Lin Yu turned around and looked in the direction of Qing Yu, and he smiled softly.

"Really? I think so too."

"Rather than saying it's a master-disciple relationship, in fact, the relationship between me and my master is more like good brothers."

Thoma nodded: "He can put down his status. He is indeed a rare good master. I am a little envious now."

"If I set out to Liyue to find the immortal now, do you think I have a chance of success, young man Lin Yu?"

The Liyue immortal can directly take out the general order that countless Daoqi people can't reach with just a little care for his apprentice, which makes Thomas himself begin to yearn for it.

However, Thomas also understands the difficulty of finding the immortal. Countless Liyue people may not be able to see the real immortal in their entire lives, not to mention that he is a foreigner.

"Well? Do you want to hear the truth or a lie?" Lin Yu smiled and looked at Thomas and said.

Truth or lie?

Thomas smiled awkwardly and waved his hand: "Ahem, there is no need to tell me the cruel reality, let me immerse myself in fantasy, hahaha."

"Okay." Lin Yu spread his hands.

But in fact, Lin Yu wanted to say that if you really want to go to Liyue to find immortals, then he might find an immortal and let you be his nominal disciple.

Although nominal disciples have no practical use, it is also a title.

After a while, after showing the general's order, the efficiency of this group of Inazuma people was fast, and it didn't take long for the people from the Far Country Supervisory Office to come.

Two shogunate soldiers directly carried the registration office of the Far Country Supervisory Office and respectfully placed it in front of Lin Yu.

Then the person in charge of the registration office, Kiriyama, respectfully asked Lin Yu.

"Sir, our Far Country Supervisory Office is ready. When will your friend register?"

Seeing him ask, Lin Yu looked at Kong and them.

"Go register."

"Qingyu, what about you? Do you want to register one too?" After saying this to Kong, Lin Yu looked at Qingyu again.

Qingyu waved his hand: "No need? Do I need to register? You and I are inseparable. With you by my side, who dares to do anything to me?"

"That's right. It seems that no one in Inazuma can do anything to you." Lin Yu shrugged and said.

After a while, the work efficiency of the Yuanguo Supervisor was very high. In just this period of time, the information of Kong and Paimeng had been registered.

Paimeng flew to Lin Yu and said with a smile: "Hehe, Kong and I have registered! Now our itinerary in Inazuma should not be restricted, right?"

"I think with this young hero Lin Yu here, we should be able to travel freely throughout Inazuma, but don't underestimate the value of this general order." Thomas said seriously.

With this general order, everyone in Inazuma, except the general, must obey this general order.

Holding the general's order, he is the one who is below one person and above ten thousand people!

"Hehe, it's great to meet Lin Yu on this journey." Paimon's face was filled with a smile.

The registration of the Far Country Supervisor has been completed at this time, which means that their status in Inazuma is now completely legal, and it is getting dark, so they have to start thinking about one thing.

Kong looked at Thomas, the local snake of the outlying island, and perhaps he could get the answer from him.

"Thoma, is there any place suitable for us to stay on the outlying island? Something like a hotel." Kong asked Thomas.

Just when Thomas was about to answer Kong's question, a figure came over with many shogunate soldiers behind him.

"I'm sorry for not welcoming you. I'm sorry for not welcoming you."

"I heard that a nobleman holding a general order came to the island. I am Shinsuke Hiiragi, the person in charge of the Kanjo Bugyo. I wonder if I can take a look at the general order?"

"Ah, it's not that I doubt your identity, sir, but it's been a long time since the general order appeared in Inazuma. It's only in books, so I want to see the power of the general order."

Shinsuke Hiiragi came to Lin Yu, worthy of being the person in charge of the Kanjo Bugyo.

This is an art.

Generally speaking, Lin Yu would not give a good face to such people, so Lin Yu just looked at Shinsuke Hiiragi indifferently.

"Of course."

Then he took out the general order from the space, and at the same time, Lin Yu used his own materialization power to strengthen the thunder god's breath emanating from the general order.

Such a vast thunder god's breath was faced by Shinsuke Hiiragi.

It felt like the Thunder God was about to strike out with his sword, which could cut a canyon hundreds of miles long, and you were standing under the Thunder God's sword.

ResultAs expected, Shinsuke Hiiragi was frightened by the divine power and sat down on the ground.

