At the lady's words, Gongzi and Zhongli turned their heads in the direction the lady was looking at.

"It's Zhongli and Gongzi! And this hateful woman!"

As the saying goes, enemies are particularly jealous when they meet, and Paimeng is in this state at this time. She put her hands on her waist and looked at the lady angrily.

Compared with Paimeng's performance, Kong's performance is relatively calm. After all, he is different from Paimeng who was frozen at the time. He witnessed the whole process of the lady being punished by Lin Yu. Now he still feels relieved when he thinks back.

"Hehe, hateful woman? Not a bad title, I will take this as your praise for me."

The lady did not mention what happened in Mondstadt. For the lady, this is a segment she doesn't want to recall, so she just ignores it.

Gongzi Tartaglia on the side, after listening to Paimeng scolding the lady, saw that the lady was actually quite satisfied with this title?

Hmm? Isn't this right? The lady he knew was vindictive, so how could she tolerate someone scolding her in person?

It made Duck feel strange.

"Hey, even I know that hateful woman is not a compliment, but it is quite appropriate for you." The young master Tartaglia said with a smile, which formed a sharp contrast with the multiple scratches and tattered clothes on his body.

The lady glanced at the young master: "Hehe, if you still think that the injuries on your body are not serious enough, I am very happy to help you."

"Uh... Then I think it's better to forget it." Young Master Tartaglia smiled awkwardly.

After the young master finished talking with the lady, he immediately looked at Kong standing next to Lin Yu.

"Hey, buddy, this is the first time we meet after the incident. How should I put it? The atmosphere is a little... um... awkward?"

"Awkward? What's so embarrassing? I think you looked pretty handsome when you flew out of the Golden House." The image of the young master Tartaglia being punched away by Lin Yu still lingered in Kong's mind.

When the young master heard Kong mention this, he immediately lowered his head in shame.

He was so embarrassed that he wanted to dig out a three-bedroom and two-living-room apartment on the floor of the North Country Bank, which would be considered as contributing to the construction of the Winter Country.

"Ahem, it was indeed my fault for being so angry before, but I was also punished for it. This injury is enough to make me feel uncomfortable for a while."

"It's just that we have different positions. I won't take these as personal grudges. Of course, it doesn't matter if you keep your personal grudges against me..."

"On the contrary, it's the lady and Mr. Zhongli who really deceived me."

Young Master Tartaglia held his forehead with a look of discomfort. At the same time, when he spoke, he felt that there was a trace of slight grievance in his tone.

Zhongli deceived the young master? Both Kong and Paimon were a little puzzled about this.

Young Master Tartaglia was about to explain this, but was interrupted by the lady.

"Don't waste time, young master. If you want to chat, wait until I finish my business and then talk slowly."

After the lady's last experience in Mondstadt, the lady now doesn't really want to stay in the country of Liyue. After all, the existence that appeared in Mondstadt at that time was also one of the masters of the country of Liyue.

So the lady now just wants to hurry up to get the Heart of God, and then leave Liyue as quickly as possible.

She doesn't want to go through the previous experience again.

Then the lady looked in the direction of Zhongli.

"God of Rock, according to the terms of the contract, I'm here to take your Heart of God."

When the lady said this, Paimon and Kong were confused, and they didn't understand what was going on.

Things seem a bit confusing, let me sort it out first!

So Mr. Zhongli's identity is not one of the Liyue immortals as he guessed before, but he is actually the Rock King Emperor who pretended to die at the Immortal Invitation Ceremony? The Rock God of Liyue! ?

"The contract has been concluded. As you asked, I will give you the promised thing."

"Now it is where it should be."

After that, Zhongli's hand quietly emerged a chess piece, and this was the Heart of God of Rock.

The next moment, the Heart of God disappeared in Zhongli's hands.

"Wait a minute, so you are the Rock King!"

"No, no, no... Although this matter is also shocking, but, but, but... Why did you give the Heart of God to the Fatui!"

Paimon exclaimed, and at the same time expressed his confusion about Zhongli's behavior of giving the Heart of God to the lady.

Zhongli shook his head.

"It's not a gift, but a transaction based on the content of the contract, between me and the Ice Queen.”

