After Lin Yu's proposal, Nashida and the Great Compassion Tree King nodded.

Now the entire Xumi Lin Yu is the biggest, so everyone listens to him, which is very reasonable.

Then Lin Yu raised his hand and used his own spatial authority to summon a spatial door. Under Lin Yu's leadership, everyone passed through this spatial door and returned to the original huge room.

Not far away is the paralyzed God of Righteousness. In the cracks on the ground under the feet of the God of Righteousness, the scattered soldiers with broken dreams and no desire to live are still lying on the cold floor.

Afterwards, Paimeng began to explain what happened in this room to the Great Compassion Tree King like a tour guide.

Especially when Paimeng was amazed at Lin Yu's powerful ability, Lin Yu couldn't help but nodded in his heart and highly agreed with Paimeng's words at this time.

"Hehe, I'm done. This is probably the original appearance of this matter." After saying this, Paimeng only felt that he had said a lot of words today, and he was already a little dry in the mouth.

At this time, Lin Yu handed over a bottle of freshly materialized tuanzi milk from Paimong's side, which could be regarded as a reward from Lord Yushen to Paimong.

"Wow!! Lin Yu, you are so nice!" After a burst of exclamation, Paimong held the bottle of tuanzi milk and started drinking it.

Nashida and the Great Tree King were a little confused and curious. Is the drink in Paimong's hand so attractive? I wonder what it tastes like...

"I have a question. How should we deal with that guy over there now? Should we keep him for the public trial?" Kong noticed the scattered soldiers in the distance and asked the curious question in his heart.

"Oh him, if you didn't say it, I would have almost forgotten about this matter."

Why did Lin Yu's image suddenly become less reliable again? Everyone was stunned.

Zhongli and Qingyu had long been accustomed to Lin Yu's style of doing things, so they were naturally not surprised. As for Xiao? He is already Lin Yu's number one fan. It can be said that any behavior of Yu Shen can be justified in his eyes...

For example, Xiao is now thinking with his head down. What is the meaning of Lord Yu Shen's doing this?

"Ahem, it's not a big problem."

"Regarding the treatment of the scattered soldiers, I have actually discussed it with the Thunder God before I came to Xumi. Since the scattered soldiers are used and pushed in the process, and the Thunder God pleads for them, this judge has decided to give them a lighter sentence."

"If you have no objection, I will call the Thunder God to take him away now."

Lin Yu looked at everyone and said.

When Nashida was in the consciousness space just now, she had already taken over the complete authority of the World Tree from the Great Compassion Tree King, so she can now easily check the information about the scattered soldiers.

She fully understood the meaning of Lin Yu's words of giving the scattered soldiers a lighter punishment.

But Kong and Paimeng didn't understand this matter. Obviously, Sanbing had done so many bad things. Now they finally had a chance to deal with him. How could they let him off lightly?

"Why? Sanbing is obviously a bad guy. No matter how miserable the ending is, he deserves it." Paimeng grumbled and looked at Lin Yu with a puzzled look.

She always spoke faster than her brain and never considered other factors.

So Kong was a little embarrassed now. Although he was also puzzled about Lin Yu's handling results, if he said it so directly, wouldn't there be a double risk of offending Lin Yu and Thor at the same time?

Kong couldn't help sweating now.

Faced with this question, Lin Yu said that he knew this question. He waved his hand and directly opened a picture with the smart tablet, showing Kong and Paimeng the behind-the-scenes of Sanbing's three betrayals and revealing the ugly face of the Fatui executive doctor.

"I never thought that San Bing could be such a well-behaved person before. The contrast between before and after is too big!"

"Damn Fatui, damn doctor, for their own plans and their own selfish desires, they can arbitrarily control the fate of others through conspiracy behind their backs." Regarding the various crimes committed by Fatui, Paimeng stomped his feet in the air again angrily.

Then Paimeng's attitude towards San Bing also changed. She hugged her arms and said.

"Although he was deceived, the crimes he committed were real. Even if he wanted to be lenient, he couldn't let San Bing go directly, otherwise it would be too easy for that guy."

Lin Yu nodded. Paimeng's words made sense.