"My Lord! My Lord, please take back the divine power. I am really unworthy of it!" Shinsuke Hiiragi came back to his senses and said in shock.

Seeing this, Lin Yu took the token back with satisfaction.

After the divine power of the token was gone, Shinsuke Hiiragi, who was still in shock, stood up and wiped the cold sweat on his forehead with his sleeve.

"Okay, you have seen the general's order, so do you have anything else to do?" Lin Yu looked at Shinsuke Hiiragi with a kind face and asked.

Shinsuke Hiiragi then said his purpose: "Your Excellency is visiting the outlying island that our Kanjo Bugyo is responsible for, so we naturally have to entertain you well. I just heard that this little brother mentioned the problem of accommodation."

"If your Excellency doesn't mind, you can go to my Hiiragi family with your friends."

On the outlying island that he is responsible for, such a big Buddha holding the general order suddenly appeared. Even if there is no way to win over the other party, the other party holding the general order also represents the general, and he must be very respectful.

Otherwise, it would be disrespectful to the general.

If his political enemies put such a big hat on him, then Shinsuke Hiiragi's career of monopolizing the Kanjo Bugyo will gradually fade away and change dynasties.

Lin Yu certainly has no opinion on this, and he dares not do anything behind his back. If he dares to do anything to him, Lin Yu will definitely make him disappear into ashes.

"Kong, Paimeng, what do you think?" Lin Yu asked.

Kong was still a little hesitant, while Paimeng thought that since the official position in front of him was so high, his family must be the best on the island.

Since it was the best, it meant that they could eat a lot of Inazuma's delicacies at his house.

Thinking of this, Paimeng's eyes lit up immediately.

"Okay, okay, it's almost dark, so let's go to his house and stay for one night!" Paimeng said hurriedly.

Kong, who was next to Paimeng, fell into silence.

Do you want to stay for a day? He didn't want to expose Paimeng's true thoughts.

Kong just said, "Well, I have no objection."

"What about Thomas? Do you want to go with us?" After asking Kong and Paimeng for their opinions, Lin Yu looked at Thomas.

When he heard that Lin Yu wanted to invite him to go together, Thomas waved his hand to refuse, and said that he had other things to do next, so he would not go with us.

But Lin Yu knew that he should want to get out of here as soon as possible, so as to pass on the latest news here.

"In that case, it seems that we can only go." Lin Yu said with regret.

Under the smile of Hiiragi Shinsuke, the group came to the Hiiragi mansion. The Hiiragi family is indeed the largest force on the outlying island. The location of the Hiiragi mansion is very good, which can be said to be a panoramic view of the outlying island.

After entering the Hiiragi mansion, a banquet was held directly. When Hiiragi Shinsuke got the news and left the Hiiragi family, he had already instructed the servants in the family to prepare the highest standard banquet.

So when Hiiragi Shinsuke came back with people, he could serve the dishes directly.

There are still many kinds of dishes, but Lin Yu looked at these Inazuma dishes and really didn't have much appetite.

It's nothing more than some rice balls, sushi, and various sashimi.

No matter how high-end the sashimi is, Lin Yu really can't get too interested. If there is a chance, he can bring some Inazuma specialty sashimi to Zhongli.

The banquet lasted for more than two hours, which made Lin Yu a little irritable.

Hiiragi Shinsuke kept asking questions and caring about him. Lin Yu didn't eat much at the banquet, but made up a lot of words to answer Hiiragi Shinsuke.

With a high-speed machine like you entering Inazuma, remember the principle I gave...

Hiiragi Shinsuke was stunned.

There was a very profound taste when listening to Lin Yu's words, but no matter how Hiiragi Shinsuke thought about and savored the words, he was not able to understand the real deep meaning in the end.

No wonder he was able to get the general's order, this is the difference in the realm of consciousness.

After the banquet, Lin Yu was finally liberated. During this period, he resisted several times and wanted to take out the little black hole to completely wipe out Hiiragi Shinsuke, but fortunately he resisted in the end.

After returning to the arranged room, Lin Yu closed his eyes and rested.

On the way to his room, Kong was stopped by the eldest lady of the Hiiragi family. It turned out that the eldest lady of the Hiiragi family had a political marriage with another family, but the eldest lady of the Hiiragi family had already had a crush on someone before.

