In her past experiences, Lei Dianzhen had never seen anything like the one in Lin Yu's hand, so she was now staring at the smart tablet in Lei Dianzhen's hand with some doubts.

"I wonder how to use this device called smart tablet to explore the past life of the doll?" Lei Dianzhen asked with some doubts, and Lei Dianying also looked at Lin Yu with curiosity.

Only Qingyu's eyes revealed the expectation of eating melons. Based on his understanding of Lin Yu, he felt that this smart tablet had similar functions to the photo tablet.

It can project the picture for people to see.

And in fact, it is indeed the case.

"You will know soon." Lin Yu smiled softly, and he looked at everyone and said.

Then Lin Yu slid his little hand on the smart tablet, and the frame on the smart tablet in his hand stimulated a faint green light, and a 120-inch picture appeared in front of everyone inside the castle tower.

As shown in the picture

Oasis search? What is this?

Under Lin Yu's operation, a scene that had never been seen before appeared in front of everyone, but from the information displayed above, it can be seen that some content can be searched in it.

But with such an existence, can it really search for information about a person's life? Even if there is no paper record of this person's life in reality? Although there are some doubts, I think that since it is the rule of order, there should be no problem.

I saw Lin Yu click the search box on the smart tablet, and then input a line of words through his mind.

[Retrieve the picture information about the three times that the scattered soldiers thought they were betrayed. 】

After Lin Yu entered this line of words, he pressed the search button next to the search box, and then the smart tablet in Lin Yu's hand began to run at full speed.

In plain language, that is, Lin Yu gave the smart tablet in his hand a security access certificate of the world tree through the special means of the power of embodiment.

In this way, the smart tablet can easily access the information storage space of the world tree through the nearby ground veins without any obstacles.

The smart tablet itself is an extremely powerful search engine, so even in the face of such a huge information storage space as the World Tree, it can retrieve things corresponding to the keywords within a certain period of time.

As for how the principle of the smart tablet is achieved, it may be necessary to ask the crystal of embodiment. Lin Yu is only responsible for providing the power of embodiment and the requirements of Party A, and the rest of the things are left to the crystal of embodiment.

Who said that the creator of the item must master the principle contained in it? Is there such a rule in this world? Hey.

After about ten seconds of searching by the search engine, the picture data that Lin Yu wanted was presented in it.

However, all the picture data retrieved by the search engine are the original picture data recorded in the World Tree. If you want to watch them all, even if you open the multiple, you have to watch them for decades.

Lin Yu does not have so much energy and interest for this.

With a slight hook of his finger, these retrieved original picture data were edited by Lin Yu into a short film of more than ten minutes that could understand the general course of events.

"Get ready, I'm going to start playing." Lin Yu snapped his fingers and said with a soft smile.

Then Lin Yu fell behind him. Just when Qing Yu thought Lin Yu was going to fall to the ground, a white light flashed behind Lin Yu, and then a sofa appeared behind Lin Yu, just sat down by Lin Yu.

This made Qing Yu, who wanted to catch Lin Yu in a flash, a little embarrassed. He pretended to be looking somewhere else and busy, and then sat next to Lin Yu.

Compared with the tatami inside the castle tower, Lin Yu still prefers to sit on the soft and comfortable sofa, which is more comfortable.

Lei Dianying and Lei Dianzhen have long been accustomed to Lin Yu's magical power. If it were someone else, they might be surprised.

Everyone's eyes were focused on the screen, where Sanbing woke up from the secret realm...

...Everything about Tatarashi...The doctor's plan behind the scenes...The promise with the child...Sanbing's darkening and joining the Fatui...

The screen ended when the Ice Queen granted Sanbing the status of Fatui's executive officer.

After Raiden Shin and Lei Yingying finished watching these scenes, they fell into silence. They saw how the Fatui's executive doctor pushed Sanbing into the abyss step by step.

At the same time, with the help of Sanbing's screen, they actually saw the chaotic situation of Inazuma at that time. At that timeIn the Inazuma society at that time, ordinary people had a hard time surviving, and if they were not careful, they would encounter a situation where they could not survive.

Not to mention the puppets who were like a blank sheet of paper.

He was able to receive the kindness of the Inazuma people in such a situation, which was already a very lucky thing, but kindness would not always accompany him.

"Doctor, the executive officer of the Fatui? I never thought that before this, the Fatui had already extended their hands to the Inazuma Kingdom. He acted recklessly in my Inazuma Kingdom. How could he be forgiven for such a crime?"

"Next time we meet, I will kill him with a knife."

Thunder flashed in Lei Yingying's eyes, and a fierce murderous aura instantly swept the entire castle tower. Even the guards standing outside the castle tower could not help but feel a chill from behind.

"What, what's wrong? Is there anything wrong with me doing this?" Lei Yingying saw that Zhen had been staring at him, and suddenly said with some uncertainty in his heart.

In the past, Ying might have contradicted Zhen because of the difference in opinions between the two sides.

Only after experiencing loss, will you understand how important the person who once accompanied you is.

Now Lei Dianying is mainly obedient in front of Lei Dianzhen.

"I have no different opinions on attacking the Fatui executive doctor, but after watching these pictures just now, Ying, do you feel your fault from these pictures."

"If so, why not tell me."

Lei Dianzhen looked at Lei Dianying with a slightly serious expression and said.

In these pictures just now, did you feel your fault? Lei Dianying lowered her head and fell into deep thought. Soon after, she gave her own answer.

"···I'm sorry, because I was obsessed with the pursuit of eternity and ignored what the people of Inazuma really wanted. I naively thought that the general could handle everything for Inazuma on my behalf."

Leidianzhen shook his head and said, "It's not these. Didn't you tell me about these things before? In these pictures, do you have any new discoveries?"