So he never planned to let San Bing go lightly. In Lin Yu's arrangement, he planned to build a consciousness prison to imprison San Bing's consciousness, and the sentence would beIt is five hundred years.

During this period, the soldiers need to be educated and reformed, and they need to learn all kinds of moral and legal knowledge 24 hours a day, take a small test every day, a test every three days, and a big test every week. If the test score is less than 97 points, they will be thrown into the 18th level of hell designed by Lin Yu for a day trip.

Five hundred years of imprisonment, I hope that the soldiers will be able to reform themselves and become a new person, otherwise it will be a waste of a night light.

After that, Lin Yu generally told everyone about his plan for the soldiers.

Paimeng was so scared that he suddenly changed his expression. 24 hours of endless study, a small test every day, a test every three days, and a big test every week, what kind of mental torture is this?

Why didn't I realize that Lin Yu was so terrifying before? Paimeng immediately began to recall in his mind, thinking about whether he had offended Lin Yu in the past.

If Lin Yu got angry and locked her up, it would be too scary!

"How is it, my plan should be okay?" Lin Yu smiled softly and looked at everyone.

After a moment of silence, everyone felt that executing the scattered soldiers seemed to be a kind of kindness? After all, both the Great Compassion Tree King and Nashida could feel that the mental strength of the scattered soldiers was not high.

"Uh... still, it's okay." Kong replied.

Nashida said: "With the mental strength of the scattered soldiers, it should not be able to support the end of the 500-year sentence. If it is a lenient sentence, should it be given some time to rest appropriately?"

Hmm? Speaking of this, Lin Yu was very excited, and then began to argue with Nashida and the Great Compassion Tree King, but Lin Yu still lost under the argument of Nashida and the Great Compassion Tree King.

Finally, it was decided to give appropriate rest time, and the original 24 hours of endless study was changed to the current 23 and a half hours of study time.

Half an hour of rest time was left for the scattered soldiers.

After Nashida and the Great Compassion Tree King had no objections, Lin Yu continued to speak.

"Well, then this matter is settled. I will ask the God of Thunder to come and take him away. The consciousness prison for the scattered soldiers will be set up in Inazuma."

As for why the consciousness prison for the scattered soldiers is set up in Inazuma? Because parents are allowed to accompany their children during the learning process in the prison, that is, when they are free, Lei Yingying can personally enter and give the scattered soldiers motherly care.

Nashida nodded.

Then Lin Yu waved his hand, and a space door leading to the interior of the Inazuma Castle appeared.

Before, Lin Yu had explained it to the God of Thunder, so Lei Yingying and Lei Dianzhen, who were inside the castle, understood what Lin Yu meant when they saw this space door.

After Lei Yingying quickly ate the dessert in his mouth, he followed Lei Dianzhen across the space door.

"God of Thunder, Baal?"

After seeing the figure of Lei Dianzhen, the Great Compassion Tree King was obviously stunned. After all, Lei Dianzhen fell before her, and she naturally knew about Lei Dianzhen's affairs.

The Ruler of Order beside him smiled, and King Daci Tree was sure that this was another masterpiece from the Ruler of Order.

As expected of the Ruler of Order, he might really be able to bring changes to this world.

"Hello, long time no see, King Daci Tree." Lei Dianzhen said to King Daci Tree with a very natural expression.

After she lived again, she certainly understood the world now, but the appearance of King Daci Tree was obviously not in her understanding.

And this can only be the masterpiece of the Ruler of Order.

Although the King Daci Tree in front of her was not the same as she remembered, from the breath emanating from her, Lei Dianzhen was sure that this was indeed King Daci Tree.

"Well, long time no see, are you here to take away the scattered soldiers? He is there... Hey? Wasn't he lying there just now? Why is he gone now, strange." King Daci Tree looked a little surprised,

Everyone also noticed it after hearing what King Daci Tree said.

In fact, from the beginning, Sanbing did not really faint, but just let everyone deal with him because his dream was shattered. When he heard the punishment planned by Lin Yu, he did not even frown.

Only when he knew the truth about the doctor, he gritted his teeth and was angry...

But after the woman really came over, Sanbing could no longer lie on the ground pretending to be dead. He could not go back and absolutely could not go back to the hands of that woman.

