Then everyone saw that Funina, who was sitting in the VIP seat high up, looked proud and complacent.

At this time, she had no idea that Violet had stabbed her in the back, and now Funina looked a little cute in this situation.

"Uh... your water god really has his own unique desire to perform." Paimon said with a drooping face.

Violet didn't react. In the past few hundred years, he had already gotten used to Funina in this state.

"Well, that's good. We don't have to care about her. Just watch our own performance." Violet said lightly.

"... Is this the relationship between the Fontaine Water God and the Supreme Judge?..."

It was completely different from what Paimon thought. Logically, shouldn't the Supreme Judge of Fontaine and the Water God be in a superior-subordinate relationship? But why does it feel like this Supreme Judge has been tearing down Funina's stage.

I can't understand this no matter how I think about it!

That Villette smiled and did not choose to answer Paimon's sigh.

After a while, the lights in the theater gradually dimmed, and the whole venue fell into silence.

Paimon whispered to Kong: "Hey, the lights are all dark. Is it that Linni and Linnet's performance is about to start?"

"It should be, but Paimon, you should sit down first and don't move around." Kong said helplessly.

Because Paimon has been flying all the time, and she always likes to move around in front of him. If she is still like this when the magic show officially starts, his viewing experience of this magic show will definitely be greatly reduced.

After Kong's reminder, Paimon also realized her mistake. She scratched her head and sat back in her seat honestly.

About a minute later.

With a "click", the searchlight was turned on and a beam of light was shot from high in the sky to illuminate the center of the stage.

"Welcome to visit the Opikle Opera House in your busy schedule. I am Linny, today's performer."

"This is my sister, Linette, who is also my most important assistant!"

Linny and Linette walked slowly from behind the scenes to the lights.

"You may think that those of us who have the Eye of God can use elemental power freely, so it is not difficult to perform a magic trick."

"So my promise here is that everything that happened on the stage today has nothing to do with elemental power."

After that, Linny and Linette took off the Eye of God they were wearing under the gaze of tens of thousands of spectators and handed it to the assistant to take it back to the backstage work area.

"Both I and Linette have taken off the Eye of God. Now God can't help."

"I believe everyone is a little impatient, the performance will start soon. But before that, Linette will temporarily leave to make some preparations."

"Don't miss her, she will soon reappear in an unexpected way and become the focus of our attention!"

As a performance, the opening explanation is indispensable.

Linny used a humorous way to make the audience focus on him. Linette bowed gracefully and walked behind the scenes.

The lights in the theater dimmed again, leaving only a beam of light in the center of the stage shining on Linny.

"The magician's specialty is to create something from nothing and from nothing to something, and then derive thousands of changes from it."

Linny took off his magic hat very gentlemanly, then took it in his hand and saluted the audience as the official opening of this magic show.

Then he put the magic hat on his chest, then let go of his hand, but the magic hat was still suspended in the air!

Linny walked around the magic hat suspended in the air, and kept knocking on the top of the magic hat with his hands, and the knocked magic hat dropped out of the playing cards one by one.

Then Linny picked up the magic hat and put it on, and a pigeon flew out of it the moment he picked it up.

Lin Yu could see all these tricks clearly from the audience, but the magic performed by Lini so far was just some very traditional tricks.

I just don't know if Lini can bring him some new tricks that can be called surprises.

"Today's audience is amazing. They are tired of these traditional magic tricks. How can I prove that I am unique and extraordinary?"

Lin Yu: Don't cue.

"So I prepared a difficult question."

Lini put his hands together, and then a pigeon flew out of Lini's hands. A light hit the flying pigeon. Everyone looked along the pigeon and saw the golden and gorgeous water tank hanging high up.Descend.

Linnet, who had left the stage earlier, was now sitting on top of the water tank.

A magic trick for escaping from a water tank?

"In full view of everyone, in this water dungeon, I want to make my sister disappear!"

Interesting, is it an upgraded version of the magic trick for escaping from a water tank?

Lin Yu looked over, and he wanted to see what kind of tricks there would be.

After Linnie finished speaking, Linnet, who was originally sitting on the water tank, jumped into the water tank without any hesitation, and swam like a jellyfish in the water tank.

"It's not difficult to do this magic trick, just turn a person into a bubble and let her float out of the water tank..."

As he spoke, the mechanism above the water tank started, and the metal cover of the water tank that had been standing up was buckled. As a performer, Linnet's expression changed, and she swam to the top of the water tank and tried to push up the metal cover with her hands, but the metal cover did not move at all.

"Oh, didn't we tell them to check the props? Even the air can't get out after the lid is sealed... If it were a beginner, they would have been in a mess."

"Haha, luckily I'm the one on the stage, so I'll show you my real skills!"

Linnie suddenly snapped his fingers.

As the fingers snapped, the mechanism inside the box was activated, and a large number of bubbles began to emerge from the water tank. In an instant, Linnet was submerged by these bubbles, and a time gap that the audience could not see was created.

Sure enough, after the bubbles dissipated, Linnet in the box had already disappeared, leaving only the clothes Linnet was wearing in the box immersed in the water.

The audience who saw this scene exclaimed in surprise.

How could someone who was in the water tank in the last second disappear in the next second, and only one piece of clothing was still there?

Even the water god who had been frowning all the time showed a surprised expression at this time, and his body could not help but lean on the fence, wanting to take a closer look at the situation in the box.

"Linnet, are you still there? Don't go too far, or you'll be exposed if you run out of magic power."

