"It's like this..."

After the Great Saint asked about the reason for their trip, Paimeng immediately stepped forward and told the Great Saint everything she and Kong had experienced in Liyue.

After listening to Paimeng's story, the Great Saint probably understood the whole story.

But no matter what the Emperor does, there should be a deep meaning in it, and as the Three-Eyed Five-Manifested Immortals who have signed a contract with the Emperor, they should naturally cooperate with the Emperor.

What's more, even if it doesn't work out, there is Lord Yushen to cover the bottom.

So there is no need to worry too much.

"Emperor Yanwang... actually suffered such a disaster."

"I... can't imagine it. No matter how the times change, I never imagined that losing Liyue would one day lose the Emperor."

"What role did the Seven Stars, who govern the human world, play in this matter?"

Speaking, Xiao stood on the terrace of Wangshu Inn, looking towards the direction of Liyue Harbor from here.

The Emperor's arrangement was to put pressure on the Liyue Seven Stars, and then test whether the Liyue Seven Stars were capable of passing the Emperor's test, so no matter what happened, just lead the matter to the Liyue Seven Stars.

"I will go to find the three True Lords, Xueyue, Lishui, and Liuyun. It's time for them to make a decision."

Xiao looked at Kong and said.

At this point, Kong began to be curious about how the immortals of Liyue would deal with this matter in the future.

"So will the immortals take over the entire Liyue?" Kong asked.

"I don't know, but everything should be within the contract, so how this matter should be handled depends on the situation." Xiao shook his head and said.

Then he was going to set off to find the other immortals, and then discuss how to continue the next script.

After the experience of communicating with the True Lord Xueyue Zhuyang in Jueyunjian last time, Kong and Paimeng almost saw at a glance that the Great Saint Xiao was planning to leave.

Then Kong immediately shouted to the Great Saint.

"Wait a minute!"

Xiao turned his head hesitantly and looked in the direction of Kong.

"What else?"

"The previous True Lord Xue Yue Zhu Yang asked us to go find the Great Saint Conquering Demons, True Lord Liu Yun Jie Feng, and True Lord Li Shui Die Shan."

"So can the Great Saint Conquering Demons take us along the way?"

After seeing Xiao stop, Kong stepped forward and said.

True Lord Xue Yue Zhu Yang asked? Since it was True Lord Xue Yue Zhu Yang, there must be a reason behind this move.

Then it is not impossible to take this person along the way.

But... Xiao looked at the man's physique.

"I can take you along the way, but the speed of the immortal flying is not within the range that mortals can bear." Xiao said.

"That makes sense, but is there a possibility that Kong is not a simple mortal? Even without the Eye of God, Kong can still use the power of elements easily!" Paimon boasted.

Oh? Is there such a thing in this world?

But Lord Yushen once said that the world is so big that there are all kinds of wonders, so there must be a mortal who can use the power of elements without the Eye of God.

Since he can use the power of elements, he must be able to withstand the speed of immortals.

"In that case, then put your hand up."


Put your hand up? Where should you put it? Kong was obviously stunned and looked in the direction of the Great Sage.

After seeing that Kong didn't seem to understand, Xiao couldn't help but sigh. He was really not good at talking to outsiders.

"Don't you want me to take you with me? Then put your hand on my shoulder, and I will hold you firmly with one hand. In this way, even if you fly fast in the sky, you won't fall so easily."

After listening to the explanation of the Great Sage of Demon Conquering, Kong understood it instantly.

Then he began to act according to what the Great Sage of Demon Conquering Xiao said, standing beside Xiao and putting his hand on the shoulder of the Great Sage of Demon Conquering.

Then he felt a force at his waist.

When Kong reacted, the two of them had already arrived in the sky of Liyue, and Xiao was flying quickly towards Jueyunjian with Kong.

On the way, he heard the voice of Xie Yue, saying that if there was a golden-haired traveler looking for him, he could be brought to the gate of Liuyun Cave Mansion in Jueyunjian.

At that time, Xie Yue, Li Shui and Liu Yun would gather in front of Liuyun Cave Mansion.

There was only one Yaksha, the Great Sage who conquered the demons, on the way, and the other Yakshas were still in their own garrisons and had not come.

The main reason was that they were not needed.

