Sanbing fell from the cockpit of the God of Righteousness and hit the floor of the room heavily, raising a cloud of dust from a height of dozens of meters.

Lin Yu, who obtained the Heart of Thunder from the chest of the God of Righteousness, returned to the crowd from the air.

The Heart of Thunder suspended in his hand disappeared and was temporarily kept by Lin Yu in his own space.

"Great, Sanbing can't become a god after this, right?"

"Hehe... This storm is finally over. Finally, I have time for Kong and I to have a good stroll in Xumi City." Paimeng's face overflowed with a happy smile.

It feels like tears of happiness are about to flow from the corners of her mouth.

You don't have to guess what Paimeng is thinking about at this time. I'm afraid he is thinking about the delicacies in Xumi City.

Lin Yu smiled softly, and he really deserves to be Paimeng.

And Kong, who was beside Paimeng, felt that his Liyu bank card balance would be in trouble again after this battle.

Alas, life is not easy, Kong Kong sighed.

"Everyone, I'm back!"

Hearing this smiling voice, Lin Yu knew that the person coming was Qingyu.

Qingyu used a rope to string together the four sages of the Church Order Institute. Under the effect of Qingyu's fairy power, they floated in the air, and their mouths were stuffed with rags that Qingyu found from somewhere.

Qingyu led the four sages who participated in the God-making plan and came to the crowd.

The magical thing is that there is no scar on the bodies of these four sages. It is obvious that Qingyu hates these sages very much. Now that he has the opportunity, how could he not choose revenge?

After thinking carefully, Lin Yu only felt that there was one possibility. With Qingyu's strength, how difficult would it be to capture a few sages? It basically takes one or two minutes.

The time in the illusion was synchronized with the outside world. The time they spent was at least more than an hour, just like watching a movie in the cinema.

So Lin Yu guessed that Qingyu spent two minutes to capture the sage, and all the rest of the time was spent on beating the sage. As for the scars on the sage, they should have been healed by Qingyu's immortal power.

Beating someone half to death, and then treating him as before, and then repeating the cycle, he is really a living devil.

But... he likes it!

It is right to use such iron-blooded means to deal with the sage.

"Are these the sages of the Order? They look gentle and well-dressed, and you can't tell that they are such people behind the scenes. It's really too bad!"

"Especially this guy I know, he is the great sage Azar, the guy who scolded Nilu at the Flower God Festival."

"But then again, how should we deal with these sages?" Paimon tilted his head, and his small eyes were full of great doubts.

When Paimon asked this question, he obviously looked in the direction of Nashida, that is, he was asking Nashida.

And Nashida looked at Lin Yu obediently.

"Thanks to the Order Ruler, Xumi escaped this man-made disaster, and the punishment is naturally the most appropriate to leave it to the Order Ruler."

Although Nashida is a new god, he is still quite good in dealing with people and emotional intelligence. The Order Ruler is above the seven rulers of the world, so he is now the most powerful person in Xumi, so how to punish these usurpers should naturally be decided by the Order Ruler.

Lin Yu waved his hand, he didn't want to deal with these guys yet.

His idea is that after Xumi settles down, he will hold a public trial in Xumi, enumerate their crimes at the public trial, and then give them the most appropriate punishment after careful consideration.

Before that, just find a place to imprison them, as long as they are not tortured to death.

"I will hold a public trial in Xumi at that time, and the guilt of everyone will be weighed one by one." Lin Yu waved his hand and said.

Another public trial? Qingyu nodded, he knew what he should do next.

Qingyu was familiar with the public trial.

After hearing that Lin Yu was going to hold a public trial, especially Kong and Paimon who witnessed the public trial of Inazuma, they almost understood Lin Yu's idea at once.

As for the erudite Nashida and Zhongli, they naturally heard about the public trial.

The second is Xiao, he has always listened to the arrangements of Lord Yushen.

"Then please leave it to the order to rule." Nashida said politely.

Lin Yu nodded slightly and smiled softly: "Well, I personally have quite some experience in public trials."

Who can be as experienced as Lin Yu? He has experienced two public trials in Mond and Inazuma, and at the same time passed aThe Xumi public trial will be held in a while.

Experience is rich!

After understanding Lin Yu's meaning, Qing Yu waved his hand, controlled the rope behind him, and left the place with the four sages floating in the air.

He planned to imprison all these sages in the dungeon of the Order Court.

The dungeon of the Order Court has been out of use for a long time. The reason why it can be reactivated now is that the great sage of the Order Court wants to exclude dissidents and imprison the other two sages who oppose the god-making plan.

And now the prison opened by the Order Court for exclusion has become a place to imprison them in turn.

This is just the revenge they deserve. If they knew it would be like this, why did they do it in the first place? If they regret it now, it will be too late. As the ruler of order, Lin Yu will not give them any chance.

"Well... I can finally have a good rest." Paimon stretched and said.

"Rest? Although the crisis of Xumi has been resolved on the surface, there is actually another crisis waiting for us. If it cannot be handled effectively and properly, it will be a very fatal crisis of life and death for the entire Xumi and even the entire Teyvat continent." Lin Yu calmly said a very terrifying fact.

As expected, Paimeng was frightened by Lin Yu's words.

"What?! A crisis concerning the entire Xumi and even the entire Teyvat continent?!"

"What kind of crisis is it? Paimeng doesn't want the world to be destroyed. If the world is destroyed, then there are so many delicacies in this world, and Paimeng will not have the opportunity to taste them!" Paimeng was immediately anxious.

Kong looked at Paimeng beside him with a helpless look on his forehead. Should I say that he is worthy of being Paimeng? In the face of the crisis of the world being destroyed, Paimeng's first thought was that there are still many delicacies in this world that she has not tasted...

