"Okay, you don't learn, just learn these dregs." Looking at Paimeng who imitated Wendy, Lin Yu patted Paimeng's head with one hand.

Completely forgetting the past self, who was also a person who was always talking nonsense.

Paimeng held her head, and she looked in the direction of Lin Yu again, with some indignation in her eyes, obviously expressing dissatisfaction with Lin Yu's behavior just now.

However, Lin Yu didn't care much about this. What bad thoughts could a cute little Paimeng have?

He waved his hand to mobilize the spatial authority in his body, and then summoned a spatial door in front of everyone. Through this spatial door, you can reach the door of the Church Order Court.

"Let's go, the Church Order Court has been cleaned up almost."

Lin Yu said lightly, and waved to the people behind him at the same time.

What does it mean that the Church Order Court has been cleaned up almost? Hearing Lin Yu's words, Kong, Paimeng and Nashida all showed a hint of doubt.

However, this doubt did not last long. After all, as long as he passed through this space gate, he would naturally know what happened after arriving at the Church Order Court.

After passing through the space gate, everyone successfully arrived at the door of the Church Order Court.

Then everyone saw an amazing scene. They saw a team of virtual and real soldiers surrounding the Church Order Court. Outside the virtual and real soldiers, there were groups of Xumi people lying down.

Nashida, the grass god, couldn't help but feel a tremor in her heart.

In the other direction, inside the Church Order Court, through the open door of the Church Order Court, hundreds of different types of fool soldiers were seen lying down in the hall of the Church Order Court.

Anyone with a discerning eye could see that a large-scale battle had taken place in the Church Order Court not long ago.

"What on earth is going on here? Why are there so many people from Xumi lying outside the gate of the Church?"

"!! And what on earth is going on here? Why are there so many soldiers of the Fatui in the Church? What happened here before?!"

After seeing all these scenes, Paimon couldn't help but exclaimed.

The visual shock caused by these scenes is really too great!

"The sages of the Church colluded with the Fatui to try to create gods. Before I entered the dream to find you, I ordered Xiao to lead 3,000 soldiers to quickly besiege the Church, and all the people in the Church must be detained."

"These Fatui must be the result of the resistance of the Xumi Church."

Lin Yu glanced at the group of Fatui soldiers lying on the ground, and couldn't help but feel a little disdainful in his heart. How could a mere Fatui soldier be his opponent, General Xiao?

"Then, what about those Xumi people in front of the Church?" God's Mouth Paimon then asked a question that Nashida was very concerned about.

As for what this problem is, Lin Yu really doesn't know. When it happened here, he was still enjoying the dance of the flower god with them in Nilu's dream.

How about taking out the smart tablet and checking a surveillance for you to see what's going on?

Hmm? It seems unnecessary.

A golden light flashed, and then Zhongli's figure appeared in front of everyone.

"The sages or fools controlled most of the Xumi people near the Church through the void terminal, making them desperate and even at the cost of their lives to delay Xiao's progress." Zhongli came forward to explain.

"So you killed them all?" Lin Yu knew the result, but still asked it. He was asking for Nashida and Kong.

"No, I just used my power to make him unconscious temporarily, and this unconscious process should last for four or five hours, so you need to take back the control of the void terminal in this limited time, otherwise I can only ask them to be unconscious again." Zhongli said.

At the same time, he looked in the direction of Lin Yu helplessly. He didn't know why Lin Yu felt so. After all, in his opinion, Lin Yu was the one who would kill them all and it would be very reasonable.

After listening to Zhongli's explanation, Nashida, as the God of Grass, couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Lord Yushen!"

When Lin Yu appeared in front of the gate of the Order Court, Xiao had already sensed Lin Yu's existence, so he put down what he was doing and rushed to Lin Yu's direction as soon as possible.

Looking at Xiao, Lin Yu nodded slightly and said softly: "How is the situation? Has the thief leader been captured?"

"According to Lord Yu Shen's instructions, I have arrested all the people in the Order Court and imprisoned them in the dungeon of the Order Court... No trace of the sage of the Order Court has been found yet."

