Lin Yu has really paid too much for his good friend Qingyu!

Ahem... It's definitely not that Lin Yu intended to stop Wendy from drinking.

Because of Lin Yu's interference, Wendy tried several times but failed to find Qingyu's correct position. Every time he looked for Qingyu's breath, the person he saw was not Qingyu's figure.

After Wendy found this strange problem, he did not continue to get stuck in it, but looked at Lin Yu who was talking to Xi.

He was almost 100% sure that he could not find Qingyu's position. Lin Yu was definitely playing tricks.

After feeling Wendy's gaze, Lin Yu also cast a kind look at Wendy.

After feeling Lin Yu's kind look, Wendy no longer had the decision to find trouble with Lin Yu. It seems that if he wants to drink peach wine, he can only wait until the Seven Gods Banquet begins.

Hey, there is no need to rush, he will definitely drink the peach wine he has been thinking about!

A determined look appeared on Wendy's face.

Soon after, about ten minutes later, two purple lights flashed, and Lei Dianzhen and Lei Dianying appeared at the scene of the Seven Gods Banquet.

After a while, Nashida and the Great Compassion Tree King also arrived at the scene.

Including the True Lord Liuyun Jiefeng, the True Lord Gechen Langshi, the True Lord Xueyue Zhuyang, the True Lord Lishui Dieshan, and the True Lord Minghai Qixia, a group of immortals also arrived at the scene one after another.

The immortals sat down at their own tables one after another.

Then came the Yakshas of Liyue, who had been stationed in various places in Liyue, protecting Liyue's peace and suppressing evil spirits. At this time, they also rushed to Liyue Port and came to the scene of the invitation ceremony.

"Come over quickly, you haven't been together for a while, right?" Looking at the other four Yakshas, ​​Lin Yu touched Xiao's head and said to Xiao.

Xiao nodded and said, "Okay, Lord Yushen."

Then Xiao left Lin Yu's side, walked towards Fushe and the others, and sat at a table with the Yakshas.

At the Seven Gods Banquet, almost everyone was there, but one of the Seven Gods had not yet arrived at the Seven Gods Banquet.

Lin Yu complained to Gui Zhong: "No, what's wrong with Zhongli? It's been four minutes since I agreed. It's not Zhongli's usual style to be so unpunctual. Since this guy took off the responsibility of the God of Rock, he has really become more and more lazy."

"Hahaha, it seems to be true? But Zhongli has worked hard for thousands of years. After taking off the position of the God of Rock, he should really take a good rest. However, this kind of unpunctual behavior should indeed be condemned." Gui Zhong echoed Lin Yu's words.

After all, everyone is waiting for Zhongli alone now. This behavior is definitely not good. If Zhongli doesn't come later, Lin Yu doesn't plan to wait any longer. After all, the Seven Gods Banquet can't wait for him to come just because he didn't come alone.

What kind of words are those?

After the Seven Gods Banquet, Lin Yu will definitely find an opportunity to have a good "communication" with Zhongli on this matter.

Lin Yu decided to wait for Zhongli for five minutes. If Zhongli still didn't come after five minutes, Lin Yu would stop waiting and go.

In these five minutes, even Qingyu, whom Wendy had been thinking about, had arrived at the Seven Gods Banquet.

After Qingyu came for a while, Zhongli finally appeared in front of Lin Yu.

"Zhongli, you have been late for almost ten minutes. This is not your style!" After seeing Zhongli, Lin Yu went up to question him.

After all, Lin Yu had already explained it to Zhongli in advance, but Zhongli was still late. How could Lin Yu not be angry?

"I'm very sorry. I didn't want to be late for the Seven Gods Banquet. I hope Brother Lin Yu can forgive me." Zhongli said in front of Lin Yu with a very sincere expression.

Hu Tao had a performance at the Lantern Festival this year, so Zhongli had to watch her performance before he could leave. Under the authority of Master Hu, how could Zhongli, a small guest, refuse?

