Yae Shinko: "Oh~ You mean the puppet who talks and looks bad, I made a deal with him, and then I redeemed you."

"You have to thank me. If I hadn't arrived at the scene in time, you might have become a test subject of the Fatui's resentment against the devil in the hands of that guy."

Sora recalled the scene when he fainted. He was just slightly contaminated with a little bit of the devil's resentment, and his whole body felt like being bitten by thousands of ants. At that time, he felt that his head was about to explode.

It's better to forget this kind of headache scene quickly.

"Thank you, otherwise I would really become a test subject." Kong thanked him again, and patted his badge with some relief.

Eh? Yae Shinko and Sanbing actually made a deal?

Paimon watched Sora fall to the ground in pain, and all her attention was on Sora. She did vaguely hear the conversation between Yae Shinko and Sanbing, but because her attention was too focused on Sora, she did not listen carefully to the content of the transaction between the two.

Paimon asked curiously: "Eh? Transaction, what transaction? You are not going to help that bad guy Sanbing to do something bad?!"

"Son of God, you can't do this!!" Paimon exclaimed.

Yae Shinko rolled her eyes speechlessly at Paimon. She is the chief priest of Inazuma Narukami Shrine and a follower of the God of Thunder.

How could she help the Fatui do bad things in her position? I really don't know what kind of magical brain circuit Paimon has.

"Bad things? In order to redeem Sora from him, it cost a huge and high price."

"Little guy, you have to compensate me for my losses." Yae Shinko looked at Sora with a look of distress on his face.

Paimon exclaimed again: "Hey! Compensation, compensation!"

"Uh... How much Mora do you want..." Kong asked after being stunned for a while. He now had a premonition that his wallet would bleed heavily.

He didn't know if the Mora on him was enough to pay the compensation from Yae Shinko.

What a cute little guy. Yae Shinko just said it, but he didn't expect Kong to really take it seriously and want to repay his loss.

But... the value of the Heart of God obviously cannot be measured in Mora.

"Oh? Do you really want to compensate for my loss?"

Kong nodded!

"Very good, very good, I like your determination, but it's a pity that what I traded was a Heart of God, and the value of the Heart of God obviously cannot be measured in Mora."

"Otherwise, our Narukami Taisha would have a huge fortune today."

Yae Shinko said with a smile.

What, what? !

"Heart of God!"

"You mean you traded the Heart of God? To the Fatui's Scattered Soldiers?!"

Without waiting for Kong to react, Paimon said loudly in disbelief.

That's the Heart of God. How could the Eightfold Godson just give the Heart of God to the Scattered Soldiers? The Heart of God in the hands of a bad organization like the Fatui will definitely cause a lot of trouble to the Teyvat continent!

"Uh... Why did you choose to trade with the Heart of God?" Kong asked.

Compared to Paimon's shock, Kong was relatively calm. He had experienced Ms. Mond taking the Heart of the God of Wind in front of Lin Yu, and taking the Heart of the God of Rock from the God of Rock in Liyue with a contract.

Now that the Fatui took the Heart of the God of Thunder from the Eightfold Godson, it seemed that this was not enough to shock Kong.

He was almost used to it.

Yae even spread her hands, her face full of helplessness, she said: "The reason why the Fatui rebelled in Inazuma was for this God's Heart, and I didn't trade this God's Heart to save you. Do I have to fight with the Fatui for this?"

"Oh my, you don't think that a weak little fox like me can be a match for the Fatui executive?"

Uh... Yae Shenzi's words make sense, and for a moment, Kong and Paimon couldn't refute it. Since they couldn't refute it, they could only take the initiative to skip the topic.

Kong asked: "Then how should we compensate?"

"Yes, yes, if you want us to compensate for the God's Heart, we don't have the money!" Paimon said with his hands on his hips.

Just kidding, if Kong is burdened with huge debts from now on, then she will follow Kong to travel around the world in the future, where will she get enough Mora to follow Kong to eat and drink spicy food? So absolutely not! ! Can't do this!

"If that's the case, why don't you do me a favor."

