In an instant, the communication jade pendant in his hand was crushed by Kong.

Kong was worried that it would hurt his palm, so he deliberately attached a layer of wind elemental power to his hand.

After the communication jade pendant was broken, the fragments began to emit a white light, and then the jade pendant fragments turned into starlight and disappeared.

As the creator of this communication jade pendant, Lin Yu was naturally able to sense it at the first moment when the communication jade pendant dissipated.

Lin Yu, who was building a house in my world with Qingyu and Xiao, frowned slightly after sensing this.

"Master Yu Shen, did something happen?"

Xiao saw Master Yu Shen holding the cube, his figure suddenly paused and his forehead wrinkled slightly, and he immediately guessed something.

Qingyu also stopped what he was doing, and looked in the direction of Lin Yu with Xiao.

He wanted to know what happened from Lin Yu's mouth. However, Liyue is very peaceful now. Although it experienced a 100-meter tsunami some time ago, generally speaking, nothing should happen to Liyue.

"It's okay."

"I'll go out for a while, you guys just continue. I hope to see a mansion in front of me before I come back."

Lin Yu did not choose to tell Xiao and Qingyu about this matter.

It's not that he is worried that the two of them will be worried about it, but after knowing what happened, the two will definitely choose to follow him.

This is very troublesome for Lin Yu.

Simply Lin Yu chose not to tell this matter. He just used his divine sense to explore the location of Kong. If nothing unexpected happens, there should be no big problem.

After Lin Yu left this sentence, he instantly disappeared in front of the two.

Only Xiao and Qingyu were left looking at each other, not knowing what happened at all, but since Lord Yushen didn't say it, it must not be a big deal.

Lord Yushen always has his own confidence, Xiao thinks so.

After exiting the virtual reality world, Lin Yu directly controlled the power of spatial authority, and did not even have time to open the door of space. The next moment, he came to the side of Kong and Paimeng through space transfer.

"Lin Yu! Lin Yu is here! Great!"

Seeing Lin Yu suddenly appear in front of them, Paimeng said excitedly.

Is there no way not to be excited? For Paimeng, this scene is like the sky is about to fall. What is the difference between Lin Yu coming now and the savior coming?

At least in Paimeng's eyes, she thought so.

"Lin Yu, think of a way to solve this scene in front of you. We don't know what the purpose of the abyss is, but just looking at it gives people a very bad feeling." Paimeng said to Lin Yu.

"Yeah." With the mouth of God, Kong only needs to agree.

Lin Yu nodded. It was indeed not the time to reminisce or chat.

He looked at the scene in front of him. A shock wave of abyss power several tens of meters thick was rushing towards the center of the upside-down city and continuously impacting the underground.

The purpose of the abyss is very obvious.

The lower space of the layered abyss is relatively weak, and the protection of the relative world will also be weaker, especially under the current situation of Teyvat.

So if you penetrate from here, it is very likely to open a passage to the abyss here.

It's a good idea, but Lin Yu had already anticipated this before.

Oasis equipment was born for this reason. In addition to bringing many conveniences and entertainment to people, Oasis equipment also has another powerful function.

Oasis equipment will always extract knowledge from the user, and most of the knowledge extracted from the user is stored in the root server, and the remaining small part of the knowledge is distributed in various base stations.

And these extracted knowledge can be used for the operation of the oasis network, but the knowledge consumed to maintain the operation of the oasis network is only a small amount, and most of the remaining knowledge is stored.

On the surface, these stored knowledge are used to open up oasis networks in other countries, and in fact, this is indeed the case.

But in addition to this, it has another use.

That is, when the Teyvat continent is facing the current situation...

Lin Yu was suspended in the sky, with his arms folded and looking at the shock wave of the abyss indifferently. Looking at Lin Yu who did not take action, Paimeng was already very anxious at this time.

"Lin Yu, you, what are you doing?" Paimeng said a little panicked.