So he had to watch Master Hu's song performance before he could rush to the Seven Gods Banquet.

"Since you are so sincere, I will forgive you." Lin Yu smiled softly.

He was not very angry about this matter,Lin Yu was just pretending.

Since Zhongli apologized, Lin Yu would of course choose to forgive him.

Gui Zhong clapped his hands.

"Since everyone has come to the Seven Gods Banquet, our Seven Gods Conference is officially open!"

"Everyone, please don't be polite, eat and drink well, there will be more dishes waiting to be served later."

With Gui Zhong's shouts, the atmosphere of the Seven Gods Banquet was immediately lifted.

Paimeng couldn't wait any longer. After hearing Gui Zhong's words, she immediately picked up the chopsticks from the table and quickly attacked the food that she had been looking at for a long time.

Seeing Paimeng eating heartily, Lin Yu was stunned. After all, according to his previous logic, Paimeng would be at least eight-tenths full by the time of the main meal after eating his pre-meal snacks.

How come Paimon's momentum now seems to be able to eat half of the table of delicacies in one breath, which really makes Lin Yu puzzled!

Could it be that Paimon's stomach is really a bottomless pit?

For such a situation in front of him, Lin Yu slowly typed two big question marks.


While the Seven Gods Banquet was in full swing, such a scene appeared in the deep seabed outside Liyue Harbor.

The seal of the Whirlpool Demon God was completely lifted by the son Tartaglia, which led to the Whirlpool Demon God's wife Ba Che escaping from the seal. She followed the words of the Whirlpool Demon God and hid in a quiet place in the depths of the ocean, waiting for the coming time.

But she did not really understand the meaning of the Whirlpool Demon God Osel. Although she followed the words of the Whirlpool Demon God Osel and hid, she had been looking for a way to avenge the Whirlpool Demon God Osel in the seabed.

Her search really made her find an opportunity.

Ba Che, the wife of the Whirlpool Demon God Osel, found a cave in the depths of the ocean, and in the cave was the Sea Elf, the former follower of the Sea Demon God.

The former Sea Elf was beaten to pieces by Ruo Tuo, and had to return to the nest to sleep until Ba Che appeared and broke the Sea Elf's sleep.

After the Sea Elf woke up, it learned about the current situation from Ba Che's mouth. It knew that its master, the Sea Demon God, had fallen, and suddenly a huge anger surged in its heart.

After knowing that its master had fallen, the Sea Elf did not intend to live alone, and it looked in the direction of Ba Che with a spirit and determination.

"You and I both have deep-sea blood feuds with the land, so why don't we join forces to take revenge on the land."

"Even if we can't completely destroy everything on the land, we will make the land pay the price!"

After the sea elf's narration, Ba Che was successfully persuaded, and she decided to follow the sea elf to launch a revenge attack on Liyue.

Ba Che without the whirlpool demon god Osel is not a complete Ba Che!

Then the sea elf burned everything in itself, and it still had some of the authority and power of the former sea demon god. When it was determined to burn everything, it could temporarily reach one-tenth of the power of the former sea demon god.

Although it was only one-tenth, it was enough to take revenge on the land.

The originally calm Liyue sea suddenly became turbulent, and the sky darkened instantly.

At first, it was just a surging wave, which was still within the normal range of marine disasters, but then the situation took a sharp turn for the worse, and suddenly a bigger disaster occurred.

A huge whirlpool with a diameter of several thousand meters suddenly appeared on the Liyue Sea!

But this is nothing.

"Listen, the sound of the sea tide!"

"Everything on the land will be settled by the sea, so that the sins you carry can be washed away!"

After the sea elf finished speaking, its figure became completely illusory. It burned everything in itself and followed the footsteps of the sea demon.

At the same time, a huge wave hundreds of meters high rose on the sea. The entire Liyue area will not be spared and will be completely covered by this wave hundreds of meters high.

