, but it was gone later." Lin Yu said with his hands spread out.

Ah? What do you mean it was there before, but it's gone now?

Kong was a little stunned.

"What does it mean that it was there before and it's gone now?" Paimeng stamped his feet in the air.

"Because it was a little annoying, I took it down and replaced it with other decorations." Lin Yu said frankly.

".... It was a very casual decision!"

"No, since the kitchen has been taken down, how are Kong and I going to eat this morning!"

"Well, we can only go to the street to buy some breakfast. I saw that Liyue steamed buns tasted good before. Kong, let's eat steamed buns this morning!"

Paimeng realized it a little bit later, and then recalled the steaming steamed buns he saw in Guiyuli City.

He began to swallow his saliva.

"Steamed buns? I happen to have two baskets of soup dumplings and two cups of soy milk here."

"I'll treat you, you're welcome."

After hearing Paimeng talking about steamed buns, Lin Yu recalled something, and then in his space, two baskets of soup dumplings and two cups of soy milk "just happened" to appear.

After seeing the things in Lin Yu's hand, Paimon naturally took them over very happily.

"Wow, Lin Yu, you are so nice!"

Paimon said while holding a basket of soup dumplings.

The basket of soup dumplings was still steaming, and Paimon was not afraid of the heat and just held it in his arms.

It seems that the power of food is very strong.

Then Lin Yu briefly explained the lunch banquet today, which made Paimon, who was already very happy, even happier and more excited.

He kept shouting "good" beside him.

But it was only eight o'clock in the morning in Teyvat time, and it was obvious that there was still a long time before the lunch banquet.

So Lin Yu returned to the hall and continued to pick up a book called "I am in Teyvat Continent, Falling in Love Can Make You Stronger"! 》 light novel.

During this period, Lin Yu originally wanted to inform Qingyu about the banquet.

It's just that Qingyu left the mansion earlier than Lin Yu. It is said that the Snake Battle Competition he prepared is about to officially start. Qingyu has been busy with this during this period.

He said that this is the first time that Oasis Games has held a competition, so it must be ensured that the competition can proceed smoothly without any accidents. He must supervise the whole process.

Alas, when the Internet-addicted teenager found the way forward, Qingyu is really working hard.

So in order not to disturb Qingyu's concentration on preparing for the competition, Lin Yu thought about it and didn't go to find Qingyu. Anyway, Qingyu has eaten the top Seven Gods Banquet several times, and this banquet worth millions of Mora is not bad.

Time passed very quickly when Lin Yu was reading light novels.

Soon it was time for the banquet.

When Lin Yu felt that the two people outside the hall were about to come in, he immediately stood up and waved his hand to collect all the inappropriate things.

"You are here?" Lin Yu said lightly.

"Hey, Lin Yu, the banquet is almost over, so should we set off now?" Paimeng said while rubbing his hands.

Lin Yu nodded, "Then let's set off immediately."

"Great! Million-dollar banquet, Paimeng is here!" Paimeng said excitedly.

The three of them left the mansion, walked a distance and then arrived at Xinyuexuan, and then, under the respectful guidance of the waiter, the group entered the Tianzihao box of Xinyuexuan.

The various Liyue-style decorations inside the box are very magnificent.

Now the dishes have not officially started, so in addition to tea, there are some appetizers on the table.

These cakes, which are used as appetizers, have also been passed down in Liyue for thousands of years. After thousands of years of continuous improvement and optimization, they are made through several processes of the chefs of Xinyuexuan.

Just the patterns carved on the cakes directly double the price of a piece of cake.

The three of them ate cakes while waiting for everyone to arrive.

Since it was Master Hu who notified them, they traveled together, and Hu Tao brought all the invited people to the banquet.

"What a strange guy, I heard that you are a good friend of Lin Yu in Mond, why don't you introduce him to us all?" Hu Tao said with a smile.

At the same time, others were also a little curious about Kong's identity.

After all, this kind of clothing and dress is not like the style of Mond, they have never seen this kind of clothing here.

"Well, in that case, let me introduce him."

"His name is Kong, and he is a traveler who travels to various countries. The little guy next to him is called Paimon, and he is a little guide on the road for travelers."

"When Mond suffered a dragon disaster, Kong rushed into the sky alone along the tornado, holding a three-foot-long sword in his hand and fighting with the dragon in the air. After dozens of rounds, Kong's superb sword skills drove the dragon away and ended the disaster in Mond."

"After this battle, Kong became a great hero of Mond, and also an honorary knight of the Knights of Favonius."

"How about this new friend of mine, is he quite powerful?"

Lin Yu said seriously.

As the saying goes, when you go out, your identity is given by yourself. If Lin Yu exaggerates a little bit of the details, I believe that others will not see it.

At this time, Kong, who was sitting at the banquet, felt the focus of the people around him.

He has begun to sweat profusely now.

In contrast to Kong who was sweating profusely, Paimeng really enjoyed this kind of gaze and atmosphere.

"As expected of a disciple of Qingyu Sword Immortal, even the friends he made when he was out and about have such abilities. I really admire him." Xingqiu said.

"What? He actually has the ability to fight a giant dragon. Even a warlock at his peak should find it difficult to do this, right? This is really amazing." Chongyun exclaimed.

"Hmm... What would it taste like if I used the meat of a giant dragon to cook? But the difficulty coefficient of obtaining the ingredients is really terrifying!" Unlike others, Xiangling's brain circuit is somewhat unique.

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