"I need you guys. "Yae Shenzi looked at Kong and said.

Help? This is what he is best at. Kong walked all the way from Mondstadt, and he didn't know how many favors he had helped others on the way.

"I wonder what favors?"

Yae Shenzi folded his arms and looked at Kong: "You should have... seen her, right?"

Hmm? Seen her, right? Who is this "she" that Yae Shenzi mentioned? Kong lowered his head and pondered for a while, and he thought of a possibility.

The person that Yae Shenzi mentioned should be the Thunder God of Inazuma.

Kong nodded and said: "If you are talking about the Thunder General, then I have seen him, at the Eye Hunting Ceremony under the Thousand-Eyed Hundred-Handed Statue."

It was this time that he was almost chopped by the Thunder God, and until now, Kong's mind is still very impressed by this scene.

"I'm not talking about that puppet, I mean you should have seen the Thunder God himself, right? "

Puppet? What does that mean?

He thought of it!

"You mean, the one outside is not the Thunder God, and the one I saw when I was pulled into the space is the real Thunder God?" After a brief thought, Kong said with sudden enlightenment.

Yae Shenzi nodded and said, "Well, in order to maintain himself, the real Thunder General who is meditating endlessly in the Pure Land of One Heart - his name is Ying"

"Is that the case? ! But why did the Thunder General do this?" Paimon was shocked to learn the truth, but he was also very puzzled by Ying's behavior.

Yae Shenzi sighed and said in a helpless tone: "This is the eternity that the Thunder General pursues. "

"Before pursuing the eternity of this country, you must first touch eternity. The flesh will eventually return to dust, and it will be replaced by the puppet body. ”

“The spirit cannot escape wear and tear, so she puts her consciousness in her sword and uses meditation to avoid all disturbances.”

“Hmm... what a great way.” Paimon said with emotion.

Yae Shenzi smiled softly and said, “Haha, but isn’t her way just like a child who gets angry and locks himself in the house? And her so-called eternity has long become what she thinks is eternity.”

“In the final analysis, it’s just the fear of losing.”

“I don’t quite understand what you mean. What does telling me this have to do with what I want to do?” Kong asked in confusion.

Yae Shenzi said, “You want to save the people of Inashima under the Eye Hunting Order, and so do I, but I also want to save this country and herself.”

“And the key is that since the Pure Land of One Heart also represents Ying’s inner world, if she is defeated there, it is possible to reverse the will of General Raiden. "

"And you can enter the Pure Land of One Heart, which makes you the best choice for my plan."

"I understand." Kong nodded seriously.

Then the Eightfold God proposed that he would give Kong a special training of Thunder General against the attack method of the shadow. The two left the Shadow Mountain and came to the test site prepared by the Eightfold God in advance.

In the Pure Land of One Heart, Lin Yu, who was watching these scenes, smiled and joked at Lei Yingying and said, "Look at you and then look at others. As the saying goes, the authorities are confused and the bystanders are clear. You, you, are not as clear as your family members."

"Now, you can wait here to be beaten honestly."


After listening to Lin Yu's words, Ying fell into a brief silence, ate the last bite of cake in his hand, and said in a somewhat embarrassed tone.

"Okay, okay, I already know I was wrong. Since the God's son has the intention, let's follow the God's son's plan. "

"But what do you mean I have to wait here obediently to be beaten? I admit that the traveler is indeed an unexpected existence, but if he relies on himself alone, he is not my opponent at all."

"But for the sake of the plan, and to successfully abolish the Eye Hunting Order, I will hold back on him."

Although she herself has neglected martial arts for hundreds of years in the Pure Land, Ying does not think that she, who has the ultimate martial arts, can be defeated by Kong.

But what Lin Yu wants to say is that it is unnecessary.

With Kong's current strength, there is indeed no way to defeat Ying, but Kong has the existence of a plug-in.

At that time, the wishes generated by many Inazuma God Eye holders will be gathered, and Ying will be able to be taken down directly.

This is a bond, this is courage, this is the power of wishes!