"Lord Yu Shen, I am incompetent..."

Xiao lowered his headHe bowed his head towards Lin Yu and said, while he felt a little guilty.

Because he failed to perfectly complete the task that Lord Yushen had ordered him to do.

But how could Lin Yu punish him for these trivial matters? In Lin Yu's opinion, Xiao had done a good job and saved him a lot of trouble.

"No problem, you have done a good job."

"I have locked their location, and then we will completely end this farce."

Lin Yu first stretched out his hand to rub Xiao's head, and then turned around and said to everyone.

"Great, the sages of the Order Academy are so hateful, we must teach them a lesson!"

"And the scattered soldier who is about to become the evil god!"

Paimeng was very excited, she waved her fist in the air and said viciously.

Just putting this fierceness on Paimeng, it seems that there is no persuasiveness.

"I hope you won't hide behind me when the time comes, Paimeng." Looking at the eager Paimeng, Kong, who was standing behind her, couldn't help but say.

Paimeng stamped his feet in the air and said indignantly: "Well... It's too abominable! Kong, you said you would be my strongest backing? How can you do this!?"

Lin Yu glanced at Paimeng, who was a little angry, and shook his head again. What a live treasure.

According to common sense, the next step should be to find the entrance to the underground god-making factory in the entire Church Order Institute.

But Lin Yu is not a person who plays cards according to common sense.

He has locked the god-making factory built hundreds of meters underground in the Church Order Institute through his divine thoughts. He just waved his sleeves lightly, and a space door appeared in front of everyone again.

At the same time, on the other side, under the doctor's urgent rush, he still tried to complete his experimental plan before Lin Yu arrived. Although it was not too perfect, at least it forced the scattered soldiers to achieve the status of god.

Sanbing is now in the cockpit of the Gundam, with several tubes inserted in his back for neural connection with the Gundam, plus the Heart of Thunder installed in the Gundam, the three combined to become the God of Righteousness!

Because of the change in plan, he has not yet accepted the massive knowledge from the Void Terminal, so the current Sanbing is still Sanbing, and has not lost himself because of the massive knowledge injected into the Void Terminal.

Hahahaha, Baalzebub, I have ascended to God!!!

Sanbing in the body of the God of Righteousness has a very crazy expression on his face.

And the Fatui executive doctor, as soon as he completed the experiment, left the God-making factory under the Order Institute through the portal. If it were not for the immature portal technology and the inability to teleport directly back to Winter, I am afraid he would have gone as far as he could.

After all, he is not a fool. Liyue's Yasha can appear here, and there is another existence whose identity is superior to Yasha. Who would this person be? It goes without saying.

So in order to avoid failure here, he chose to leave this place as soon as the experiment was completed.

Next, his test subject, the God of Righteousness, will have a good time with them.

Lin Yu's space door is directly opened outside the door of the space where Sanbing is located, and there is only one door between him and Sanbing, who has become the God of Righteousness.

"Sanbing is inside this door at this moment. Paimeng, didn't you say you would teach Sanbing a lesson? Now the opportunity is in front of you, you must seize it well."

Lin Yu looked in the direction of Paimeng and smiled softly at Paimeng.

When Paimeng heard that Sanbing was behind the door in front of him, he suddenly jumped towards Kong and hid behind Kong's strong shoulders.

"Well... I was just talking about what I said just now, I'm not really going to do it!"

"No, aren't you still here? I believe in you, Lin Yu, hurry up and get rid of that guy Sanbing!"

After completing this series of operations, Paimeng dared to look in the direction of Lin Yu and said.

Looking at Paimeng's unpromising look, Lin Yu couldn't help but smile. Sometimes it's really not that he wants to tease Paimeng on purpose, but his behavior of teasing Paimeng is really too interesting.

"I feel the breath of the sage."

"Leave all the sages of Lin Yu's teaching house to me, and I won't get involved in the matter of the evil god Sanbing."

The moment Qingyu stepped out of the space gate, he released his thoughts, searching and sensing the breath of the sage in the space of the entire underground god-making factory of the teaching house.

