While controlling his flying posture, Kong swung his sword forward, and a wind blade appeared, completely shattering the cracked wall in front of him.

Another wind elemental force was precisely controlled by Kong, blowing away all the gravel and dust coming towards him.

He took Paimon over the broken wall and landed steadily on the ceiling. The whole city was hanging upside down above the underground cave, so wasn't he standing on the ceiling?

When he started observing from the outside of the building before, Kong felt that this building was slightly familiar. He had seen this style of building in many places in this world.

But why it appeared here, why the city was hung upside down, and what kind of ancient past was hidden behind it, these are currently unknown.

Now Kong's goal is to explore this upside-down city in front of him, and wonder if he can get some valuable knowledge or information from it.

It is obviously not an easy task to explore in an upside-down city.

Fortunately, Kong can easily use the power of wind element. When encountering a place that cannot be passed, he can directly fly up through the power of wind element.

Kong wandered around in this inverted city, exploring from the outside to the inside. During this period, he found many stone slips, but Kong knew nothing about the content on the stone slips because he could not understand this ancient form of writing.

If it was hieroglyphics, he could still guess and infer a little, but unfortunately it was not... So Kong was forced to give up exploring these words.

But the problem is not big, there will always be other discoveries.

"Kong, look at what is below? Is it the ancient guardian living in the inverted city?" Paimon whispered in Kong's ear.

Because the whole city was upside down, Kong speculated that the room in front of him should be a hall, and then he and Paimon stood on the side door frame of the hall.

Because of the inversion, the originally tall hall space has now become a 凵 space, and there are three humanoid creatures standing at the bottom of the 凵.

Wearing ancient armor, the three of them held different weapons.

"No, they are not human. I feel the evil breath from them. Maybe they used to be human but not now, just like some of the hillocks scattered in the continent of Teyvat."

Sora didn't finish his words. In fact, he seriously suspected that these people in front of him were also the former people of Kanreya, but because of the curse, they became what they are now.

"Don't care about them, just leave this place."

The three monsters are at the bottom, about a dozen meters deep. Sora doesn't believe that they can jump up from a height of more than ten meters to hit him.

Since they can't hit him, why should he bother to provoke them.

He is not an executive of some fool. All he thinks about is fighting all day long. For Sora, it is better to avoid troubles that can be avoided.

I don't know what dangers are waiting for them in the depths of this upside-down city, so it's better to save some energy.

After saying that, the power of wind element burst out from Kong's feet, and he took a few leaps in the air and flew over from above. When the monster below reacted and raised its head, Kong had already passed through the door on the other side and entered another room.

At the same time, on the other side, in the depths of this inverted city, two Abyss Apostles appeared here with a woman, and this woman was the Princess of the Abyss Cult.

"Princess, I don't know why your loved one appeared here. Will his appearance affect our plan?"

The Fire Abyss Apostle standing next to Ying half-knelt and bowed his head and said to her respectfully.

Brother... Why are you here?

Ying looked at the crystal stone like the starry sky above the inverted dome in the distance, and did not choose to respond to the Abyss Apostle's question immediately.

Instead, after a moment of silence, he spoke.

"Let him be, let him wander around in this upside-down city."

"How is the progress of the ceremony?"

"Reporting to Her Royal Highness, the ceremony has reached 85%."

"Speed ​​up the progress and complete the ceremony as soon as possible. If you can't do it, there is no point for you to continue to exist."

Ying looked at the two Abyss Apostles who were half-kneeling in front of him with cold eyes.

The Apostle of Fire and the Abyss of Ice immediately felt a chill from their souls, and thenHe immediately lowered his head even lower.

"Yes! We will definitely complete your instructions, Princess."

Ever since that thing was stopped without success, they could clearly feel that Her Highness's temper seemed to be getting worse and worse.

After hearing the answers from the two Abyss Apostles Bing and Huo, Ying turned around and an Abyss portal was generated at the same time. He walked into the Abyss portal without looking back and left this place.

After Her Highness left, the remaining two Abyss Apostles also breathed a sigh of relief.

In the entire huge inverted dome space, the two Abyss Apostles said nothing, you looked at me and I looked at you, and kept silent with each other.

Finally, the Apostle Bing·Abyss spoke to break the silent atmosphere.

"According to Her Royal Highness's intention, we must ensure that the remaining ceremonies are completed before Her Royal Highness's relatives arrive."

"However, with the progress to come, one of us may need to take action to delay Her Royal Highness's relatives a little bit."

After listening to the words of the Ice Abyss Apostle, the Fire Abyss Apostle nodded in agreement, then bent down to pick up a piece of gravel from the ground, and gently drew a triangle on one side of the gravel with his finger.

He weighed it in his hand, and then looked in the direction of the Ice Abyss Apostle.

"Who will go and who will stay? Why not use this stone to decide, I will go for the triangle and you go for the blank, what do you think?" said the Fire Abyss Apostle.

After listening to the words of the Fire Abyss Apostle, the Ice Abyss Apostle nodded, and he felt that the Fire Abyss Apostle's plan was a good one.

"Well, let's do as you say. I'll throw it."

The Apostle of Fire and Abyss agreed and handed the stone to the Apostle of Ice and Abyss. Then the Apostle of Ice and Abyss threw the stone high up, and then it fell to the ground and rolled back and forth several times before it stopped completely.

The side that finally appeared on the top was blank.

The Apostle of Ice and Abyss sighed, and then put a hand on the shoulder of the Apostle of Fire and Abyss.

"I'll leave it to you here. You must complete the instructions of Her Royal Highness the Princess. I will do my best to keep Her Royal Highness's relatives out."