"Well, I'm already looking forward to it." Lin Yu smiled softly, nodded and looked at Ying and said.


In the outside world, Kong is helped by the Eightfold GodWith the help of the Yae God, it took about three days for Kong to complete the special training mission against the Thunder General set by Yae God.

After Kong completed the special training against the Thunder General, he naturally had to enter the next step of the plan, and the next step in Yae God's plan was to prepare to instigate the Tenryo Bugyo and pull the Tenryo Bugyo to the united front against the Eye Hunting Order.

But the Tenryo Bugyo is the executor of the Eye Hunting Order, how can he be instigated to become the executor against the Eye Hunting Order?

It's difficult to say, but it's not difficult to say.

The plan is very simple. Yae God deliberately revealed the news that Kong was in Narukami Taisha, and Kujo Sara was most concerned about the capture of Kong, so he would bring people to Narukami Taisha as soon as possible to capture Kong, the most wanted criminal of Inazuma.

Narukami Taisha does not have much power over Inazuma.

Even Yae Kami, who was a follower of the God of Thunder, could not directly use his identity to interfere in the period of the Three Magistrates. If the Three Magistrates could listen to Yae Kami, the situation of Inazuma would not have developed to the point it is now.

Kujo Sara brought people to Narukami Taisha and wanted to have someone arrest Sora.

Under the strong protection of Yae Kami, Kujo Sara still had to give some face. After the two sides met, there was no further conflict, so things would be easy to deal with.

Yae Kami directly took out the evidence he collected in the Evil Eye Factory about Inazuma Tenryo Bugyo's secret communication with the Faints, building the Evil Eye Factory for the Faints and providing production materials, and handed it to Kujo Sara.

"How could this happen? How could the head of the Kujo family do such a thing?" After seeing the contents of this document with her own eyes, Kujo Sara's eyes were suddenly filled with shock, and she also doubted the authenticity of these documents.

Yae Shinko smiled softly: "What has been done is done, nothing is impossible. As the chief priest of Narukami Taisha, I will not deceive you with a fake document."

"This kind of thing cannot withstand investigation. As long as you go back to the Kujo family and investigate carefully, I believe the truth will soon come out, and then you will naturally know the authenticity of this document."

"But after you complete the investigation and confirm that the Kujo family has betrayed the general, I want you to stand on our side and fight against the Eye Hunting Order with us."

"The Eye Hunting Order, which should not exist, is just a foolish policy that was misled by the fools and made the Inazuma people cripple themselves."

Kujo Sara thought for a while and replied: "Okay, I understand. I will investigate this matter myself, but if it is not true and the Kujo family did not betray the general, I need you to apologize to the Kujo family, and I will take him back personally."

"Hehe... Of course, we will stay here and wait for your good news." Yae Shinko smiled softly and said.

Kujo Sara snorted coldly, then turned around and led the shogunate army away from Narujin Taisha. Before investigating, she was still unwilling to believe that the head of the Kujo family would betray Inazuma and the Shogun.

How could he do such a disrespectful thing to the Shogun? Wasn't he afraid that Wuxiang's knife would eventually fall on his head?

After finding an excuse to return to the Kujo family, because of Kujo Sara's identity, she easily obtained the official document from the Tenryo Bugyo to report to the Shogun.

[The Eye Hunting Order was implemented without hindrance and progressed very quickly. Under the grace and power of the Shogun Palace in the Great Imperial Palace, all the reckless ones were defeated, and all the fleeing ones returned. The people from top to bottom almost bowed their heads to welcome him. It is indeed what the people of Inazuma want. ]

[Today, the whole land of Inazuma is so peaceful and happy, all thanks to the power of the Shogun Palace in the Great Imperial Palace. 】

The official document was full of praise for General Raiden's supreme power, and there was no mention of the Coral Palace resistance's front-line battles. Kujo Sara, who was holding the document, felt a palpitation.

She couldn't help but ask herself, are the soldiers who died on the front line and the difficulties the people have endured here not worth mentioning? !

As Kujo Sara continued to investigate, she found more terrifying and in-depth evidence.

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