So she was unwilling to becomeAs a victim of political marriage, she wanted to ask Kong and Paimong for help to help her deliver a letter to the second young master of Tianling Bugyo, Kamajiro.

After learning about the tragic situation of Chisato Hiiragi, Paimong immediately decided to take this commission. Anyway, they would definitely go to Inazuma City in their subsequent journey, so helping Miss Chisato Hiiragi deliver the letter was also a matter of convenience.

The next morning, Lin Yu brought Qingyu to meet Kong.

"Do you have any detailed arrangements for this Inazuma trip? Have you thought about what you want to do next?" Lin Yu looked at Kong and asked.

Kong nodded: "I want to go around Inazuma and learn more about what kind of country Inazuma is."

"Oh? Good idea, it seems that we may have to go our separate ways. After all, Qingyu and I's goal is to open a store in Inazuma City, and things like stores have always been a fixed location." Lin Yu said with a smile.

"Yeah, but, I mean, if something happens to me and Kong in Inazuma, you won't ignore us, right, Lin Yu!" Paimeng looked at Lin Yu and asked.

She knew that Inazuma was a strict country. If there was no help from Lin Yu, it would be troublesome if she encountered something that could not be solved.

"Of course not, don't worry, I will help." Lin Yu said with a smile.

"Yeah!" After Lin Yu said this, Paimeng's heart was immediately relaxed. Perhaps this was the sense of security brought by Lin Yu.

Then Lin Yu took Qingyu and Kong to part ways. He planned to leave the island and walk all the way to Inazuma City, with the purpose of appreciating and appreciating the scenery of Inazuma country.

To be honest, if Inazuma didn't have "nuclear waste water", the scenery would actually be quite good, and it would be different from Mondstadt and Liyue.

Lin Yu and Qing Yu walked and stopped along the way, holding a tablet in their hands, recording every bit of their time with Qing Yu, and also found a lot of black history from the tablet.

"Look at this one, your wooden expression is really funny." Lin Yu pointed at Qing Yu in the photo and said with a smile.

Unlike the smile on Lin Yu's face, Qing Yu was lost in thought while looking at the photo.

Seeing this, Lin Yu was stunned. What happened to Qing Yu?

"What are you doing?" Lin Yu waved his hand in front of Qing Yu and said.

Qing Yu shook his head and said, "It's okay, I just saw Qingxu Pu in this photo, and was pulled back to a long-lost memory for a while."

This is the photo Lin Yu chose.

It was after the battle of Tianheng Mountain that Qing Yu completed the transformation from the Sword Demon God to the Qingyu Sword Immortal under the influence of Lin Yu. Then he returned to Qingxu Pu with Lin Yu, preparing to transfer all the people of the Sword Demon God of Qingxu Pu to Gui Yu and leave.

At that time, Lin Yu had not yet obtained the spatial power of the Heavenly Law Maintainer for free, so he used a very primitive flying box, that is, to materialize a super-large rock box, and then let the people enter it, close the box and fly at high speed in the sky under Lin Yu's control.

And this photo was taken before the two left Qingxupu, standing on the box with Qingxupu as the background, and it has been circulated to this day.

"It turns out that the scene brought back memories."

"Speaking of Qingxupu is indeed nostalgic. I still remember that when we first met, you were bought by me with a bottle of wine." Lin Yu said with a smile, while also recalling the past.

Qingyu smiled and scratched his head again: "The main reason is that I didn't feel any malice from you at that time, plus there was a fine wine that I had never tasted, so... the whole person fell in love with you all at once."

"Speaking of fine wine, do you still remember the gift I gave you at that time?" Lin Yu suddenly thought.

Qingyu nodded: "Of course I still remember, Qingyu Pavilion!"

"It's just that the years are long and the years have passed. Now there is only a broken stone table left in the Qingyu Pavilion." Qingyu couldn't help but sighed.

"It's not a big problem. As long as I'm still by your side, even if I want a hundred Qingyu Pavilions, what's the difficulty?" Lin Yu said with a faint smile.

Although the pavilion was materialized by the power of embodiment, the material it materialized was also the normal material of the pavilion. It is inevitable that it will be worn out in the passage of time and years.

Qingyu smiled and said: "So I'm really glad that I was bought by your bottle of wine at that time."

Otherwise, he would eventually disappear in the Demon God War, and how could he see the glory after the Demon God War?

After the short memory ended, the two continued to set off towards Inazuma City!

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