Then Lin Yu put his hand on Xiao's shoulder, and his figure flashed. The two of them disappeared outside the Liyue Rune Technology Research Institute in an instant, and the next moment they appeared directly in the room where Gui Zhong was.

When Gui Zhong saw that it was Lin Yu and Xiao, he couldn't help but feel happy and hurried to greet them.

"Lin Yu, you are here!" Gui Zhong said.

Lin Yu nodded, "Well, after receiving the message from Qing Yu, I knew that it was Gui Zhong who asked me for help. Didn't I bring Xiao here from Xumi at the first time?"

"I wonder if Gui Zhong needs my help? Is there anyone in Liyue who can stump Gui Zhong's wisdom?"

The matter that Gui Zhong could find him should not be about rune technology. After all, Gui Zhong knew that he, the creator of rune technology, knew nothing about the various theories of rune technology.

When he heard Lin Yu mention this, Gui Zhong sighed.

"The rune train you mentioned before, Lin Yu, I have now researched it, but... I encountered some problems in the process of promoting the rune train." Gui Zhong was a little helpless.

Hmm? Lin Yu was a little surprised when he encountered some problems in the process of promoting the rune train. What kind of problems could this encounter?

"What's wrong? If it weren't for the fact that the Liyue Seven Stars didn't look at the rune train?" Lin Yu thought of a possibility, but he felt that with the vision of the Liyue Seven Stars, such a thing should not happen.

Gui Zhong sighed again.

"I like it and I also want to build the first rune train track, but the Liyue Seven Stars want to be fully responsible for all the processes of the rune train."

What does it mean to be fully responsible for all the processes of the rune train? Is this the legendary "take it as it is"?


"I have a general understanding of the situation. What do you think about this matter, Gui Zhong?" Lin Yu said with his arms folded, looking in the direction of Gui Zhong.

"Since the Rune Train was created by me, I should also participate in this matter, and this is one of the reasons why I want to ask you, Lin Yu, for help."

The first person that Gui Zhong thought of in this matter was Lin Yu. She didn't even tell Liu Yun, who had worked on the Rune Train project with her.

After all, with Liu Yun's temperament, if she knew about this matter, she would probably take a group of immortals to the office of Liyue Seven Stars directly, and she would have to have a good discussion with Liyue Seven Stars about this matter before she could stop.

As for Zhongli, his identity has passed away on the surface, and it is obviously unreasonable to let a dead person do this.

But if Lin Yu does this, there will be no problem at all.

After all, in the Liyue area, the name of Yu Shen once surpassed the Rock King Emperor, and he also had a huge influence among the people and a large number of people who believed in Yu Shen.

"I understand." Lin Yu nodded.

Could it be that if Guizhong had not revealed his identity as the Liyue Immortal God, would the Liyue Seven Stars be able to treat an outstanding Liyue Rune Technology researcher like this?

Merchants are just merchants after all. A country governed by merchants will eventually slowly reveal its true nature after it is separated from the control of gods. However, there is no need to worry that the problem is not very big, because the street lights on the streets of Liyue are still waiting for the arrival of the destined person.

This matter is probably not done by Ningguang. After all, with Ningguang's vision and means, it should be more of a project to lay the rune train with Guizhong with the concept of win-win cooperation.

But Liyue is obviously not a one-man show for Ningguang of Tianquan Star. When Emperor Yanwang fell, Ningguang, as a Tianquan Star, was also under various pressures from all sides.

In the face of major events, Liyue can form an iron plate under pressure, but after things gradually pass, the next step is the struggle between power.

In the past era, the regulatory agency for the Liyue Seven Stars was Yanshen himself, but now the old order has passed and the new regulatory mechanism has not arrived.

So what kind of form does the Liyue political system belong to now?

Generally speaking, the successors of the Liyue Seven Stars are selected and examined by the previous Liyue Seven Stars. Isn't this the selection of talents before the imperial examination system appeared?

In the long run, Lin Yu has seen the final ending of Liyue in the history of the past Blue Star.

But don't worry, because that ending will not happen. After all, Zhongli is just faking his death and not really dead. But now Zhongli's death has nothing to do with him.

So now is the era of Yu Shen!

Regarding the matter of Guizhong, Lin Yu has now found a solution. Then Lin Yu said goodbye to Guizhong with Xiao and left the Liyue Rune Science CenterTechnology Research Institute.