Nashida came out, took over Lin Yu's words, looked at everyone and said.

"I think the disaster mentioned by the Rule of Order should be related to the World Tree. Everyone should know about the Demon Scale Disease, right?"

"Of course I know. Cole and Dina Zedai all have the Demon Scale Disease." Paimon said.

"Then do you know how the Demon Scale Disease is produced? Here we have to introduce another key information, which is the forbidden knowledge."

"The reason why the forbidden knowledge is called forbidden knowledge is that this kind of knowledge is not understood by the world. Its existence will pollute the world, and the polluted part of the world will also produce various reactions like the human body is sick."

"I understand! Nashida, you mean that the Demon Scale Disease is actually a kind of pathological reaction caused by the pollution of forbidden knowledge, right?" Paimon said after listening to Nashida's words.

Nashida nodded.

Kong tried to ask: "If the problem of forbidden knowledge pollution is solved, will all the problems caused by forbidden knowledge pollution disappear from this world?"

"From a universal point of view, when the source of the disease is eradicated by people, the body can gradually recover through continuous conditioning with medicine. I think this conclusion should be the same for the world." Zhongli said.

Nashida nodded: "Yes, just as the God of Rock said, we only need to go to the World Tree, find the source of the disease, and completely remove it from the World Tree. All the lesions caused by it will naturally disappear."

"It's just... the World Tree is currently in the consciousness space. With my current strength, I can't open up a channel to go to the consciousness space where the World Tree is located." Nashida lowered her head and said with some self-abasement.

"Hehehe, Nashida, don't worry. Don't we still have Lin Yu here?"

"Lin Yu can open a door to the World Tree just by waving his hand!" Paimon was imitating Lin Yu's action when he summoned the space door while speaking.

Lin Yu's face turned black. He was obviously very handsome at that time, okay? Paimon, what are you imitating? I'm afraid it's the appearance of the Heavenly Justice Maintainer summoning the space door.

Anyway, Lin Yu just didn't admit that it was himself.

"Well, for me, it's really not a difficult thing." Feeling Nashida's expectant eyes, Lin Yu really couldn't think of any reason to refuse.

He then said: "Then let's set off immediately after Qingyu returns. I came to Xumi this time for the World Tree. The existence of the World Tree is related to the safety of the entire Teyvat world. As the one who governs the order of the world, I will not let it go."

For some reason, Zhongli, after seeing this scene, feltI began to feel a little relieved. Lin Yu, who had never taken the initiative to take on work and responsibilities in the past, now took on his responsibilities as the ruler of order.

Time is indeed a good medicine for a person to grow.

It didn't take long for Qingyu to properly deal with the sages of the Order Academy and return. After that, Lin Yu briefly explained the current situation to him.

After everything was ready, Lin Yu slowly closed his eyes, and a ray of white light overflowed from the corners of his eyes. He was mobilizing the power of the soul and the power of space to lock the position of the world tree.

It didn't take long for Lin Yu to successfully find the correct position.

After anchoring the target, Lin Yu raised his hand and waves of blue space ripples appeared. A space door was displayed in front of everyone. After opening this space door, they could directly reach the world tree.

Before passing through the space door, everyone saw the extremely beautiful world tree through the space door!

The pink-based World Tree exudes soft streams of light. Although the trunk is broken and it stands alone in this dark red space that seems to be full of disasters, it can still show the vigorous vitality of the World Tree.

Just take a look at it quietly, and even the mind will gradually calm down.

"Let's go and see what happened to the World Tree."

After that, Lin Yu was the first to cross the space gate and walked to the foot of the World Tree. Qingyu, Xiao and Zhongli followed closely.

Nashida took a deep breath, clenched her little fist, and seemed to be cheering herself up, and then followed them into the space gate.

"Let's go in too!" Paimon said.

Kong nodded and also walked into the space gate.

Unlike the world tree landscape seen outside the door, when you are there, everything seems so shocking.

Kong noticed that in the dark red sky far away from the World Tree, there were the same kind of cube crystals that he remembered when he was intercepted on Sky Island. Combining the information he knew now, he guessed that the World Tree was also likely to have experienced the Kanreya War five hundred years ago.

The group followed the huge roots of the World Tree and walked to the bottom of the World Tree's trunk.

All the scenes in front of them were exactly the same as what Kong had encountered in the illusion at that time, and what did the sentence "Let the world... forget me" mean?

"Hey!!! That!!"

"Why is there another Nashida there!"

Everyone stopped moving forward, and Paimon was shocked by the scene in front of him and exclaimed.

In front of everyone, a small figure was standing under the World Tree, and this small figure was obviously the figure of Nashida next to them.

But Nashida was right next to them, why was there another Nashida there? !

This was what puzzled everyone.

Unlike other people, the scene that appeared at the moment almost made Nashida and Zhongli find the truth of the matter at once.

Apart from them, there is only one person who can appear under the world tree now!

New machine, wow, keep touching your pants!

"Are you... the Great Compassion Tree King?"

Nashida took small steps excitedly and ran to the front of the Great Compassion Tree King. She has always regarded the Great Compassion Tree King as her goal, so she was really excited and happy to see the Great Compassion Tree King.

"Great, the Great Compassion Tree King?! But, why do you look like Nashida?" Paimon expressed confusion and exclaimed again.

Then the Great Compassion Tree King looked at Paimon, as well as Lin Yu and Zhongli among the crowd.

She smiled softly and said, "It's great to see you again, the Ruler of Order, Zennos, and the God of Rock, Morax."

The dinners at the Seven Gods Conference several times, those memories are both beautiful and profound for the Great Compassion Tree King.

Lin Yu looked at the Great Compassion Tree King, smiled and waved.

Zhongli just nodded slightly.

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