Because this experience was a very painful experience for Cole, Tinari only knew some related things vaguely. Now he learned the details about the remnants of the demon from Lin Yu.

Deep in his heart, he couldn't help but sweat for Cole. It was hard to imagine how Cole persisted at that time.

"Please, Lord of Rescue." Tinari looked at Lin Yu and said.

The past experience was painful enough for Cole. If the demon lin disease could be cured, at least in the next life, she could live a little easier and gradually walk out of the nightmare and embrace a new life.

And the premise of all this is to completely cure the demon lin disease.

"Yes, yes, Lin Yu, please, you must cure Cole's disease!" Paimeng said with a little excitement.

Lin Yu nodded. As for this matter, since he appeared here, he would not let it go.

"Well, the Demonic Scale Disease is not a very difficult disease to cure for me."

It was still the same sentence. He only needed to make a slight move to reach the limit of the entire medical community of Teyvat.

The Demonic Scale Disease comes from the pollution caused by the forbidden knowledge to this world. In other words, if the forbidden knowledge is not eliminated, the pollution will always exist, and the disease on Cole will not disappear.

It is very simple for Lin Yu to solve this problem. He only needs to use the power of the seal to isolate Cole from the forbidden knowledge, so that the pollution caused by the forbidden knowledge can no longer continue to affect and act on Cole.

Lin Yu naturally knows that this method can only treat the symptoms but not the root cause, but the problem is not big. When he completely sweeps away the forbidden knowledge from the world tree in the future, all the problems caused by the forbidden knowledge in the world will be solved instantly.

But before that, Lin Yu plans to clean up the demon residue on Cole first.

After all, if the demon god residue continues to exist in Cole's body, even if Lin Yu cures Cole's demon lin disease, the existence of the demon god residue will continue to affect Cole's health.

Lin Yu took out a talisman paper that Xiao was very familiar with from his own space.

And this talisman paper is the talisman paper that Xiao uses every once in a while. This talisman paper is the demon-slaying talisman created by Lin Yu thousands of years ago with the power of the soul.

It can remove the influence of the demon god's remnant thoughts and karma on the body.

He first used the light elemental power to clean up the remaining demon god residue in Cole's body, and then used the demon-slaying talisman in his hand to clean up the influence of the demon god residue on Cole's body over time.

After dealing with the problem of the demon god residue, now it is officially entering the treatment stage.

A dazzling white light emanated from Lin Yu's palm, and then Lin Yu injected this power directly into Cole's body, and Cole's body was instantly wrapped in white light.

When the seal was set up in Cole's body, Lin Yu used his own power to purify the pollution caused by the forbidden knowledge in Cole.

He didn't even need to use the power of manifestation, he only needed to mobilize the light element power in his body to complete the purification work.

"Those scale-like things are disappearing, great!" Seeing this scene, Paimeng knew the efficacy of Lin Yu's treatment. He was worthy of being Lord Yushen, and the effect was really immediate!

When Lin Yu completed the cleaning of the forbidden knowledge pollution in Cole's body, the symptoms of the so-called Demonic Scale Disease gradually disappeared from Cole.

"Yes, I have cured her disease, and she is now in a very healthy body."

"Shh, keep your voice down, she is dreaming in her sleep now."

Without the influence of the Demonic Scale Disease on Cole, Cole's brows were stretched for a while, and Lin Yu, who had the power of the soul, could really feel that Cole was now enjoying his own beautiful and wonderful dream.

Then everyone realized this problem, and then retreated outside the house with Lin Yu, leaving Cole a comfortable resting environment.

After a check, Tinari confirmed that Cole's demon lin disease had disappeared, and even the loss caused to his body before the next year had restored him to an extremely healthy state.

Is this the immortal technique? It seems that we have to say that the power of immortals is indeed much better than theirs.

"Lin Yu, you are so amazing. You cured Cole's demon lin disease in one go."

Paimon flew to Lin Yu, his eyes full of admiration.

Faced with praise, Lin Yu chose to be indifferent.He smiled and said softly: "It's just some magic. It's normal to be able to do things that ordinary people can't do."

Well, it's normal for immortals to be able to do things that ordinary people can't do.

Normal? ! How can immortals do things to this extent? Don't think that he is a traveler with little experience. He has seen many immortals in Liyue.

He has never seen any immortal who can be like Lin Yu.

So please, Lord Yushen, don't do things that only gods can do under the banner of immortals, okay? Otherwise, it always gives people a feeling of Mond's wine.

Seriously damaged the image of Lord Yushen in his heart!

"As Cole's master, please allow me to express my gratitude to the Lord of Rescue on behalf of Cole for the time being. When Cole wakes up, she will definitely come to thank you in person." Tinari said when the time was right.

The Demonic Scale Disease is a terminal illness for them, and since Lin Yu cured this terminal illness, Kelai naturally owed Lin Yu a huge favor.

But this favor was somewhat dispensable to Lin Yu. He chose to do it not for any reward, but just a casual thing for him.

"No need to thank me, I just did it by chance."

"This is just an accidental encounter. This immortal still has other things to do and will not stay here for too long."

Lin Yu said lightly.

Tinari did not expect Lin Yu to want nothing. This is probably the character of the immortals in Liyue. It turns out that the description of the character of the immortals in the stories recorded in Liyue seems to be true now.

When he has the opportunity, he also wants to go to Liyue in person to see what kind of country Liyue is.

"Ah? Lin Yu, are you and Xiao leaving so soon? Can't you stay and wait for Cole to wake up before leaving? The food Cole cooks is delicious!" Paimeng looked at Lin Yu and said.