So he took advantage of everyone's inattention and quietly climbed up from the ground. He wanted to escape from this room, but after seeing that the door of this room was closed, he could only hide behind a pillar in the distance.Leaning against the pillar, holding his breath and concentrating.

Hmm? So he was hiding, funny.

Under Lin Yu's divine consciousness, everything was exposed. The scattered soldiers hiding behind the pillar were caught by Lin Yu.

Then Lin Yu waved his hand and opened a space door under the feet of the scattered soldiers. The next moment, the scattered soldiers fell in front of everyone from another space door.

Lei Dianying walked forward and grabbed the wrist of the scattered soldiers decisively. With the current strength of the scattered soldiers, it was impossible for him to break free from Lei Dianying.

"Leave here with me, and I will deal with you later." Lei Dianying looked at the scattered soldiers and said coldly.

The scattered soldiers looked crazy, and even his voice was trembling: "No! I can never go back! I am no longer a scattered soldier, no longer a national collapse! I can't go back to the past!"

"Before, I was wrong, now follow me back." Looking at the scattered soldiers in this state, Lei Dianying, who had originally had cold eyes, couldn't help but soften a little at this time.

But the scattered soldiers were still ferocious and yelling.

Lin Yu covered his forehead and bent his fingers to shoot a ball of white light at the scattered soldiers, and then the scattered soldiers immediately fell into a deep sleep.

The ears were finally quiet.

"Take him away."

"This bead is called Dongtianzhu. The consciousness prison I prepared is in it. You should know what to do." Lin Yu handed the Dongtianzhu in his hand to Lei Dianzhen, and then said to the two of them.

Lei Dianzhen nodded: "I understand, I'm sorry to trouble you."

"No trouble, no trouble, I hope he can be reformed and become a new person in it, so that it will not be a waste of my efforts." Lin Yu waved his hand and said lightly.

"Please rest assured, Ying and I will supervise it well."

"What Zhen said is right. If there is no effect after a period of time, I will take the initiative to end this matter with a knife, and I will not let you, Lin Yu, bother." After Zhen finished speaking, Ying also came to echo.

Especially when he said "a knife", his eyes and attitude made Kong and Paimeng feel as if Lei Dianying would draw his sword the next moment.

Lin Yu nodded and said nothing more.

After that, Lei Dianying took Sanbing out of Xumi through the space gate. As soon as he returned to Inazuma Castle, Ying used his own power to throw Sanbing's consciousness into the consciousness prison prepared by Lin Yu.

At the moment when Sanbing entered the consciousness prison prepared by Lin Yu, Sanbing, who was in a coma, immediately woke up, because coma was not allowed in the consciousness prison.

After waking up, Sanbing found himself in a strange room. He sat in front of a table, and there were many similar tables and chairs around him.

This was the classroom set up by Lin Yu according to the layout of Blue Star School.

Soon the classroom was filled with all kinds of AI students, and the 23 and a half hours of teaching tasks officially began when the bell rang.

Lin Yu, who looked like an adult, walked up to the podium and wrote the three characters of the Three Character Classic on the blackboard with chalk.

"In the first lesson, we will teach the Three Character Classic. First, everyone will read the Three Character Classic with the teacher. Students must follow the teacher carefully to understand it?"

"When a person is born, his nature is good. Natures are close, but habits are different."

"If you don't teach, nature will change. The way of teaching is to focus on it."

"Well? Guo Beng, why don't you read along? Do you have any opinions about the teacher? Stand up!" The tone of the adult Lin Yu was relatively gentle until the last sentence changed instantly.

A piece of chalk head fell from the podium and hit the head of the soldier.

The soldier immediately stood up and wanted to compare with the adult Lin Yu, and then he was directly held down by four classmates and his pants were pulled down. The adult Lin Yu held a ruler and fell down hard.

This made the soldier feel extremely humiliated, but he had no power to resist.


After Lei Yingyan and Lei Dianzhen took the scattered soldiers away, Lin Yu opened another space door and led everyone from the underground factory to the hall of the Order Institute.

Most of the people who committed crimes in Xumi this time have been arrested.

But there is still one person who is still at large, that is the Fatui executive officer, Doctor Dotole.

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