"Well, I'm back."

Linnet's voice sounded, and she slowly walked onto the stage. She was in perfect condition, even her clothes were dry.

In the VIP audience, the water goddess Funina clapped happily with a smile on her face.

"Wow! What happened? What happened? I didn't see anything! Didn't Linnet jump in? How did she disappear? How did she get out?" Paimon was very puzzled.

With Paimon's IQ, it's likely that he wouldn't understand the tricks even if he told them again.

After all, he's the stupid Paimon.

"If we can easily see through it, it means that his skills need to be further improved."

"The appreciation of magic should focus on the process presented on the stage, not the deliberately hidden tricks." That Villette said.

Lin Yu smiled and nodded, clapping his hands and saying, "Not bad, not bad. Magic is a stack of techniques. If you know everything, there is no point in watching magic."

"So Paimon, don't worry about this anymore."

When watching magic, Lin Yu always watched it as an ordinary person. After all, if it is under the divine consciousness, all the truth will appear in the eyes, which is the same as exploring a crime scene. He is here to watch the performance.

"From a universal rational point of view, it is indeed the case." Zhongli agreed lightly.

"Thank you for your applause. Are you satisfied with the performance just now?"

"However, our magical journey is far from over. I have prepared moments that will surprise you even more!"

"The magic of transfer and disappearance can still evolve beyond this."

"I believe you will think that even if the magic of escaping from the water tank seems flawless, after all, Linnet is still my assistant. In this case, I still have enough space to make preliminary preparations."

"So for the next magic, I need a lucky audience member to participate!"

After hearing that a lucky audience member was needed to participate, tens of thousands of audiences in the audience immediately cheered.

Then Linny's companions pushed a huge box from the backstage.

Linny stood in front of the box.

"There are two boxes like this, one here and one in the central aisle of the audience."

Then tens of thousands of audiences looked over and saw a huge box standing in the central aisle of the audience.

"I think the smart audience should have guessed that the next magic is exchange!"

"The lucky audience member who is selected will enter the two boxes with me respectively. After one minute, we will take the box from each other."Everyone present, please keep your eyes on the box in your sight, don't give me any chance to do anything." Next, it was time for the lucky audience to choose. Lini's team launched a number selector. Then Lini pulled the lever of the number selector, and the number selector kept turning. The number that appeared at the end was the seat number of the lucky audience! Under Lini's enthusiastic invitation, the lucky lady who was selected, under the guidance of the staff, came to the box on the central aisle. "Our magic officially begins, ma'am, please go into the box!" "Okay, in the next time, please count down for us for 60 seconds, and then it's time to witness the miracle!" After that, Lini walked into the box, and then the audience began to count down for it, shouting fifty-nine, fifty-eight, and fifty-seven one by one, that was called a huge momentum! As time passed, there were only a dozen seconds left. "Oh, it's a big project to exchange two people. Even a skilled magician like me can't guarantee success in one go. "

Linnie repeatedly created a sense of urgency of being unable to transfer and failing to transfer, which made the audience laugh out loud.

"Oh no, it's too late!"

As the audience's last voice fell, the lights in the hall dimmed instantly, leaving only a beam of light shining on the box above the central aisle.

Under the gaze of tens of thousands of spectators, the box slowly opened.

"Dangdang! !"

Linnie made a brilliant appearance.

At this point, the audience cheered again, and the applause continued.

Then there was another miraculous moment. With the guidance of the lights, the eyes of tens of thousands of spectators successfully focused on the box above the stage.

A burst of impatient drums sounded.

"Bang!!! "

It happened in an instant. The water tank that was originally suspended in the air fell down like a giant hammer, and the box used for performing the transfer magic was right below.

The giant hammer fell, and the box fragments instantly broke apart, and even the stage was smashed into a concave pit.

The huge box fell to the ground, and the glass of the water tank shattered and a large amount of water spread out.

The box was almost smashed into a two-dimensional plane, so there was no need to think about the people in the box... Even the staff nearby were affected and fainted on the ground after being hit by the splashing wooden boards.

"Hmm? Interesting, is this also part of the plan? "Lin Yu was a little confused.

Obviously this was not part of the plan. Linni was also in cardiac arrest at this time. He stood there in a daze with a dull look in his eyes and stretched out a hand. He couldn't believe that such an unexpected situation would occur in his magic show.

Not only were the audience frightened by this scene, but even Funina on the high ground looked scared.

Then Villette stood up.

"The performance is suspended! Medical staff follow me, the guards will protect the scene, control all the performers, and temporarily block the entrance and exit of the opera house!"

After Villette finished speaking, Funina, who was terrified on the high platform, remembered that she seemed to have something to say as the water god.

So she also echoed: "You are right! If it is an accident, we must find out the cause. If it is not an accident, then, then you can't escape the judgment of the God of Justice!"

"Don't panic, everyone, we will soon be able to find out what happened. "Navilette said, looking in the direction of the crowd.

But this was mainly said to Paimong, because among the people present, Paimong was the most panicked, the kind of panicked to the point of shouting.

Lin Yu, Zhongli, Qing Yu and Xiao, needless to say, they have seen all kinds of storms and waves, and at most they are a little surprised at the moment, so how could they be panicked?

Although Kong was not calm, he was more worried about the situation of the people in the box.

After the security team blocked the scene, the investigation of the incident was launched. With the help of Vilette, the results were obtained in about an hour.

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