“What about the fake death? I don’t quite understand.” Kong also expressed his confusion, but not about the Heart of God, but about Zhongli himself.

So why did Zhongli, as the Rock King of Liyue, fake his death during the Immortal Invitation Ceremony?

It’s really a bit too outrageous, and this guy actually prepared his own funeral with a serious look on his face. It’s so outrageous that his mother opened the door to outrageousness—outrageous to the extreme!

Shocked Kong for a hundred years!

“Yeah, your fake death is really too much! Everyone was holding a ceremony to welcome you, and suddenly the wind and clouds changed drastically and a dragon fell from the sky, causing us to become wanted criminals in Liyue, and almost caused a disaster!” Paimon said indignantly.

The lady smiled softly: “Gathering the undercurrents surging under the water, applying pressure to the limit and then exploding, isn’t this what he wants to see? "

"To put it bluntly, I have worked diligently for Liyue for thousands of years. Now that the people under my protection have grown, it is time to retire properly." Lin Yu said with a smile.

"From a certain perspective, it is indeed the case." Zhongli said after coughing twice.

"It is really a very shocking way to retire." After listening to what Lin Yu and Zhongli said, Paimeng also spread his hands helplessly.

Then he changed the subject and looked at Lin Yu: "So it is not only Zhongli and Gongzi who deceived us, but even you, Lin Yu, have played us around!"

"Haha, you can't blame me, that was all Brother Zhongli's idea, and it has nothing to do with me. "Lin Yu said with a smile.

Brother Zhongli? The lady was very keenly aware of this. If it was before Zhongli's identity was exposed, it would be reasonable for Lin Yu, as a disciple of Qingyu Sword Immortal, to speak to the God of Rock.

But now that Zhongli's identity as the God of Rock has been exposed, the lady did not see any respect or worship from Lin Yu.

The two of them get along more like old friends who have known each other for a long time.

Could it be?

The lady quickly thought of something, and then the smile on her face froze immediately.

"Since I already know the whereabouts of the Heart of God, I'd better get the Heart of God as soon as possible, and then return to the Winter Palace to meet the Queen. "The lady suppressed her emotions and forced herself to calm down.

After saying this, she turned around and walked towards the outside of the Northland Bank.

Although she moved smoothly, she was actually full of anxiety. She didn't want to hear Lin Yu's voice suddenly coming from behind, saying something like that.

Fortunately, she didn't hear that voice until she walked out of the door of the Northland Bank. The lady was relieved and quickened her pace, preparing to go to the Golden House to take out the Heart of God, and then take the Zhidong speedboat back to the territory of Zhidong.

Liyue is a place where she doesn't want to come again unless it is necessary.

"It's time for me to set off."

"Your Liyue Yu Shen is really cruel. I don't know when I can recover from all the injuries on my body. "

Young Master Tartaglia sighed and said.

In addition to the multiple scratches that can be seen on the surface, Young Master suffered such a blow and flew back several kilometers, and his body must have suffered a certain degree of internal injuries.

However, with Young Master's own recovery ability and the medical level of Zhidong Country, it is not a big problem to recover as before.

"Humph, who told you to attack me and Kong? Brainless guy. "

"Hehe, Kong and I are protected by Master Yushin! "

Paimon said with a smile.

In the end, Master Tartaglia retorted a few words unconvincedly, but in the face of facts, it was obvious that Master was no match for Paimon, so he also left the North Country Bank.

Both the Master and the Lady had left, and they naturally did not want to stay in the North Country Bank for long.

Walking on the streets of Liyue, although in the previous disaster, Liyue Port was affected to a certain extent by the existence of the Vortex Demon.

But fortunately, the problem was not big, only the dock and several streets near the dock were hit by the waves.

And because Liyue's construction technology was qualified and the rune circuit was powered off in time, it did not cause much actual damage to Liyue Port.

It's just that Liyue Port, as the center of world finance, the world's largest port was shut down, which had a certain impact on the world's finance.


It has been three days since the Vortex Demon storm in Liyue Port.

Lin Yu found Zhongli on the tea stall in Liyue Port, walked up and patted Zhongli on the shoulder who was drinking tea."Today is the beginning of the ceremony of sending the immortals. As such an important scene in your life, don't you plan to go and witness it in person?" Lin Yu said as he sat in front of Zhongli.