What am I doingWhat? Hearing Paimeng's question, Lin Yu turned around and looked at Paimeng and smiled softly.

"I'm waiting. No hurry. I'll be there soon." Lin Yu said lightly.

Waiting? What are you waiting for? It's time, she's almost in a hurry!

Compared with Paimeng who was in an anxious state, Kong seemed to be much calmer. As we all know, Liyue is the territory of Yu Shen, so Kong believed that Lin Yu would not let the abyss harm the land of Liyue.

"It's coming."

What's coming? Both Kong and Paimeng instantly raised their attention.

The Layered Rock Abyss belongs to the Liyue area, which is naturally within the coverage of the Oasis network. Just now, Lin Yu did not choose to act, not because Lin Yu was watching the show, but because he was mobilizing the knowledge stored in various places.

From activation to output and finally reaching the destination through the ground, it always takes some time in this process.

So Lin Yu was waiting for this period of time.


Instantly, even if you are in the air, you can feel the ground of the entire underground cave shaking, as if something is about to be ejected from the ground.

At first, only a green light flashed, and then the same shock wave burst out from the ground, but unlike the dark power of the abyss, it is pure emerald knowledge.

Oasis equipment has been popular in Liyue for a while. During this period of time, in the virtual world of Oasis, most Liyue people will choose to contribute their sleeping time at night to the virtual world of Oasis.

So day after day, a huge amount of knowledge is stored in the root server.

Now Lin Yu is too lazy to take action, but directly chooses to mobilize these knowledge, and then confront the shock wave of the abyss.

It is obvious that the shock wave of the abyss is not the opponent of the massive knowledge that Lin Yu mobilized, and the power level of the shock wave of the abyss is still too weak.

According to the propulsion speed generated by this power level, it takes about an hour to open an abyss channel.

Lin Yu waved his hand to increase and speed up the output of knowledge. The occupancy of the transmission optical fiber even caused a delay in the entire Oasis network for a while. Although it was not very serious, it could be noticed by people.

However, the problem was not big. Once the current problem was solved, everything would return to its original state. It was just a pity for the players who were currently playing competitive games.

It seems that after this incident, it is necessary to issue an announcement to make up some content to perfunctorily deal with it, and at the same time compensate everyone with three entangled fates.

Note: Entangled Fate can only be used in Oasis Home. After using Entangled Fate on another user, the user can obtain permanent residence rights in the home.

It still takes a certain amount of liver to obtain this prop. I believe that with such a sincere compensation reward, people should not complain about this delay.

After Lin Yu increased and accelerated the output of knowledge, the knowledge shock wave gained an absolute advantage in the confrontation with the abyss shock wave.

Quickly advancing forward, in a moment the shock wave of knowledge penetrated the center of the inverted city.

The Apostle of Fire and Abyss in the center of the inverted city was directly annihilated in it. After doing all this, Lin Yu checked and found that most of the knowledge stored in the root server had been used up just now.

But the problem is not big. He believes that the people of Liyue will restore their knowledge to their previous level in the near future.

Mobilizing knowledge for defense has achieved key success under Lin Yu's experiments and tests. The next step is to popularize the oasis in the world, and then make an automatic defense system to optimize and improve the utilization rate of knowledge.

Provide a layer of security for the continent of Teyvat.

Isn't this a kind of taking from the people and using it for the people? Lin Yu's mouth corners began to rise slightly.

After Lin Yu finished all this, he turned around and looked at the figures of Kong and Paimon.

"Okay, I have dealt with everything here. If there is nothing else, I will leave this place." Lin Yu said to Kong and Paimeng.

He probably knew who was behind this matter.

After passing Xumi, Lin Yu knew nothing about the plot after Xumi. When he crossed over, there was no content about the Fontaine version, so Lin Yu did not know about the plot of Fontaine after Xumi.