After all, according to the Emperor's plan, the Kingdom of Winter would release the deep sea outside Liyue Harbor.The whirlpool demon god Osel was sealed in the place, and this release was not a complete release, but a release but only half of it.

So if the five Yakshas were all at the scene, the five Yakshas would directly enter the formation, unfold the demon-suppressing and evil-killing formation, and easily suppress the semi-sealed Osel.

If such a combat power is released or slacked off, it would seem a bit too fake, and it would also affect the image of immortals among the people of Liyue.

So after comprehensive consideration, it is better not to come.

After all, they also have their own missions, and they need to guard the demons in one place, so it is normal that they can't get out.

This is reasonable.

Xiao took Kong and rushed towards the direction of Jueyunjian in the sky.

Soon after, they arrived at the gate of Jueyunjian Liuyun Cave Mansion. At this time, the immortals who participated in the performance in front of Jueyunjian Liuyun Cave Mansion had gathered together.

Xiao landed steadily with his men.

"Traveler, I have heard about your story. It is absurd that the Liyue Seven Stars acted so recklessly."

"It would be fine if they were reckless, but according to Xueyue, the Liyue Seven Stars dared to openly send people to interfere with our important place, Jueyunjian."

"In my opinion, the current Liyue Seven Stars do not take the immortals seriously at all. At this time, the Emperor was assassinated and his life and death are unknown, and the Feather God has been in seclusion for a thousand years."

"We immortals should immediately go to Liyue Harbor to punish the Seven Stars. We must not let such absurd things happen in Liyue Harbor again."

After Kong and Xiao arrived at the scene, True Lord Liuyun Jiefeng was the first to stand up.

He expressed his dissatisfaction with the current practices of the Liyue Seven Stars.

"Liu Yun's words make sense. If the current Liyue Seven Stars are really so unbearable, then we, the immortals who followed the Emperor to build Liyue, should immediately dismiss all the responsibilities of the Liyue Seven Stars and let the immortals take charge of the overall situation."

Lishui Dieshan Zhenjun said.

Then Xueyue Zhuyang Zhenjun also nodded in agreement.

Then the immortals were about to go to Liyue to hold the Seven Stars accountable, and it was confirmed.

"Traveler, the injustice you have suffered, this immortal will definitely wash it away for you."

"Now you can set off to Liyue Port openly. This time, all the immortals are gathering to go to Liyue Port. I want to see who dares to blame you."

Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun snorted coldly, then flapped his wings and said to Kong.

After Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun finished speaking these words, the immortals set off for Liyue Port and soon disappeared from the sight of Kong and Paimon.

Only Kong and Paimeng were left in the wind of Jueyunjian, and both of them were at a loss.

Soon after, Kong slowly typed a question mark.

So what was the point of Xueyue Zhuyang Zhenjun asking him to find other immortals?

He just stood there in a daze.

And the immortals also had something to say! Since they were all ready to perform, how could there be no audience if this was a performance?

It can only be said that Kong was an unlucky guy who was treated as an assassination of a god at the invitation ceremony. Then the immortals happened to meet him. If not him to practice acting skills, who else should they find?

After Kong thought about it for a while in the wind of Jueyunjian, he still didn't figure it out in the end.

He didn't plan to continue to dwell on this matter, so he decisively stopped thinking about it, and left Jueyunjian with Paimeng, preparing to return to Liyue Port.

Although it was a pity that no information about Lin Yu was found in Jueyunjian, and the immortals seemed to be unaware of Lin Yu's whereabouts, fortunately, with the help of the immortals.

Before he returned to Liyue Harbor, the charge of assassinating the gods on him should be cleared.

Sure enough, a few days later, Kong and Paimeng returned from Jueyunjian, and then walked into Liyue Harbor openly. After seeing Kong and the others, the Qianyan Army around them continued to carry out their patrol tasks without any special reaction.

If it were in the past, the first thing these Qianyan Army would have shouted when they saw him was to catch him!

Obviously, after the immortals arrived at Liyue Harbor, while holding the Liyue Seven Stars accountable, they also cleared Kong's grievances in the invitation ceremony.

The first thing Kong did when he returned to Liyue Harbor was to walk towards Lin Yu's residence. After ringing the doorbell for a while without any response, Kong skillfully climbed over the wall from the alley and entered the residence.