It didn't take long for him to lock on a location. For the breath of the sage, he can guarantee that he is the most familiar among so many of them.Existence, so there is absolutely no possibility of any accidents.

Lin Yu glanced at Qingyu beside him and nodded at the same time.

With Qingyu staring at the sages like this, the sages of the Xumi Teaching Academy will enjoy it.

After Qingyu left, Lin Yu looked at everyone.

"Are you ready?"

"Ready, ready, with Lin Yu here, what is there to be afraid of." Paimon, who was still afraid just now, now her expression has become very expectant.

Kong stretched out one of his hands and said, "Ready."

"What about Nashida?"

"I'm ready too. As the grass god of Xumi, this should be what I need to face, so I won't escape." Nashida replied.

"Okay, let me teach this kid a lesson." Lin Yu clenched his fist, and a playful smile appeared on his face.

Then Lin Yu stepped forward, and a gust of wind directly smashed the door blocking the way in front of him. The door made of stone was broken into pieces and flew away with the wind, hitting the body of the mecha in front of the door, making a bang bang bang sound.

Everyone walked into the huge room in front of them with curious eyes.

Looking at the high-tech mecha full of Inazuma style in front of them, and the scattered soldiers who were inside the mecha and had not closed the hatch and closed their eyes to sleep.

Or maybe they felt the movement outside, and the closed-eyed scattered soldiers began to move.

Establishing a connection with the mecha, the connection was successful...

A wave of pressure from the gods burst out from the huge mecha towards everyone. Seeing this situation, Lin Yu raised his hand and a layer of shield blocked Kong and Nashida.

Originally, Kong was ready to raise his hand to dodge, but he didn't expect that a layer of shield appeared in front of him, blocking all the divine power bursting out from the mecha.

Is this the sense of security from Lord Yu Shen?

"This world is so eager for my birth!"

"I still remember you, the God of Wisdom and the Traveler, and... Forget it, it's not important."

There is no such person as Lin Yu in his memory. After thinking about it, he couldn't think of this person's identity. So Sanbing simply stopped thinking about it. After he became a god, all this was not important.

"Hey, he seems to have become an evil god. We have arrived so timely, but we didn't expect that we couldn't catch up in the end?" Paimeng said indignantly.

They all used Lin Yu's space gate to teleport, and they didn't walk any way, but they still didn't catch up in the end.

Damn Sanbing, it's really too damned!

"It's okay, it's all the same." Lin Yu said indifferently.

Whether Sanbing became a god or not, it made no difference to him, Lin Yu. At this time, Sanbing had only touched the threshold of the lower demon god during the Demon God War. Even if he became a top upper demon god, what could he do?

There was still no big difference.

"Evil God? Hehehe... Is this how you define me as a god?"

"It doesn't matter. I don't care unless you can leave here alive."

"When the spirit sublimates into a god, it seems that I have spent the same years as the heaven and earth. From now on, I look back at the existence called the collapse of the country and find it so small and ugly!"

After saying this, Sanbing, with resentment for all the past in his heart, closed the hatch of the mecha at his head. Then the mecha was activated and started, bursting with shining lightning element light.

The body of Sanbing, which was originally a mechanical puppet, has been transformed to the extreme. It has a constant supply of energy from the heart of God. From a technical point of view, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is the crystallization of the wisdom of the human beings in Teyvat.

But this wisdom was used in the wrong place.

"Every god born in the world, every heart of God, should be engraved with the word dispute."

"The encouragement of this power and the joy in my heart are really pleasant."

From the tone of Sanbing's speech, it seems that he is enjoying the feeling now.

Lin Yu couldn't help but sneer: "What? Do you also want to try the feeling of being in the Demon God War?"

"Hehehe... Of course, I feel sorry because I have no chance to participate in the real Demon God War."

"Now! Recreate a corner of the Demon God War to justify my birth as a god!"

Then the scattered soldiers set off a huge wave of thunder elements, causing the entire underground space to tremble.

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