Soon, Seno, who became the director of the Xumi Homeland Security Bureau, had his first task, which was to ensure that the Xumi public trial three days later could proceed smoothly and that no accidents would occur on the scene.

Under the effect of the limited card, Seno did not realize the seriousness of the problem at all, and just patted his chest and took over the matter.

When he really started to work, he found that it was difficult to move forward without everything he wanted!

Fortunately, when he was a disciplinary officer before, Seno had accumulated a lot of work experience, and he also had several trusted subordinates of his own.

After checking to make sure that they were not directly involved in the criminal plan, Seno used his identity as the director of the Homeland Security Bureau to pull this group of people out of the dungeon of the Order Court.

He quickly formed a team of his own and started the preparations for the public trial at the first time.

The venue was chosen in the Grand Bazaar, which was a theater with its own stage. It could be the venue for the public trial with a little construction. At the same time, the Grand Bazaar had only two entrances and exits, and safety could also be guaranteed.

By the way, the mercenaries who were originally used to maintain the order of Xumi City are still all imprisoned in the dungeon of the Church Court because they obeyed the words of the sage and hindered Xiao's mission.

But the order of Xumi City cannot be ignored. If it were not for Xiao leading 3,000 virtual entity soldiers, and if there were not people pouring in from all over Xumi to watch the public trial, Xumi City might have been in chaos long ago.

As the president of the Administrative Council, the Great Compassion Tree King was of course aware of this problem at the first time.

The financial expenditure for these mercenaries is now increasing in the past few decades in order to ensure their loyalty.

Why did Xumi choose to adopt the mercenary system before? Isn't it because of the price?

Now the cost of raising a mercenary has caught up with the cost of raising an army, so why not directly establish an army belonging to Xumi?

After hundreds of years of recuperation and development, Xumi is now financially prosperous, and there is no need to continue to adopt the previous model.

As the saying goes, we should adapt to local conditions and be appropriate to the times.

So the Great Compassion Tree King immediately decided to recruit soldiers throughout the entire Xumi and set up the Xumi National Defense Army!

After having an army that truly belongs to Xumi, all future reforms and policies can be smoothly laid out at the grassroots level.

After all, even gods cannot do everything by themselves...

Three days basically passed in a flash.

At this time, the flow of people in Xumi City has broken the record peak of hundreds of years ago. All of them are here to watch the Xumi Public Trial, and there are many foreign spectators among them.

Such a flow of people is enough to show how popular the Xumi Sage is in Xumi.

In the Oasis Game Store, Lin Yu has basically been reading light novels these days. Since Inazuma cancelled the Eye Hunting Order and the Locked Country Order, the content of Inazuma's light novels has been more open than one.

Because Lin Yu appeared as the Ruler of Order at the Inazuma Public Trial, Inazuma also published many light novels about the Ruler of Order.

Lin Yu would naturally buy them and examine these light novels with a critical eye.

For example, the book "The Ruler of Order Falls in Love with Me and Judges the Fools for Me" that he is holding in his hand now.

"There is only more than half an hour left before the Sumeru Public Trial officially begins." Qingyu walked out of the room to Lin Yu and reminded Lin Yu of the start time of the Sumeru Public Trial.

"I know, I know, don't worry, I won't be late even if you are late."

"So you should leave now, otherwise when I sit on the stage and ask for execution, I won't be able to find our executioner."

Lin Yu waved his hand at Qingyu and said.

Could he, Lin Yu, be late? Is it possible? So, even if Qingyu is late, he, Lin Yu, can't be late.

···Qing Yu fell into silence. He just wanted to remind Lin Yu not to forget. He didn't expect that a kind reminder would be exchanged for Lin Yu's cold words, which really made people feel cold···heartwarming.

After finishing reading the light novel in his hand, it was almost time for the public trial to begin.

At this time, the Grand Bazaar in Xumi City had become a sea of ​​people. The people of the Xumi Homeland Security Bureau were doing their best to maintain order on the scene.

"Come on Nashida, you can do it!"

Public trialBehind the scenes of the meeting, the Great Compassion Tree King cheered for Nashida who was about to go on stage to give a speech.

This was the first time since Nashida was born that she had to face so many Xumi people... For a moment, Nashida was a little unsure, but after seeing the appearance of the Great Compassion Tree King, her heart suddenly became firm.

She can do it, she will definitely do it!

She wants to become a qualified god, to become a god greater than the Great Compassion Tree King!

After taking two deep breaths, Nashida walked towards the public trial with a firm look in her eyes.

After seeing this little figure appear at the public trial, the people in the Grand Bazaar fell into silence at the entire public trial.

"Is this our god, Little Lucky Grass King?"

"I didn't expect Little Lucky Grass King to be like this. My god, Little Lucky Grass King is so cute. I really want to protect the best Little Lucky Grass King."

"Ahem, don't say these disrespectful words to the gods."

"There's no discipline management, why do you care about me? I just want to protect the best Little Lucky Grass King now. What's wrong with me?"

The people were whispering under the public trial platform. Almost 99.9% of them had never seen what Little Lucky Grass King looked like.

Now seeing Little Lucky Grass King, it was basically beyond everyone's expectations.

I didn't expect their Little Lucky Grass King to be so cute. How could those hateful sages have the heart to do such a conscienceless thing?

This is really too hateful. I hope that the judges at the public trial will give these sages the most severe punishment.

"Hello, people of Xumi. I am the Little King of Auspicious Grass. Many bad things happened in Xumi before, but since they are mistakes, they should be corrected."

"All those involved will receive the most fair judgment. In order to get the most fair judgment, I have invited the Ruler of Order, who is in charge of the order of the world, to complete the trial of these people."

Nasida on the stage was still talking, and the people below were stunned.