Because Lin Yu had been paying special attention to Kong's aura, he saw Kong's aura as soon as Kong entered.When they arrived at Liyue Harbor, they already knew where Kong was.

Then Lin Yu calmly packed up his things and left his mansion to go to the Oasis Game Store to play games with Qingyu.

"The hall is still furnished as it was when we left. It seems that Lin Yu has not returned to the mansion."

"Really, such a big thing happened in Liyue. As the god of Liyue, he disappeared at a critical moment. Why do I suddenly feel that he is on par with that guy Wendy?"

Seeing that the furnishings in the mansion remained unchanged, Kong and Paimeng both thought that Lin Yu had not returned.

Because they couldn't find Lin Yu after all the trouble, Paimeng began to complain indignantly.

"Paimeng can't say that. Didn't the note Lin Yu left for us say that something bad happened? Maybe Lin Yu went to deal with more important things."

For example, the sudden change in the sky during the invitation ceremony, and the thunder that hit the God of Rock.

Behind these changes, there is always someone to investigate.

Maybe Lin Yu went to deal with these things.

"Well... it is indeed possible, but what should we do now that Lin Yu is not there?" Paimon looked at Kong and said.

"We can go to the North Country Bank to find the Fatui executive officer. He should know more about what happened in the Summoning Immortal Ceremony than we do," Kong said.

Now that he has been involved in this storm about the Summoning Immortal Ceremony, Kong does not intend to withdraw in disgrace. He wants to thoroughly understand the things in the Summoning Immortal Ceremony.

Then the two left Lin Yu's mansion and went to the North Country Bank.

Before entering the North Country Bank, Kong had already seen the Fatui executive officer, Tartaglia, standing in front of the North Country Bank.

"Hey, buddy! You are finally back. How was the trip to Jueyunjian?"

After the young master learned from his subordinates that Kong had returned, he knew that Kong would come to him as soon as he returned to Liyue, so he waited in front of the North Country Bank early in the morning.

Although Kong appeared a little later than he expected, his appearance proved that what he thought before was not wrong.

"After we went to Jueyunjian, we did see the immortals in Jueyunjian..."

Seeing that the young master asked about Kong, he briefly described his experience of meeting the immortals in Jueyunjian.

There was nothing confidential in this, so naturally there was nothing that could not be said.

After listening to Kong's words, the young master fell into deep thought.

Xieyue, Lishui, Liuyun, Jiangmo Dasheng, some of the immortals mentioned by Kong, their intelligence agencies of the Fatui had never known anything.

"Thank you for sharing this with me. This is good information for me."

"In return, I also have information to provide you."

"The reaction of the Liyue Seven Stars to the death of the gods is very intriguing."

"They announced to the public that since the real culprit has not been found, no one is allowed to see the immortal ancestor's transformation. They even tried to block the news, but after all, there were many people at the ceremony to invite the immortals, and many of them were tourists from other countries. Even the Seven Stars could not block it in the end."

Son Tartaglia said.

Kong immediately understood the meaning of what Son Tartaglia wanted to express.

"So you are doubting that the real culprit behind the assassination of the Rock God is the Liyue Seven Stars? But the Rock God is the god of Liyue. No matter how bad the Liyue Seven Stars are, they should not attack the gods of their own country, right?"

Kong immediately felt that Son Tartaglia's speculation was ridiculous. Regardless of the motives of the Liyue Seven Stars, and not considering the factors of the immortals later, the Liyue Seven Stars assassinated the Rock God with a single blow with a mortal body.

This is quite absurd. It feels less reasonable than killing the Rock God in the Summoning Ceremony.

After all, I once had that level of power.

"No, no, no, the Liyue Seven Stars certainly have reasons to attack the Rock God."

"The Liyue Seven Stars have shown their desire for power more than once, and the Rock King is the biggest obstacle to their desire for power."

After saying this, Young Master Tartaglia thought he would gain Sora's trust, but he never thought that his face was full of disbelief at this time.

.....It seems that he is not really suitable for intelligence.

"Well, whether you believe my inference or not."

"But one thing is clear, as long as we can find the hidden Immortal Ancestor's Fa Shedding, we can look for clues through observation and finally find the truth through the fog."

So Young Master Tartaglia went further.

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