After returning to Liyue's mansion, Lin Yu began to do business.

He released his divine thoughts directly, and then the whole picture of Yuehai Pavilion appeared in front of Lin Yu. At the same time, the light in his hand flashed and the materialization power began to work.

Then above Yuehai Pavilion, a space gate appeared.

This space gate immediately attracted the attention of everyone in Yuehai Pavilion. The space gate was surging, and the heroic Qingyu Sword Immortal walked out of the space gate in a green dress.

"I am Qingyu Sword Immortal, and I am here to pass on the order of Yu Shen. The seven stars of Liyue should come quickly to receive the order."

Qingyu Sword Immortal held a scroll high in his left hand, looking at the people in Yuehai Pavilion below and said, his voice was not loud but full of majesty, and everyone present heard it very clearly.

"Qingyu Sword Immortal, it's Qingyu Sword Immortal!"

"Hurry up, we have seen Qingyu Sword Immortal!"

Whether it was the staff of Yuehai Pavilion, people who came to Yuehai Pavilion for business, or people who just passed by Yuehai Pavilion, they all stopped and respectfully bowed to Qingyu Sword Immortal in the air.

This is a real immortal in the world. If I can be favored by an immortal, then there will be no regrets in this life!

Although Yuehai Pavilion is the Liyue government office on the surface, in fact, there is no Liyue Seven Stars working in Yuehai Pavilion. As the seven most distinguished people in Liyue, the Liyue Seven Stars each have their own office.

For example, Ningguang used to work in the Qunyu Pavilion, but now that the Qunyu Pavilion has exploded, she has moved to the largest mansion in Liyue under her name to work.

Ganyu, who was dozing in Yuehai Pavilion, suddenly woke up a lot after hearing Qingyu's call, especially after hearing that this was the order of the Feather God.

Gan Yu left his office quickly, walked out of Yuehai Pavilion and came to the field outside Yuehai Pavilion.

After seeing Gan Yu's figure, Qingyu Sword Immortal directly took out the Feather God Edict, and the Feather God Edict dragged a wisp of golden light effect, and fell from the hands of Qingyu Sword Immortal in the air to Ganyu's hands.

After completing the issuance of the Feather God Edict, Qingyu Sword Immortal did not greet Ganyu, turned around and walked into the space door again, and disappeared in the eyes of everyone in front of Yuehai Pavilion.

Of course, he would not greet Ganyu. After all, he was just an illusion created by Lin Yu with the power of embodiment, and he was not the real Qingyu Sword Immortal in person. If he was really the real Qingyu Sword Immortal, could he still maintain such a style?

Lin Yu thought about the appearance of Qingyu's Internet-addicted teenager, and sighed that it was really a bit embarrassing.

Ganyu, who got the Feather God Edict, would naturally hand it over to Tianquan Xing Ningguang.

In the residence of Tianquan Xing Ningguang, Ganyu handed over the Feather God's edict in her hand. This was the Feather God's edict from thousands of years. Tianquan Xing immediately sat up straight and slowly pushed open the scroll.

As soon as the scroll was opened, the text was instantly projected. Tianquan Xing Ningguang, who had seen the world, did not panic and calmly read the text on it.

Before reading the content of the scroll, Tianquan Xing Ningguang was a little worried whether Lord Feather God would restart the thousands of years of summoning immortals in Liyue.

When she saw the content on the scroll, her slightly frowned brows stretched out, and the corners of her mouth began to rise slightly.

On the Feather God's scroll, there were mainly two things, requiring the seven stars of Liyue to fully cooperate with the construction of the rune train and the oasis world.

Ningguang, who has always been perceptive, understood it immediately.

The identities and backgrounds behind the Liyue Rune Technology Research Institute and the Oasis Game Store are not simple at all. The Oasis Game Store was opened by the young hero Lin Yu, and the person behind it should be the sword fairy Qingyu.

As for the Liyue Rune Technology Research Institute, her intelligence network still does not know the identity of the person behind it, but since there is such content in the Feather God's edict, it must be an immortal with a high status.

It seems that her old friend has finally kicked the iron plate today. I wonder how he will deal with the next thing after this Feather God's edict?

A smile slowly appeared on Tianquan Xing Ningguang's face.

"Did Lord Yushen say anything?" Looking at the smile on Tianquan Xing Ningguang's face, Ganyu couldn't help but become a little curious. She has always respected Lord Yushen who watched her grow up.