Ruler of Order? I didn't expect it to be the Ruler of Order? In fact, when Xumi announced that it would hold a public trial, some people had already speculated whether it would be the Ruler of Order.

After all, when the four words "public trial" were mentioned, they couldn't help but think of the public trial that happened in Inazuma before, and that public trial was judged by the Ruler of Order.

Since it was the Ruler of Order, I'm afraid everything can be explained clearly.

There are rumors in the Inazuma Kingdom that order has awakened, and any injustice in the world will be judged.

It must be the Ruler of Order who discovered that their Xumi god, Little Auspicious Grass King, was in trouble, so he came to Xumi to help Little Auspicious Grass King solve this matter.

At the same time, as the representative of order, the Ruler of Order must personally judge this group of people who do not abide by the order.

After Nashida finished her speech, when Lin Yu, the highest judge, came on stage, everyone suddenly noticed that a light flashed in the air in the Grand Bazaar.

The space gate opened and appeared in front of everyone. Lin Yu, who had changed his clothes, stepped out of the space gate with a solemn expression.

For a moment, everyone was affected by Lin Yu's aura.

Lin Yu slowly fell from the air, and finally sat steadily on the judge's seat.

"The trial officially begins, bring the criminal."

Seno, who was standing with Nashida on the side, was completely immersed in Lin Yu's aura. After hearing Lin Yu's solemn voice, he reacted.

He waved behind him and ordered his men to bring the criminal up.

As the first person to be tried by Lin Yu, he was naturally the person with the highest status among this group of prisoners, and the person with the highest status among this group of prisoners was naturally the former great sage Azar.

The former great sage Azar was held by two members of the Department of Homeland Security, and his mouth was stuffed with rags that Qing Yu didn't know where he got from.

The great sage Azar, who was once noble and arrogant, now appeared in a mess at the Xumi public trial.

Appeared as the role of the party being tried.

"The criminal Azar, engaged in corruption and abuse of power, committed the three crimes of dereliction of duty, embezzlement and bribery."

"He also colluded with the fools and conspired to create a god, wanting to replace the current Xumi Grass God Xiao Jixiang Grass King with a man-made god. This act of usurpation is unacceptable in the mortal world."

"If he is not punished, how can the power of the gods be shown? The position of the gods cannot be challenged, and anyone who usurps the throne will receive the most severe punishment in the mortal world."

Lin Yu first briefly summarized what Azar, the Great Sage, did during his tenure.

If all the crimes he actually committed were to be presented here one by one, it would be too numerous to mention. Even if it took an hour to tell the story, it would not be enough to fully describe all the crimes of the Great Sage Azar.

But these are no longer important.

"Now make the final judgment of this court."

"I pronounce the former Great Sage Azar guilty, and this court sentences him to death for ten times. ”


When the great sage Azar heard the word death penalty, his brain suddenly shut down. He had never expected that he would end up like this.

Because he was too shocked, he even ignored the number behind the death penalty.

The great sage Azar tried his best to make a "woohoo" sound. He wanted to shout out loudly, how could there be such a trial in the world? Even Fontaine, the water country famous for its laws, had a defense session in the trial!

Why did he sentence himself to death like this? Fontaine had never executed the death penalty!!!


"It should be the death penalty, the most fair punishment! "

After hearing Lin Yu's verdict, the people of Xumi below the stage immediately shouted loudly. It can be seen that people are very satisfied with the verdict of the great sage Azar.

Satisfied, he began to doubt whether there was something wrong with his ears. Since it was already a death sentence, could he be sentenced to death ten times?

Shouldn't a person be dead when he was sentenced to death for the first time? How should the remaining nine death sentences be executed?

Does the judge mean to let the executioner, holding the machete used for execution, scare the great sage Azar nine times first, and then give a fatal blow in the last time after completely breaking his psychological defenses?

As for what it looks like, I think we should be able to see it soon.

Because after Lin Yu made the verdict in court, the people saw the great sage Azar being dragged to the execution platform next to the public trial platform.

On the execution platform, Qing Yu had already changed into a black suit, and at the same time, he wore a hideous mask on his face. The whole person looked like a devil from hell.

He stood on the execution platform with a long sword in his hand, quietly watching the great sage Azar being dragged and approaching him little by little.

The two members of the Department of Homeland Security left after taking the great sage Azar to the execution platform.

"The execution begins! "The person next to him shouted!

Then Qingyu walked slowly step by step to the front of the great sage Azar, which can be said to give him a full sense of psychological oppression.

He held a long sword and played a sword flower in his hand. During the process, the long sword flew out of his hand into the air. Just when everyone thought it was an accident, the long sword flying into the air was like a sword of Damocles hanging high in the air.

With a faint cold light, the sword body paused in the air and fell instantly.

The long sword pierced the head of the great sage Azar, and Azar, who was kneeling on the ground, fell to the ground in a prone state. It was the long sword that pierced Azar's head, like a long nail nailing him to the wooden floor of the execution platform.

After Azar's death, the people saw another very shocking scene. The long sword flew into the sky again, and Azar's wound flashed with light , under the light, it was restored to its original state.

Azar, who had come back to life, screamed, and he was now immersed in the fear of death.

Qingyu's actions were too fast just now, and he didn't give him any chance to react. Now he began to recall the taste of just now bit by bit, which was also a different kind of charm.

As expected of Azar, the former great sage of Xumi, he had experienced more death than others in terms of qualifications.

No wonder he could sit in this position.

After giving Azar enough time to taste it, the second death penalty began. The long sword in the sky split into five, and two of them instantly fell and pierced Azar's legs, nailing him to the ground.

The other two followed closely, nailing his hands to the ground, leaving time for the great sage to taste it.

The last sword hit the heart directly.

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