From Paimeng's words, it can be heard that she really wants to keep Lin Yu, but in the end she still did not forget to mention food to Lin Yu. For this, Lin Yu can only say that she is worthy of Paimeng.

"Is there something important?"

Kong's sense of smell is very sharp, he would not believe that Lin Yu came to Xumi to enjoy the scenery!

The last time he went to Inazuma, he believed Lin Yu's lies, believing that he went to Inazuma to open an Oasis game store with Qingyu, and went there to travel and expand business.

But what is the truth?

The fact is that Lin Yu knows exactly what will happen to Inazuma, and at the same time, he came to Inazuma for something very important to do.

So now Kong was very curious. Lin Yu appeared in Xumi this time. What important things would happen in this land of Xumi?

He immediately remembered the scene that appeared in his mind before. He saw a huge and gorgeous tree in his dream. When he began to approach the tree, the roots connected to the ground began to collapse again.

At the same time, he also heard a ethereal female voice, shouting unclear words, the world... forget me.

Kong thought that Lin Yu must know the reason behind this matter about himself, and this is probably one of the reasons why Lin Yu appeared in Xumi.

"Haha, there is nothing important. I just think life is too boring, so I took Xiao out to go around and see more of this beautiful world." Lin Yu said with a smile.

But this made Kong more convinced of that point in his heart.

So after a few pleasantries, Lin Yu took Xiao to leave Huacheng. After Lin Yu and Xiao walked out of Huacheng, Kong chased after them in the first place.

Lin Yu must know something about his dream!

? ? Looking at Kong and Paimeng who suddenly appeared, Lin Yu slowly typed two big question marks

Didn't he say that he had nothing important to do? Why did Kong just not believe it? But it's okay, it just happened to speed up the plot of Xumi, and also speed up the death of the great sage.

I believe that if Qingyu knew about his efforts, he would be moved to tears, right?

Qingyu: Don't cue, I'm busy.

Great Sage: *……&&@#@#()()

Regarding the matter of the great sage being beaten with a sack, he, the great sage, really has nothing to say. After all, he, the great sage Azar, is also a figure, so he also has to save face, right?

If the news that the current great sage of Xumi was beaten with a sack spreads, then he, the great sage, will have no chance to escape.What face can be said.

So the Great Sage chose to cover up this matter at the first time, and secretly sent people to investigate this matter, and even mobilized some of the power of the Fatui to investigate this matter.

Only a few days have passed, and the Great Sage Azar's investigation has not made any progress. Not only has the investigation made no progress, but he never expected that the criminals would be so bold!

Since the last experience, he has arranged security forces to protect him.

But... this cannot stop Qingyu, who has a burning heart.

Before the Great Sage Azar saw the appearance of the person coming, the security forces he arranged fell completely, and then he felt a black screen in front of his eyes, and another familiar sack was put on his head.

He curled up almost instinctively and protected the important parts of his body with both hands.

As expected, in the following time, the Great Sage Azar was beaten by Qingyu with extremely cruel means, and every move avoided the vital points, ensuring that the fight would last for a long time.

Afterwards, Qingyu would personally use his immortal power to treat the Great Sage Azar, and the main focus was a sustainable beating.

The Great Sage Azar, who was targeted by Qingyu, was suffering a lot.

However, for the crimes committed by the Great Sage Azar, and for the many victims under the governance of the Great Sage Azar, it was too light to just be physical pain.

Back to the topic, looking at Kong and Paimeng who suddenly jumped out, Lin Yu and Xiao immediately stopped moving forward.

"Impatient, but what happened?" Lin Yu looked at Kong and asked.

"There is one thing I want to ask you, Lin Yu." Kong did not beat around the bush, but was straightforward. After all, it was not uncommon for Lin Yu to slip away before he finished speaking.

Lin Yu tilted his head and looked at Kong with a puzzled look: "Oh? What is it that you need to ask me? Why not tell me?"

Lin Yu knew a little about the question that Kong wanted to ask when he stopped him at this time.

"It's like this..."

After that, Kong began to tell about his experience of seeing the giant tree in his dream, and the vague words that could be roughly heard, the world... forget me.

After listening to Kong's words, Lin Yu lowered his head and pretended to think.

"Well, there are some clues."

"As far as I know, if nothing unexpected happens, the giant tree you saw in your dream should be the world tree that carries and records all the knowledge and wisdom of this world."

"As for that vague sentence, I don't have much clues, but I guess it should be related to the world tree."

"The Grass God is also known as the God of Wisdom. She can sense the existence of the World Tree, so if you want to know the specific answer, I think you should visit the current Grass God, Little Auspicious Grass King."

"Maybe all your doubts will be solved after meeting the God of Wisdom."

"After you arrive at Xumi City, if there is a chance, I don't mind introducing you to the Xumi Grass God Little Auspicious Grass King."

Lin Yu's main feature is the way of speaking of a riddle man, he can say everything but only half of it.

He first confirmed the conjecture of Kong World Tree, and then began to fool Kong, so that Kong could go to Xumi City as soon as possible, reducing some unnecessary wanderings in the Xumi wilderness.

"I know, thank you Lin Yu for answering my doubts. I also think the same about the voice I heard at that time."

"After Cole wakes up, Paimon and I will go to Xumi City as soon as possible. I will trouble you Lin Yu then."

Kong looked at Lin Yu politely and said.

Seeing that Kong was successfully fooled and his plan succeeded, Lin Yu's mouth began to rise slightly.

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