Tianquanxing Ningguang smiled softly and waved at Ganyu, "You can come and take a look and you will know."

In fact, with Ganyu's identity, she could have checked the contents of the scroll on the way, but she never overstepped her duty at work and has been abiding by her duties for thousands of years.

Ningguang has always been a person of great admiration for Ganyu.

At the same time, on the other side.

NowThe original Oasis game store had been changed by Qingyu to Oasis World.

Soon, the scene that happened in Yuehai Pavilion was quickly transmitted to Oasis World with the crowd. Several people walked into Oasis World with excitement.

"I saw it with my own eyes when I was in Yuehai Pavilion just now. Qingyu Sword Immortal was so heroic!"

"It's a pity. Qingyu Sword Immortal came to deliver the imperial edict for Lord Yushen. If Qingyu Sword Immortal held a long sword, he would have become the image in many people's minds."

"Uh, is this the point? Shouldn't the point be that Lord Yushen, who has been in seclusion for a thousand years, finally showed up in front of us Liyue people?"

"When the emperor left, I always felt a little uneasy. Now that I know that Lord Yushen is paying attention to the movements of Liyue Port, my hanging heart can be said to be completely put down."

Listening to the conversation between the two, Qingyu, who was standing at the counter of Oasis World, was stunned and stood there.

What did he hear just now? Qingyu Sword Immortal on Yuehai Pavilion? !

If the person above Yuehai Pavilion is Qingyu Sword Immortal, then what is he who is standing in the shop in Oasis World at this time?

It is obvious that this matter is Lin Yu's masterpiece.

Now Lin Yu has a loyal follower like Xiao beside him, so why doesn't Lin Yu let Xiao deliver the imperial edict, but instead creates an illusion to let Qingyu deliver the imperial edict.

It is really puzzling.

While Qingyu was puzzled, on the other side of the tea stall on the Liyue Street, Zhongli was sitting on the tea stall and sipping tea, and the storyteller on the stage was vividly telling the wonderful story of the battle between Yushen Guiyuli.

Tea stalls are places where people come and go, which is simply a place where information from all aspects is gathered.

And such a big event that happened on Yuehai Pavilion was naturally in the first time, radiating from the surroundings of Yuehai Pavilion and quickly spreading to the streets and alleys of Liyue.

And places like tea stalls are simply the first to bear the brunt.

So Zhongli, who was drinking tea, received this news at the first time.

Zhongli was not very interested in the rebirth of Yu Shen and the edict issued by Yu Shen.

After all, he has handed over the power in his hands to the Seven Stars of Liyue, and it is still an era of human rule.

If Lin Yu wants to take on the responsibility of the entire Liyue, then Zhongli will naturally be very happy. Zhongli knew Lin Yu's governance ability thousands of years ago.

He is fully capable of taking on the responsibility of the entire Liyue, and Liyue will surely go further and more prosperous in his hands.

But... People who know Lin Yu know that this is almost impossible.

Unless Liyue encounters an unsolvable problem or a huge danger, Lin Yu was unwilling to come out of seclusion before.

Therefore, Zhongli only smiled faintly at the people around him and the various remarks that the Feather God appeared in the world to replace the Emperor to rule Liyue. He continued to sip tea and listen to the storyteller's story.

Another afternoon was spent by Zhongli like this.

Shortly after Lin Yu issued this decree, Gui Zhong of the Liyue Rune Technology Research Institute and Qing Yu of the Oasis World were visited by Tianquan Xing Ningguang, and explained that Liyue will fully allocate resources to help the rune train and Oasis virtual equipment popularize Liyue in the future.

With the official support of Liyue, the popularization of rune trains and Oasis virtual equipment can be said to be rapid.

Immediately, under the leadership of Yuheng Xing Keqing, the rune train developed by Gui Zhong and Gui Zhong jointly determined the construction of the first track, and this first railway was the line between Liyue Port and Gui Yuli.

After the construction of this Ligui Railway, the flow of people between the two places will be faster, and the ancient city of Guiyu will become more prosperous.

As for the laying of Oasis game equipment, as a product for sale, the Liyue official can't force Liyue people to buy it, right?

What can be done is to help Qingyu promote more. In order to help Qingyu promote, even the patrolling Qianyan Army will bring a batch of leaflets and distribute them while patrolling.

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