After listening to Lin Yu's words, Zhongli calmly drank a cup of tea.

"As you said, this is an important scene in my life, so I will naturally not be absent."

"It's just that there is still some time before the ceremony of sending the immortals really begins, so I am waiting while sipping tea, isn't it?" Zhongli smiled slightly.

Lin Yu cleared his throat: "Hey, as such an important scene in life, in the end, there is no one around to accompany you. It happens that I am free today. How about my old friend, accompany you?"

Don't think that Zhongli doesn't know what Lin Yu is thinking. He just wants to have fun at the ceremony of sending the immortals, but Zhongli is too lazy to expose him.

"That's fine."

"It's about time, so Brother Lin Yu, please come with me."

After drinking the last sip of tea in the cup, Zhongli stood up and was about to leave the tea stall and head towards the venue of the Yujingtai Xiandian Ceremony.

But he was stopped by the waiter of the teahouse.

"Sir, how do you plan to pay for the tea?"

When asked by the waiter, Zhongli remembered that he didn't bring Mora with him today, and he didn't bring the Liyu bank card that the hall master had issued for him.

"Haha, Brother Zhongli, didn't you bring any money?"

"Forget it, forget it, I, Lin Yu, will pay for this tea."

When Lin Yu saw Zhongli's embarrassed expression when he was greeted by the waiter, he knew that Zhongli must not have brought any Mora with him, so he took out his Liyu bank card and paid the waiter for Zhongli's expenses at the tea stall.

"Thank you, Brother Lin Yu." Zhongli looked at Lin Yu and said.

If it weren't for Lin Yu, the hall master would have seen the bill that Zhongli sent to the Hall of Rebirth again when he came back from soliciting customers today.

After dealing with this matter, the two of them set out for the Fairy Sending Ceremony.

When they arrived at the Fairy Sending Ceremony, it was already crowded with people, but Lin Yu just waved to Ganyu and then entered the front row of the Fairy Sending Ceremony.

Did you see it? This is the power of connections. Lin Yu doesn't believe that anyone in Liyue Harbor has stronger connections than himself.

"Eh?! Lin Yu, and Zhongli, why are you also here to attend the Fairy Sending Ceremony?"

Paimeng looked at the two newcomers and said in surprise.

"Huh? What's wrong? Can't we come to attend the Fairy Sending Ceremony?" Lin Yu tilted his head and looked at Paimeng.

Paimeng waved his hands quickly: "Ah, Paimeng didn't mean that. I was just a little surprised. After all, as a party to the funeral, I came to the funeral. This kind of thing is very strange no matter how you think about it."

"Did you hear me? Tell me." Lin Yu elbowed Zhongli beside him and said happily.

But Zhongli looked indifferent.

Wasn't Morax the protagonist of the Immortal Sending Ceremony? Since it was Morax, what did Zhongli have to do with it in terms of universal rationality?

Not long after, the Immortal Sending Ceremony was officially opened under the auspices of Ningguang of Tianquan Star.

There is nothing much to say about the opening content. It is just some inherent procedures of the Immortal Sending Ceremony, and the person will be introduced to praise his achievements.

The Rock King Emperor, his divine power is revealed, and his majesty is magnificent. He was ordered to go to heaven, control the power of heaven and earth, control the universe, and dominate the Liyue. He rose straight up, the immortal wind soared into the clouds, the jade throne was high, and the golden swords and iron horses were on the road. Dragons sit and phoenixes soar, and the wind of benevolence and righteousness sweeps the people, making people admire them.

The government is in order, the people are well governed, the virtues are great, and the benevolence is deep. The people live in peace and happiness, the people are happy, the crops are abundant, and the country is peaceful. The virtue of the king will be remembered for generations, and the Liyue Emperor is the most holy and wise.

"···As I said just now, the emperor's soul has returned to heaven, which is the end of the contract and the end of an era."

"The people of Liyue were once happy, and in happiness they forgot the cruelty of time."

"After waking up from a dream, people learned to say goodbye."

"After the contract is re-established, will you bless the next era?"

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