Liyue is in the atmosphere of the Sea Lantern Festival. Everyone is immersed in the atmosphere of the Sea Lantern Festival. It was still like this for a moment, and the next moment the sky suddenly darkened, and heavy rain fell from the dark sky, as if to submerge the entire city.

People who were watching the fireworks on the beach immediately discovered the abnormal situation on the sea.

"Everyone, look! There seems to be a horizontal line protruding from the sea surface!" Because the distance was too far, the highThe waves that reached hundreds of meters were just a small horizontal line in the eyes of the people of Liyue.

As the surprised voices rang out, people looked in that direction.

They narrowed their eyes and looked carefully.

It would be fine if they didn't look at it, but they were shocked when they saw it. Isn't that a tsunami? ! How could there be a tsunami in the Liyue Sea? And this tsunami was coming straight towards their Liyue Port!

What on earth is going on here!

"This, this is the residual power of the Demon God of the Ocean, that's right! This must be the residual power of the Demon God of the Ocean after being defeated by Lord Yushen in the past!" As a senior storyteller, Tian Tiezui was the first to think of this after seeing this scene.

Although everyone didn't quite believe that this would be the residual power of the Demon God of the Sea, the tsunami that appeared on the ocean was real.

At that moment, everyone didn't dare to stay at the beach, and immediately took their families and ran from the Liyue Port Pier towards the inside of Liyue Port.

As one of the seven stars of Liyue, Tianquan Star also received the detailed information about the sea surface sent by Beidou to Ningguang through the chat function of the Oasis virtual display device in the first time.

The video shot directly by Beidou was naturally very detailed.

After seeing such a high tsunami through the video, Ningguang was stunned. When did Liyue experience such a huge disaster when she was born?

This level of disaster is completely beyond the ability of Ningguang, who is a star of Tianquan Star, to solve.

She immediately ordered the alarm in the entire Liyue Port, and then ordered the Qianyan Army to immediately evacuate all the people in Liyue Port and evacuate the people in Liyue Port towards Tianheng Mountain.

But the speed of the tsunami is very fast. Can this really be done in time?

But...if nothing is done, then won't it be possible to just sit and wait for death?

After giving the order, Ningguang immediately came to the statue of Feather God in the house and offered three incense sticks to Feather God, while praying in her heart that Liyue could survive this disaster safely.

This was the first time that Ningguang felt so powerless in the face of something after taking power.

She thought she had opened the era of human rule, but in the face of such a grand disaster, she could only rely on the help of gods.

···Under the power of gods, human power is still too small.

With such a big wave inside and outside Liyue, how could the gods at the Seven Gods Banquet not know.

"Who dares to make trouble on the land of Liyue at such a time today? Do you need me to help solve all this?" Lei Dianying, who was forced to interrupt the delicious dessert, exuded a murderous aura in his eyes.

As long as Lin Yu nodded in agreement, she would hold the rice light of the grass and directly cut off the troublemaker in the ocean in a physical sense!

"Yes, yes, it's really hateful. I, the Wind God, fully agree with the idea of ​​the Thunder God!" Wendy, who had drunk countless jars of peach wine, said drunkenly with a blush on her face.

"Let's help too!"

After Nashida and the Great Compassion Tree King looked at each other, they said in unison.

"Lord Yushen! Emperor! We are asking for a fight!"

"I, the immortals, are also like this. I am willing to fight for Liyue!"

The five Yakshas and the immortals present came to Lin Yu and Zhongli in an instant and said.

No one thought that someone would launch such a devastating attack on Liyue during the Lantern Festival in Liyue. This is undoubtedly the biggest provocation to their Liyue!

As a part of Liyue, everyone is outraged!

When the celestial phenomena suddenly changed, Lin Yu immediately released his divine consciousness and followed the surging power of the water element. Then he saw the sea elves burning everything to take revenge on Liyue.

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