It was precisely because he did not know the plot of Fontaine that Lin Yu was not in a hurry. After the plot of Xumi ended, he immediately led Kong to Fontaine, the kingdom of the God of Justice.

But now it seems that he has to start speeding up Kong's advancement..

It has only been a few months since the Abyss made trouble in the Xumi Desert, and now the Abyss wants to make trouble in Liyue under his nose.

Directly tell Lin Yu that the situation facing the Teyvat continent in the future will become more and more severe.

So he must make plans early, speed up the main line of Kong, and then he will solve all the problems caused by Kong...

This is a hope that Mihoyo will not arrange the ending of the destruction of Teyvat for the game Genshin Impact. After all, according to common sense, the protagonist should save the world, right?

Lin Yu can't pin his hopes on others, so this line can only be regarded as a side line for him.

He has his own plans and arrangements.

When Paimon heard that Lin Yu was about to leave, his expression, which was originally calm because Lin Yu solved the problem, immediately became very panicked.

"Hey, are you leaving now?" Paimon said hurriedly.

"Hmm? Why don't you leave now that the problem is solved? Are you going to treat me to a meal, Paimong? I don't mind trying your cooking skills, Paimong."

"Or is it that the problem is not completely solved, and there is something else besides this?" Lin Yu raised his eyebrows and looked in the direction of Paimong and said.

"It's the Abyss Apostle. An Abyss Apostle attacked us before. Kong and Dain had been fighting with the Abyss Apostle before."

"But it destroyed part of the inverted city. When Kong rescued me and the dust and fog dissipated, the figures of the Abyss Apostle and Dain Sreb disappeared."

Paimong, who was afraid that Lin Yu would leave immediately, hurriedly explained in front of Lin Yu.

Hmm? Abyss Apostle and Dain Sreb?

"Did you meet the Abyss Apostle of the Fire Element?"

When Lin Yu released his divine consciousness just now, he had carefully explored the entire underground cave and only found an Abyss Apostle in the center of the inverted city.

As for Dainsreb, Lin Yu did not notice his existence.

He couldn't be afraid of his own existence, so he hid quietly alone, right? Lin Yu didn't think Dainsreb could escape under his divine thoughts.

"Fire Element Abyss Apostle? Let me think about the Abyss Apostle that Kong and I met. It used the power of ice element, which means it should be the Ice Element Abyss Apostle."

"Well... When I just came here, Kong and I met an Abyss Apostle who knew the water element. Later, Dain and I met an Abyss Apostle who knew the ice element. I didn't expect that there was an Abyss Apostle who knew the fire element?"

"It's so dangerous. Fortunately, Kong crushed the communication jade pendant in time. Lin Yu, you came here, otherwise it would be really dangerous..."

After knowing that there were a total of three Abyss Apostles here before, Paimon suddenly felt like he had survived a disaster. Who could have thought that it was so dangerous here before!

"What about the Abyss Apostle of the Fire Element? Maybe we can ask it about the whereabouts of the Abyss Apostle of the Ice Element and Dainsreb, as well as the purpose of this Abyss." Kong asked.

"It's a pity that the guy has died in the shock wave just now. He died very thoroughly and cleanly. I guess there is no ashes left. I think there is nothing to ask." Lin Yu said with his hands spread out.

After hearing Kong's idea, Kong's idea is very good, but it should not be carried out at present.

Kong, who got this news, also became helpless in an instant.

Paimon thought of one thing, and then looked at Lin Yu and said: "If it is Lin Yu, he should know where the Abyss Apostle of the Ice Element and Dainsreb went, right?"

"Hmm? Should I know where they are going? But you don't have to worry. I guess Dainsreb should rush into the Abyss portal of the Ice Abyss Mage like last time." Lin Yu said frankly.

He is not omnipotent and omniscient, how can he know where these two have gone.

Although it is not impossible to find them if you put in some effort, the main reason is that Lin Yu does not want to spend this effort.

( ^-^)_且~~

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