"I understand. You can go with peace of mind." The Apostle of Fire and Abyss looked at the Apostle of Ice and Abyss solemnly and said.

After all, the Apostle of Ice and Abyss may never come back. The Apostle of Water and Abyss lost contact with the relatives of Her Royal Highness the Princess before, and it was still vivid in his mind.

Under the gaze of the Fire Abyss Apostle, the Ice Abyss Apostle opened an Abyss portal, crossed the Abyss portal, and then disappeared into the inverted dome.

The next moment, the Ice Abyss Apostle appeared at the height of the inverted city, watching Kong and Paimeng moving towards the core area of ​​the inverted city little by little.

According to the speed at which Kong and Paimeng were walking now, if they were not stopped, they would definitely reach the core area before the plan was completed.

So now he had to use some tricks to stop Kong and Paimeng from moving forward.

After thinking for a while, the Ice Abyss Apostle thought of a good way.

In the ruins of this inverted city, there are some cursed people called Dark Shells. These dark soldiers were once the proud soldiers of Kanreya, but now they no longer have the intelligence of being "human".

Since they were once soldiers of Kanreya, they should now contribute their own strength to the restoration of Kanreya.

Then the Ice Abyss Apostle opened another abyss portal and disappeared at the height of the inverted city.

All this was not perceived by Kong. He still took Paimon and explored the secrets of the entire underground inverted city step by step.

But so far, Kong has not grasped any valuable clues.

The Ice Abyss Apostle, who disappeared from the height of the inverted city, successfully lured some dark empty shells through some special means, and then transferred all these dark empty shells to the road that Kong must pass through through the abyss portal.

In this way, if Kong wants to continue to move forward, he must defeat the dark empty shells on this necessary road, otherwise there is no way to move forward.

It would be great if Kong could be scared away by the group of dark empty shells and turn around and leave the ruins of the inverted city.

However, the Apostle of the Ice Abyss knew that this was almost impossible, but as long as he could delay the time to a certain extent, then all he did would be enough.

As usual, Kong and Paimon walked through a room and came to a huge.

After Kong saw the scene on the corridor, he immediately showed his sword and protected Paimeng with his other hand.

"What, what happened?"

"Ah! So many monsters like those we encountered before, damn it! I haven't seen them for a long time, why do so many of them suddenly appear here? Could there be some treasures worth protecting inside!?!"

Paimeng roughly counted them, and there should be twelve dark empty shells in the corridor, holding different types of attack weapons.

Almost as soon as he found Kong and Paimeng, the weapons in his hands lit up with elemental power and rushed towards Kong and Paimeng.

The terrain here is too open. If he chooses to fight here, Kong will have to face twelve dark empty shells alone. Obviously, this is not a wise choice.

Behind him is a narrow passage. He can retreat into the passage. Given the size of the passage, there are at most two dark empty shells at a time.

Their physique, armor and weapons will be greatly restricted by the space, and then they will be harvested one by one by Kong in the passage.

Obviously, the Ice Abyss Apostle also thought of this, so there was an explosion behind Kong, and the building began to collapse. A large amount of rubble directly blocked the passage, leaving Kong with no way to retreat and could only face the battle head-on.

"Ah! What's going on! It's over, our way here is blocked!" Paimeng, who turned around and discovered this fact, immediately exclaimed.

Kong immediately understood that someone was trying to ambush him and Paimeng.

Who could it be? There was no time to think so much, and Kong was forced to enter the combat state. He swung the long sword in his hand horizontally and charged it, slashing out a wind blade several meters wide.

The wind blade did not leave any traces on the dark empty shell, but only caused the dark empty shell to be repelled. After seeing this scene, Kong knew that the battle would be difficult.

With a leap, Kong walked along the wall, dodging the long-range attacks of the dark empty shell archers along the way.

Thinking that this was a city hanging upside down above the underground cave, Kong's brain worked quickly. Facing the situation in front of him, he soon came up with a very good and efficient solution.

Kong saw a ball of thunder gathered in his left hand, and at the same time, accompanied by the swing of the long sword, he kept swinging out wind element sword blades, and the purpose was to slow down or limit the approach of the dark empty shell.

When the thunder in Kong's hand gathered to a certain extent, Kong suddenly jumped and inserted the long sword into the top floor, holding the long sword tightly in one hand to hang himself in the air.

The dark empty shells that attracted hatred gathered together below, and then Kong threw the thunder gathered in his hand!

The thunder landed and produced a huge explosion, and the ceiling on the ground was instantly blown through by the thunder. The reason why it was a ceiling meant that there would be no buildings behind the ceiling, so the ceiling was blown through by those heavy dark empty shells, and naturally there was only the ending of falling to the ground of the cave.

After completing all this, Kong kicked his foot and pulled out his long sword, landing steadily on the still intact ceiling of the ground.

It's not that the dark empty shells can't be defeated, but it's more cost-effective to do so.

"Awesome! Why didn't I think it could be like this? Kong, you are so awesome!" Paimon said in surprise when he saw the twelve dark empty shells being solved in an instant.

If Kong hadn't opened up a new way of thinking for her, she might not have thought that she could do this!

The Ice Abyss Apostle hiding in the corner, at this moment, gritted his teeth after seeing this scene! He never thought that the dark empty shells that he had worked so hard to get were solved by Kong in a few seconds.

He thought that these dark empty shells could at least hinder Kong for more than ten minutes, but he didn't expect that they were wiped out in less than five minutes.

It was a mistake... He cut off Kong's retreat, but he never thought that he could do it this way...

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