"New discoveries···No." Lei Dianying shook his head in confusion.

She knew that she had made many mistakes in the past, but she had basically reflected on them with the help of Lei Dianzhen, so she really couldn't think of any new mistakes she had made.

"If you give birth but don't raise your children, it's the parents' fault."

Ah? If you give birth but don't raise your children, it's the parents' fault? Ah? ?

After Lei Dianzhen said this, Lei Dianying was stunned. What was going on? After thinking for a while, Ying seemed to understand what Lei Dianzhen was referring to.

It's just...

"That doll is not my child. It's just a defective product produced in the process of making dolls."

Raiden Zhen said: "But it was your hand after all. You gave life to a pile of cold materials. This is birth."

"But... As a defective product, he should be destroyed. I have given him freedom." Lei Dian said.

After listening to Lei Dian, Zhen couldn't help but feel helpless.

Then Zhen patiently explained the cause and effect and responsibility for Ying. Letting go is not a correct choice. If you choose to let go, it's better to let him never come here. Since you choose to let him stay here, you should take responsibility.

As the saying goes, if you don't raise your child, it's the parents' fault; if you raise your child but don't teach him, it's the parents' disaster; if you don't teach well, it's the parents' fault.

Ying nodded as if he understood, but he didn't know whether he really understood or just understood one or two points.

While Zhen was educating Ying, Lin Yu called out a coffee table in front of the sofa where he was sitting. On the coffee table, a lot of food appeared, and then he ate melons with Qingyu.

Therefore, Ying looked at the desserts on the coffee table many times, and was lectured by Zhen several times.

After Lin Yu felt Ying's somewhat resentful eyes, he began to restrain himself a little.

"Ahem, so have you thought about how to deal with the existence of scattered soldiers?" Seeing that Zhen and Ying had ended their conversation, Lin Yu asked.

"Because of my indulgence, the current result has been caused, and because of the doctor, it has gone astray, not the fault of the puppet itself."

"Please govern the order and make a lenient judgment on the puppet."

Lei Film first admitted his fault, then pointed out the mastermind behind the scenes, the doctor, and asked Lin Yu to make a lenient judgment on the sentence.

After all, what Lin Yu did at the public trial of Inazuma beforeAll the judgments were seen by Lei Yingying.

As a result, Lei Yingying mistakenly believed that Lin Yu was a person who would sentence others to death at any time.

In response, Lin Yu said that this was absolutely a slander on his image. Looking at his sunny and cheerful appearance, how could he, Lin Yu, be that kind of person?

Absolutely not!

"Okay, I'll consider it."

"But in terms of the crimes he has committed over the years, according to the Zennos Code, even if the principle of leniency is adopted and he is not sentenced to death, the sentence will be as long as more than 500 years of imprisonment and reform."

Ying nodded after listening to Lin Yu's words.

Because in her opinion, the imprisonment and reform for 500 years is not long or short for the demon god. Often, the battle between two demon gods can last for hundreds of years.

So Lin Yu made this judgment, which was 100% lenient.

"Zennos Code? I never thought that the Rule of Order would compile such a book. I wonder if I can appreciate it?" Unlike Lei Dianzhen, Lei Dianzhen was curious about the Code of Zennos mentioned by Lin Yu.

After hearing what Lei Dianzhen said, Lin Yu was stunned.

His Code of Zennos was just a piece of empty talk. Now Lei Dianzhen wanted to appreciate this book, so where could he find a book that does not exist?

He is not Hammurabi, what code is he legislating here.

Lin Yu used a light cough to cover up his embarrassment: "Ahem, this code has always been in my heart, and there is no book record in the world."

"Is that so? I thought I could appreciate your work, Lin Yu, but I didn't expect it to be a false alarm." From her slightly disappointed eyes, it can be seen that Lei Dianzhen really wants to see it.

But... Lin Yu really doesn't have it.

"Later, if there is a chance, I will publish it as a book."

"I will send a copy to you as soon as possible."

Lin Yu said with a smile.

"Okay, it's a deal, it's a deal!" Lei Dianzhen smiled.

After the conversation in the castle tower, Lin Yu had a clear idea of ​​how to deal with the scattered soldiers, but how to implement it specifically is still under discussion.

Fortunately, there is still a long time before the scattered soldiers complete their ascension to the gods, so Lin Yu can take advantage of this period of time to discuss the specific implementation details.

But if nothing unexpected happens, this matter will soon be forgotten by Lin Yu after he leaves the castle tower.

Sharpening the spear before the battle is also a good solution.

After staying in Inazuma Castle for more than a week, Lin Yu can now clearly see that Inazuma is gradually regaining vitality under the governance of the three people, and is no longer as lifeless as before.

Lin Yu also decided that it was time for him to leave Inazuma City.

He first controlled the Titanic, which was docked off the island, through remote control in the Oasis game store, and sailed towards Inazuma City.

At the current speed, the Titanic will arrive at the coast of Inazuma City in about three days.

Lin Yu could have left Inazuma directly through the space gate, but he did not want to abandon the Titanic he created.

He also planned to take the Titanic to the port of Omos in Xumi for the next journey, and then officially arrive at Xumi City along the river.

Give the Xumi people a little shock of the Titanic!

After another two days, the Titanic will arrive at the sea outside Inazuma City at around five o'clock this afternoon, so Lin Yu and Qingyu are also ready to set off.

Qingyu first explained to the Oasis staff what to pay attention to in the next work after he left. Then he went to the castle tower with Lin Yu and submitted his resignation to Raiden Shin and Raiden Kadashi. By the way, General Raiden was still running around Inazuma. ‘

After leaving the castle tower, Lin Yu noticed that Sora and Paimon were running towards him.

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